Intermediate MPI Programming

I'm still in the process of hypertexting this document. Until I'm done, here's the flat ASCII version. -- Telzey

          Foxen's Intermediate Guide to MPI Programming

                      Written October, 1993

              MPI the language, and this document are
        CopyLefted 1993 by Fuzzball Software and Graphic Arts

    This document is written for those of you who have already read
   through the mpi-intro file, or who already know the basics of MPI.


  SECTION I: "Okay, I know the basic stuff in MPI.  What else can I do?"

MPI can do a lot more than just substitute in lists or properties into a
description.  It can be conditional in what it substitutes, based on all
sorts of criteria.  It can process information, and do full floating point
math.  It can set the values of properties, and force puppets around.  In
fact, MPI can do a LOT of things.  In the next few sections, we'll cover
several of the main command types that MPI has, including conditionals,
variable handling, stringlist handling, and loops.


  SECTION II: "And what, pray tell, is a conditional command?"

A conditional command is a command that evaluates an expression, and,
depending on the result, decides whether to run one set of commands, or
another.  In MPI, there is only one current conditional command: {if}.

The {if} command has the syntax of {if:expression,truebranch,falsebranch}.
It evaluates the 'expression', running any MPI commands embedded within it,
and if the expression evaluates out to being a null (empty) string, or a
zero (0), then {if} will evaluate the 'falsebranch', executing any MPI
commands inside of it, and returns the result.  If any other string was
returned by the 'expression', then the 'truebranch' is evaluated in a
similar way, and the result is returned.  Only one of the 'truebranch'
or 'falsebranch' options is evaluated, and {if} will return the result of
that option's evaluation.  If no 'falsebranch' is given, then if 'expression'
evaluates false (as a null string, or "0"), {if} will return a null string.
Here, let me give you a few examples:

    {if:1,Yes,No}            This will return "Yes".
    {if:0,Yes,No}            This will return "No".
    {if:1,Yes}               This returns "Yes".
    {if:0,Yes}               This returns a null (empty) string.


       This returns "No", if the property "test" has the value "0", or if
       it does not exist.  Otherwise, this returns "Yes".


       If the property "_clothes" is set, and is not "0", then this command
       set will return its value.  Otherwise, this will return the value of
       the "_nude" property.

"Aha!", you say, "I see what {if} is good for, now!  Choosing default values
if a property doesn't exist!"  Well, that's just one thing that {if} is good
for.  But to be really useful, you need to have some operators to put in that
test expression.  Here are a few of them now:

{eq:expression1,expression2} will evaluate both expressions, and test to see
if they return the same result string.  If the expressions both result in
numbers, then the numbers are compared by value.  That means that {eq:1,01}
with return true ("1").  You can test strings against numbers, and it will
check them as strings, and not numbers.  Also, null (empty) strings are not
considered to be numbers.  {eq} will return true ("1") if the result of both
expressions is the same string, or number value.  Otherwise, it will return
false ("0").  When it is comparing strings, it is case insensitive, so an
"A" will compare the same as an "a".  There is currently no way to do case
sensitive compares.  {eq} is good for testing the values of things like



       This will check if the value of the "_clothed?" property is "yes",
       and, if it is, it returns the value of the "_clothes" property.
       Otherwise, it returns the value of the "_nude" property.

{neq:expression1,expression2} is almost exactly like {eq}, except that it
returns FALSE ("0") if the results of the two expressions are the same, and
TRUE ("1"), if the results DON'T match.

Okay, so now you know how to test the value of something, but what if you
want to check the value of more than one property?  Well, I've provided a
few operators to help there, too:

{and:expression1,expression2} will evaluate the first expression, and check
if it's false.  If it is, then {and} immediately returns FALSE ("0"), with-
out even bothering to evaluate the second expression.  Otherwise, it tests
the second expression, and if that is false, then {and} returns FALSE ("0").
Only if BOTH the expressions evaluate as true, does {and} return true ("1").

