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The Night Grows Dark

Later on, after Shane has taken off on his errands, Josie suggests she and Cinnamon go to the Cafe Prague to grab some dinner -- on her! They set off down the dim street -- Coblyn, unlike modern streets, has very few streetlights. There are a few of the old-fashioned gas lights, but there are blocks where the only light comes from windows. Josie seems not the least bit worried about this, perhaps because she's got a wolf's vision. She's chattering happily to Cinnamon about the pierogies at the cafe.

As they walk past a pub, raucous music and singing pours out of the open door. The singing seems to sort of swing from English to some other language and back again and the voices sound Irish or Scottish or... well, somewhere in the British Isles. Josie has to raise her voice to be heard over the noise and she's saying something about leprechauns and whisky when Cinnamon feels something slam hard into her back between her shoulders. The impact is hard enough to send her sprawling on her face on the pavement. Cinnamon oofs startledly but doesn't have time for more than that before she impacts the ground. It stings -- and she's upset and indignant as she starts to sit up, "Hey, be careful-!"

The impact startles Josie, who whirls around, crouching low. For a moment, Cinnamon can see why werewolves of every sort would be feared. With her lips pulled back from her (very sharp!) teeth and her eyes flaring a startling green in the low light, even gentle Josie looks ferocious. She puts a hand on Cinnamon's shoulder and says, "Stay down!" As the numbness from the impact dissipates, Cinnamon can feel a stinging. The light from the pub's windows is wavery and uncertain -- it's still too low and uneven for Cinnamon to see much.

Cinnamon is confused -- did Josie actually hit her?! But... who else would have? Reflexively she checks her palms to see if they got skinned, and lightly touches her face to make sure she's not bleeding -- and part way through that she reaches behind herself to scratch at the stingy feeling there too. "What the heck, Josie?!"

Josie is snarling low in her throat, tail lashing. Cinnamon isn't scraped up and her palms and face are not skinned despite there being some rough cobbles on the street. "Stay! Down!"

Cinnamon blinks -- is Josie yelling at her?! But -- but she didn't do anything! She swallows hard, firmly telling herself she is not going to cry, darnit! The place Cinnamon checks on her back feels sore. It's hard to get to because it's almost exactly between her shoulder blades. What she does feel is just a little dampness at about the limit of her fingers' reach. After a couple of minutes Josie says something that sounds truly disgusted and then immediately turns to her friend. The yelling and snarling are gone and she says gently, "Stay down for a minute or two... someone attacked you."

Cinnamon blinks up at Josie, her eyes huge with fright and upset, "Wh-what... what's the wetness on my b-back, p-please?"

Josie is petting Cinnamon's shoulder and glances over, squinting. She says, as calmly as if she was commenting on the weather, "Looks like just a little blood." She sighs and shakes her head, "Coward. They're gone." She doesn't offer to pull Cinnamon to her feet. Instead, she crouches and lifts the dragon to standing. "OK. So we're not having pierogies tonight..."

Cinnamon is starting to shake, and tears are leaking from her eyes despite her efforts as she quavers, "C-can we p-p-please go home?!"

Josie nods, looking quite irritated, "That's the only place we're going..." As she starts to lead Cinnamon back toward the cottage, someone goes trotting by on the other side of the street. The werewolf hails them and it turns out to be a fox? Or a person with a fox tail? Hard to tell in the low light. Josie sends them to find Shane and send him to Cinnamon's place.

Cinnamon wraps her arms tightly around herself, stumbling along next to Josie. She's hoarse with fright, "J-josie, what -- wh-what if it's that assassin again? Am -- am I going to die?! Burn up l-like -- l-l-like-" She can't help herself at that point -- it's just too much all at once, and too scary! She bursts into tears, sobbing her heart out with the fear and confusion.

Josie puts an arm around Cinnamon to steady her and says gently, "Once Shane gets to your place, we're going to send for Elias. You're not going to die."

Cinnamon looks up at Josie, tears on her cheeks and her expression stricken, "B-but y-y-you don't know that... do you? L-like... like Liam! He d-didn't know either!"

Josie looks down at her friend and says, "It's going to be OK. If it's the same person, Elias has been studying it. He'll know what to do." Cinnamon gulps and nods jerkily -- then just concentrates on putting one foot in front of the other. Home will be safe -- she can hide in her home! Cinnamon has to fumble more than usual to get her key out and get the door open -- but she's happy to slam the door closed behind Josie once they're both inside! She's almost afraid to go check her back in the mirror, but finally decides the terror she knows is likely less than whatever she's building it up to be in her head... so she drops her bag and trudges over to check in the mirror. Oh, poop -- this probably ruined her shirt too!

They're barely back before Shane arrives, panting. He's actually already got Elias with him. The vampire stands at the door and says in his gentle Mister-Rogers-esque voice, "You need to invite me in, Cinnamon."

Cinnamon blinks uncertainly as she looks up towards the door, "Wh-wha... oh." She shivers once, glancing at Josie as she asks in a tiny voice, "It... it's really them, right?" Josie leans in close to the two men and snuffles before verifying that it is indeed Shane and Elias. Cinnamon has to force down hysterical laughter as it abruptly occurs to her: Josie said 'they' might try either charming or intimidating her. Well, she's certainly freaking intimidated now! Cinnamon swallows hard, wrapping her arms tightly around herself again as she nods once to Josie. She has to take a few deep breaths before she's sure her voice will work... and then she only manages to whisper hoarsely, "Elias... c-come in."

Elias steps carefully through the door, as if not wanting to run into a glass wall. He guides Cinnamon to sit on a cushion so he can sit behind her and examine the place on her back. He's already speaking, "You're going to be fine." Cinnamon just nods silently -- she's heard that meaningless reassurance before, and knows it's not always true. She continues to hug herself tightly and concentrate on... on the pretty decorative fan she put up on the wall, there in front of her. She silently counts the feathers on the wings of the dancing bird painted there, focusing all her thoughts strictly on it -- so she won't break down and have a screaming-sobbing hysterical hissy fit in front of all these people!

It was hard to really see clearly what was going on in the mirror, but it looked to Cinnamon like there was a bad scrape on her back -- the kind she sometimes got as a kid hitting the sidewalk on her knees. There's no free-flowing blood, just a very slow seeping. Elias rests a hand on her shoulder and carefully swabs the spot before gently cleaning it and putting a bandage over it. There's no speaking during this process. After a heartbeat or so the vampire says, "It's not the same thing. In fact, all I'm getting off it is lead."

Cinnamon has no idea what Elias is talking about at this moment, "Wh-what? Lead what?" She gulps as she realizes something -- then adds in a small voice, "I'm s-sorry, Josie... that you didn't get your p-pirogies..."

Elias smiles softly and says, "Lead. In the wound. Someone shot you." Josie is scowling, but not at Cinnamon, "I can have pierogies any day!" There's a little fuzziness to the words, like she's having a problem forming them.

Cinnamon blinks at Elias' words, feeling weirdly muzzy, "Shot... someone... shot me?! But why? What'd I ever do to them?!" She hiccups, trying to swallow the lump in her throat... and the tears start leaking again. She knows what it's like to be hated and despised, of course... but even at their very worst, her childhood enemies never tried to kill her!

Elias nods Shane over toward Josie so the beansidhe can help calm the werewolf. The vampire says quietly, "You did nothing to them. And I think they underestimated you." There's wryness in his voice, "Child, someone just tried to shoot you -- with a rather large bullet -- and the already minor wound is starting to heal. You might be bruised tomorrow."

Cinnamon is feeling really unpleasant right now! She doesn't know it, but she's starting to crash from the adrenaline. Mostly what that makes her want to do is to go hide under the covers for a week or so... maybe for forever! "Uh... huh. Um... I... wanna be alone, please? G-gonna go to bed..." She scrambles slowly up to her feet and wavers over towards the ladder to her little bedroom, "C-could you all sh-show yourselves out, please...?" She's clinging to the blanket Josie brought her to wrap around herself when she'd removed her torn shirt to try and see in the mirror. Now she wraps it entirely around herself like a cocoon as she carefully, one step at a time, climbs up the ladder. Bed up there. Bed and nice warm fuzzy blankets and nice soft flannel nightie... and her cell phone. All her comfort reading is on her cell -- all the books she'd loved most as a child, that she re-reads over and over when she needs to feel better.

There's a little conversation between the beansidhe, the vampire, and the werewolf -- three beings reviled in media and myth speaking quietly so as not to upset the dragon. It eventually comes down to Josie flatly refusing to leave, even if she has to sleep outside the door! Elias convinces Josie to stay inside. He and Shane are going to do a little detective work.

Cinnamon pretty much hides under the covers that night... and most of the next day. She gets up only to come downstairs -- still entirely wrapped in her softest blanket, and with her fuzzy unicorn slippers on -- to make some hot, sweet tea and fill a plate with cookies. Josie stays, but she doesn't try to get Cinnamon to talk to her or interact with her. When she needs food, she either helps herself or goes next door to Uta's shop. She also brings back fresh cookies on one trip. Cinnamon blinks a bit nervously at first sight of Josie -- but then relaxes when she recognizes the werewolf. She tells Josie in a soft voice, "Help yourself if you get hungry," then trails slowly back off to bed.

