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EventsThe events section of the Reality Fault web pages is for random occurrences or information which apply to all who game here. Pre-planned one-shot games, book club meetings, or any other similar event is welcome to be listed here. Simply send email with the event's name, the name of the appropriate person to contact for further information, the intended time of occurrence, and any other data you feel is relevant. The Reality Fault Book ClubOn Reality Fault, we try to encourage good gaming. Becoming a better gamer or GM is an on-going process, of course, and inspiration can be found in many places. To that end, you are invited to join the Reality Fault Book Club. The book club is open to all that are interested, and we maintain a mostly regularly scheduled meeting time. If you are interested in joining one of these conversations, you may simply attend the next one, or check the book list for what the up-coming book is. During the meetings, these selected books or movies are considered for particularly good plot concepts or character ideas which can be borrowed or adapted to enhance a game or player character.
Last modified: 2002-Apr-04 17:37:28
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