      This will check if the "_clothed?" property is set to "yes", and the
      "sex" property is set to "male", and if both tests are true, then it
      returns the value of the "_ballcap" property.  Otherwise, it returns a
      null (empty) string.

As you can see in the above example, expressions can get hard to read, when
there are a lot of levels of braces {}.  From now on, I'll format complex
examples for readability.  When using them in practice, however, you'll be
putting them on one line.  The above example, formatted nicely, looks like:

Another useful operator is {or:expression1,expression2}.  This operator is a
lot like {and}, except it returns true ("1") if EITHER expression evaluates
as true.  Also, if the first expression evaluates as true, then it doesn't
even bother to evaluate the second expression.  If BOTH expressions evaluate
as being false, then {or} returns FALSE ("0");

{xor:expression1,expression2} will always evaluate both expressions, and if
one, but not both of them evaluates as true, then {xor} returns TRUE ("1").
If both expressions return true, or neither expression returns true, then
{xor} will return FALSE ("0").

{not:expression} will evaluate an expression, and if the result is true,
then {not} returns FALSE ("0").  If the expression's result is false, then
{not} will return TRUE ("1").  Basically, this just reverses the true/false
value of the expression.

Now, all these operators have only limited uses, when all they can check is
what properties exist, and what values they have.  There are a lot of MPI
operators, though, to check for a lot of other circumstances..

{holding:what,who} checks to see if object 'what' is located in 'who's
inventory.  If the given player 'who' is holding the given object 'what',
for example, then this command returns true, otherwise, it returns false.
If no 'who' argument is given, then it assumes that 'who' is the player
running the MPI code.  You can check if a player or object is in a room,
by testing if the room is {holding} them.

Here's an example of how this is useful:
    @create Sunglasses=10=shades
    @desc me=You see a young man{if:{holding:$shades,this}, wearing shades}.

In the above example, I first @create a thing object called Sunglasses, and
personally register it with the name $shades, so I can refer to it later by
that name, whether or not I happen to be carrying it at the moment. The
object "this" always means the trigger object; the object that the MPI code
is executed from.  In this case, {holding} checks to see if I'm holding my
sunglasses when you look at me.  If I am, then my @desc reflects that fact.

{contains:what,who} is almost exactly like {holding}, except that it checks
to see if 'what' is either held by 'who', or is inside of something that
'who' is holding, or is inside something that is inside of something that
'who' is holding, and so on and so forth.  If 'what' is somewhere inside of
something that 'who' is holding, then {contains} returns true, otherwise it
returns false.  An unexpected side effect of this command, is that you can
see if a player is inside of a room environment by checking if the environ-
ment {contains} them.

{awake:player} will test if a player is awake.  If the given player happens
to be a puppet with the Zombie flag set on it, then this will test if the
owner of the puppet is awake.  This will return true if the player or puppet
owner is awake.  Otherwise, this will return false.

    @desc me={if:{awake:this},{prop:_awakedesc},{prop:_sleepdesc}}
If I'm awake when you look at me, then you will see the value of my
_awakedesc property.  Otherwise, you'll see the value of my _sleepdesc

There are a lot more operators in MPI, but I'll not list them here.  For a
full list of operators and MPI commands, see the mpidocs and mpidocs2 files.


  SECTION III: "And what's that variable handling stuff you mentioned?"

Sometimes you'll want to evaluate something, and use the results it gives
you more than once, without having to recalculate it each time.  Well, a
variable is very useful for that.  A variable is a holder for a string.
You store a string in it, and you can use that string over and over, until
you are done with the variable, or you store something new in it.  Variables
are referenced by name, meaning that you have to declare the name of it
before you first use it.  Here's how you declare a variable:

The {with} command says to the game, "Hey!  I'm making a new variable, and
I'm going to name it 'varname'.  I want it to start out with 'value' stored
in it, and I want you to run all these 'commands' with it defined."  The
{with} command will return the results of the commands it executes.  It is
important to note is that the declared variable only exists while running
the 'commands', and it is thrown away afterwards.  This may seem silly, but
it's actually a way of saying that only those given commands need to use the
variable, and the game can free up the memory the variable uses after they
are done executing.  If you tried to use that variable outside of the {with}
block, the game will complain that the variable is not defined.

