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Let Every Eye Negotiate for Itself

Cinnamon is very pleased at how well the meeting on Nusantara goes -- she's got friends who'll help, a good plan to begin with, and a to-do list! She finds that very soothing, especially considering how frazzled and up-in-the-air this entire situation with the poor Nusantaran supernaturals has been. Once the meeting is concluded, she very sincerely thanks everyone for their time, sees them out... then sighs happily and goes to hug Shane again.

Cinnamon is still feeling rather pleased with everything, though, so after a quick hug she heads for her laptop, chattering happily in a sort of stream of consciousness to Shane as she types out an email. "So I was talking with Zaituna earlier, asthore, and she told me the supernaturals of one of the issues did something I thought was really clever -- they set up a non-profit with all the board positions held by supernaturals or humans in the know, to bring in support for not tearing up all the mangrove swamps! -and as we were talking, I looked it up here -- and they have a really nice website! Apparently the nonprofit has been doing a great job for almost four decades now, too.

"Initially it was all about education and research to both inform the humans of how helpful and profitable mangroves are, and also to secretly try to figure out some alternative for the supernaturals who lived there -- and that's the time that the request for help from Aoi was sent. But in the last few decades their work has paid off brilliantly -- so cool! -- and now the humans have recognized how important the mangroves are for their islands... and they're also now willing to work on replanting the mangroves too -- yay!

"So now the nonprofit has pivoted to turning all funds to the replanting efforts. However, they're having some money troubles, which is why their issue is still up in the air, so to speak... so I was trying to think what I could maybe do to be useful to them?" Cinnamon grins excitedly up at Shane, "So I'm sending them an email to ask them if I can help by checking over their books, to see if there's anyplace I can spot that they might be able to cut some financial corners to save money!"

Shane leans against the wall and just grins, watching Cinnamon excitedly chatter. This, he thinks, is one of the times when she is unwittingly glowingly beautiful. The little dragon is simultaneously writing up and emailing the chair of the nonprofit's Board, who was listed on the website. Cinnamon introduces herself, explaining she's an accountant as well as the 13th Chair, adds in her contact information, then fires off the email. She sighs happily, "There we go!" -- then laughs, rising and pattering over to Shane for another hug, "I feel so... so usefully virtuous now!"

As she's standing there, leaning against his lovely, sturdy warmth... a thought occurs to Cinnamon, and she giggles! When Shane 'hmm?'s curiously at her, she grins up at him, "So, I got something for you! It, um, it's just a little thing, but... maybe you'll like it?" She giggles, then adds, "Wanna see?"

When she comes over for a hug, Shane wraps his arms around her and leans down for a brief kiss. He is taking this 'ability to kiss Cinnamon freely' thing very seriously just now! "Of course I want to see."

Cinnamon squeaks excitedly, "Okay!" and darts over to her bag. Inside, she has a copy of what she thinks is the prettiest photo of her as the Lunar Year dragon, all framed and ready for Shane, if he wants it. However, since she knows he's seen all those photos already (back when Elias got them framed), she'd decided she wanted to try and get one more (hopefully) nice shot of her for Shane -- one he won't expect but will maybe still like! So she'd gone earlier to Spice, and the two of them had pored over all the photos and video taken of Cinnamon and Shane, when they were out on the Valkyrie and the little dragon was practicing her flying! In the here and now, Cinnamon hesitates... then comes back with two paper-wrapped, flat objects. She nibbles a bit nervously on her lower lip... then takes a deep breath and hands them both to Shane, "I -- Ihopeyoulikethem!"

Shane sits down and unwraps his presents. His eyes are warm with affection as he looks at the first one, "You were just about glowing with joy during this celebration, acushla." Cinnamon beams excitedly at that! Shane sets the framed photo carefully aside and opens the second one -- and his lips curl in a delighted grin, "I hadn't seen this shot! That was..." he laughs and shakes his head with remembered pleasure, "That was so amazing."

The shot Shane is admiring -- the one which the two rather excited young women had finally settled on -- has Cinnamon banking around towards the photographer. It's a one-quarter shot from below, so the viewer can see part of Cinnamon's gleaming side as well as her smooth belly scutes. Her beautifully articulated wings are flared hugely out for the turn, and both sky and ocean are glorious shades of blue and green behind her. The sunshine is brilliant, limning the scarlet dragon in gold and causing her iridescent vermilion, indigo, and purple highlights to flare gorgeously. Her neck is in a graceful S-curve so her head is back enough that Shane can speak with her, and she can hear him equally easily.

Also in the photo, Shane can be spotted leaning forward over Cinnamon's broad shoulder, his jet-black braid streaming out behind him. The absolute best part to Cinnamon, though -- the part that made her almost tear up a little because it made her feel so lovely inside -- is that the shot is good enough to see the sheer, unmitigated joy on both Cinnamon's and Shane's faces, as they fly together! Thus, in the here-and-now, Cinnamon brightens, leaning forward to nervously check, "So you... so it's okay? Y-you like it?" She hesitates, then adds almost bashfully, "It's... not too much?"

Shane arches his brows, "No. I don't like it. I love it! I'm going to hang them in my bedroom, since that's really the only room I ever spend any time in at my place anymore." Admittedly, he's rarely even there now, since he's spending as much time as half-humanly possible with his sweetheart.

Cinnamon emits an excited -- and quite relieved! -- squeal of: "Oh, yay I'm so glad thank you so much!" as she almost bounces into his lap for a tight hug. She sighs happily, leaning against him and murmuring a very, very soft, "I am so lucky!"

Shane tucks a stray strand of hair behind Cinnamon's ear, "No, love. I'm the lucky one. You finally let me in. It's an honor to get behind your walls. You're the dragon and the princess all in one."

Cinnamon giggles a bit disbelievingly at that, since she knows quite well Shane is something like the equivalent of the fairest prince in the land, in elven trod hierarchies! But she doesn't harp on it... instead she grins with shy mischief, "So... if it's okay to ask this right now... I was just wondering? What's the surprise you have for my office mantelpiece, please?" Before Shane can even open his mouth, however -- Cinnamon's phone rings! She blinks in surprise, "Who could be call- oh!" She brightens, giving Shane a quick nuzzle and a giggle, then scrambling off his lap to patter over to her phone, "Bet it's Spicy, wanting to know about the photo!" She beams almost goofily at Shane -- while she's delighted at his reaction, she's certainly not about to repeat Spice's firm assertion that he'd obviously fucking well adore the photo as much as he adores her! So instead she answers cheerfully, "Hi there, Cinnamon speaking!"

The voice on the other end is heavily accented, but does speak English well enough to be understood, "Hello? This is Cinnamon?" The accent makes her voice fluid, though it's clear she's a little stilted as she continues, "The Cinnamon who say she is Chair Thirteen?"

Cinnamon blinks, wondering who this is as she replies, "Yes, this is she. May I ask wh- oh! Oh, cool -- is this someone from Nusantara?" She beams as she adds, "Yes, that's me -- the Thirteenth Chair! How can I help you?"

The woman replies, "I want to know why you send these emails and make all these claims! Do you try to get money from us? We do not have a lot of money -- we are a non-profit! What we have goes all to the mangroves." She sounds stern, like a librarian that's had to shush teenagers.