Cinnamon carefully winches her tea tray up to the second floor on the little pseudo-dumbwaiter she had built in earlier... then climbs up and curls up under the covers again with her tea and cookies and cell phone. She stays completely under the covers, only the cell phone's charging cord trailing out. Occasionally one hand will reach out for another cookie from the tray, or to refill her empty tea mug from the thermos flask... but past that, Cinnamon has had it with the mad, bad, scary world out there -- at least for now!

Once it's coming down evening again, however, Josie stands. At her full height she can peek over the edge of the loft as she says, "We need to take you to the infirmary. Elias said so."

Cinnamon peeks out from under the covers, her eyes bright with nerves, "W-what? B-but I thought... didn't Elias say it was all okay?" She looks unwittingly adorable with the covers pulled firmly over her head and clasped closed under her chin -- like a small, fluffy, sapient burrito.

Josie is nice enough not to giggle at the cuteness -- she suspects Cinnamon would take it wrong, "He still wants you to see Iason." The werewolf puts on her most innocent expression and plays her hole card, "He's the centaur."

Cinnamon blinks as she considers that... then blinks again, her eyes widening, "Th- uhhh... the centaur?! H-he wants me to see the centaur?!" She pauses a moment, blinking and considering... and then, with a nervous squeak, she vanishes back under the covers! For a moment there's silence... and then, in a small explosion of motion, Cinnamon nearly shoots out of the bed! The blanket trails behind her like a cloak as she scampers for her dresser, nearly gabbling nervously, "Oh my gosh oh my gosh I, I, I gotta get cleaned up moment oh dear got crumbs everywhere...!" She grabs an armful of clothes, nearly slides down the ladder, and dashes off for the little bathroom, still nervously muttering to herself, "Clean first, nice clothes, wash hair, oh poop! Removable shirt, right...!" The bathroom door slams behind her, and the shower turns on... and it's quiet for a bit.

Josie manages not to giggle at, first, the prairie dog impersonation -- or at Cinnamon's following roadrunner impersonation! Instead the werewolf sits and nibbles on a cookie, waiting for her friend to be done with her shower.

Josie waits until Cinnamon is dressed and cleaned before nudging her toward the door. The dragon has probably already noticed that there's maybe a little soreness, but no huge pain. Cinnamon pauses nervously at the door -- then darts back for her blanket! As she folds it up she assures Josie, "I, I'll need something to wrap around myself when I have to take off my shirt again, right?" She's careful to not even think the more truthful reason: she's still scared outdoors... and the blanket is comforting. Josie tactfully does not point out that they're going to an infirmary. Where there are sheets and blankets. There are even examination gowns!

The werewolf is quite wary as they're heading down toward the blind end of the street. It's still daylight, since it's summer, so there's less likelihood of another attack. Cinnamon clutches the blanket to her middle, over her purse, as she tensely trots along beside Josie. She too is looking around a great deal, though it's clear the cause for her is nerves -- rather than Josie's more stern wariness.

It's quite early in the morning when there's a knocking at Thorn's door at his new quarters. Thorn mrphs? and blinks as he sits up, stifling a yawn. He slept really well, actually! He dreamed in color. He pulls on his blanket and wraps it around him so he's decent, and goes to the door, opening it slightly. "Yes, hello?"

The person at the door is Nikos. He's smiling and he has a tray upon which sit a small samovar, several small containers, and two good-sized mugs. He holds it up and says, "Coffee first. Then breakfast. Then work! Or training maybe."

Thorn smiles, warmly. "That sounds wonderful, all in that order! Thank you." He dresses quickly, glad to chat if Nikos is of a mind to, asking questions about work and what sort he'll be doing., and eager to start. Nikos is happy to answer questions and brews the coffee. He brews it in a way that some Americans might find alarming. There's a suspicion that you could stand a spoon up in it. But there's also plenty of sugar and cream with which to doctor it.

Thorn is careful not to make too much of how much cream he puts into the exceptionally strong -- Turkish? Russian? -- coffee. Some people get offended if coffee is not drunk in as close to the way it is served as possible. Nikos himself puts what looks like an excessive amount of sugar in his, "Breakfast is usually pretty light. Fruit. Breads. Nut butters. Nuts. Cheeses. Lunch is usually a sturdier meal because the afternoon is busier."

Thorn finishes dressing, nodding at Nikos's explanation. "That should be more than fine, I think." He finishes his coffee, then says, "All right! I think I'm ready!"

Thorn's given clean white clothes to wear at the clinic -- along with an assurance that there will be changes should they get soiled during the day. Nikos confides that he rarely changes more than once per day, but whoever does their laundry is amazing at getting out various stains. When they arrive the doors are already open, but there's no one in the waiting area. Just a moment or two after they arrive, Iason comes in from the back hallways, "Thorn! Welcome!"

Thorn beams. "Good morning, Doctor! And thank you!"

Iason takes Thorn in hand, showing him around the facilities. There's not a drugs locker, but there is something like a small apothecary. There's actual hot running water, too. And plenty of natural remedies. The bandages are cloth. The sutures are catgut. It's quite old fashioned, but Iason assures him that they've got the things they need for most anything that could arise. Thorn is not averse to 'old fashioned' supplies. There are likely excellent reasons why such material is used instead of modern synthetics and alternative materials. Besides, for very serious things, there's magic. Isn't there?

Thorn's first day is spent in a lot of training. One advantage of the more traditional and 'old fashioned' medical materials is that his color blindness isn't as much of an issue. And his 'little magic' comes in handy now and again. He likes working at the infirmary; he feels like he's giving back to this community and that he is starting to belong. The things Thorn has to deal with are fairly minor. There's one broken arm, but it's a fractured radius while the ulna is still intact, so it just needs a splint and some willow bark. There are a couple of instances of people needing stitches. One of them is a gaelsidhe child and the needles used are silver. By the time it's coming down evening, things have quieted down.

When Josie and Cinnamon get to the infirmary, the doors are still open and there's the sound of a mellifluous male voice singing some cheerful song. The words are in a language Cinnamon doesn't know. Cinnamon hesitates, taking a deep breath... then hastily scampers in on Josie's heels. She freezes just inside the door, glancing around wide-eyed.

The room is large and airy. It's still fairly bright due to the large windows, but there are also some small lanterns being lit by a willowy, dark-complected young man who wears his hair cut very short. He's also the one singing. When there's a sound at the door, he turns toward it and smiles in greeting, "Josie! Hello!" His eyes move to Cinnamon and he ahhs, "This must be the person Elias said would be coming. Cinnamon, yes?"

Cinnamon nods silently, her brown eyes still huge. She whispers nervously, "Are you... th-the centaur?"

Nikos blinks and then giggles, "Oh nonono. I am definitely not a centaur. You must mean Iason. I am... much less imposing. I am also Nikos. Come with me." He motions the pair of them to follow him. There's no one else in the room at the moment.

Cinnamon nods silently again -- then glances at Josie. When the big werewolf moves to follow, she does too. She whispers softly, "Josie? Wh-what's Niko, please?"

Nikos, hearing this, says cheerfully, "I'm a daemon!" He doesn't seem to mind in the least that it's been asked. And he's apparently got amazing hearing. They pass through a second set of doors into a broad, tall, airy hallway. There are curtained cubicles along the sides. Thorn has been set in one of these to look through the herbary that Iason keeps.

Cinnamon freezes, her eyes getting huge -- then she involuntarily takes a few steps backward as she squeaks, "A -- a what?!"

Thorn does, however, perk his ears as he hears a familiar squeak, and he pokes his head outside of the small herbary cubby, to see if it is, indeed, Cinnamon. Nikos stops and blinks, "A daemon..." He looks concerned, "Are you OK? Elias said you'd been attacked..."

Cinnamon hastily steps behind Josie, peeking out nervously, "What, ahh... uh, what's a demon, please? Is it like... like the opposite of an angel?"

Nikos blinks again and then grins, "Oh! Nonono! Not like in the Christian mythology! Daemon. D A E M O N. I'm a nature spirit. Sort of like a nymph only with, you know, a penis." Cinnamon blinks again... then sighs gustily and relaxes, straightening up... and then, from behind Josie, comes another embarrassed squeak! as she thinks in shocked horror: [He -- he said p-pee- that word! Out loud, even!] Nikos grins and indeed seems unfazed by his use of the word. It's an anatomical term, after all. He glances and sees Thorn, "Thorn! Come meet Josie. Josie, this is our new medic."

Cinnamon nods absently, "H-hi, Thorn," then sighs again and follows Josie through the second set of doors.

Thorn has already poked his head out, and he wonders why CInnamon seems so... off-balance? nervous? She's not at all as happy and content as she was yesterday! He follows Nikos over, smiling to Cinnamon. "Hi, Cinnamon, Josie! What's wrong?"