Now, being able to declare and store a value in a string is all fine and
good, but what use is it, if you can't get the data back from the variable?
Well, the way you get the value of a variable is with {x:varname}.  This
will return the value that is stored in the variable 'varname'.  A shorthand
way of doing this is {&varname}.  {&varname} and {x:varname} are effectively
identical, except that {&varname} is a little faster, and you can use {x:}
if you need to calculate the variable name.  (Why you would want to do that
is beyond me, though.  If you want to do that sort of thing, it's easier to
just use properties.)

But what if you want to change the value of a variable after it has already
been defined?  To do that, you use the {set:varname,value} command.  That
will store the given evaluated value in the previously declared variable.

Here's an example of how to use this stuff:
    @desc me=You see a young
            who is wearing
                a pair of faded denim jeans.,
                a short green skirt, and blue blouse.

In the above example, the variable is used to remember the result of a test
that checks if the "sex" property on the player was set to "male".  Then the
variable is checked in two separate places in the text to choose appropriate
text to match the player's current sex.

There are some variables that are standard, that have special meanings.
The {&how} variable is a short string telling what ran the MPI commands.
It can have the values "(@desc)", "(@succ)", "(@osucc)", etc. for when it
is run from an @desc, an @succ, an @osucc, or whatever.  It can also have
the value "(@lock)" for when it is run from a lock test.

The standard {&cmd} variable contains the command name the user used, that
caused the MPI to run.  This is generally the exit name that the player
triggered.  For example, if the player typed 'east', and triggered the exit
named 'east;e;out', which ran some MPI commands, the {&cmd} variable would
have a value of "east".

The standard {&arg} variable contains the command line arguments the user
entered.  This is so that you can have stuff like MPI in the fail of an
exit, and when the user triggers the exit, and has some extra text on the
line they entered, other than the exitname, the MPI can take that extra
stuff as arguments for use.  I'll talk about this more, in the advanced
MPI guide.


  SECTION IV: "What in blue blazes is a stringlist?"

Think of a catalog of fine yarnballs of the world.  That's not what a string
list is.  =)  A string list is also NOT the same as the property lists we
discussed back in the Introductory Guide to MPI.  However, I'll repeat some
of our discussion from there.  I mentioned that the {list} command reads in
the values of all the properties in a property list, and returns them as a
single string, with each item seperated from the next by a carriage-return
character.  THAT is a string list.

To put it in the general form, a stringlist is a string containing one or
more substrings, seperated by delimiter characters.  In the default case,
the delimiter character is the carriage-return character.

So what are they good for, you ask?  Well, a bunch of MPI commands return
stringlists, with lists of strings, or objects, or other things.  As an
example, the {contents:object} command returns a stringlist of references
to the contents of the given 'object'.  This is actually a very useful
thing, and I'll explain the uses of this more in the next section.

You can do a fair bit with stringlists.  There are commands to sort them,
remove duplicate items from them, get the union of two lists, get the
remove the items of one list from another, and a lot more.

{luniq:stringlist} will return a copy of the given stringlist, with all
duplicate items removed.  In all cases, only the first of two duplicate
items is kept, and all other duplicates of it are removed.

{lsort:stringlist} will return a sorted copy of a stringlist, sorted in
ascending alphabetical order.

{lcommon:stringlist1,stringlist2} will return a stringlist that contains
all of the list items that were found in BOTH of the stringlists.

{lremove:stringlist1,stringlist2} returns a copy of the first stringlist,
with any and all items that were found in both of the lists, removed.

The {count:stringlist} command will tell you how many items are in the
given string list.  A count of zero ("0") will mean that the list was
completely empty.


  SECTION V: "What are loops, and what do they have to do with stringlists?"

