Example MUF Programs
I'm still in the process of hypertexting this document. Until I'm done,
here's the flat ASCII version. -- Telzey
This first program checks the contents in a room and assembles a string
which is an english description of the contents. For example, for
a bell
a book it would print: a bell, a book, and a candle.
a candle
Huey it would print: Huey and Dewey
Contents: it would print: an apple
an apple
If there is nothing in the room, it will print "nothing."
( refs2namestr dbreflist -- string )
( takes a list of dbrefs on the stack, wih the count of them on top )
( returns a single string containing the names of all the items given )
: refs2namestr (list -- s)
dup not if pop "nothing" exit then (If no items, return "nothing")
dup 1 = if pop name exit then (If one item, return it's name.)
1 - rot name (get name of first item if > 1)
begin (start the loop)
over 1 = if ", and " else ", " then (If last item, seperate with "and")
strcat rot name strcat (tack the item name onto the string)
swap 1 - swap (decrement the item count.)
over not until (if more items left, repeat loop)
swap pop (pop the item count off the stack)
( contents-list )
( takes the dbref of the item to list the contents of. )
( returns a list of dbrefs on the stack with the count of them on top. )
: contents-list (dbref -- dbreflist)
contents (get the first item dbref)
0 begin (init counter and begin loop)
over while (if no more items, exit loop)
over next (get next item and push onto stack)
swap 1 + (increment count)
repeat (jump to beginning of loop)
swap pop (pop off excess #-1 terminator dbref)
( room-cont-show )
( takes nothing. )
( returns nothing. )
( displays the contents of the players room to the player on a single )
( line, seperated by commas. )
: room-cont-show ( -- )
me @ location (we want contents of players room)
contents-list (push contents onto stack)
refs2namestr (get names of contents in one string)
me @ swap notify (show the names string to the player)
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Page created by Telzey, and maintained by Tugrik d'Itichi.
to: FMPages@furry.com