Cinnamon sighs, still clutching her blanket close. Her voice is morose, "I got shot." Josie scowls at the thought.

Nikos nods, "That's what Elias said. He wanted Iason to check you for any bruising. Though... it's likely there won't be much. Not with your nature." Cinnamon doesn't say anything -- she still gets a slightly horrified/shocked sensation when she thinks about it too much. Instead she just looks around again, wondering where the centaur is hiding.

Thorn blinks, then immediate tenses. "Shot?" he repeats, and wonders if Marcus really went there. Would Athala's cousin really sink that low? But.... they had to know it wouldn't actually hurt her! "By... who?" he asks weakly.

Cinnamon gives Thorn a wry glance... then pauses. Perhaps Josie knows by now? She did go outside yesterday, after all -- she could have talked to Shane and Elias then. She gives the werewolf an inquiring glance, "Did, um... did Shane and Elias find that out yet?"

Josie scowls, "We don't know yet. They found a couple of shell casings and a badly deformed bullet that hit the brick wall near us." As this conversation is going on, there's a sedate clopping that comes first from a corridor at right angles to the one they're in. As it gets louder, Iason rounds the corner.

Thorn scowls. This has gone on for far too long. He looks up for Erin. "Hey, pretty lady? Go outside, please, and see if you can see anyone who looks like they're watching the clinic?"

Cinnamon's head swivels to stare towards the clopping noise... and then her eyes get very wide as the centaur emerges! She breathes in awe, "Josie, look! A centaur! A real one!"

Iason's voice is resonant and he says, "We don't often see bullet wounds here, but it does happen occasionally." Iason is large. Very large. His equine body is a good sixteen hands and the human part would be in proportion for a man of six feet. His human body is wrapped in an immaculately white toga. Long dark hair is held back in a ponytail. His coat is black with white fetlocks and his skin is as swarthy as Nikos'. Iason smiles at the murmur, "Indeed. A real one."

Cinnamon just stares upwards, jaw dropped. This is even better than she'd dreamed of! Iason chuckles again and goes to his equine knees, bringing his rugged, kind face closer to human height. After all, he towers at least three feet above most humans, "Now. Elias said you were shot in front of the pub last night, yes? He also says he doesn't think there was any major damage done."

Cinnamon squeaks startledly, leaning back abruptly at the suddenly closer huge man. Her eyes are still wide as she stares silently at Iason... then she blinks as it registers: she was asked a question! She abruptly blushes, "Uh! I, uhh... what?" She facepalms, muttering at herself, then sheepishly tries again from behind her sheltering hand, "Uh, c-could you ask that question again, p-please?"

Iason smiles, "Let's get you into a cubicle first. Then I'll ask my questions. Thorn, can you bring some of my clove oil and a few small bandages?" Cinnamon peeks out from behind her hand, still flushed with embarrassment as she nods once. Thorn also nods, and moves to get the bandages and the clove oil posthaste. Iason ushers Cinnamon and Josie into a curtained cubicle and Nikos trots back off toward the waiting room. Even with a werewolf and a centaur in the cubicle, there's room. There's not the vaguely menacing sort of exam table with various drawers and levers and stirrups. It's a tall, sturdy, padded table much like a massage table.

Cinnamon glances around nervously, unwittingly relaxing a little at how... unassuming everything looks. She thinks a moment, then goes to sit on the table, still clutching her blanket. Once she's settled she tries a small, nervous smile up at the huge centaur. Iason's eyes are warm and concerned, "He wanted me to check the progress and double-check for any damage beyond what he saw."

Once everyone's settled there's the familiar flutter of wings and Erin returns to Thorn to report that there wasn't anyone obviously surveilling the place, but there's foot-traffic outside that might conceal a patrol. Thorn nods and thanks Erin, promising her some extra seeds that evening. He quietly lets Josie know what the spectral magpie told him. Josie nods and says, "Thank you, Thorn. I was worried about that as well..."

With Cinnamon on the table, she's closer to Iason's height. He smiles reassuringly and says, "I'm not going to ask you to remove your shirt. If it's OK with you, I just want to lift the back." Cinnamon blinks... then nods again. That's actually... kind of reassuring too! She scootches around so she's facing away from the centaur, lifting her bag strap over her head and untucking her shirt enough to flip up the bottom a bit. She's in a bad position to really lift it, of course.

Iason motions Thorn over with the clove oil and the bandages. Just in case. He lifts the back of Cinnamon's shirt and she feels warm fingertips touch her skin, tracing around the damage on her back, "Well... whoever did this knows next-to-nothing about dragons. There's skin damage. But there's no hint of infection and not even any hint of any pathogen or poison. They attempted it with a plain -- if very large -- bullet." He dabs some of the clove oil over the skin damage, "It barely disrupted the skin." Once he's done, he carefully pulls the back of Cinnamon's shirt back down, adding, "If that bullet had hit a human, it would have cracked ribs, pierced organs, and gone straight on through. We don't have a lot of use for guns on Coblyn... by which I mean, every single one is meant to be registered with Llewellyn. And none of them are of this caliber."

Cinnamon sighs in quiet relief -- she's going to be fine! Well... as long as the assassin doesn't try something... bigger... she frowns, and her voice is musing, "Then this person couldn't be the same as the one that killed my many-greats granddad Liam. They're dumb about dragons... and the actual killer wasn't."

Iason nods and smiles again. "Exactly. Whoever tried this was ignorant and brash. And knew nothing about dragons' resiliency. You have a bruise and there's what looks like a scrape to anyone else."

Cinnamon glances over her shoulder, still frowning, "So... they could try again. Later... after learning more about dragons."

Iason mms, "If they are not found first." Cinnamon sighs, turning back around. She has zero expectation of the attacker being found, considering Shane and Elias found nothing useful.

Cinnamon muses quietly, "It almost seems like this was... was done in a fit of rage? Like without thinking first?" She pauses, thinking some more... then curiously asks, "Do any of Killa's entourage actually worship him? Like... enough to want revenge against me, maybe?"

Josie is scowling a little, "I think they had maybe a little idea about how tough dragons are. Otherwise, they might have used something smaller than a Desert Eagle to do it. Those bullets can take down a bull moose." She crosses her arms, still glowering. Cinnamon blinks startledly at that! A moose?! But that means, then, that she... that she's even tougher?! She blinks again, turning that fantastical idea over in her head.

Iason is, without saying much, carefully checking Cinnamon over. Nikos rolls his eyes, "Killa's not a very big god. He's a small god. But, yes, there are a couple of his adherents in his entourage."

Thorn's brow goes up. "That's... a very large handgun round. Half an inch in diameter." He chews his lip with Nikos's comment. "You think one of his adherents could have done this to try to curry favor?"

Cinnamon sighs, "Just what I need... a crazy zealot hunting me. Is there... I mean, could we have them searched for a gigantic gun?" Then she shakes her head at Thorn, "Not curry favor -- more like be infuriated that anyone dared 'attack' their god, maybe?"

"It wouldn't take much of a search," Thorn provides. "The Deagle is so damn huge, it's not even used by police and military, let alone assassins. It's a punk's weapon -- stupid kids pack it to look like they have the biggest di-i-i-i-uh... biggest... um, pair. Around."

Cinnamon mutters, "Sounding more and more like an arrogant young punk then. Does Killa have any in his entourage?"

Thorn would be surprised if Killa didn't, but he doesn't know for certain. Nikos excuses himself, saying someone just arrived. There was nothing like a chime or a gong, but he seems sure that there is someone. Iason's arms are across his chest, "Well, worship is a sort of currying of favour. You want something, you pray and you sacrifice in exchange for that prayer being answered. As to the question, however: yes, I believe one of his adherents might do so." The centaur chuckles as Thorn catches himself and amends the phrasing. Josie nods and says, "It's a hand-cannon. I know at least one of Killa's entourage came out of the cocaine cartels. He might have one."

Cinnamon glances curiously over her shoulder at Josie, "Surely there's some sort of spell that can use the bullet to track the gun? Like... what's it called -- the Law of Sympathy or Contagion or something?"

Iason nods, "It's quite possible to do so. It's just not simple do so. Ammunition and weapons aren't always in contact for very long. But if anyone can manage it, it will be Elias." He puts a hand on Cinnamon's shoulder and smiles, "But, yes. You are that tough. You're a dragon, after all."

Thorn mutters, "Bet it's gold-plated tiger-striped with pearl grips...." Then he shakes his head, and focuses on his job.

Cinnamon nods slowly up at Iason, her eyes still a little wide... then abruptly giggles at Thorn's exasperated mutter! Josie snorts, "I wouldn't doubt it a bit, either." She sighs, "So, Iason, she's good?"

Cinnamon blinks distractedly at Josie, "Who? Me? I think so?"

Iason smiles and says, "She's fine, physically. However, the first time one is attacked, it can be nerve-wracking." He looks at his new apprentice/employee and says, "Can you go with them to check with Elias? I'm curious as to what he might have found."

