man <topic>
The man command offers manual pages for the MUF programming language and tools. Use no topic to get a list of avaliable topics.
man <topic>
<topic> from the MUF manual pages will be displayed, if avaliable. Use no topic to get a list of topics.
The man command makes avaliable the manual pages for the MUF programming language. Giving the man command with no topic should give a list of the topics avaliable. Giving the man command, followed by a topic, will display the reference information for that function.
---------------------------- TinyMUCK 2.2fb5.30 MUF Manual ---------------------------- To get manual information on a topic, type MAN, the following topics are available: PRIMITIVES - Reference section relating to MUF programming. LOOPS - Loops structures in MUF. DIRECTIVES - Compiler directives. LIBRARIES - How to use and make MUF libraries. LEVELS - Restrictions by mucker level. MULTITASKING - Various MUF multi-tasking information. FLAGS - What effects various flags have on programs. MISCELLANEOUS - Random bits of information.
Man will display a page from the MUF programmer's manual, or the list of avaliable manual pages.
If a topic that does not exist is requested, man will display:
Sorry, no help available on topic "xxx"
5: Documented
server built-in
Last edited by on Wed Jun 14 16:53:19 2000.
Created by on Wed Jun 14 16:18:41 2000