Cinnamon looks a bit surprised, but replies politely, "Ma'am, I've only sent you one email earlier today, so if anyone else is pestering you, then I can promise you it's not me. Umm... though as the Chair of the nonprofit, surely you know about the Global Council?" She thinks a moment, then confusedly adds, "Are you... not a supernatural, but rather one of the in-the-know humans, then?"

The woman indignantly replies, "Of course I know of Council! But why must I believe someone emailing me out of nowhere is a member on it? It is like a Nigerian prince probably!"

Cinnamon laughs at that! "Okay, no, I'm not a Nigerian prince... just an American girl that learned she was a dragon of Welsh descent!" She grins as she adds, "But I totally get how outrageous this probably sounds, ma'am. So... let's see. What can I do to convince you I'm really me? Hmm... do you know any of the other councilors, that you could ask? Or... oh! Does it help if I tell you that Zaituna and I talked a bunch about the letters, and that she and Megat and Bintang were successful in their mission?"

There's a long silence on the other end of the line. When the voice comes back, the woman sounds much more relaxed, "Yes. That helps. You will not know those names if you are not who you say, I suppose. I am pleased to hear they reach their destination safely." There's a deep breath, "I did not expect to hear from you. I expect to hear from them."

Cinnamon blinks, "Oh, I'm sorry. Umm... well, they may not have left yet? I can try to reach them if you really want?" She adds a confused heartbeat later, "Though... er, why would you not hear from me, please? Umm... did I do something, like, culturally insensitive or something by emailing you?"

The woman on the phone replies, "It is only we never hear from Aoi."

"Oh, yeah -- so I heard." Cinnamon smiles as she adds, "But I'm not Aoi; sorry. I'm... um, well, I'm a lot younger and newer. Is... is that okay?"

The woman actually laughs; it's a warm sound, "If it get someone to listen to us and help, you can be fourteen years old -- as long as you are able to do something to assist!"

Cinnamon giggles at that, then cheerfully replies, "Twenty-five, if that helps at all! So just so you know, it's going to be a few weeks before I can head out that way -- I have a few previous commitments I have to honor; sorry. But I figured I'd send out someone trusted as soon as he can get everything together, and that I myself could maybe get started right away on stuff that I can handle for some folks. Since I learned accounting in college, and money is an issue for your nonprofit, I thought that might be a good fit?"

She adds hopefully, "Plus I have a really-really good computer, er, using friend, so if you're worried about security I can promise you she's awesome at all that stuff!" The little dragon figures mentioning Spice as a really good computer hacker prooobably isn't the best way to introduce her! Shane is listening; he bites his tongue to keep from laughing as Cinnamon keeps herself from telling this lady that Spice is an ace hacker! He puts a hand over his mouth, not entirely sure he can trust himself to keep it under control.

The head of the nonprofit replies, "We will very much appreciate this. I will be happy to meet this person you will be sending. It is good to have someone whose face you can see."

Cinnamon's voice is a bit concerned, "Well, I hope you don't mind, but Zaituna and Megat and I tried to sort out the problems in order of emergencies? So my friend, Veles? He's going first to an island with a grumbly volcano on it, and next is to another island where two arguing tribes are in danger of revealing us all -- us supernaturals, I mean -- to all the humans. But I will absolutely ask him to stop by and say hi to you once the emergencies are all over -- and hopefully by then I'll be able to be there too and can say hi as well!" She grins, then adds, "For now, though, I figure I'll ask Spice, my computer friend, to set up a zoom meeting for us all, so we can actually see each other's faces, and your treasurer and Spice can do the data dump. Would that be okay with you? -and if so... how's tomorrow to do the meeting?" She beams hopefully as she adds, "I figure the sooner I can help, the better, if you're all okay with it!"

The woman on the other end of the phone smiles, "Of course you will put the immediate danger first! That is why you are a good councilor, and why Zaituna and the others go to the council in the first place. Tomorrow will be good for that, yes."

Cinnamon blushes with pleasure as she replies, "Aww, thank you so much, ma'am -- that's so kind of you!" She happily sets up the correct time and place, thanks the woman for her time, and they bid each other goodbye until the morrow. After she hangs up, Cinnamon nearly dances around Shane, squeaking excitedly, "Eeeee, my first bit of helping my new folks!"

Shane grins as Cinnamon does her little celebration dance -- she's bloody adorable! "You're already smashing it."

Cinnamon giggles and nearly glows as she throws herself into a warm hug with Shane, "Yay! Isn't this great?! I so love being useful and helpful!" Shane hugs Cinnamon back, then grins as he tells her he's got a couple of things he's got to do, so he'll be back soon. It's even true: he has to check in with Elias, and he has to pick something up and bring it back.

Only a little bit later, Cinnamon is still in her office, fascinatedly reviewing some of the old journals there. She's curious as to whether they're all Liam's... and if so, might Thorn enjoy reading them for the history of the council that they might provide? Or are the journals more personal than that? The little dragon is also waiting for Shane to return... and after that they can get lunch together and maybe find Spice to ask for a zoom meeting. There's a quiet knock on the doorframe of Cinnamon's office... perhaps out of deference for the fact that she looks quite intent. The little dragon glances distractedly up, pushing her glasses back into place, "Yes? Uhh, come in?"

The person at the door is Marcus, wearing one of his well-tailored suits -- as he almost always does when he's out and about -- and carrying a couple of small, gift-wrapped packages. His smile is a bit diffident as he steps through the door, "Am I interrupting?"

Cinnamon blinks again at Marcus, her gaze sharpening as she focuses on him instead of the journal. She tilts her head slightly, her cautious smile curious, "I don't think so...?" She hops up out of her little bird's nest of pillows in the huge, comfy chair Liam used, pattering towards the sideboard as she adds, "Would you like some tea? I think I have some Earl Gray here still?"

Marcus smiles, "You remembered! Yes, that would be lovely." He looks around and nods toward one of the chairs on the other side of the desk from Cinnamon's chair, "May I have a seat?"

Cinnamon glances over her shoulder, her smile becoming a bit bemused -- is it that big a thing that she remembered he liked Earl Gray? Hmm... well, maybe he's not used to people just... being friendly? "Please do! Give me just a moment here..." She swiftly puts together a nice tray with two cups, the tea, cream and sugar, and some tasty little cookies -- or 'biccies,' as Aisling called them! That thought makes her smile as she's turning towards Marcus again, tray in her hands... to discover he's seated in one of the chairs before her desk. A bit uncertainly she says, "Uh -- hmm. Marcus, if you're comfy there, that's fine... but if we're just, er, visiting together... the chairs by the fireplace might be a bit nicer?" There is, in fact, a small, cheery fire crackling in the hearth... which is nice for a cool, very early spring evening.

Marcus nods and moves to settle in front of the fire, feeling encouraged. That Cinnamon bothered to remember what sort of tea he likes, in his mind, is a brief flicker of hope that her feelings toward him are moving much closer to friendly. Cinnamon carefully sets the tray down on the little side table between the two comfy armchairs, then settles herself and pours for them both. She's seen Marcus make tea for himself, so she automatically makes it the way he likes, handing it to him, "Here you go! So, what can I do for you today?" She picks up her own tea and has a relaxing sip, once Marcus has his cup in hand as well.

Marcus accepts the teacup and has a sip before answering, "I wanted to bring you an office-warming gift of sorts." He has the two boxes sitting on the rug at his feet. "Just a token to say welcome to the chaos that is the Hall."

