Character: Conary
Player: Hope
Lawrencian Elohite

	Agility: 6
		Skills:	Fighting (Corporeal)/2	(11-)
	Strength: 6
		Skills:	Large Weapon/1		(07-)

	Intelligence: 3
		Skills:	Fighting (Ethereal)/2	(07-)
			Tactics/1		(04-)
	Precision: 5
		Skills:	Small Weapon/1		(06-)

	Will: 6
		Skills:	Fighting (Celestial)/2	(12-)
	Perception: 10

 - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -

	Body hits: (Corp/3 + Vessel level/5) x 8 = 64 hits

Regular movement
	Corporeal: (Agility[6] x 6) = 36 yards per 5 second round.
	Celestial: (Perception[10] x 6) = 60 yards per 5 second round.

Regular Armor/Protection (accumulates)


Celestial "hand-to-hand"
	Will[6] yards

Unspent Points/Experience: 0/0

 - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -

SONGS:		(roll under Force + Song level[1] [+ Essence + time
		bonuses (pg.  47)])
		TONGUES: Among the Songs most commonly granted to
		human servants, the Songs of Tongues facilitate
		communication in a world of babble. When performed
		properly, Songs of Tongues allow clear communication,
		disregarding most of the usual barriers. These Songs
		may be performed on oneself, or on a number of people
		equal to the performer's skill level.

		A successful performance lets the subject communicate in
		any human language -- in fact, in all human languages at
		the same time. He will understand any text or speech in as
		close an approximation to his own language as possible,
		and others will hear him speak in the language they feel
		most comfortable with (for the Song's duration, this
		extends to reading what he writes under its effects). The
		check digit of a successful roll determines the Song's
		duration, in hours.

		The Ethereal Song of Tongues lets the subject communicate
		mentally with anyone within range (a number of yards equal
		to the performer's skill level times any extra Essence
		poured into the Song). This is full two-way telepathy. If
		a receiver is unwilling to listen to the voices in his
		head, he may make a Will roll minus the performer's
		Ethereal Forces to push them away. The check digit of
		the successful roll determines the Song's duration,
		in minutes.

		This version of the Song of Tongues may only be used
		on someone the performer has already met. It allows the
		performer to bind a brief message (no more than 15 words)
		into a bit of Essence and then loose it into the cosmos,
		where it makes its way directly to the mind of the
		receiver. The receiver, wherever he is, will get the
		point of Essence in the bargain (if he isn't already
		full). Cherubim and Djinn have a bonus equal to their
		Celestial Forces when performing this Song to someone
		they're attuned to.

		There is no way for the sender to use this Song to track
		down the receiver, or vice versa -- nor does this Song
		open a channel for discussion. It's just a celestial
		message in a bottle which seldom fails to wash up on
		the right shore.
		Essence Requirement: 1
		Degree of Disturbance: none.

(Choir)		With his natural resonance, an Elohite working for
		Laurence can feel the emotions not only of the
		people presently in his general vicinity, but of those
		from the past as well -- a number of hours through the
		past equal to the angel's Celestial Forces.

Hunt		This attunement grants to a Servitor the ability
		to unerringly track any being he has fought, however
		great the distance between them. He may keep track of
		a number of his opponents equal to his Ethereal Forces.