Thorn nods. "Will do!" he says.

Cinnamon brightens, "He might have an answer by now?! Awesome!" She grins both hopefully and a little shakily at Josie, "Can we go?"

Iason smiles again and pats Cinnamon's shoulder. For someone that massive, he's got an incredibly gentle touch, "If it starts to hurt or feel feverish, I want you to come back." Josie shakes off her scowl and nods, "Sure. Elias is awake most of the time."

Cinnamon nods silently up at the big centaur -- she's still a bit over-awed by him! She quickly gathers up her bag and blanket, whispers a nervous, "Thank you!" and slides off the table. Partway to the door, though, she freezes, "Oh! Er, h-how much do I owe you, please, sir?"

Iason smiles and shakes his head, "Nothing. Elias is paying for this treatment. I think he feels guilty about it somehow." He motions the three of them to go on.

Cinnamon blinks at that, a thoughtful expression on her face. It's not till they're all outside the clinic, though, that she murmurs to Josie, "But... the attack was surely not Elias' fault...?"

Thorn murmurs to Erin, "Gorgeous, if you're up for it, could you keep an eye out for anyone who might want to hurt Cinnamon, please?"

Erin caws her agreement to do just that and soars out along with them. Once outside it's quite difficult to see the bird. She's not completely corporeal all the time. Josie shakes her head "No, it's not. But Elias is like everyone's favorite uncle." It doesn't seem odd to her than an ancient vampire with a mouth full of fangs would be seen that way. She looks at Thorn, "Did you meet Elias?"

Thorn shakes his head. "I've not met him yet, no. Marcus says he... 'respects' Elias, and said he's a vampire, but that's all."

Cinnamon smiles faintly, her voice soft, "He's... really nice."

There's no one in the big reception area as they walk through. It's entirely possible that Nikos has done his efficient best and gotten them back into the halls of the infirmary. Josie nods at that, "Of course he respects Elias." Josie is very much on guard as they move down the street toward the vampire's home, "Elias is very respectable."

When they reach the purple cobbles that mark the door, Josie ducks down beneath the awning and knocks on the door. It opens to show Shane in the doorway. He looks quite grave until he sees Cinnamon and then relaxes, "All's good then?" He steps out of the way and motions for everyone to come in. Thorn is included in the gesture as a matter of course.

Cinnamon blinks at Shane's expression, pushing her glasses up, "I-is something wrong with Elias?"

Shane shakes his head, waiting for everyone to get inside, "No. Elias is fine. Irritated, but fine." Cinnamon looks mildly worried, but steps hesitantly inside. She hopes distractedly that it's not her that has irritated Elias! Thorn waits for Erin to come back to him -- if she wants, or if she prefers to be outside for the nonce -- before heading inside. Erin perches outside on an iron railing and preens. She apparently intends to stand sentinel.

The apartment they step into looks as if whoever decorated and furnished it had a sense of aesthetics that stopped somewhere in the late 60's or early 70's. There are both shades and heavy curtains on the windows, but there are plenty of candles and lamps to give light. Shane tells folks to make themselves at home and walks through into the kitchen to call into somewhere that echoes, letting Elias know he has company. Cinnamon, who has been here before, realizes Elias must be downstairs in his lab/brewery/bedroom. She settles a little tensely on the edge of one of the armchairs, hugging her comforting soft blanket as she peers around the room.

When Shane comes back he's accompanied by a fellow that looks like he might be an elementary school teacher. His dark brown trousers are neatly pressed and he wears a pair of loafers. His shirt is long-sleeved and is white with burgundy stripes. Like the decor, his clothing aesthetic stalled several decades back. Elias has a kindly face, but when he smiles in greeting he shows decidedly non-human teeth. In most vampire fiction, it's just outsized and sharp canines. In Elias' case, it's an entire mouthful of sharp, fang-like teeth. Elias speaks and again, it's like the gentle, friendly third-grade math teacher, "I'm pleased to see you! Iason verified everything was OK?" His eyes move to Thorn and he looks a question at Josie. The werewolf says, "This is Thorn. He's Athala's agent."

Thorn expected an immortal vampire would have chosen a favored decade or style; he didn't expect one to pick up on the 70s. He finds it... comforting. He inclines his head in a nod/half-bow. "Sir," he says by way of greeting when Josie introduces him.

Elias offers his hand to shake -- which Thorn does -- murmuring, "Thorn. It's a pleasure. Hilde mentioned you as well." He takes a deep breath and looks at Cinnamon, "Whoever tried to shoot you... well..." He goes over a little of the same information Iason gave about the caliber of the gun. "I've checked with Llew and he tells me that there are none of that size registered. I did get a bit of a tracking spell. It's weak, but I've followed it back to the house that Killa's been using."

Cinnamon nods, unsurprised. "Is that enough to ask for entrance? Or is attempted muder okay for supernaturals?"

That makes Shane snort and shake his head. Elias shakes his head, "No. It's not in the least OK. We can ask Killa's entourage for entrance, or we can petition Caradog. Since sidhe are a little touchy about guns -- given that they can fire iron and steel ammo a considerable distance -- I'm quite sure the king will grant permission."

Cinnamon's reply is short and simple, "Okay. When?" She figures the longer it takes, the more likely the assassin will have ditched the gun, after all.

Elias sits in one of the comfortable chairs and leans forward, elbows on his knees, "I plan on going today." Thorn is surprised the plan is to confront Killa today, but best to take care of this as immediately as possible.

Cinnamon nods, still hugging her blanket. Her voice has a tiny touch of fierceness in it as she replies, "Good. Should I come along, or stay away?"

Shane speaks up, "I don't think we have to worry about them getting rid of evidence. A gun like that? That's an extension of the guy's d- body. It would be like me ditching the sword Quinn gave me." Elias nods, "We're still going to Caradog."

Cinnamon has to cover a grin at Shane's self-correction -- it reminds her of Thorne's, back at the clinic! Thorn stifles a smile as Shane echoes his own feelings about the weapon. Cinnamon nods interestedly to Elias, "Okay. When? Should I come along or stay away?" It occurs to her that she's glad Elias will be there, if he wants her to come along. Caradog always makes her feel like he's looking at something he scraped off the bottom of his shoe, when he looks at her! That thought makes her grin with a mix of rue and wistfulness... because she knows he'd likely be impressed were she pretty. Still, she comfortingly reminds herself, her mom and sister might be loads prettier than she... but they're not dragons! She smiles quietly at that -- oh! Also, Shane likes her better! Cinnamon hugs her blanket a bit tighter -- that still always pleases her!

Elias says, still serious, "You need to come, Cinnamon. You're the offended party. I hate using the word victim about this. But I want you to go suitably guarded. So Shane and Josie will go with us." He looks at Thorn, considering, "You, too. As a witness to Iason's thoughts on it. I'm going because I'm old, a council member, and..." he quirks a wry smile, "I think Caradog finds me a little intimidating." Thorn nods, at Elias's... instruction? It was phrased as an invitation, but in this case he's glad to come along.

Cinnamon snorts in quiet amusement, muttering, "He sure doesn't find me intimidating!" That makes her grin to herself... and the thought occurs to her: she's feeling better! That's good, she thinks. True, someone trying to kill her is still damn scary... but it's starting to look like it was just an arrogant punk. That, she can deal with. She hops to her feet, buoyed by her current mood, "OK! Let's go then!" Then she blinks at a sudden, concerning thought, "Er, wait, please? If, umm... if the shot had hit Josie or Shane... would they be indifferent to it too? After all, I... well, I don't want them to get hurt because of me?" She flounders a bit, adding, "Er, well, I mean... physically indifferent, I guess? I mean, I know I wasn't really emotionally indifferent... sorta?"

Elias says, "Josie would get hurt, but she would heal quite quickly. Shane... is tougher than a human and he isn't sensitive to iron and steel like his father's family. It would hurt me, but mostly only enough to really make me angry. At least if it were just a normal lead or copper-jacketed round." He nods toward Thorn, "He's who we have to worry most about. Besides, we're going as soon as it gets dark. I can see quite well in the dark, as can both Josie and Shane."

Cinnamon nods slowly, both fascinated to hear she's likely the toughest one there -- what a peculiar realization! -- and also concerned: "Um, excuse me, but... you didn't say Shane would survive it just fine?" She adds in explanation, "I'm not worried about Thorn because he's not the person who might step between me and an attack, you know? But Shane..." She shrugs worriedly again, "You know?" This is a new emotion for her: caring what happens to others! It's not that she's uncaring; it's that she's never really had such good friends before in her life.

Shane grins and lifts up his old-fashioned pirate's shirt to show a very not-old-fashioned and decidedly modern kevlar vest, "Whoever did it shot for center mass." Thorn reflects on that: Would he or wouldn't he? Knowing that Cinnamon is a dragon and likely far tougher on baseline than he is, he... probably wouldn't, he has to admit. He's simply not that tough. He'd like to think that he'd do something in such an instance, though.

