Character: Rosenstern
Player: Jonathan
Novalise Mercurian

	Agility 6
		Skills:	Dodge/2			(11-)
	Strength 6
		Skills: Fighting/1 (kaiken)	(10-)

	Intelligence 6
	Precision 6
		Skills: Dodge/2			(11-)
			Ranged weapon/3		(09-) (.44 revolver)

	Will 8
		Skills:	Fast Talk/1		(09-)
			Seduction/1		(09-)

	Perception 12
		Skills:	Artistry (flowers)/1	(13-)
			Dodge/2			(19-)
			Emote/1			(13-)
			Detect Lies/1		(13-)
			Lying/1			(13-)
			Singing/2		(14-)
			Survival/1		(13-)
			Tracking/1		(13-)

 - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - 

	human/2, charisma +2
	Role: Florist, status/2
	Body hits: (Corp/3 + Vessel level/2) x 8 = 40

Personal Rite of Essence (from David)
	Any time Rosie spends three or more hours helping a community,
	he receives one Essence.

	.44 revolver
		(+3 Power [add to check digit], 6 shots, Range: 15 yards)
	Kaiken (+1 Power [add to check digit], +1 Accuracy [initial to-hit roll])
		(little Japanese style dagger)
		(hidden in pocket universe/3pts)

Unspent Points/Experience: 0/17

 - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - 

SONGS:		(roll under Force + Song level +2 [+ Essence + time
		bonuses (pg.  47)])
		[Time taken: +1 two extra rounds; +2 one extra minute; +3 five
		minutes; +4 one hour]

CHARM/1 (requires gestures & incantations)
		Celestial: This Song can affect either its victim's
		Will (making her apathetic and highly suggestible), or her
		Perception (dulling her senses to near imbecility). The
		effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to the
		performer's Celestial Forces. 
		Essence Requirement: 2
		Degree of Disturbance: the check digit

HEALING [pg. 78; has all three versions, granting an additional +2 to
check digit]
		Corporeal/3 (requires gestures OR incantations, or
		mental-only on next round)
		Each performance costs 1 Essence and affects one person. A
		failure has no effect other than wasted Essence. This
		is the corporeal balm of regeneration. The performer
		taps into the Symphony to heal hits of damage equal to
		the Song's level times the check digit to herself or
		to anyone else she can physically touch.
		Essence requirement: 1 
		Degree of Disturbance: check digit

		Celestial/2 (requires gestures OR incantations)
		This is celestial regeneration. The performer taps into
		the Symphony and heals damage to the Will. It restores
		Soul hits equal to the check digit to herself or others.
		The performer must be physically touching the subject.
		Essence requirement: 1
		Degree of Disturbance: check digit

		Ethereal/2 (requires gestures OR incantations)
		This Song wipes away chaos and insanity, healing Mind hits
		equal to the check digit and instantly bringing the victim
		out of a stunned state for a number of minutes equal to
		the check digit. If she could have recovered naturally
		from her stunned state before the Song's effects end, then
		she will not revert to her previous state. Otherwise,
		her illness continues to run its natural course. The
		performer must make eye contact.
		Essence requirement: 1
		Degree of Disturbance: check digit

LIGHT/1 (requires gestures & incantations)
		Celestial: Control over light, the most basic
		component of reality, gives the celestial being an
		enormous range of abilities. The Celestial Song of Light
		can strike any target within sight of the performer with
		a tightly-focused beam of light. The victim takes hits
		of damage equal to the check digit of the successful
		roll plus the Essence spent, and is also dazzled (-2 to
		any skill involving Agility or use of the eyes) for the
		same number of rounds. If the target of this Song is
		in her celestial form she takes celestial damage instead,
		but is not dazzled. Observers must make a Perception
		roll, plus the performer's skill at this Song,
		to see the brief flash of light and know which direction
		it came from!
		Essence Requirement: 1, maximum 3.
		Degree Disturbance: none.

NUMINOUS CORPUS/1 (requires gestures & incantation)
		Wings:  This creates a pair of wings, reflecting
		your celestial heritage, which unfold from your
		shoulderblades. Wings only last a number of minutes equal
		to the check digit of a successful invocation times the
		ability's level.

		Unlike other Numinous Corpus, wings are not strictly
		combat oriented. Instead, they give you the ability to
		fly a number of yards per round equal to your Agility. If
		this power runs out while you're in mid-air, they will
		safely carry you to the ground before vanishing.
		Essence Requirement: 1
		Degree of Disturbance: the check digit

(Choirs)	In their celestial forms, Novalis' Mercurians fill
		perceptive humans with great joy. If a human makes his
		perception roll to see a celestially-manifest Mercurian,
		then the target number of the next roll he makes for a
		nonviolent action will be raised by the check digit of
		his successful Perception roll.

(Servitor)	Nothing but Flowers: If Rosenstern hides behind
		or within plants, he cannot be spotted without a
		Perception roll minus 4 (Rosie's Celestial forces). If
		Rosenstern hides among flowers, he is completely