Cinnamon laughs! "Well, it's not been too bad in Currier's, really..." her grin is almost mischievous, "not since the first two council meetings I attended here!" Considering those were a) when she flamed Killa, and b) when the platoon attacked... she figures her definition of 'chaos' might be a bit off from what Marcus means! But she's not worried about it -- she figures he's just trying to be friendly. Well... she hopes so, at least? She eyes the little boxes with great curiosity! Neither of them is really the right size to be the necklace or dress she returned, though, so that's kind of a relief.

Marcus actually laughs warmly, "True. I suppose this is positively calm in comparison." He sets his tea down and picks up the two packages, holding them out to Cinnamon, "The smaller one is from me; the larger from Vater. I'm in his old office, but I do a lot of my work out of the Residence."

Cinnamon accepts the boxes, but also curiously checks, "So... it's okay to do one's work at home, instead of at one's office? But then how do petitioners... oh, wait, let me guess: it's considered okay to knock at the Elm mansion, because there's Butler and staff and such?"

Marcus nods, "Indeed... and I have office hours when I am specifically here to be spoken to if it's someone who doesn't feel they can come to the Residence." Once the little dragon accepts the boxes, Marcus picks his tea back up, "And yes, there's a staff and I have an office there. Your house is your sanctuary, though, so that makes having an office here a really good idea."

Cinnamon frowns thoughtfully as she considers Marcus' words, "So... what do you do -- like, hang a card on your office door, with your office hours on it?" Then she nods a bit wryly as she starts unwrapping the larger box, "Oh, yeah... I don't want to be rude to my, um... constituents? -- but also, you're right: my home really is my sanctuary. I definitely don't want to have everyone tramping through like it's a public office!"

Marcus nods, "There is a plaque there with my office hours, yes, and instructions to come to the Residence if it's a truly dire situation." He watches Cinnamon as she unwraps the larger box, trying not to chew on his lip. The little dragon unwraps as tidily as she does accounting! She neatly winds the string/ribbon around her fingers, then sets it aside, and carefully unfolds the paper to see the box within. It might seem maddeningly slow to some -- but to her, presents that are actually nice -- that show the gift-giver actually sees her -- are a great pleasure to be savored to the fullest! She's far too used to receiving 'gifts' from her natal family... the type that show they want her to be someone or something else. Running shoes, or elaborate cosmetics, or a cheerleading outfit that's just a bit too small for her, were par for the course during her childhood.

Inside the box are two leatherbound books: one a large, old-fashioned ledger such as she's seen on the shelves here, and the other a smaller tome, with a beautifully tooled cover of elm leaves, vines, and -- in the center -- a dragon wound sinuously into a circle. The note inside says: For keeping track of the outer world and the inner world. Cinnamon beams at the bigger book, which (when opened) reveals it is a large, old-fashioned accounting ledger. She wonders interestedly, as she glances up at the shelves and shelves of journals, if any of those are for accounting too! Should be fun to slowly work her way through them all, once the immediate pressure of Nusantara is released.

Cinnamon blinks in thoughtful fascination at the second book, gently stroking the cover with her fingertips as she regards it. This... is saying something, she's sure! She's just not yet sure what precisely... but she's happy to be closely aligned or linked with Jaeger, if that's what the lovely leather tooling signifies! Her lips silently form the words as she slowly reads the note again... 'outer and inner world'? Huh! What curious phrasing! She checks the book itself, wondering what it's about... or is it blank? It is -- clearly it's for her to start writing in, just as Liam did before her. Cinnamon brightens at that, "Oh! What a lovely gift, Marcus! Please tell Jaeger my deepest thanks, okay?" She beams, her eyes a bit bright behind her glasses -- she's deeply touched at the thought that she's going to continue in the lovely journaling tradition started by her departed and greatly missed relative!

Marcus smiles broadly, "I will! He thought you would enjoy having something to actually write in, rather than just the software... and he has always said that journaling is good for your soul. Though I don't think he used that term, exactly..."

The little dragon beams as she looks back at Marcus, her eyes sparkling with delight -- Jaeger must really like her, if he's gifted her both a lovely big accounting book... and such a truly beautifully-decorated little journal! "I haven't journaled before-" [mostly because Candi got into everything of mine -- but she's never-never gonna be here, heehee!] "-but I think I'm going to try it out now -- especially with this beautiful new journal! Please tell your father that I truly appreciate his kindness, Marcus?"

Marcus nods, "I absolutely will."

Cinnamon fondly strokes the pretty dragon tooled into the leather as she sets the books aside... then takes a deep breath before she turns back to the second package. Okay, she isn't concerned at all! Marcus is trying to be nice, right... nothing to worry about! No pranks... just some pleasant office-warming giftie, right! She picks up the second package and opens it just as carefully as the first... maybe even a smidge slower, since she's internally convincing herself that Marcus isn't going to hurt her with this... definitely not. Still, the package is a bit nerve-wracking at first, since it's about the size that a bracelet might fit in. But once the wrapping is removed, Cinnamon is holding a hinged leather box. She takes a deep breath as she examines it... then another right before she opens it. Nice, simple box -- nothing scary at all, right.

Inside the box, on a bed of velvet shaped to hold it, is a gold-nibbed fountain pen. The cap or lid is set to the side of the pen itself, letting her see the scarlet body -- beautifully swirled with jet accents -- in its entirety. Marcus clears his throat, "I have been told that sometimes it is easier to write in a pretty book if you have a pretty pen." After a heartbeat of hesitation, he continues, "I got you some inks to go with it, if you like it. But you can also pick your own. They sell them at the bookstore."

Cinnamon blinks slowly at the pen, only half-hearing Marcus as she abruptly remembers Liam's desk, at Rebecca's home... with the lovely swirling-color fountain pen set and the matching little crystal ink holder. The little dragon blinks again, feeling the sting of tears as she looks up at the desk, across the office from her. She's... she's going to have her own lovely writing set for her desk -- just like her greatsire Liam! She sniffs, blinking hard to keep the tears from spilling over, and gives Marcus a small, shaky smile, "That is... really nice, Marcus -- thank you! I..." She pauses, pushing up her glasses to rub the back of one hand over her eyes, then continues, "I n-never got to meet Liam, and I'll always regret that, but... but sometimes I feel... like... close to him? Especially when I feel like I'm... sort of, like, following in his footsteps, you know? So... so I really appreciate this beautiful writing set, Marcus -- thank you!" With growing happiness, she promises herself: she's going to get a gorgeous, gleaming indigo ink first thing -- because that's her favorite color! Well, that and that sort of glowing royal purple -- so beautiful!

Marcus actually blushes... then smiles almost shyly, "I'm pleased you like it. I can bring by the inks I got you later, if you'd like? I got several colors. Some blues and blacks and then some... brighter things, like a red and a green -- even a sort of violet." He takes a deep breath and finishes his tea, then starts to stand up -- perhaps Cinnamon won't want him to see her feeling so raw and vulnerable. "My office is on the next floor down. I'll be there for the rest of the afternoon if you need me."

Cinnamon brightens in interest, "Really? How cool! I didn't know they made inks in those colors -- not really bright ones, I mean!" A heartbeat later it registers: Marcus just... blushed?! Wow, it really shows on his pale skin, too! She blinks interestedly, unwittingly studying him closely: it looks... really kinda nice on him! She wonders if she looks anything near as nice... might that explain why everyone keeps telling her blushes 'become' her? No, wait -- that's silly. Marcus is gorgeous in comparison to he- uh, wait... what did he say? "Oh! Um... cool, so's Hilde's, she said." She smiles, adding, "Thank you again for the lovely office-warming gifts, Marcus."