Cinnamon sighs in relief at that -- then grins at Shane, "Good idea!" She beams at Elias, still unwittingly hugging her soft, comforting old blanket, "OK! I'm ready to go, then!"

Elias chuckles, "We're going to get you into different clothes and, as adorable as it is, you're going to have to leave your bi... blanket behind. Aisling is on her way over with something for you to wear." He examines Thorn again, "Wearing healer's whites is a very visually striking thing."

Cinnamon blinks at Elias... then blushes, "Oh... oh! N-no, no, I brought the blanket because I th-thought I'd wrap it around m-myself while... er, wh-while..." Her voice trails off as she realizes with embarrassment: it doesn't really matter. She's still her usual slightly scruffy self. She sighs, setting down the blanket and muttering, "S-sorry..." then pushes her glasses back into place. Well... at least Elias will be doing all the talking. All she has to do is stand there and look unhappy and victimized. She can do that.

Thorn blinks and looks down, "Oh! I didn't even think of that...."

No sooner has Elias mentioned Aisling than there's a knock at the door and the beansidhe's cheerful voice calling out that she's there, so stand back! The woman that comes through the door is tall and slender, but not willowy. There is no mistaking that she's female. She's got the same coloration as Shane, but she's got the delicately curved and pointed sidhe ears, while Shane's are very human looking. Her skin has a slightly bluer tone beneath the paleness. Her eyes are a more yellow shade of amber. Her midnight-black hair is in a simple braid down her back and she's wearing a dress that's got a scooped neck and a sort of corset-waist bodice. She's carrying a couple of marketing bags with her. Once inside, Aisling heads directly for Cinnamon and puts her hands on either side of the young dragon's face, "Are you OK?"

Cinnamon looks worried again as she pushes up her glasses -- then almost jumps as Aisling zeroes in on her! "Uh! I, er, uh, I, uhmm..." She glances at the bulging bags, and weakly essays: "...d-do I have to wear everything in those bags?!"

Aisling looks at the bags and then laughs, "Dear stars, no! But I brought you some choices." She looks around and sees the new face and her smile brightens, "Oh, you're new." The beansidhe nudges Shane, "Introduce us!"

Shane chuckles and says, "Thorn, this is Aisling. Councillor for the Celts. Aisling, this is Thorn. He's Athala's agent and newly working for Iason as a medic."

Cinnamon sighs in silent relief -- both at Aisling's reply and at her distraction by Thorn. Such focused attention on Cinnamon makes her feel somewhat... confused and put on the spot! Thorn bows his head to Aisling. "Hello, ma'am," he says, smiling.

Aisling smiles and offers her hand, "Hello, Thorn." Her eyes are twinkling, "You're the one Hilde told me about."

Thorn takes her hand and bows over it, just as he's been taught, all proper. "I... she did?" he asks, surprised.

Aisling seems pleased at the courtly manners, "She did. Hilde seemed almost gleeful that she'd slipped you out from under Marcus' gaze so quickly."

Thorn smiles wanly, "It really would have been impossible without her help. Actually, not 'help' -- she hardly needed me, except as the person to 'slip out.'"

Aisling laughs quietly, "I think Hilde is trying to prove that she can play with the big kids. If you ask me? She's proved it many times over. Besides, she's a little bit of a mischief-maker." Once the introductions are done, Aisling starts taking clothes out of the bags and speaks to Cinnamon, "You are not wearing one of those mid-shin skirts again. It's either above the knee or below mid-shin. I suggest something long. Somehow long skirts seem more formal in this setting."

Shane murmurs, "Unlike out in the wider world where a pencil skirt is very businesslike."

Cinnamon nods mutely at Aisling's business-like assertions of what she's going to wear... then the young dragon takes a deep breath and murmurs, "Umm... long, please?" She's still not entirely comfortable in the very short-feeling skirt she ended up in at the Council meeting!

Aisling nods and starts sorting through things, looking from Cinnamon to the clothes thoughtfully, "Let's go with something fairly traditional. Empire waist, I think..." Cinnamon winces mentally at the dress being held up -- she's afraid she'll look even fatter than usual in it! After a moment, Aisling hmmms... "Maybe not an empire waist." After she's done sorting through, she seems happy and says, "Elias, we ladies are going to steal your bedroom for a while. The one you don't actually sleep in."

Aisling was expecting there to be a little worry and perhaps stammering from Cinnamon, but she's quite brisk as she gets the dragon out of her normal clothes. Cinnamon is given a bustier to -- ahem -- lift things up. It's fairly plain and obviously meant as a utilitarian undergarment and not sexy lingerie. The dress Aisling has chosen is a deep navy blue, which might call to mind the colors women wear in business suits. However, that's where it stops looking like anything that one might wear in your typical American office. The bodice is cut straight across, baring the shoulders, but there are wide, embroidered straps to keep it up. It laces up the back and dips into a gentle point at the front. Wide embroidered bands mark the top and the waist. The sleeves are long, billowy, and gauzy. The skirt is full and layered, giving it a satisfying weight while still being able to swing and rustle slightly. It's also just the right length to come to Cinnamon's ankles. For shoes, Aisling has brought a pair of simple blue slippers. Once she's chivvied Cinnamon into the clothes, she stands back and smiles broadly, "There! Very nice!"

Cinnamon blinks slowly as she stares at herself in the mirror. Her thoughts are tangled: it looks like the kind of dress a princess would wear! -but then... why is she wearing it? ...can dragons be princesses? She nervously twists her fingers together and hopes she doesn't embarrass anyone while wearing this lovely dress... or clumsily tear it, or something else equally awful! While Cinnamon is looking at herself, Aisling produces a brush and starts pulling it through Cinnamon's hair, "I think just a simple braid. We want noble but serious. This isn't a party, it's a petition to take action against an assailant."

Cinnamon abruptly realizes: they're waiting for her to say something! She manages a weak smile and stutters, "I, uhh -- i-it's... very fine...?" [Dear god please don't let me stumble and damage Aisling's beautiful dress!]

Aisling smiles and says, "It's lovely on you. I know your eyes are brown, but this is a good, businesslike color. Consider it my welcome-to-the-council gift."

Cinnamon gulps and manages one tight nod. Noble? Her?! She's nervously reminded of one of her favorite TV shows, where someone was referred to as looking like a sheep walking on their hind legs in a dress. She just hopes Caradog doesn't burst out laughing when he sees her! "Th-thank you, Aisling...?" [Oh, dear! Was it expensive? Will I have to wear it a lot? I don't know how to take care of it...!] She ruthlessly crushes all her frightened thoughts then, just closing her eyes and concentrating on how she can go hide under her blankets at home once this is all done!

Josie also seems quite happy. Aisling is quick with the braid and ties it off with a blue ribbon to match the dress, "Next time Shane teases me about being a clotheshorse, I'll point out that it's a useful skill!" She smiles at Cinnamon in the mirror, "Let's go show you off." Cinnamon nods weakly again, and just prays she's not shaking by the time they get to the fey king.

When the women come back into the living room, Aisling is beaming and Josie is wagging. Shane looks up and smiles, "Definitely appropriate for an audience with the king." Elias considers and nods, "Yes. Very nice." Cinnamon gives a very small, shaky smile but doesn't say anything. At that precise moment she's pale, and concentrating hard on keeping her knees from knocking together!

Thorn blinks, very impressed -- he can't tell the colors, but Cinnamon looks magnificent! "Definitely royalty!" he says.

Cinnamon blushes at the compliments, looking uncertain. Shane nods, "And that's what we want her to look like right now. Dragons are magnificent creatures. The idea's to dress in a way to remind Caradog of that." Elias chuckles, "Even I am going to wear something semi-official looking." Shane grins, "Instead of looking like Mr. Rogers with needles for teeth?"

That makes Josie nearly choke on her tea and it gets Shane a long look from Elias. It's the kind of look that conveys long-suffering fondness, "I look nothing like Fred Rogers." He really doesn't. It's simply the manner of him. "The plan is to take Cinnamon to meet Caradog. And I don't care if I have to wake him up." Aisling smiles, "Isn't it cats that can look at a king? Not vampires?"

Thorn blinks; he's never heard of the phrase about cats looking at a king. Elias, proving that he must have been a teacher at some point, says, "That particular idiom means that anyone, no matter what their status, has rights. There is nothing so precious or terrible that even the lowliest of peasants cannot look upon it. It also has something to say about the bravery and self-assurance of cats." He chuckles, catching himself lecturing, "But we are going to the palace with no less than three council members. And we won't have to wake Caradog. He prefers staying up late." Then Elias smiles and nods, "Now." He stands and claps his hands, "I'm going to put my glad rags on. I'll be right back."

Thorn ohs, and nods to Elias, "Thank you, Sir! That had confused me." Now it's his turn to look self-conscious. He's basically going to see royalty in scrubs.

Aisling catches the look and smiles, "Is something wrong, Thorn?" Elias has disappeared quietly.

