Tamashii Character Sheet

Player: Joel
Role: Combat II

Leopard humanoid
Height: 5'10"
Mass: 150 lbs.
Sex: Female

STATS:			Cost
Body			1	8
Mind			1	6
Soul			1	7
ACV [(B+M+S)/3]			9
DCV [ACV-2]			7
Health [(B+S)x5]		75
Energy [(M+S)x5]		65
Total: 21

Normal			Cost:7	Levels
Combat Mastery		4	2
Gun Bunny		2	2	Dead Eye, Weapons Encyclopedia
Highly Skilled		1	1

Special			Cost:6	Levels	Specialties
Heightened Senses	2	2	Low-light Vision, Hearing
Natural Weapons		2	2	Claws, Teeth
Special Movement	2	2	Balance, Cat-like
Total: 34

SKILLS			Cost	Levels	Specialties
Cooking			1	1	Ethnic
Demolitions		3	1	Artificial Structures
Gun Combat		10	2	Autofire
Heavy Weapons		5	1	Gunnery
Intimidation		4	1	Street
Linguistics		4	2	English, Mandarin, Combat Sign Language
Medical			4	1	Emergency
Ranged Defense		5	1	Personal
Unarmed Defense		4	1	Holds
Wilderness Survival	1	1	Forest
Total: 41

Marked		-2
Owned by Corp	-2

Body Modifications

Biomonitor: This implant monitors all important vital functions and
includes a small display on the body showing the readouts. If accessible
to a medic by sight, description, or through an interface jack, he can
more easily attend to the cyborg's injuries. This gives a medic a -1
bonus to all medical rolls involving the cyborg.

Bionic Reconstruction: The cyborg's bones are reinforced by plastic
laminate and metal, as well as adding redundant bionic organs, making
him much harder to kill. This acts as Damn Healthy! Level 3, adding 30
Health points to the character. However, it also adds a Unique Special
Defect at Level 1, as the cybernetic enhancements make medical work more
difficult due to the electronics, imposing a +1 penalty on all medical
rolls to treat the cyborg.

Muscle Reconstruction: The bones are laminated with metal and plastic
composites, and the muscles themselves are interlaced with super strong
polymers. Then the nervous system is rewired to increase physical
strength. Adds +1 Level of Super Strength.

Sense Organs

Bionic Eye: A normal bionic eye provides no additional benefits, but
can be used as a reason to buy off a previous Sensory Impairment Defect.

	Optical Readout: A text display is added to the cybereye
	showing a readout and report routed from various other pieces of
	cyberware. Almost EVERY one who has a cybereye has one of these.

	Polarization: The eyes and optic nerves of the cyber eye
	automatically compensate for flares and bright lights. This
	counts as the Special Equipment Attribute Level 1, adding a -5
	bonus to resist Flare effects.


Cellular Link: The cyborg possesses an internal cellular phone, with
the voice being transmitted directly to the audio nerves and responses
being made either normally or sub-vocally.

Mental Implants

2 Chip Slots: 'Chips' are computer programs that can be run through a
neural socket to provide information, alter the mind, or do any number
of things by working directly through the nervous system. Each chip slot
counts as a separate Feature and a character may only have a number
of slots total equal to their Mind. Each chip has a separate cost,
as listed below.

Interface Jack: A neural-interface jack allows the user to send and
receive information with a piece of hardware that has been modified to
accept an interface, anything from a TV to a cyberdeck. This is done
through a fiber-optic cable from the skull socket to the equipment's
jack-in port. This allows direct mental control of the equipment, giving
a +2 bonus to use the gear.

Chip Slots (+4): 'Chips' are computer programs that can be run through
a nerural socket to provide information, alter the mind, or do any
number of things by working directly through the nervous system. Each
chip slot counts as a separate Feature and a character may only have a
number of slots total equal to their Mind. Each chip has a separate cost,
as listed below.


Macho Chip: This chip overrides all of the body's pain sensors. While
activated the cyborg is unaffected by the Shock effects of damage over
his Shock Value. However, the player no longer knows his character's
current Health, only the GM, untill the chip is turned off. This counts
as Special Equipment Level 1.

Attribute Chip (GunBunny 2: Lightning Draw, Steady Hand): Some mental
Attributes can be encoded onto a chip for use. The cost is the same as
purchasing the Attribute.

Weapons and Gadgets

Weapon Impant (12mm SMG): A hand weapon can be implanted into a cyberlimb
or a normal limb. Weapons such as this are easier to aim and fire. Treat
this as the Special Feature Mecha Attribute at Level 1, granting a +1
to Attack Combat Value when using that weapon, as well as granting the
Concealable Ability to that weapon.

Weapon Link: A weapon link requires a bionic eye and either an implanted
weapon or an interface jack with the right gun modifications to use. It
projects targeting information from the gun directly to the cybereye,
increasing accuracy. Treat this as the Special Feature Mecha Attribute at
Level 2, granting a +2 to Attack Combat Value when using that weapon. This
is cumulative with the Weapon Implant bonus.