Character: Shateishael
Player: Collie
Davidian Seraph

	Agility 12
		Skills:	Acrobatics/1		(13-)
			Climbing/1		(13-)
			Dodge/4			(16-)	(add any armor +[check digit:
							successful Acrobatics roll])
			Move silently/1		(13-)
			Horseback riding/1	(13-)
	Strength 14* (Power +3)
		Skills:	Fighting/5		(26-)	(add +3 [Power])
			Large weapon/1		(21-)	(add +3 [Power] +5 [katana])

	Intelligence 4
		Skills:	Fighting/5		(11-)
			Sword-making/1 		(05-)
	Precision 8
		Skills:	Dodge/4			(12-)
			Medicine (first aid)/1	(09-)	(treatment time: 1 minute;
							heals patient's STR)

	Will 12 (applies to defying hostile Resonance rolls)
		Skills:	Fighting/5		(23-)
			Survival/1		(13-)
	Perception 12 (applies to Resonance rolls)
		Skills:	Dodge/4			(16-)
			Singing/1		(13-)	(allows "pig-celestial" humming)

 - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -

Vessel (2 identical; the other is in a bodybag)
	human/6, charisma +1
	Body hits: ([CORP] 6 + [Vessel Level] 6) x 8 = 96 hits

Regular movement
	Corporeal: ([Agility] 12 x 6) = 72 yards per 5 second round.
		(approximately 74 miles/hr)
	Celestial: ([Perception] 12 x 6) = 72 yards per 5 second round.
		(approximately 74 miles/hr)

Regular Armor/Protection (accumulates)
	Heavy clothing +1
	Leather jacket +2 (includes riding leathers, gloves, & boots)
	Chainmail +3 (SCA armor only)

Celestial "hand-to-hand"
	12 [Will] yards

Hamingjur (spirit allies in animal form)
	Aletheia (familiar)
	Comanche War Bonnet lead mare
	(see chara sheet in BM)

	* Geri & Freki (war wolves)
	(+2 Strength to Slate)

	Katana: "Mamori" (protection)
	(Power +5, Accuracy +0)
	(short silent invocation required for use/1pt)
	(kept in "pocket dimension"/3pts)

	Bodybag: level 6
	(gift from David)

	Dagger: "Icicle"
	(when slashing, "freezes" two people every ten seconds)

Unspent Points/Experience: 3/112

 - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -

SONGS:		(roll under Force + Song level[1] +2 [+ Essence + time
		bonuses (pg. 47)])

ATTRACTION/1	(requires gestures & incantations)
		Celestial: this Song works like the resonance of
		the Cherubim. The performer must physically touch the
		object to which she wishes to attune herself, but may then
		divine its location anywhere in the Symphony by making
		a successful Perception roll[12] (aided by the check
		digit of the Song's successful performance roll). Use
		the Cherubim Resonance chart (pg. 96) to determine the
		meaning of the Perception roll's check digit.

		Unlike the Resonance of the Cherubim, this Song never causes its
		performer to generate Dissonance.
		Essence Requirement: 1
		Degree of disturbance: check digit

ENTROPY/1	(requires gestures & incantation)
		[pg. 84; 1pt each in Corporeal/Celestial, granting
		an additional +1 to check digit in all versions]

		Corporeal: Gives the caster control over the
		ravages of time. She can cause something to age, or grow
		young, by a number of years equal to the check digit of
		a succesfull roll times the amount of Essence used in
		its performance. The subject of this Song may attempt
		to resist the field of entropy with a Strength[14] roll.
		Essence requirement: 1
		Degree of disturbance: check digit + performer's total

		Celestial: Causes a complete and systematic
		breakdown of a creature's psyche. The target hallucinates,
		and can take no action at all for a number of rounds
		equal to the performer's Celestial Forces[6] plus the
		check digit of the successful roll. Celestials may add
		their Celestial Forces to a Will roll [6 + 12 = 18]
		to resist this Song.
		Essence requirement: *2*
		Degree of disturbance: check digit + [15] performer's total Forces

HEALING/1	Corporeal: Each performance costs 1 Essence and 
		affects one person. A failure has no effect other than 
		wasted Essence. This is the corporeal balm of regeneration.
		The performer taps into the Symphony to heal hits of damage 
		equal to the Song's level times the check digit to herself or to 
		anyone else she can physically touch.
		Essence Requirement: 1
		Degree of Disturbance: check digit

LIGHT/1		(requires gestures & incantations)
		[pg. 84; 1pt each in Corporeal/Ethereal/Celestial,
		granting an additional +2 to check digit in all versions]

		Corporeal: creates a glowing light around the
		performer, extending in all directions for a number of
		yards equal to her skill[1] times the Essence spent on the
		performance. It lasts a number of minutes equal to the
		check digit plus the performer's Corporeal Forces[6]. A
		successful Will roll[12] during this time can turn it
		on and off.
		Essence Requirement: 1, maximum 3.
		Degree Disturbance: none.