Thorn gives a slight start, "I'm... well, Elias seems to think that scrubs -- I mean, what I'm wearing, is appropriate, so I shouldn't second-guess him."

Aisling's brows go up, "Scrubs? Thorn, you're wearing healer's whites. There is very little as respected as that. If you'd like, wee can stop and get you one of the laurels... I'm sure there's someone at the infirmary."

Thorn blinks, then blushes, "I'm... ack, I'm sorry, I didn't know the import of the white uniform. I think they'll do perfectly fine, then. Thank you!"

Aisling's golden eyes twinkle at the blush. It doesn't take long for Elias to return. He's wearing something that is definitely not from the '70's. At least not the 1970's. It's really more like the 1870's. The black suit is double-breasted with wide lapels. There's the hint of a waistcoat inside the V of the collar. He's also wearing an ascot and he's got a walking stick in one hand. "I believe I shall leave the top hat here."

Cinnamon stares up at Elias, wishing she felt as comfortable in her clothing as he seems in his! Then her silent gaze shifts to Josie... and gets a little envious! Josie's lucky: because she's a wolf shape, she gets to wear jeans and flannel shirts! Cinnamon sighs silently, looking worriedly down at the lovely dress on herself. Must! Not! Stumble! Fortunately her dress stops at the ankles; it's not long enough to really trip her up. She abruptly wishes she could shift into a dragon shape -- even if it was just a teeny little one! Real dragons don't have to worry about clothes, darnit!

Josie mutters about formal dress and looks at Elias, "Do I have to go change?" Elias shakes his head, "No, dear. You don't. You're there to be a guardian, just like Shane." Elias motions to the half-sidhe who is wearing what seems to basically be his uniform. Or at least it's what he wears when he's doing his self-appointed patrols.

By the time everyone's done getting dressed, the sun has set. Elias ushers them all out of his house and locks the door. He also traces a shape on it and murmurs something before moving to walk with them. Josie and Shane take up the point and rearguard positions. Aisling walks with Cinnamon and Elias walks with Thorn. As they walk, Elias gives them all a few reminders of etiquette. It's rather old-fashioned with bows and curtseys and Your Majesties. "What we are not doing, however, is groveling. We are making a petition. Cinnamon is a full citizen and a member of the council. Any attempted murder is unacceptable. The attempt on a councillor's life is even more heinous..." There's more in that vein, basically reminding everyone that Caradog may be a king, but the council is world-wide.

Cinnamon is white and almost breathless with nerves! She's silently repeating to herself, like a mantra: [Curtsey to the king. Don't step on the edge of the dress. Curtsey to the king. Don't step on... !] Thorn goes through the list of protocols and etiquettes in his mind, hoping he has them down pat. He's also quite keen on what Elias said, about them being there to petition and not grovel. Cinnamon blinks as the homocentric walking arrangement registers... then swallows and stares at her feet as she walks, wondering, [Is Elias ashamed of me? Or... irritated? Aisling is kinda scary! So intense and focused! OK, gotta stop worrying so much... don't grovel, right. No groveling... ohgod I SO wanna go hide at home!!]

Aisling notices the nerves and leans down to murmur, "The formation is warriors in front and back. Healer in front. You, my dear, the person that needs protection, as far back from the frontlines as can be without actually being behind the rear guard. Remember when Caradog came into the council chambers and his guards all came in before him?" Cinnamon blinks when Aisling murmurs to her, flushing bright red with nerves! She hopes she's not too transparent when they arrive to talk to the king... but for now she simply nods mutely to Aisling.

When they reach the palace -- which is basically an enormous Georgian house made mostly of marble instead of brick -- there are a pair of guards at the gate. They're dressed in somewhat elaborate livery and seem to be gealsidhe. They make a rather formal and obviously ceremonial challenge. Elias steps forward and says in a very serious voice, much harder-edged than the tone everyone in the little party is used to hearing from him, "We come seeking an audience with His Majesty, King Caradog. Our newest councillor has a serious grievance to bring before him." One of the guards starts to demur and Elias' voice goes positively frosty, "You and I both know, Aidan, that Caradog won't be abed for several more hours. So either send for the Seneschal or let us through." Aidan -- the guard on the right -- looks a little uncertain, but then opens the gate for them.

They move on through the gates and up to the front doors, which are opened and answered by another person in livery. This one greets Elias more warmly and looks quite shocked and worried when he's given the short version: another attack on Cinnamon. Petitioning Caradog for assistance in the investigation. They're all shown to an antechamber and the... butler? Page? Seneschal? hurries through the second set of doors. Thorn thinks it was the seneschal. He's a little surprised that the sidhe was acting surprised; it's been almost, what, 12 hours since the attack? Surely someone would have reported it or noticed a .50 calibre hand cannon going off.

It's less than ten minutes before the seneschal returns and shows them in. Shane is still the first through the door and Josie is last. The room they're in isn't a throne room. It's more a reception chamber or conference room. Caradog is standing by a large chair and smiling, "This is unexpected! Please, have a seat." There are chairs around a large table. "I'm having wine brought."

Cinnamon blinks nervously, her stomach tightening. Can she refuse the wine politely? Or... or maybe sort of swirl it around but not drink any? She remembers with dread the last time she drank anything alcoholic -- her family teased her about it for years! With a hint of desperation, she wonders why courtly manners never include things she's good at! Heck, court might be a lot more fun if it was all about accounting... surely?

Josie and Shane flank Cinnamon wherever she chooses to sit. Josie mutters about being told about curtseys and bows and then not having to do them after all. Cinnamon gasps as she only half-hears Josie -- the curtsey! She forgot! She hastily tries a quick sort-of bob in place, praying she won't stumble or fall over or throw up nervously on Caradog's shoes or something equally dreadful! She sinks into the closest chair a moment later, almost dizzy with nerves. Her bodice feels too tight, and she hasn't realized she's nearly hyperventilating -- but at least she didn't trip or anything! She tightly clasps her hands together in her lap and under the table, pale with fright and staring fixedly at the table's centerpiece... though were she asked she'd have no idea what it was.

Elias sits and says, "Caradog, someone with an unregistered firearm -- a rather large unregistered firearm -- shot Cinnamon two nights ago. If she had not been a dragon, she would be dead now. An attempted murder is heinous enough. An attempted assassination is not to be countenenced. I tracked the attacker to Killa's compound and we are here to bring a petition to allow us to search the compound." Thorn remains silent until he is called upon; he's prepared to relate what Iason said about Cinnamon's diagnosis and prognosis. He wonders, briefly, if Iason would allow that, but then realizes that the healer almost certainly would. Cinnamon is silently, internally repeating her current mantra: [Don't drink the wine, don't throw up, don't giggle nervously or squeal...]

Caradog listens to this with a serious expression. It's bordering on a scowl, though even that looks lovely on his face. When Elias gets to the part about petitioning to search Killa's compound, the gealsidhe's brows rise and he says, "You're certain? Killa's people? And you're sure of the firearm's lack of registration." Elias' voice is as cool as Thorn or Cinnamon have ever heard it as he says, "I'm quite sure of both." He turns to Thorn, "Can you relay Iason's opinions?" To Caradog, he says, "This is Thorn. He's Iason's newest medic and was there when Cinnamon was seen in the infirmary."

Thorn nods politely to Caradog and, at Elias's request, relates what Iason stated: that it was a large-caliber handgun, that if it was larger or had specialized rounds there was a good chance that Cinnamon would have been badly injured, and everything else Iason imparted to them. Thorn leaves nothing out, speaking in a calm, almost clinical manner.

Caradog listens and nods, face still and solemn. When Thorn finishes with his recitation, he sighs and shakes his head and mutters something in a liquid, melodic voice that makes Aisling's lips twitch. She stays quiet for the moment as Caradog asks Cinnamon, "Would you be willing to accept having two of my guards do the search?" The half-beansidhe, full beansidhe, wolf shifter, and the vampire all stay quiet for a moment. The question was directed at Cinnamon, after all, and she's a full citizen and a councillor to boot. Elias is looking at Cinnamon very intently. He doesn't quite dare shake his head no. She has to make this decision on her own.

Cinnamon is currently still staring fixedly and unseeingly at the centerpiece, actually, her eyes wide and her mental focus all turned to concentrating on her current internal mantra! She misses the question directed at her, as a consequence. When Josie realizes Cinnamon's distracted, she leans down close to her friend's ear and says, "The king asked you if you'd be willing to have two of his guards do the search."

Cinnamon manages to not shriek at the sudden voice next to her ear, though she startles visibly! Gasping, she nearly clutches her chest and manages to wheeze, "Good golly, Josie, don't scare a person like that, please!" She takes a few more deep breaths, then manages a shaky (terrible) smile at Josie, "I-I'm sorry, Jose -- could you repeat that please?"

Josie doesn't giggle. She's good like that. She does, however, murmur an apology and nods toward Caradog, "He wants to know if you'd be willing to let two of his guards do the search."

