Tamashii Character Sheet

Name: DIRK
Player: Greg
Role: Intelligence

Red squirrel humanoid
Height: 4'10"
Mass: 80 lbs.
Sex: Male

STATS:			Cost
Body			1	9
Mind			1	8
Soul			1	7
ACV [(B+M+S)/3]			8
DCV [ACV-2]			6
Health [(B+S)x5]		80
Energy [(M+S)x5]		75
Total: 24

Normal			Cost:3	Levels
Highly Skilled		1	3

Special			Cost:7	Levels	Specialties
Heightened Awareness	1	1
Heightened Senses	1	1	Hearing
Jumping			1	1
Special Movement	1	2	Balance, Light-footed
Speed			1	1
Stealth			1	1
Total: 34

SKILLS			Cost	Levels	Specialties
Acrobatics		4	1	Tumbling
Burglary		6	2	Breaking & Entering
Demolitions		3	1	Safecracking
Disguise		3	1	Prosthetics
Electronics		4	1	Security
Forgery			3	1	Electronic Documents
Gun Combat		5	1	Rifle
Interrogation		3	1	Drugs
Linguistics		4	2	English, Code, Combat Sign Language
Medical			4	1	Emergency
Melee Attack		4	1	Blackjack
Ranged Defense		4	1	Personal
Sleight of Hand		2	1	Pickpocket
Stealth			8	2	Concealment
Urban Tracking		4	1	Corporate
Total: 61

Marked		-2
Owned by Corp	-2

Body Modifications

Biomonitor: This implant monitors all important vital functions and
includes a small display on the body showing the readouts. If accessible
to a medic by sight, description, or through an interface jack, he can
more easily attend to the cyborg's injuries. This gives a medic a -1
bonus to all medical rolls involving the cyborg.

Audio Dampening (2 Levels): Microspeakers planted in the body create an
audio-defraction pattern to screen out noise. This acts as the Stealth
Special Attribute, acting against Sound, and costs 1 point per level

Flesh Pocket (2 points): A flesh pocket is a hollowed out and sealed
cavity in the cyborg's living flesh. They are almost impossible to find
except by surgery. They act as the Special Features Mecha Attribute
Level 1, adding a +4 penalty to all attempts to find the flesh pocket
by normal searches.


Cellular Link: The cyborg possesses an internal cellular phone, with
the voice being transmitted directly to the audio nerves and responses
being made either normally or sub-vocally.

Mental Implants

2 Chip Slots: 'Chips' are computer programs that can be run through a
neural socket to provide information, alter the mind, or do any number
of things by working directly through the nervous system. Each chip slot
counts as a separate Feature and a character may only have a number
of slots total equal to their Mind. Each chip has a separate cost,
as listed below.

Interface Jack: A neural-interface jack allows the user to send and
receive information with a piece of hardware that has been modified to
accept an interface, anything from a TV to a cyberdeck. This is done
through a fiber-optic cable from the skull socket to the equipment's
jack-in port. This allows direct mental control of the equipment, giving
a +2 bonus to use the gear.

Chip Slots (+6): 'Chips' are computer programs that can be run through
a neural socket to provide information, alter the mind, or do any number
of things by working directly through the nervous system. Each chip slot
counts as a separate Feature and a character may only have a number
of slots total equal to their Mind. Each chip has a separate cost,
as listed below.


Clock Chip: The chip has an onboard clock, timer, and alarm, accurate
down to the millisecond.

Eidetic Chip: This chip can exactly record the sensory experiences of
the cyborg and then be replayed later. Every 3 hours of storage capacity
counts as a separate Feature.

Weapons and Gadgets

Claws (non-vibro): Razored claws can be built into a cyberlimb or a
normal hand. Such claws add 5 points of damage in unarmed combat as per
Natural Weapons Level 1.

Poison Reservoir: A poison reservoir in a limb can be used to coat claws
or weapon ammo. In such a case, they act as a Weapon Attack Level 2 (30
points, Burning, Linked to initial attack, Toxic, Melee) or (30 points,
Incapacitating, Linked to initial attack, Toxic, Slow (takes 1 extra round
to take effect), Melee). A standard reservoir holds 50 doses of poison.

Stinger: Similar to a poison reservoir, a stinger is a drug hypo implanted
into the mouth, usually behind the tongue or in a hollowed tooth. On a
successful bite, kiss, or other mouth contact, the stinger can inject
its poison. This acts as a Weapon Attack Level 1 (30 points, Burning,
Concealable, Toxic, Melee) or (30 points, Incapacitating, Concealable,
Toxic, Slow, Melee). Each stinger holds one dose of poison and up to
two stingers can be implanted in a normal mouth.

Sense Organs

Bionic Eye: A normal bionic eye provides no additional benefits, but
can be used as a reason to buy off a previous Sensory Impairment Defect.

	Acute Vision: A general improvement of the optical readout of
	a bionic eye can be done to improve sensory ability. This acts
	as Heightened Senses Level 1 (Sight).

	Optical Readout: A text display is added to the cybereye
	showing a readout and report routed from various other pieces of
	cyberware. Almost EVERY one who has a cybereye has one of these.

	Polarization: The eyes and optic nerves of the cyber eye
	automatically compensate for flares and bright lights. This
	counts as the Special Equipment Attribute Level 1, adding a -5
	bonus to resist Flare effects.

	Retinaprint: The eye can capture and store the retina print of
	up to 20 people in downloadable memory.

Bionic Ear: Similar to a bionic eye, a base model simply allows normal
human hearing and costs no points, but can be used to buy off a Sensory
Impairment Defect.

	Radio Reception: The cyberear can pick up radio signals and
	transmit them directly to the audio nerve. Weak signals may need
	an antenna of some sort for reception.

	Radio Descrambler: The cyberear must have the Radio Reception
	feature first. The ear now contains a descrambler unit that
	can unscramble specifically coded radio signals. These signals
	can only be descrambled by a specific descrambler or special

	Volume Cutout: The cyberear automatically shuts off potentially
	damaging noise before it hurts the nerves of the ear. This grants
	Special Equipment Level 1, giving a -5 bonus to resisting audio
	Flare attacks.