		Ethereal: the performer can sculpt the photons
		within range (a number of feet equal to her skill[1]
		times the Essence spent on the Song's performance)
		to create near-perfect illusions. Observers may make a
		Perception roll, minus the performer's Ethereal Forces[3],
		to distinguish between reality and the illusion. These
		effects last a number of minutes equal to the check
		digit plus the performer's Ethereal Forces[3].

		The illusion can be literally anything, as long as
		it's no larger in cubic feet than the performer's skill[1]
		at this Song. Of course, the illusion (being crafted
		merely of photons) cannot physicall affect anything
		-- but it's always great for a scare.
		Essence Requirement: 1, maximum 3.
		Degree Disturbance: none.

		Celestial: Control over light, the most basic
		component of reality, gives the celestial being an
		enormous range of abilities. The Celestial Song of Light
		can strike any target within sight of the performer with
		a tightly-focused beam of light. The victim takes hits
		of damage equal to the check digit of the successful
		roll plus the Essence spent, and is also dazzled (-2 to
		any skill involving Agility or use of the eyes) for the
		same number of rounds. If the target of this Song is in
		her celestial form she takes celestial damage instead,
		but is not dazzled. Observers must make a Perception
		roll, plus the performer's skill at this Song,
		to see the brief flash of light and know which direction
		it came from!
		Essence Requirement: 1, maximum 3.
		Degree Disturbance: none.

MOTION/1	(requires gestures & incantation)
		[pg. 84; 1pt each in Corporeal/Ethereal/Celestial,
		granting an additional +2 to check digit in all versions]

		Corporeal: not only grants freedom from gravity;
		it lets the performer propel herself at great speed in
		any direction she wishes (but not through solid matter)
		on the physical plane. For a number of minutes equal
		to the check digit of a successful roll, the performer
		can fly through the air at her normal running speed
		plus a number of yards equal to her skill with
		the Song[1], times the amount of Essence she put into
		it. If the Song ends with the performer in mid-air,
		she drifts to the ground unharmed. The performer can
		carry with her a number of pounds equal to 10 x her
		Corporeal Forces[6].
		Essence requirement: *2*
		Degree of Disturbance: check digit

		Ethereal: lets the singer manipulate the world
		with her thoughts. She can mentally control a number
		of pounds equal to her Ethereal Forces[3] times the
		amount of Essence spent in its performance. This lasts
		for a number of minutes equal to the check digit of
		the successful roll. Throwing something with this Song
		requires a roll of the performer's Precision[8], plus
		the Song's check digit, to hit a target. Items thrown
		with this Song may be Dodged!

		This Song's range in yards equals the performer's
		skill[1], and items move a number of feet per combat
		round equal to her Precision[8]. Any attempt to use this
		Song to take something out of someone's hands may be
		resisted by Strength, plus any Essence the item contains;
		successful resistance negates the whole attempt!
		Essence requirement: *2*
		Degree of Disturbance: check digit

		Celestial: The Celestial Song of Motion lets the
		singer change an object's location within the Symphony --
		put simply, it's teleportation. The object must be within
		sight of the performer (needless to say, even blind,
		the performer is always "within sight" of herself). The
		destination must be some place on Earth the performer
		has been before.

		The base cost of this Song, 2 Essence, allows someone to
		teleport herself and a number of pounds equal to 10 x her
		Celestial Forces[6]. Every additional 30 pounds costs another
		Essence. The performer's skill determines her range: 1,
		the check digit in feet, 2, the check digit in yards;
		3, (check digit x 10) in yards; 4, (check digit x 100)
		in yards; 5, the check digit in miles; 6, (check digit x
		10) in miles. As above, this may be resisted by Strength
		plus Essence if the target is being held by someone.
		Essence requirement: 2
		Degree of Disturbance: check digit

NIMBUS/1	(requires gestures & incantation)
		[pg. 84; 1pt each in Corporeal/Ethereal, granting an
		additional +1 to check digit in all versions]

		Corporeal: the singer glows with a halo-like
		effect. This "halo" makes it clear on which side of the
		War the performer is aligned -- angels glow with bright,
		pure colors. Halos cannot be faked. Even mundanes
		instinctively recognize what the halo conveys about the
		performer's nature -- but how someone reacts depends
		on how she feels about Heaven or Hell, or if she even
		believes in them!