Cinnamon blinks, glancing to Caradog as she pushes her glasses back into place -- and hopes her fingers aren't trembling, "T-two... oh! Uh, sure, I guess? I mean, they'd be helping Elias, right? Though actually..." she glances inquiringly at the vampire, "Is it polite to ask for advice in -- in, er, a, uh, a situation like this, Elias? Like, I kinda figured you'd be one of the searchers since you know the magic, right? So... uh, who else did you have in mind to go with you?" Glancing around, she adds wryly, "Can't be me, if it's like the stories. It'd be adding insult to injury, right, to have me there? Like... like with a duel, right? Or... am I completely off base there?"

Elias relaxes and nods, "It is. And I'd say having two of the Royal Guard there would be a good idea. But they should accompany... exactly. Myself and Shane."

Cinnamon beams shakily at that despite still being pale with nerves -- awesome, she got something right! She turns towards Caradog, still beaming, "Okay! Thank you so much, your majesty, for ensuring Elias and Shane will be safe and have your backing!"

Caradog blinks as Elias and Cinnamon accept the guards... as escorts. He's got a really good poker face, however, and he nods, "Will the morning be soon enough?"

Cinnamon thinks about that, then shakes her head, "Um, I'm gonna guess..." she glances inquiringly at Elias, "that... Elias will want to do it at night and as soon as possible? Which'd mean... now? Yes or no, please?" Thorn thinks that was an excellent bit of maneuvering. He doesn't think they should wait until morning, however; Elias would not be able to go. Cinnamon admittedly has no idea she maneuvered anyone at all -- she was genuinely thanking the king for taking care of her friends!

Elias gives a barely perceptible nod and turns to Caradog, "As she says. Tonight. Before word can get back to Killa's compound." The king doesn't even bother to deny that someone might be listening in, "Tonight. If you insist." He sounds perfectly fine with it and rings a bell sitting on the table. The Seneschal from earlier comes back in and Caradog gives orders for him to bring two guards, explaining that at least one of them should be something other than sidhe. Cinnamon is starting to relax out of her internalized panic attack as nothing horrible happens. Listening to the king, she wonders curiously why one has to be not-sidhe... but decides to ask that question much later, instead!

While the Seneschal is talking with Caradog, Elias leans toward Thorn, "I'd like you to come along." His voice is quiet, "I think that your... companion will be helpful." Thorn nods, making a mental note to get the premium sunflower seeds for Erin.

When the Seneschal leaves, Caradog leans back in his chair and says seriously, "Do you believe Killa instigated the attack?"

Aisling doesn't even disguise the roll of her eyes, "Caradog, you know bloody well that Killa's people don't dare do anything without his permission or order."

Cinnamon looks suddenly unhappy, "Oh, no... really?! I... well, I'd been kind of hoping it was just... just someone overexcited, you know? Like..." she thinks back to a play and movie she'd loved, and repeats, "like the English king that exasperatedly asked if anyone would rid him of this troublesome priest, you know? Though..." she pauses, frowning thoughtfully as she muses aloud, "they did rule that he did it deliberately, come to think of it..." She sighs mournfully. It's clear to her now that Killa is bound and determined to be her enemy.

Shane actually smirks and says, "Exactly like that."

Caradog mms and leans back in his chair again, long-fingered hands laced together over his stomach, "Then I'm definitely sending my guards, since you can do the search, but you can't take anyone into custody." The Seneschal returns with an obviously gealsidhe male guard. The other is about as far from 'fair and bonny' as can be. They wear the same livery as the gealsidhe, but their arms are thick and hairy with thick black nails that almost seem like they're made of the same material as hooves. The head is a hulking, sharp-tusked boar's head. Caradog nods, "Lorcan and Diarmaid. You'll be going with Elias and Shane to search Killa's compound. You're looking, I understand, for a particular firearm used in an attack. If you find it, you're to bring it and its owner back to the palace."

Thorn blinks in surprise at the sight of the non-sidhe guard -- he's even more dramatically different than Josie! How cool! Cinnamon too blinks in astonishment at the boar man, slowly pushing her glasses back into place. A small, awed, "Whoaaaa...!" escapes her!

Given the order of the names, Lorcan is the sidhe and Diarmaid is the one with the boar's head. Lorcan nods and says, "As you command, Your Majesty." Diarmaid, when he speaks, has a deep and resonant voice and asks, "And how much damage are we allowed to do if there's resistance?" Caradog smiles and says, "Only as much as absolutely necessary." That makes Aisling grin, though she stops herself laughing. Once the two guards are given their orders, Caradog rises and says, "I hope things come to a peaceful conclusion. I'll be up until I hear back from my guards. If you'll excuse me..." He nods to them and leaves the room. Once there's no royal presence, Elias relaxes his very somber body language and expression.

Cinnamon watches, silent and wide-eyed. She hopes Elias and Shane update her after the search. Right now, though... abruptly, her stomach rumbles. Eek! That was embarrassing -- and wow she's hungry! She tries to remember the last time she ate... was it the cookies earlier this afternoon? She looks sheepish as she mutters, "S-sorry!" at the loud tummy grumble.

Aisling and Josie ask Cinnamon if she'd like to get some food while Shane, Elias, Thorn, and the two guards search Killa's compound. Diarmaid makes an expression that might be a smile and rumbles, "No need to apologize for a body doing what a body does, councillor. It is wise that you should be somewhere other than the compound while we do the search. If you wish to stay here in the palace, I'll ask the Seneschal to find a comfortable room." Lorcan smiles warmly and says, "And there's always food available. Some of the staff are nocturnal."

Cinnamon opens her mouth to accept with thanks -- but then goes still at a sudden thought. She's familiar with the old saying of getting right back on the horse when you fall off. She even knows it's mostly right, even though it's also scary as heck. So... she takes a very deep breath, sighs it out, then squares her shoulders with determination, "I, er... I w-would like..." she has to take another deep, frightened breath before she can squeak out, "puh- pierogies!" She blinks -- then blushes hotly at the squeak in her voice! More mutedly she adds, "P-please...?" She glances worriedly at Josie, hoping the werewolf doesn't think Cinnamon is insane for wanting to go back.

Josie grins at her friend, tongue lolling, "Cafe Prague it is, then! Pierogies and borscht all around!"

Aisling laughs, "Pierogies, yes. But I refuse to eat borscht. I'll have the barley soup." She stands and smiles at Diarmaid, "Thank you for the offer, but I'm sure someone can come find us when the search is over." She gives Cinnamon a warm smile as well.

Cinnamon sighs in relief, smiling a bit shakily in return as she pushes her glasses back into place, "O-okay!" She stands -- then remembers what she's wearing. Eek! Glancing down at the lovely gown, she adds, "But, er... c-could we change clothes first, please? Er... I mean, if I spill on this gorgeous dress, I... I'll just die of embarrassment!"

Shane pats Thorn on the shoulder, "Thanks for coming with us. Hopefully there won't be much need for your professional skills." He doesn't want to mention Erin too loudly in front of the guards.

Josie nods, "We'll go back to Elias' place and get your clothes."

Cinnamon adds confusedly to Josie, "What's borch-sheet, though? I mean, I thought it was... like a drink or something? Alcoholic, I mean?"

Josie grins and shakes her head, "Beetroot soup. Sometimes with potatoes and sour cream. Very filling." Aisling mutters, "And tastes a bit like dirt." Cinnamon giggles in spite of herself as she follows her friends out of the room! She knows she'll likely be a bit jumpy on the way to the cafe... but as long as she can force herself past where she- er, where... ah, past The Spot... she should be fine.

Thorn nods to Shane. "Glad to help!" he says. He also hopes his medical skills won't be needed.

Later, Aisling touches Elias' door and traces something, murmuring under her breath, and they go in to get Cinnamon back into her civvies before going to the cafe. Cinnamon is far more relaxed once she's out of the gown! It hasn't yet registered to her, but the gown still feels like someone else's to her -- she's still sure she'll clumsily ruin it by accident, after all. The three women make their way to Cafe Prague, passing the pub as they do. Josie goes a little on high alert, but the most dangerous thing that happens is someone stumbling out of the pub and knocking Cinnamon into Aisling, who is in her turn knocked into Josie... who holds all of them up quite easily. Cinnamon gives a small, terrified shriek at the drunk -- but then is deeply relieved, once it turns out to be a false alarm, that she didn't accidentally flame the poor man!

Once in Cafe Prague Cinnamon finally starts to relax, laughing and chatting with Aisling and Josie. The three women are welcomed warmly into the cafe and settle into a warm, filling, and quite delicious meal. The borscht does have a fairly earthy flavor to it, but it's far from unpleasant despite Aisling's dire pronouncement.

Shane, Elias, and Thorn are escorted through the streets by the guards. Shane chats with the sidhe and the... whatever Diarmaid is... leaving Elias to drop back a little with Thorn and asks quietly, "Can Erin fly overwatch? Much of Killa's compound is outdoors."