Marcus nods, still smiling, "You're welcome." Then he slips away... before he can ruin what was a really nice interaction.

An hour or so later Shane arrives, carrying a cloth-wrapped package that's at least two-and-a-half feet long. By the way he's moving, it also seems to weigh a substantial amount. He beams at Cinnamon, "Tada! It's finally done!"

Cinnamon blinks a bit startledly, pushing up her glasses from where she's seated at the desk and still fascinatedly reading journals. But then she realizes what Shane's talking about, and gives a squeak of excitement, "Oh! So cool! Can I see now?!" as she slides out of the big chair and trots around the desk.

Shane carefully carries over the package, setting it in a clear space on his acushla's desk. Up close, it appears to be wrapped in what appears to be one of Shane's kilts -- or at least the same fabric his kilts are made of. It's carefully tied up in ribbons and bows so the unusual, irregular shape is securely enclosed. His amber eyes gleam and he almost looks like he wants to bounce on the balls of his feet, "Of course! It's your gift, a ghrá." Cinnamon happily starts carefully untying the ribbons and unfolding the cloth -- this is so exciting! Shane seems really pleased about this... and even more intriguing, the little dragon is getting a definite 'read' on whatever the present is. Due to her ability to 'feel' minerals and metals, she knows this is... a startlingly large piece of jasper!

There are several layers of cloth, possibly to disguise and cushion whatever it is, though only the outer layer is that familiar kilt pattern. The first few peeks confirm what Cinnamon already knows: this is a large piece of beautiful red jasper. The little dragon blinks as more and more of the lovely piece is revealed... because when the last layer falls away, what's revealed is a carving. Of her.

Cinnamon's mouth falls open in amazement, and a tiny, squeaked, "...oh!" escapes her lips. She reaches out slowly, with delicate fingertips, to lightly caress the smooth, gleaming stone. Unlike the cute little baby dragon figurine -- which looks like an adorable chibi-Cinnamon -- this one was obviously commissioned to actually be her. It's Cinnamon's real, actual features, with gems inset in the color of her draconic form's eyes, and exquisitely detailed scales. In the sculpture she's sitting with her tail curled primly around her legs, and her head tucked to rest along her back and alongside her furled wings -- as if she were settling down to sleep. Whoever sculpted this obviously had both very good references, and a lot of talent.

Cinnamon ends up reaching out with both hands to gently run her fingers over the lovely sculpture, and her voice is soft with wonder, "Oh, Shaney... asthore... you, I, it -- it's me!" The jasper feels cool and smooth under her fingertips -- very satisfyingly pleasurable to her senses! She doesn't realize it consciously, but Shane has done something truly lovely for her: her beloved has given her actual, physical treasure! She feels... almost fulfilled, in a way... as if Shane really knows her, inside and out.

Shane puts his hands behind his back and bites his bottom lip, nodding toward the office fireplace as he rocks on his feet, "I made sure it would fit on the mantle, but we can maybe clear off one of the shelves...? Not that you have to have it in here. Or display it anywhere at all..."

Cinnamon feels a little choked up with a sort of joyful/painful/amazingly loving feeling! She blinks several times to keep back the upwelling tears -- but at that she replies firmly, "It is absolutely going on the mantelpiece! I want everyone to know what an amazing asthore you are!" She beams a bit shakily at Shane, even as she's still gently stroking and petting the gorgeous sculpture.

Shane walks around to stand behind Cinnamon as she gazes down at the sculpture so happily. He leans down and around to kiss her temple with a smile, "It's part of the reason it took so long to get the Chinese New Year pictures back -- the artist was using them for reference. I'm glad you like it, a ghrá. Jasper's supposed to inspire and intensify peace, well-being, relaxation, and gentleness -- all the things you want people to feel around you. I thought it was appropriate. Plus the color is so close to your scales." He shrugs, beaming, "So, it's your office-warming present."

Cinnamon laughs softly, her eyes bright and shining with teary happiness as she beams up at her beloved. She's almost alight with joy! Times like this, she doesn't have words -- she just feels the upwelling her emotions while around Shane -- like a fountain of euphoria and... and utter rightness inside her!

It takes the little dragon a while to properly thank her asthore! However, eventually Cinnamon and Shane make their way down Coblyn Street to meet up with Spice, to make arrangements regarding both Veles' incipient departure for Nusantara, and for helping the mangrove replanting non-profit. While they're strolling relaxedly together, Shane's eyes flick to a broadsheet... as they always do. Ordinarily he just scans for names and walks on -- there's usually not much of note about his nearest and dearest. However, this time he stops and turns around, "One sec, acushla. Be right back..."

Cinnamon hms? She pauses, watching... then wonders what it is Shane's reading, and patters after him, "What's up, asthore? Is there a cool new job thingie or something for you in the broadsheet?"

Shane shakes his head, "No... nothing job related." He's rubbing the back of his head and reading over what's there:

Is spring romance finally in the air? It has been observed that one of Coblyn's most eligible bachelors is spending most of his evenings (indeed, most of his overnights!) in the company of a particular fiery redhead. The two have even been spotted around town canoodling, and exchanging heated glances! According to one interested observer, the couple seems to have a difficult time keeping their hands to themselves! Is this a serious involvement? If so, many hearts shall break at hearing this charmingly protective, ebony-haired young man is off the market!

Shane puts a hand over his face -- that's certainly a salacious way to say they're constantly holding hands! Cinnamon patters up and stands next to Shane, her head tilted back to read the broadsheet... though she's distracted (and a bit worried) by Shane's reaction, "Asthore? Shaney, are you okay?"

Shane takes a deep breath and shakes his head, then looks down at Cinnamon, "I'm fine, acushla. The broadsheets seem to have picked up the fact that we're sweethearts -- and they're being typically gossipy and extravagant about it." He's hoping and praying that she doesn't pick up on the innuendo, once she figures out which one is about them.

Cinnamon blinks up at Shane, and he can see the flush rise up her cheeks! She's still determinedly staring at Shane instead of the broadsheet, though, as she says in a slightly choked voice, "I -- er -- uh, oh dear! Should we -- I mean, have I, er... umm..." In a tiny voice she adds, "M-maybe... can we just... j-just walk away? Umm... y-you're not mad about it, are you?" She blinks again... and then can't... quite... resist! Her gaze skates nervously sideways as she glances reflexively at the broadsheet. A moment later she puzzledly pushes up her glasses, "Huh! Do we know any, um, 'fiery redheads,' Shaney?"

Shane takes Cinnamon's hand and starts to walk away, leaning down to murmur, "My love, you're the fiery redhead. They're trying to slyly allude to you being a dragon, you see."

Cinnamon happily patters along next to Shane, listening to him... then looks slightly pleased, "'Fiery redhead'? Wow, totally not me, but... it sounds nice? They got you completely right, though... and we do hold hands a lot, though... hm, I'll have to look canoodling up. I thought it was s-s-se- uh... ph-physical, um... intercourse? -- b-but obviously that can't be right!" It's clear she's completely missed the innuendo! However, she blinks a moment later, looking slightly upset, "Wait. Someone's been spying on us?!"