		Besides making an impression on mortals, halos are painful
		for the Enemy. Non-mundanes will find it uncomfortable to
		look directly at someone of another side surrounded by a
		Corporeal Nimbus, and physical contact will be painful
		but non-damaging.  Non-mortals with less than 6 Forces
		must make a Will roll, minus the Essence spent on the
		Nimbus, or be unable to attack or confront the performer
		for a number of minutes equal to the check digit of the
		failed Will roll.
		Essence requirement: 1
		Degree of disturbance: check digit plus performer's total 
		Corporeal Forces[6]

		Ethereal: the Nimbus is invisible, but perceptible
		all the same. Everyone within a number of yards equal
		to the performer's skill level times any Essence spent
		will be aware of her presence at all times, and find her
		impossible to ignore.  Most will perceive an "aura of
		authority" or a powerful, dominating personality radiating
		from her. Exactly how this affects reactions is up to
		the GM -- in most cases it will improve them, but some
		people will be turned off by such a forceful personality,
		and it greatly depends on the singer's behavior!
		Essence requirement: 1
		Degree of disturbance: check digit plus performer's total 
		Ethereal Forces[3]

NUMINOUS CORPUS: Turn to Stone/1 (requires gestures & incantation)
		(half speed, Power +2, Accuracy +0, Protection +5, ignore
		all weather or temperature that wouldn't harm stone)
		Essence requirement: 1

SHIELD/1	(requires gestures & incantation)
		[pg. 84; 1pt each in Corporeal/Ethereal/Celestial,
		granting an additional +2 to check digit in all

		Corporeal: Manifests as completely surrounding
		miniature cyclone of whirling air which buffets any
		Corporeal Force approaching it. Air cushion lasts for
		[successful roll's check digit + CORP(6)] combat rounds,
		during which no physical attack can get through to those
		so defended.
		Essence requirement: 1
			(range: [Essence spent x Corporeal(6)] feet from caster)

		Ethereal: Creates green field of energy (observers
		need PER roll to spot) which no attunement, resonance,
		or Essence-based attack can pierce. Physical attacks &
		blasts of pure Will can.
		Essence requirement: 1
			(range: [Essence spent x Ethereal(3)] feet from caster)

		Celestial: Can artificially enhance
		previously-existing environmental condition (i.e. smoke,
		fog, darkness, thick brush) to create temporary barrier
		to observation which no celestial force (resonance
		or attunement) can pierce. Disturbances in Symphony
		within confines of Shield are delayed until Shield goes
		down. This is only shield cast on area, and does
		not move with caster.
		Essence requirement: 1
			(range: [Essence spent x Celestial(6)] minutes)

STONE/1		Ethereal: This Song causes earth and stone to yield
		to the performer's desire. It has a range equal to the 
		Song's level in yards, and can affect a mass equal to 10 
		pounds per Essence spent. For [check digit] minutes plus 
		the performer's Ethereal Forces[3], the affected mass will 
		become animated and move as the performer commands, at a 
		maximum speed equal to the performer's Precision[8] in yards 
		per turn. Whatever form the earth or stone is in when the 
		Song ends is how it will remain, though an unstable formation 
		will collapse.

TALK TO ANIMALS/1 (requires gestures & incantation)
		[fill in later]

THUNDER/1	Creates a powerful combined attack of Corporeal, Ethereal,
		and Celestial Forces -- a sonic explosion across all
		three levels of reality. Range is a number of yards
		equal to the performer's skill level times the amount of
		Essence used in its performance. Everyone within range
		of the Song's effects, except the performer, will be
		stunned for a number of combat rounds equal to the check
		digit of the successful roll. Victims may resist with
		successful Will rolls. Also, its general chaos masks
		all other disturbances to the Symphony for a number of
		minutes equal to the performer's total number of Forces
		times the Essence used in its performance.
		Essence requirement: 1
		Degree of disturbance: check digit plus performer's total 

TONGUES/1	(requires gestures & incantation)
		[pg. 84; 1pt each in Ethereal/Celestial, granting an
		additional +1 to check digit in all versions]

		Ethereal: The Ethereal Song of Tongues lets the
		subject communicate mentally with anyone within range (a
		number of yards equal to the performer's skill level[1]
		times any extra Essence poured into the Song). This
		is full two-way telepathy. If a receiver is unwilling
		to listen to the voices in her head, she may make a
		Will roll minus the performer's Ethereal Forces[3] to
		push them away. The check digit of the successful roll
		determines the Song's duration in minutes.
		Essence requirement: 1
		Degree of disturbance: check digit

		Celestial: This version of the Song of Tongues
		may only be used on someone the performer has already
		met. It allows the performer to bind a brief message
		(no more than 15 words) into a bit of Essence and then
		loose it into the cosmos, where it makes its way directly
		to the mind of the receiver. The receiver, wherever she
		is, will get the message whether she wants it or not,
		plus an additional point of Essence in the bargain
		(if she isn't already full).

