Nikki Felder
Character: Nikki Felder
Player: Joel Wilson

Body: 	 	 8 (32)
Coordination:  	12 (48)
Health: 	10 (40)
Toughness:   	 8 (32)
Mind:		16 (64)
Spirit: 	16 (64)
Perception: 	14 (56)
Power:		15 (60)
Fame:	 	 1 (04)
Symmetry:	14 (56)
Wealth:  	 1 (04)
Synchronicity:	 5 (20)

Logic:		13 (52)
Discipline:	 5 (20)
Empathy:	11 (44)
Insight:	 7 (28)
Passion:	14 (56)
Adaptability:	15 (60)

Allure: 	60%
Intimidation: 	57%
Heal Rate:	3 MP/day
Jumping: 	6 ft
Leaping: 	14 ft
Running: 	11 MPH
Cosmic Trigger: 95

BaseMortality:  136
Head:		34
Left Arm:	34
Right Arm:	34
Left Leg:	34
Right Leg:	34
Torso:		68


Accumulated Power	 4
Aura Sight		 3
Aversion to Killing	-5
Banshee Scream		 5
Excessive Curiosity	-5
Fortean Sight		 7
Ghost			10
Gullible		-3
Invisible to Cameras	 5
Legal Minor		-3
Legally Dead		 5
Loyalty			-3
Lunar Power		 1 
Magical Enigma		-7
Photographic Memory	10
Technology Improv.	 5
Unearthly Flight	 7
Unhuman			15
Youth			-10

Science Skills:					Physical Skills:
Mathematics, Basic		13 (65)		Throwing Weapons	10 (50)
Mathematics, Applied	 	 9 (45)		Climbing		10 (50)
Mathematics, Theoretical	 9 (45)		Unarmed Combat		 5 (25)
Banking			 	 9 (45)		Bludgeon Weapons	10 (50)
Read/Write 			15 (75)		Survival Urban		10 (50)
Geography		 	 5 (25)		Escape Artistry		 8 (40)
First Aid			10 (50)		Contortionist		 8 (40)
Speed Reading			12 (60)
Typing				14 (70)		Artistic Skills:
						Computer Arts		10 (50)
Social Skills:					Instrument: Keyboard	 9 (45)
Familiarity: Native Culture	12 (60)		Disguise		13 (65)
Language: English		15 (75)		Accent Mimicry		13 (65)
Familiarity: Birthplace		13 (65)		Acting			13 (65)
Familiarity: Residence		11 (55)		
Familiarity: Internet Usage	10 (50)		Occult Skills:
History: Native Culture		 5 (25)		Meditation		15 (75)
Cosmetics			 8 (40)		EK: Electric/Magnetism	13 (65)
Sign Language			 5 (25)		EK: Fortean Forces	13 (65)
						PC: Manipulation	12 (60)

Technology Skills: 
Concealment			10 (50)
Telephone Repair/Maintenance	12 (60)
Security Systems		15 (75)
Computer Programming		15 (75)
Music Technology		 6 (30)
Fusion Technology		 6 (30)
Engineer, Electrical		15 (75)
Driving, Automobile		12 (60)
Bugging & Surveillance		15 (75)
Communications Technology	15 (75)
Computer Engineering		15 (75)
Computer Repair			15 (75)
Cryptography			15 (75)