Character: Aletheia
Player: NPC
Horse Familiar to Shateishael
Agility 8
Skills: Dodge/4 (16-)
Move silently/2 (10-)
Strength 8
Skills: Fighting/2 (16-) (Power +2)
Intelligence 8
Precision 0
Will 7
Perception 7
Skills: Tracking/3 (10-)
Emote/3 (10-)
- + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -
Vessel (Comanche War Bonnet lead mare)
Horse: Class [4]
Resource level [5]
Body hits: (Corp/4 + Vessel Level/5) x 8 = 72 hits
Regular movement
Corporeal: (Agility[8] x 12) = 96 yards per 5 second round.
(approximately 40 miles/hour)
Celestial: (Perception[7] x 12) = 84 yards per 5 second round.
(approximately 35 miles/hr)
- + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -
SONGS: (roll under Force + Song level + 1 [+ Essence + time bonuses
[pg. 47; time bonuses: +1 = two extra rounds, +2 = one extra minute,
+3 = five minutes, +4 = one full hour]
HEALING/1 (requires gestures & incantations)
[pg. 82; 1pt each in Corporeal/Celestial, granting an additional
+1 in all versions]
Corporeal: Each performance costs 1 Essence and affects one
person. A failure has no effect other than wasted Essence. This is
the corporeal balm of regeneration. The performer taps into the
Symphony to heal hits of damage equal to the Song's level times
the check digit to herself or to anyone else she can physically
Essence requirement: 1
Degree of Disturbance: check digit
Ethereal: wipes away chaos and insanity, healing Mind hits
equal to the check digit and instantly bringing the victim out
of a stunned state for a number of minutes equal to the check
digit. If he could have recovered naturally from his stunned
state before the Song's effects end, then he will not revert to
his previous state. Otherwise, his illness continues to run its
natural course. The performer must make eye contact.
Essence requirement: 1
Degree of Disturbance: check digit
Celestial: This is celestial regeneration. The performer
taps into the Symphony and heals damage to the Will. It restores
Soul hits equal to the check digit to herself or others. The
performer must be physically touching the subject.
Essence requirement: 1
Degree of Disturbance: check digit
MOTION/2 (requires gestures & incantations)
Corporeal: not only grants freedom from gravity; it lets
the performer propel herself at great speed in any direction
she wishes (but not through solid matter) on the physical plane.
For a number of minutes equal to the check digit of a successful
roll, the performer can fly through the air at her normal
running speed plus a number of yards equal to her skill
with the Song, times the amount of Essence she put into it. If
the Song ends with the performer in mid-air, she drifts to the
ground unharmed.
The performer can carry with her a number of pounds equal to 10
x her Corporeal Forces.
Essence requirement: 2
Degree of Disturbance: check digit
Ethereal: lets the singer manipulate the world with her
thoughts. She can mentally control a number of pounds equal to
her Ethereal Forces times the amount of Essence spent in its
performance. This lasts for a number of minutes equal to the
check digit of the successful roll. Throwing something with
this Song requires a roll of the performer's Precision, plus
the Song's check digit, to hit a target. Items thrown with this
Song may be Dodged!
This Song's range in yards equals the performer's skill,
and items move a number of feet per combat round equal to her
Precision. Any attempt to use this Song to take something out of
someone's hands may be resisted by Strength, plus any Essence the
item contains; successful resistance negates the whole attempt!
Essence requirement: 2
Degree of Disturbance: check digit
Celestial: The Celestial Song of Motion lets the singer
change an object's location within the Symphony -- put simply,
it's teleportation. The object must be within sight of the
performer (needless to say, even blind, the performer is always
"within sight" of herself). The destination must be some place
on Earth the performer has been before.
The base cost of this Song, 2 Essence, allows someone to teleport
herself and a number of pounds equal to 10 x her Celestial Forces
(GM's ruling: Thea can carry a person). Every additional 30 pounds
costs another Essence. The performer's skill determines her range:
1, the check digit in feet, 2, the check digit in yards; 3,
(check digit x 10) in yards; 4, (check digit x 100) in yards;
5, the check digit in miles; 6, (check digit x 10) in miles.
As above, this may be resisted by Strength plus Essence if the target
is being held by someone.
Essence requirement: 2
Degree of Disturbance: check digit
ATTUNEMENTS: none currently