Shane chuckles, "Hm... I think the actual definition is essentially any sort of physically intimate thing lo... partners do. I think me constantly kissing you is what they're talking about." He grins, "And no, I'm not mad... and no one's spying, acushla. People are being people."

Cinnamon sighs, her cheeks turning pink again, "Oh... b-bother! Well... w-well, as long as, as you d-don't mind, asthore... I... I'm embarrassed but... not upset?" She worriedly nibbles her lower lip, then glances uncertainly up at Shane, "Is that... okay, then?"

Shane leans down to whisper right next to Cinnamon's ear, "As far as I'm concerned, everyone on the whole street can see that we're together and catch sight of me smooching you and all it would do is making me proud that I'm the one you chose and they missed out on being with you."

Cinnamon squeaks a bit startledly at the soft whisper -- then giggles and blushes a bit more hotly! Shane says the nicest things to her sometimes! She's beaming a bit goofily as she walks with Shane... but then she blinks again at a sudden, rather startling thought. She doesn't like being pointed at and whispered about -- she absolutely loathes it, in fact. But... how intriguing! She realizes it's somehow... not as horrifying, not even humiliating, in a way -- to think of it happening while she's with Shane. She tilts her head consideringly... then straightens a bit and smiles: actually... she'd feel sorry for those folks! The whisperers and mockers -- because Shane's with her... not them! She can face an awful lot, she realizes, knowing Shane believes in her!

Cinnamon takes a deep breath, feeling unaccountably happy: [Yeah! Take that, all you nasty doodyheads!] She giggles softly, then beams up at Shane, "So should we talk to John at the Vault, asthore, if we want Veles to have authorization to spend money on the trip to help folks in Nusantara? Oh! Also, who's the charm crafter you were thinking of, for the translation charm?" As the two approach Cafe Prague, they spot Spice and Josie having lunch at one of the sidewalk tables. They're chatting together happily, and Spice has her tablet out, using her stylus to do something with it. Cinnamon brightens, waving as they walk up, "Spicy, JoJo! Hi, peeps -- how are you? Are you busy or can we chat with you?"

Josie beams at her friends, and scoots so there's plenty of room, "Of course you can sit and chat!"

Cinnamon happily hugs Spice and Josie, then settles in and places her order. Once Shane has done the same, Cinnamon excitedly enthuses about everything that's been happening so far, and how pleased she is that she'll apparently be able to help the Nusantarans right away. She also asks Spice very hopefully, "So, can I ask like a huge favor of you, Spicy? Can I ask you to set up a zoom call for me to the mangroves nonprofit, and a secure connection so we can upload all their financials for me to check for them?"

Spice makes a pshaw! kind of sound, adding, "Does a bear shit in the woods?!"

There's a harrumph from behind them, and Josie giggles, calling, "Not you, Vanya!" The big bear winks at their table as he lumbers past to the stairs leading to his apartment above the restaurant.

Spice actually goes a little pink in the cheeks, but doesn't miss a beat, "Of-fucking-course I can set up a secure connection! It'll be so goddamn secure, Fort Knox will look like a child's piggy bank."

Cinnamon giggles and waves cheerfully to Vanya, then beams at Spice, "Yay! You're awesome, Spicy!" She gives the time she'd like for the zoom call, squeaks gleefully at how well everything is going... and then simply enjoys lunch with dear friends. As they're all chattering relaxedly together, at one point Cinnamon gets a curious look, then asks the hacker, "Hey, Spicy... if you could change just one thing about Coblyn... what would it be?"

Spice smirks, "Maybe being able to walk from your place back home without stubbing my toe on something every five fuckin' feet after the sun goes down? I mean, some places have lights inside, and the places that are open late usually have a lamp outside, but there's ten goddamn miles of this street! -and unlike some people..." she gives Josie a playfully baleful glance, "I don't have night vision!"

Shane winces, "Ouch. Yeah. I think most folks here don't even think about it."

Cinnamon giggles at that, "Oh, yeah -- totally remember being completely blinded for a bit, that very first night I was out walking with JoJo!" She's silent for a thoughtful moment... then turns to Shane, "Hey, asthore? What kinds of lights wouldn't destroy other folks' night sight... do you know?"

Shane thinks about it and glances upward. "Uhm..." he points, "there are actual gaslights. They've been here almost as long as the street has, to my understanding." He tips his head, examining them, "The glass is clear, but I wonder if it was replaced with maybe yellow or orange -- or even red? -- if it would preserve nightsight..."

Spice snorts, "Let's maybe not go full-on supernatural redlight district, dude!"

Shane grins, "Yeah. Orange or yellow then, and keep it to the 'bright enough not to kill yourself but not so bright as to be blinding' level."

Cinnamon beams, "Oh, cool! Do you think maybe we could talk Caradog into that?" She tilts her head back to study the gaslight Shane pointed at... and then her eyes widen, "Oh my gosh -- hey, peeps? Do you think maybe Navin might like the job of lamplighter?! It'd be during the dimmer hours, after all, right?"

Josie tips her head, thoughtfully, "That might be a good idea. I mean, Spice isn't the only human on the street. Himeko is human, but she carries a lantern when she wants to go out... and not all supernaturals have great nightsight. The more diurnal ones struggle with it, some. We should talk to him about it!"

Cinnamon beams, "Okay!" By the time lunch is over, the little group is cheerful and well-fed. Cinnamon thanks Spice for her promise to also check in with Veles to cover his travel and financial needs -- in fact, Spice is very much looking forward to talking to her brother in Elgan! Over the rest of the day Cinnamon also gets an official letter from John at the Vault, for Veles... and arranges an appointment with Caradog at the palace, tomorrow morning. She's pleased when her invitation to Thorn -- to come along to talk to the king about night vision and the gaslights, and after that, to have their first staff practice -- is returned with the scribbled addendum: he'd love to!

The next morning Shane slips out early and grabs some cinnamon rolls from Uta before coming back to wait for Cinnamon. The little dragon is sleepy but very happy! While it's something she'd never mention publicly, she's been getting slowly more comfortable with touching Shane -- even when his chest is uncovered! Plus, she's starting to really enjoy the tingly way that makes her feel. So today, as they're walking, she's chattering cheerfully between bites of her cinnamon roll, and sort of leaning a bit against Shane, as he walks with one arm about her shoulders, "-wasn't really sure who to ask, so I hope if it's too much to pester him about then he'll send... oh, I dunno -- his secretary maybe, to talk to us? Hi, Thorny! Let's go talk with Caradog -- I made the appointment a day or so ago, so we should be expected!" They stop for Thorn on their way to the palace. The healer has already done his morning preparations, and lets Iason know where he's going, by the time Cinnamon and Shane arrive. Iason thanks Thorn for the work he's done, and cheerfully sends him on with the others.

The front gate is guarded by two almost identical gealsidhe. The only real difference is that one appears female and the other male. Otherwise, they're the same height, of similar shoulder-breadth, and look like they have to be related in some way.

Cinnamon continues, "Or his secretary, like I was just telling Shaney. I mean, every time I've wanted to talk to him so far, it's been about people trying to kill each other... so hopefully this will be a nice break for him?" She beams cheerfully at the guards, almost not even taking a breath before she adds without pause, "Good morning, we have an appointment with King Caradog, please!"

The guards nods and the female-appearing one speaks in a soft tenor voice, "Of course. We were told you'd be here." She turns and calls out, and one of Caradog's pages trots forward to meet them, smiling a hello.