Since stringlists contain several items, wouldn't it be nice if there were
some way to do something with each item in the list, no matter how many
there are?  Sure it would be.  That's the main thing that loops are for.
Here, let me give you an example:

The {filter} command will take each item in a list, and decides whether or
not to keep it, based on a test you give it.  It returns a list of those
items that the test decided it should keep.  It has the following syntax:


Remember variables?  Well, the {filter} command, and many other of the loop
type commands, use variables to pass the list item under scrutiny to the
test expression.  But you don't have to define the variable yourself; the
{filter} command does that for you.  All you have to do is give it the name
of the variable you want it to define.  For every item in the stringlist,
the {filter} command evaluates the test expression, with the current list
item in the variable you had it define.  If the test expression evaluates
with a true result, then that list item is put in the output stringlist.
Otherwise, the game just discards that item.


The above example uses the {contents} command that I described earlier,
to get a list of the objects in the room where the user is.  The {filter}
command defines a variable named 'what', and stores the reference to the
first object from {contents} in it.  The test expression is then evaluated.
The object is tested to see if it is an awake player, or a zombie whose
owner is awake.  If it is, then the object reference is remembered.
Otherwise, the object is forgotten about.  This test process is repeated
for each and every object reference returned from {contents}.  When all
of the tests have been done, then {filter} will return a list of all the
items that passed the test.  So, what the above example does is return a
stringlist of references to all the connected players in the room, and to
all the zombies in the room, whose owners are awake.

Another example:

    {filter:line,{list:mylist},{neq:{&line},  }}

The above example will take the contents of the 'mylist' property list, and
return them as a stringlist, with all the items that are "  " (2 spaces)

Okay, lets try another looping command:
{parse} has the syntax {parse:varname,stringlist,expression}.  The varname
argument is just so you can supply a variable name for it to define, like
back in the {filter} command.  The stringlist is the list of items that you
want it to work on.  The difference from {filter}, here, is that instead
of using the expression to decide whether or not to keep the item, the
{parse} command keeps every item, but REPLACES it with the output of the
expression.  Umm, to put that clearer, the expression is run on every item
in the stringlist, and the result of the expression is put into the string
list that the {parse} command will return.  So the output list will have
the same number of items as the input list, but every item in the input
list will have been processed by the expression before being put in the
output list.  Oh hell, let me just give you an example.

This will take the stringlist of references to the contents of the room,
that the {contents} command gives, and gets the name of them (since the
reference is usually a dbref) to put in the returned list.  You can simulate
the 'Contents:' listing of a room look with just the following:


Since each list item is seperated from the next by a carriage return, each
item's name will be shown to the user on a separate line.

Another really useful looping command is the {commas} command.  This is one
of the more complex commands in MPI.  But what it does is actually fairly
simple, once you understand it.  It takes a list and puts commas between
each item, and an "and" or an "or" between the last pair.  This lets you
take a list with the items "Tom", "Dick" and "Harry", and get back a string
like "Tom, Dick and Harry".

The syntax is {commas:list,andtext} or {commas:list,andtext,var,expression}.
The first syntax simply takes a stringlist, and puts it in the comma format.
The second syntax lets you do a bit of processing on each list item before
it is put in the comma formatted string.  The 'andtext' argument in both
cases is the "and" or "or" text that you want in the comma seperated list.
For example, it lets you make strings like "Tom, Dick and Harry", or else
"Tom, Dick or Harry".

The second syntax is the looping one.  Basically, it does what the {parse}
looping command does, in that it replaces the input list item with the result
of the given expression, before putting it in the comma string.

    In this room, you see {commas:{contents:here}, and ,item,{name:{&item}}}

The above will take the stringlist of references to the room's contents,
from the {contents} command, and will get the name of each item, before
adding it to the comma formatted string.  The above might produce:
    "In this room, you see Tom, Dick, Harry and Bulletin Board."

It should be noted that the spaces around the 'and' in the arguments list,
are important, since without them, it would have said:
    "In this room, you see Tom, Dick, HarryandBulletin Board."

You can get fancy with this stuff, if you really want to.  Imagine, if you
will, making a room that when you look at it, will list who all is awake in
the room, what puppets are in the room who's owners are awake, Who's sitting
where, and what the obvious exits are.  All done automatically.

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