		There is no way for the sender to use this Song to track
		down the receiver, or vice versa -- nor does this Song
		open a channel for discussion. It's just a celestial
		message in a bottle which seldom fails to wash up on
		the right shore.
		Essence requirement: 1
		Degree of disturbance: check digit

(Stone, Choir) David's Seraphim taught humans the art of mining, and in
		general how to live off the land. They can detect
		presence and quality of all minerals within 6 [CORP]
		yards. Combined with a successful Chemistry roll,
		this will let them identify complex materials such
		as gunpowder.

(Geomancy)	This attunement gives its possessor the ability to perceive 
		patterns of energy generated by rock formations. Most
		students of geomancy refer to these patterns as ley lines, and 
		those who can perceive them can put the ley lines' energy to
		use. With a successful Perception roll [12-] made within an 
		hour of dawn, the attunement's holder can discern the most 
		advantageous place to stand at dawn. This causes her to 
		regenerate 2 Essence at sunrise in stead of the usual single 
		Essence. If the Perception roll's check digit is an unmodified 
		6, then she regenerates 3 Essence! A Servitor must make a new 
		Perception roll every time she invokes this attunement, since 
		factors like solar flares and subtle shifts in the planet's 
		magnetic field make it unlikely that the same exact spot will 
		serve as a ley line nexus more than once.

(Flowers, Choir)An aura of peace emanates from the Seraphim of
		Novalis. To take a violent action in the vicinity
		of such a Seraph, anyone must make a Will roll minus the
		angel's total Forces[15], +1 for every yard apart they are.

(War: Howl)	When the servants of Michael howl their frightening war
		cry, it stuns all foes within a number of feet equal to
		the angel's Corporeal Forces[6] on the next combat round. As
		usual, the angel can dodge but not attack for that round.

(Malakim of	Foliage parts for the passage of a Malakite of
Flowers)	Novalis, allowing her to move freely. Plants may also
		entangle her enemies if the angel is within a number of
		yards equal to her Corporeal Forces [6], reducing the
		foe's movement per turn by a number of yards equal to
		the angel's Celestial Forces [6]!

Inevitability:	Enemies of Stone don't get away from the
		consequences of their actions easily. For the cost of 5
		Essence, whenever the angel pursues someone until she
		breaks pursuit, deliberately slows to a walk, or catches
		her enemy, the enemy can only move at half speed, in
		or out of a vehicle. Also all his Running, Swimming,
		and Driving check rolls are divided by 2.

ETHEREAL	Slate can manifest Numinous Corpus: Turn to Stone as
GLAMOUR:	a gigantic winged gargoyle in the winter half of the
		year, and a huge solar lion in the summer half. Both
		forms can fly, via Slate unconsciously using a variant
		of the Corporeal Song of Motion.

SONG OF INANNA:	"Queen of all the ME, Radiant Light
		Life-giving Woman, beloved of An and Urash
		Hierodule of An, much bejeweled,
		Who loves the life-giving crown, fit for High Priestesshood,
		Who grasps in your hand the seven ME
		My Queen, you who are the Guardian of All the Great ME,
		You have lifted the ME, have tied the ME to Your hands,
		Have gathered the ME, pressed the ME to Your breast."

		Will strengthen Astarte (when sung, once per day restores
		one Essence to her). Can also allow singer to strengthen
		someone's Will if they are trying to free themselves
		from danger (allows singer to apply -1 to result of
		a Will roll OR +1 to CD of a successful roll; MUST be
		declared beforehand).
		Essence requirement: 1 Essence to aid Will roll; 1
		Essence to give Astarte 1 Essence.
		Degree of disturbance: check digit

DISTINCTIONS:	Vassal of Stone: the physical vessel of the angel
		cannot be harmed by earth or stone.

		Friend of the Subterranean World: The Friend
		automatically detects the presence of underground cavities
		(rivers, springs, cellars, caves, etc.) within CORP Forces
		[6] x 100 yards.

		Davidian Sect: The Cavers

		Silent Angel
		Norse AllFather: +2 Essence (total: 17)

RITES:		Personal rite from David: Any time Shateishael spends
		three or more hours helping a community he receives
		two Essence.

		Personal rite from David: Any time Shateishael spends four 
		straight hours building a structure of stone -- not metal but 
		stone -- by hand, he will receive an Essence; two if he spends 
		six straight hours.

		Gift from David: access to a bubble-shaped stone room
		in Stone's realm in Heaven. When Shateishael meditates there
		on one of Stone's rites, it receives two Essence instead of one.