Cinnamon adds in a whisper to Thorn: she has a T-shirt and jeans packed into her bag, to change into after the audience with Caradog, for stave practice! Would he like to change in her office too, at that point? Thorn blinks at her, "Oh! Yes, please -- that would be great!"

Cinnamon grins and pats his arm, "Awesome!" Then she beams at the page, "Hi there!" and follows without hesitation.

The page leads them through the palace to a room that's starting to get familiar -- that small receiving room they've been in a couple of times when they've met quietly and privately with Caradog. There are pastries and fruit on the low table in the middle of the seats, and there's a teapot under a cozy, with teacups sitting ready. The gealsidhe king is actually already waiting there, wearing loose linen trousers and a simple linen tunic, both in a sort of golden brown color that almost matches his hair, as he nods, "Welcome. Please, have a seat."

Cinnamon brightens at sight of the cozy little room -- with food and drink, this time! "Oh, how nice -- thank you, Caradog!" She settles, then glances inquiringly at the king, "Want me to pour?" Thorn too thanks Caradog for the tea and nibbles, making sure when he sits to leave at least one chair next to Cinnamon free for Shane. The half-beansidhe doesn't sit beside Cinnamon, however. Instead, he stands behind her, hands lightly on her shoulders -- it's almost the stance of a bodyguard.

Caradog smiles, "Welcome. No, you do not need to." The page that came in with them moves to pour the tea, asking each person what they'd like. Shane gently declines, but does it with a smile to show that it's not meant as an offense. Cinnamon beams and thanks the page after receiving her tea, and has a sip or two while she waits for Caradog to have a bite to eat and drink as well. She's not any sort of whiz at protocol -- she didn't know, for example, that it would have been insulting for Caradog to expect her to pour -- but she's pretty sure she should let him start the conversation! It's quiet for a few moments as everyone that wants tea gets settled... and then Caradog asks, "So, you have questions?"

Cinnamon nods and starts right away, not wanting to waste the king's time, "Yes -- okay! So, I was eating with some friends of mine -- some of which are human -- and I just curiously asked one of them: what was one thing they'd change about Coblyn, if they could? -- and she answered right away that she'd get streetlights put in! It's really hard for some folks to see at night, on Coblyn, after all -- and not just humans. So then Shaney pointed out that there already were some gaslights, and if we changed the colors of the panes of glass, they'd work really well for night lights that don't destroy other folks' nightsight." She beams hopefully at Caradog, "So... is that something we should ask you about, or what? Is it something we can encourage, or help with? I know someone who might be willing to do the pane replacement too, if you want... maybe even the turning the lights on and off, if you don't already have someone?"

Caradog listens, sipping his tea and leaning back in his chair, "It's true, there are gaslights. As far as I know, the gas lines even still work, as there are quite a few people on the street who use gas to light, heat, and cook." He rubs his chin thoughtfully, "I suppose it's true those who have night sight don't like it being ruined by light which is too bright. But red or amber glass might help with that, as long as the lampers weren't turned up so brightly as to override the help."

Shane nods, "It would also stop some of the more unsavory things that happen after dark."

Cinnamon looks pleased as Caradog immediately comes to the same conclusion as she and her friends had, at their lunch, "Yeah! We were thinking either orange or yellow, since red light means something in particular in the human world. Umm..." she blushes slightly, "though... I d-don't know if it means anything... here?" She hastily adds, "B-but that's why Thorny's here -- so you can talk to someone human about nightsight, if, um, if you need? Or want?"

Caradog arches a brow and smiles, "Are you meaning the symbolism red lights have in, perhaps, Amsterdam? Since being a paid courtesan isn't a crime here, that designation has never had the same meaning for us." He looks at Thorn, "Yes, please. I would like your thoughts on it."

Shane is biting his tongue because he's certain Cinnamon is about to go scarlet at being told prostitution is legal on Coblyn. She does indeed turn quite flushed at that! She hastily stares down at her teacup... nice hot tea -- yes indeedy that's all she's thinking about uh-huh! Thorn nods, "A large number of people of various different types have nightsight to various degrees. But the majority of people don't; the sun goes down, and they're effectively blind on the street." He goes into some demographics of Coblyn: how many people have nightsight, to what degree, and how light can be made to not bother the nightsight of most all people. Cinnamon sighs internally with relief -- thank goodness for Thorn! Her blush should fade by the time he's done... whew!

Caradog listens, nodding thoughtfully, "We'd need to get a lamplighter -- they aren't exactly automated -- someone willing to deal with lighting and extinguishing them, and also making sure they're properly maintained." He smiles nostalgically, "Once upon a time, the lamplighter was also the town crier here."

Cinnamon glances up interestedly, "Really? Cool! Do you need a town crier too?" She tilts her head waaaay back to grin up at Shane, "Think Navin could do that too, if we asked him?" She adds in explanation to Caradog, "Navin is one of the two Lost Boys who helped Marcus when he was lost off the street recently. They're really nice people!"

"The ghul, yes?" Caradog asks as he sips his tea... then smiles wryly, "I'm not certain as many people would be happy with having the time of night called out all along the street, all night long. With the advent of trustworthy clocks, 'town crier' became somewhat redundant. But lamplighter? Yes, that would be a good job for a ghul."

Cinnamon grins excitedly, "Half-ghul, but yes -- and yay!" She almost bounces in her seat with excitement, "So you think it's a good idea too? Can we tell him someone to contact at the palace, to get work started? What do you need from us, please?"

Caradog nods, "I'll pass this on to my chamberlain, who will speak with Llewellyn. Most of the city positions are recorded in his office." His lips tilt in a wry smile, "Like most everything else... and his pay will come through Llewellyn, too."

Cinnamon beams delightedly, clasping her hands and almost glowing with happiness, "Oh, awesome -- thank you so much, Caradog!" She laughs, adding, "You know, I heard there were six folks involved in the magics that keep Coblyn hidden from the rest of the world. Is there anything I can do to help with that, or what? I really appreciate Coblyn being here, after all!" She amends herself, "Well, six that maintain the hiding and the growing magics, I mean!"

Caradog smiles, "Unless you are a mage that understands and can work those magics, there is not much to be done. All their needs are met by my treasury. Some people put in money toward that upkeep, but it is not something we enforce. My predecessor imposed a tithe, but not everyone has that to give."

Cinnamon thinks about that for a bit... then slowly nods, "Okay. Umm... so if I wanted to, say, ask for some of the enlarging magics on my little cottage... would that be doable? Especially if I paid some upkeep monies?" She's not about to actually say it in public... but she's starting to wonder if maybe she can talk Shane into moving in with her if she has a room just for him, for whatever he might want it for!

Caradog mms, "It likely would be. I'll reach out to them and give them your information." He smiles, "Did you have any more questions for me?"

Cinnamon beams at that, "Oh, thank you! Um, not from me, but..." she glances inquiringly at Thorn, "didn't you have something you wanted to ask, Thorny?"

Thorn raises his hand, "I did, actually, if I may. I was wondering, please, if Hans the troll had yet been exiled?"

Caradog's face tightens a bit, "Yes. He has been. It was... unpleasant. He was escorted to the border of this domain in shackles, taken over the borderline, and released." He rolls his eyes, "And then he tried to attack Diarmaid and Lorcan of all people."

