Adult Male Human, Jedi Guardian (TSS) 7; Init +3 (+3 Dex); Def 19
(+3 Dex, +6 Class); Spd 10m; VP/WP 75/15; Atk +10/+5
ranged (by weapon), +7/+2 melee (1d4, crit 20, punch), +9/+4 melee * (3d8/3d8,
crit 19-20, Lightsaber [Double-bladed]); SQ Bonus class skill (Move
Silently), Deflect (Attack -4, Defense +1, Extend Defense and Attack), Increase
Lightsaber damage +1d8; SV Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +6; SZ M; FP:
0; Rep: +2; Str 10, Dex 16, Con 15, Int 16,
Wis 14, Cha 10.
Equipment: All-Temperature
cloak (+2 to Fortitude saves made to resist severe weather), Lightsaber
[Double-bladed], Security kit (+2 equipment bonus on Repair checks for security
systems.), Tool kit (+2 on appropriate Craft checks.), Utility Belt [Jedi]
(Contains 3 days rations, 1x Medpac, 1x Tool kit, 1x Power pack, 1x Energy
Cell, 1x Glow rod, 1x Comlink, 1x Aqua Breather, Couple Empty Pouches)
* Zero Satau has constructed his own
Lightsaber [Double-bladed].
Skills: Add Feat ([OPEN]) +4,
Add Feat ([OPEN]) +4, Add Feat ([OPEN]) +4, Add Feat ([OPEN]) +4, Add Feat
([OPEN]) +4, Add Feat (Exotic Weapon Proficiency (double lightsaber)) +4, Add
Feat (Starship Operation (space transport)) +4, Balance +7, Computer Use +7,
Craft (lightsaber) +5, Disable Device +9, Hide +7, Move Silently +7, Pilot +7,
Read/Write Basic, Repair +7, Speak Basic, Speak Shyriiwook (Understand Only),
Treat Injury +4, Tumble +5
Unspent Skill Points: 2
Force Skills: Affect Mind +4,
Battlemind +8, Empathy +3, Enhance Ability +3, Enhance Senses +3, Fear +3,
Force Defense +6, Force Light +3, Force Stealth +4, Force Strike +7, Friendship
+1, Heal Another +6, See Force +8, Telepathy +6
Feats: Exotic Weapon
Proficiency (double lightsaber, lightsaber), Force-Sensitive, Martial Arts,
Starship Operation (space transport), Two-weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus
(Lightsaber [Double-bladed]), Weapons Group Proficiency (blaster pistols,
simple weapons)
Force Feats: Alter, Burst of
Speed, Control, Knight Speed, Mettle, Sense