Thorn nods, and glances upward. "Pretty lady?" he murmurs. "Can you fly over Killa's compound when we get there, and keep an eye out for us? In case someone tries something nasty to us, that is." Erin swoops down close and preens Thorn's hair before taking flight again. Thorn lets out a breath. "Thanks, Beautiful," he murmurs to Erin. Then he braces himself. He's going to let Shane and Elias do all the talking. Shane has done a handy job of keeping the guards distracted so neither of them sees the short interaction.

Killa's compound has a high wall (though not as high as the palace) and guards on the gates as well. The guards here aren't dressed in livery, however. Instead, they're dressed in a way that looks more than a little paramilitary, including red berets with a crest of some sort on a pin on the brim. One of them stands straighter, scowling, "What do you want here?"

Elias steps forward and says, "What we want here is to search for an unregistered weapon that was used to attack a council member. The weapon was tracked here and King Caradog has granted my petition to look for it. He has given us an escort of two of his men and the search is to be carried out tonight." Diarmaid steps forward and continues in his rumbling, rolling voice, "So, what we want, Juarez, is for you to step aside and let us do our jobs. Of course, if you want to make a scene, I can send Lorcan back to bring a couple more men."

The guard at the gate lifts his lip in a sneer, "And how do I know you aren't going rogue, Diarmaid?" The boar-headed man steps close to Juarez and reaches into a pouch on his belt. From it, he takes a small piece of parchment that has a wax seal, "Well, mostly because I said so, but also because I am sent with a royal warrant. Now. Step. Aside." As the two guards are facing off, Thorn gets a dizzying moment of vertigo as his vision is overlaid with what he's sure must be Erin's view. She's slowly circling a building inside the compound that's tucked way back into a corner of the walls.

Thorn remains silent, hands folded in front of him. He doesn't quite realize he's holding his breath; his color blindness is particularly unavoidable at night. He also really hopes that none of Killa's people will do anything untoward. He rubs his forehead as Erin's sight comes to him. He tenses a little; something must be happening. He keeps his eyes closed as he rubs his forehead, simulating a headache. Shane glaces aside at Thorn and notices the rubbing of his head. Diarmaid's conversation with Juarez covers enough for Shane to murmur, "News from above?" The posturing is starting to come to a close, though Juarez is scowling and says something very like 'I'll catch you out of uniform one day...' The other guard has been sent inside, apparently to let someone know there's a search coming.

Thorn makes a 'mm-hmm' sound to Shane. He waits for whatever Erin wants or needs to show him to appear. Through Erin's eyes, Thorn sees that there's someone moving quickly to that building and lights suddenly go on inside. He gets enough of her emotions to know he needs to get things moving. Fast. Thorn nods, murmuring, to Shane, "We have to move faster. There's movement inside, and Erin thinks we need to do something."

Shane nods and steps forward, "Diarmaid... delaying..." The boar-headed guard snorts and nods. He then just steps right past Juarez -- though it takes Lorcan blocking Killa's guard to do so -- and pushes through the gate. Shane takes Thorn's arm since the medic seems a little unsteady, and they follow Diarmaid and Elias into the compound. Shane lets Elias know what Thorn said and the vampire asks, "Where?" Thorn gives quiet directions to the building that's tucked away back in one of the corners formed by the walls.

The guard is protesting and Lorcan stays by the gate, letting Diarmaid go with them. When they're in the darker part of the compound, following Thorn's directions, a dull red glow starts to come from his eyes and he snarls, "Honorless..." Then he shifts to a language Thorn doesn't know but that makes Shane snort and mutter, "Amen..." When they get to the building Erin had been circling, the doubled vision clears. There's someone running out of the door who literally runs directly into Diarmaid. The boar-headed guard grabs the fleeing person by the arm and says, "Well, hello, Bala. I had a feeling we might be speaking with you."

Thorn relaxes a little. Diarmaid clearly knows the people around here, so Thorn doubts it was random chance that saw the guard tapped for this. Thorn is so going to get the good stuff for Erin... er... whatever magpies consider 'the good stuff.' He'll have to check.

There's some stuttering... something... from Bala, to which Elias replies, "Because I tracked it here. And because the king says we can." Diarmaid nods and looks to Shane, "You want to frisk him? If it's not on him, we can look inside..." There's starting to be stirring elsewhere in the compound and Thorn hears/feels Erin launching herself skyward again.

Thorn's eyes flick to the side, and he grimaces. "People are starting to get more alert. How unwelcome are we?"

Shane nods and steps forward, frisking the babbling Bala. It seems to be in Spanish, or maybe a native language of South America. Elias says wryly, "I'd say quite. But..." He shrugs, "We have the king's warrant." He smiles, that slightly disquieting full-of-fangs smile, and says, "We also have one of Caradog's lieutenants, Shane, and -- worse comes to worse -- me. But I don't think we'll have too much trouble aside from posturing. Killing a king's guard would be a very, very good way to bring down some serious problems on Killa." Elias pauses, "Not that they'd have an easy time hurting Diarmaid. His people were always good in a fight."

As Shane is frisking Bala, three more people arrive. Killa is not with them, but a tall woman in fatigues is and she's scowling, "Diarmaid! What is the meaning of this! This is a sovereign-" Diarmaid is keeping his eyes on Bala, "This is no such thing, Daniella. This compound is here on the sufferance of the king. We have a warrant and..." Just about that time, Shane holds up what he was searching for. The gun is enormous. It's also gold plated with pearl handles and some sort of silver design along the barrel. Thorn was kind of expecting a weapon of that size and... decoration. He's not disappointed. He's actually kind of impressed that such a huge firearm could actually be carried without, say, additional back support.

Shane's eyeroll is almost audible, "Elias?" Elias pats Thorn on the shoulder and steps forward. He reaches into the pocket of his coat and pulls out a small pendulum that he holds over the gun. It takes about a second, but then it begins to circle. First slowly and then increasing in speed and in motion. Elias' hand is rock steady the entire time. He raises a brow and says, "And here we have it." Daniella's face is like a thundercloud. As the vampire is using his pendulum, Bala begins to struggle, spitting invective at Shane and -- extremely stupidly -- trying to take a swing at him.

When Bala does that, Diarmaid shakes Bala and it's like a child shaking a ragdoll, "None of that." Daniella is starting to demand to know what's going on just as Lorcan arrives. He's almost sauntering. In any case, he doesn't seem worried that he'll be hurt. Elias looks at Daniella and says, "What's going on is we've found in this compound a weapon that was used in an attempted murder." Shane hands the gun off to Elias, who examines it as Shane goes back to frisking Bala and comes up with the other thing they were expecting. A silencer. A gold-plated silencer with more of the silverwork on it.

Thorn stares. He didn't even know that you could fit a silencer on a hand-cannon. Would it even do anything? No, of course it would... besides make it ridiculously long, that is. Daniella's face is starting to redden and she says, "That gun is..." Elias cuts in smoothly, "That gun is unregistered and was used in an attempted assassination. Your man here... Bala? -- will be coming with us to the palace. Please feel free to come with him."

With that, Diarmaid starts telling Bala something that sounds like a Coblyn version of Miranda rights. Only there aren't a lot of them. Mostly 'You can remain silent. Or you can try anyway.' Daniella snaps something to one of the people that arrived and moves to follow the guards, Elias, and Thorn. Not far away, Thorn can hear Erin's croaking call. She sounds quite pleased with herself. Once they're outside Killa's compound Diarmaid's eyes lose their red glow and he says, "Now. Elias, do you wish to bring the councillor to the palace immediately, or will she be willing to let Bala spend a night in the cells while Daniella irritates Caradog?" Daniella hisses in through her teeth at Diarmaid's comment.

Elias thinks, considering the couple of days Cinnamon has had -- then says, "No. I think the morning will be well enough." Diarmaid nods and says, "Then we'll make sure he's still alive in the morning."

This announcement is taken cooly by Daniella, but it makes Shane grin as if Diarmaid made a joke. The king's guards start marching Bala toward the palace with Daniella keeping pace. That leaves Elias, Shane, and Thorn together. Elias says, "Cafe Prague, did the ladies say?" Shane nods and makes an 'after you' motion to the other two men. He wants to be between them and Juarez, who is scowling. Thorn nods, and starts off with the others.

Elias and Shane lead Thorn along Coblyn Street; Elias says, "I think Erin was a great help there. I suspect Bala..." he rolls his eyes, "was going to try to go through the rear sally port." "She was," Thorn replies to Elias. "I'm pretty indebted to her. She spotted Bala going into the building."

Elias nods and mmms, "Probably to get the weapon." He smiles -- that's still a lot of teeth -- and says, "We're indebted to you." By then, they've reached the cafe and the proprietress is talking to Elias in an obviously Slavic language... and he answers her in kind. They're motioned over to the table where the three women are eating.

Thorn smiles quietly back to Elias. "I'll let Erin know, but she'll never let me hear the end of it!" More seriously, he says, "I'm glad we could help."

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Last modified: 2019-Jun-12 19:53:32

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