Cinnamon sighs, "Oh, dear. Are they okay? Did the geas not work?" Shane winces at the thought of any single person trying to take on Lorcan and Diarmaid.

Thorn lets out a breath, closing his eyes and shaking his head. "Dammit," he murmurs. He isn't surprised, but he is disappointed in Hans.

Caradog explains, "They were over the borderline undoing his shackles. The moment they were off, the idiot tried to go after them. Lorcan received a few bruises; Diarmaid got a small cut to his face -- but from what I understand, Hans fared... rather worse. He was, however, alive last time my men saw him. They put him somewhere he would not be exposed to the sun if he didn't wake before dawn." Caradog's mouth has a wry twist to it, "Neither Diarmaid nor Lorcan wished to kill him. Believe me, they could have."

Cinnamon nods gravely -- that, she can completely understand, actually. Once she got Hans to release Marcus, she didn't really want to kill him either. She just wanted him to go away! "Well, I'm sorry Diarmaid and Lorcan got hurt at all, but I'm glad they're okay." She considers for a moment, then smiles wryly, "That's all I had to ask. Thank you for your time, sir. Um... do you have a secretary or something, so when I have questions that aren't about people trying to kill each other, I can go to them and not bother you?"

Caradog chuckles, "Indeed. I'll have him reach out to you, so you have a direct connection." He stands and motions at the food and drink, "Please, stay as long as you want. Enjoy the breakfast. I have to go do much more boring things. A pleasure, as always."

Cinnamon grins shyly, "Okay! Thanks again, and have a nice day!" She stands until Caradog departs... then sits again to finish her tea -- and maybe have an orange, 'cause she's still hungry! She grins at her friends, "Well, that went pretty yay, I think?"

Shane moves to sit and blinks, "I cannot get over him saying that and meaning it."

Cinnamon giggles as she sips her tea, "Why, asthore?"

Shane grins wryly, "Because Caradog doesn't like meetings with most people. It irritates him to have to deal with things that are petty."

Cinnamon frowns thoughtfully as she considers that, and neatly devours her orange. It's as they're all strolling out (with thanks to the page and the guards), and heading towards Cinnamon's office to change, that she muses, "So... how does he define petty, I wonder? I mean... I could see someone rich and famous thinking that, say, lights at night for folks who can't see as good as they can might be petty?"

Shane shakes his head, "Like petty bickering that people think is important. The things you bring are interesting or important."

Thorn says wryly, "It speaks well of him that he doesn't consider lighting the street to be 'petty.'"

"Huh... and yeah, Thorny -- I'd have to agree!" Cinnamon wonders silently, though, as they walk together, how someone as plebian as she can apparently be so interesting and/or important.

A short while later the three friends arrive at Cinnamon's office, to change for their staff practice. The little dragon is behind a folding screen to change, so the guys have more room, and a thought occurs to her -- so she calls out, "Hey, guys? Was it just me, or did you two see... like, a really quick purple flash in Tre's pupils, while Thorny was healing him?" She adds with a grin, "I've been wondering about that for a while, but I kept forgetting to ask you!"

Shane nods, "I saw it. But I sorta put it down to him having equine heritage. Don't horses have kind of a blue/purple eyeshine?"

Cinnamon laughs! "Oh, asthore, I have no idea! But okay... so you're saying it's normal? Cool."

Thorn blinks, pausing for a moment, "I... didn't notice that, to be honest."

Cinnamon grins at Thorn, "Well, you were busy!" She comes trotting out from behind the screen, once everyone is changed, adding, "So, I have two staffs, Thorny -- a folding one, and one sized to me -- Baird got them for me! You can borrow one if you need to? Oh, also, I mentioned the staff training to a few other folks, so we might have company... Marcus, Baird and Keiko, and Spice and Josie. But this first time it's likely to be just us three!"

Thorn blinks, "Oh! Thank you, Cinnamon; that'd be wonderful. I haven't had a chance to find a staff for myself yet. I was waiting to talk with Shane about that."

Cinnamon beams as she hands the folding staff to Thorn, "You could ask Bairdy too, if you wanted?" She locks the door behind them all, then heads down the stairs with them, apologetically informing Shane, "By the way, Shaney? I, um, hope you d-don't mind...? -- but I was writing my usual penpal letter to your mom, and I told her she doesn't need to get on your case at all if you don't carry all the heavy things for me -- because I'm real strong! Plus everyone always says in books that you want your fighter's hands to be free. Umm..." she blushes a bit, taking a deep breath before forging determinedly on, "a-also, I really hope you d-don't mind this, but... I... I... toldherwe'reboyfriendandgirlfriendisthatokay?!"

Shane grins down at Cinnamon as she blurts that out, "Of course it's okay. I called her and told her myself." His eyes are twinkling, "She told me it was about da... dang time." He's wearing gi pants and his normal shirt. Kilts are well and good for most things, but staves practice requires more of a bifurcated garment. He leads them all down to the spot they've chosen to practice, then starts marking out a ring wide enough for the tallest folks to be able to swing a staff freely. As he's working on that, there's a quiet clearing of someone's throat.

Thorn is quietly smiling to himself when Cinnamon asks that of Shane, not letting his expression be seen by either of them. But the throat clearing makes him look over... to see the person who was trying not to interrupt people with big damn sticks... is Marcus. Cinnamon blinks wide-eyed up at Shane -- then gives a huge, gusty sigh of relief, "Oh, whew... good. I d-didn't think to ask you first, and then it was posted, and then, er... uh... oh! H-hi, Marcus!" She blinks uncertainly, pushing her glasses up as she studies him... then brightens, "Oh! Right -- did you want to join the practice today?"

Marcus smiles, "If I'm welcome." He's got a couple of staves slung over his back, and he's actually dressed quite similarly to Caradog earlier, only in blue.

Cinnamon nods earnestly, "Of course! I wouldn't have mentioned it if not. Umm..." she glances at Shane inquiringly, "Do you have a staff, Shaney? I forgot to ask..." Shane actually has several staves of different sizes; if people might just drop in, he wants to have options. Cinnamon blinks at another thought, looking back at Marcus... then laughs, "Oh my gosh, guys! Do you suppose Caradog talked to us right before his exercise too?" She grins at Marcus, tilting her head for him to follow along as they all troop over near Shane's circle, in the Pocket Park.

Marcus smiles more widely, "Love to. I need to brush up on combat. I haven't exercised much as I've been recovering."

Shane chuckles at Cinnamon's thought, "He might have been! That's a pretty common sparring outfit for gealsidhe."

Cinnamon beams, looking pleased, "Well, that's just cool, then! I really like learning that Caradog's not always super-formal with folks!" She glances around in the park, calling, "Hi, Muriel! We're here for our staff practice, but aside from the occasional drink of water, we'll stay out of your way like I promised!" Muriel just giggles and waves before doing her little disappearing act. Cinnamon grins, then finds a nice, flat boulder she can carefully leave her glasses and bag on -- and then she takes a deep breath, muttering to herself, "I can do this! I am gonna do this! Okay!"

The training goes well. Baird stops by, though Keiko is not with him. Between them, Shane and Baird run everyone through staff kata and then set up different pairings to show people how to work to their strengths. Neither of them are exactly easy on anyone because, as Shane says, "This isn't Pilates -- this is training with a weapon. If we don't push, you don't learn to use it properly."

It takes the little dragon a bit to warm up, and another little bit before she relaxes enough to let her body remember the staff training she had -- some four months ago, now. She does her best to keep up but is (unsurprisingly) breathless, sweaty, panting, and hotly flushed as she works out. She never complains, of course, though sometimes she has to go sit down and rest by the big rock until she stops wheezing for air. She's a bit shy with Baird -- she's never faced him before in any sort of conflict, after all -- but tries her utmost to follow along. She's still a bit spooked about hitting full force, though... and sometimes it shows. She's quite likely, in fact, to look horrified and nearly stumble all over herself while apologizing for actually hitting someone!

Thorn is in slightly better shape than Cinnamon due to habits he picked up in the National Guard, but by the end of it he's in about equal condition. He's a little less reluctant to hit with full force, but only because he has to remind himself that he can heal someone if the staff somehow evades the defenses. Baird -- when working with Thorn and Cinnamon both -- moves with a compact, lethal grace. Where Shane moves like quicksilver personified, Baird moves with precise economy, never putting in more energy than he needs to. Marcus is pushed as well, but he and Shane are actually well-matched. By the end of the practice, everyone is sweat-soaked, and Shane starts everyone drinking water and eating something. Glancing around, he murmurs thoughtfully, "We need to do this more often."

Cinnamon breathlessly gasps out, between gulps of water, "Huh-hokay! Uhh... we do? When?" She blushes slightly as she wryly adds between wheezing for air, "Huff... at l-least I didn't -- huff -- clobber p-poor Marcus this time... huff..."

Marcus laughs quietly at that, seeming unbothered, "I was fine. Feel free to whack me with the staff when practicing. No one takes hits in practice personally." Cinnamon blushes again at that, hastily focusing on her water bottle. No whacking water bottles, right!

Shane muses, "I think weekly at least."

Cinnamon blinks confusedly at Shane, "We, uhh... I, um, thought we'd already arranged to do this weekly? Or... do you mean with everyone else here too?"

Shane smiles, "I mean making it a weekly open practice. I'd say twice a week, but there's too much traveling." He starts cleaning things up, and blinks as Marcus moves to help.

Thorn nods quietly at Shane's schedule. It makes sense to him; any sort of training needs to be done repeatedly for it to do any good. Cinnamon brightens at that -- she's less likely to embarrass herself in front of Shane if there are others around too! "Um... okay? So... how do we make it open, then? Do we... mention it in the broadsheets or something?"

Marcus nods, "That's what a lot of people do... and spread word of mouth." He brushes his hands off, looking around and smiling, "Thank you all for letting me join. I have to get back and take care of some administrative things at the Residence." He nods his head and slips out.

Cinnamon sighs softly as she hoists herself to her feet again, to help the others... though she pauses long enough to thank Muriel first. Turning back to the others, she opens her mouth to invite them to her place for some food -- but pauses as Marcus speaks. She blinks, watching him leave... then grins wryly to herself: Marcus is... very odd, to her, sometimes! To Baird, Thorn, and Shane, she says, "So, anybody want some hot brunch at my place?" The little dragon is starting to feel the chill of early spring morning a bit more, now she's stopped exercising. She beams when they all agree -- she finds she likes feeding folks! She sings quietly and a bit breathlessly to herself as they all head companionably off together.

Later that day, Shane and Cinnamon are strolling towards the Vault; Shane mmms, "We should not only see John for inter-enclave spending, but maybe get some actual human-type cash for Veles. He'll be traveling via mundane transportation, after all. Also, the charm-maker is a clever little nocker. I think you'll like her..."

Cinnamon grins happily up at Shane -- then brightens, "Oh! There's Navin and Tre -- let's tell them about the possible lamplighter job!" She patters up to the two men, almost chattering cheerfully with her excitement, "Hi, guys! Tre, I got an email that the rickshaw will be arriving in the next few days though it'll need some assembly but no worries we can help if you want! Also, Navin, guess what?! I talked to Caradog -- and we may have another possible job for you!" She swiftly explains about replacing the panes on the gaslights and being the street's lamplighter after that -- then concludes with, "So, what do you think? Interesting, or no?"

Shane smiles and waves at the two former Lost Boys, and Tre returns the same. He's stopped wearing hats to hide his ears, or pants so long he's in danger of tripping on them. He replies to Cinnamon, "I like putting things together. That'll be awesome!"

Navin blinks, surprised at Cinnamon's information-blurt, "I think that would be nice... something to keep me busy at night."

Cinnamon beams, exuberantly hugging both men, "Yay! I'm so glad -- Navin, just visit Llewellyn for the job, okay? -and let me know, guys, if either of you need help, and I'm so pleased for you both!"

Navin nods, still looking a bit grumpy -- though honestly that's his default state, as if his face were just drawn that way. Tre nods and grins, "We will!" -- and actually leans down to hug the excited little dragon.

About 15 minutes later, Cinnamon is almost skipping next to Shane as they progress down Coblyn Street! She's feeling truly amazing: deeply loved, satisfyingly useful, and almost bubbly with happiness! Fortunately for her, Shane's pretty good at interpreting her excited burbling: "-think he'll really like it, yay! So what's next -- Veles, I think, right? We got the letter for him so he can speak for me but we gotta find him so we can take him to have the charm next I think right? What's a knocker again? Is that like Lianne?"

Shane shakes his head, still grinning at his adorably excitable little acushla, "Nope. Liane's a goblin -- a poppart. A nocker is a sort of... well, you'll see." They grab Veles from Shane's apartment and head back up the street to an apartment much like Elias', in that it too is a basement apartment with blacked-out windows.

Cinnamon beams excitedly and hugs Veles, "Let's go get you a charm!" then tilts her head curiously at the apartment, "Huh! Are knockers photosensitive too, then? What do they knock on?"

Veles hugs back, greeting both Shane and Cinnamon before adding, "Knocker? As in tommyknocker?" His brows go up.

Shane's eyes twinkle, "Yes. Like that. Or, if you're Welsh, a coblyn." He winks at Cinnamon and knocks on the door.

The little dragon gasps, "Oh! That's where the name came from -- how cool!" She bounces excitedly on her toes, adding, "Was a coblyn one of the first inhabitants here, then?!"

Shane nods, "The coblyns helped to build the tunnels too, from what I've been able to find out. They used to help miners find rich veins in Cornwall and Wales. They're also really good with machinery and charms." He knocks on the door again since no one's answered yet, adding, "They used to knock on the walls of the mines to let miners know when a tunnel was unstable."

About then the door opens. The stout person who stands there is perhaps four feet tall and pale-skinned, with large, dark eyes and silvery hair pulled back into a neat braid. She's barefoot, wearing a pair of cargo pants and a t-shirt -- along with what appears to be a fishing vest with a truly spectacular number of pockets. When she sees who's there, she beams, "Shane-lad!" Her voice holds the rolling, pleasant tones of Wales.

Shane leans down to hug the small woman, "Ang! It's lovely to see you again." He stands, adding, "I'd like you to meet my sweetheart and her man. This is Cinnamon, Thirteenth Chair of the Council, and Veles, her liege man. Cinnamon, Veles, this is Angharad -- a supremely talented clockmaker and spell-spinner."

Cinnamon beams, "Hi there, Angharad!" She giggles at Shane, adding, "Also, Veles is my friend, Shaney! I don't think he's ever said he's my liege man -- he's just been really kind about helping me when I need it!" She hesitates, then adds a bit hesitantly in Welsh, "It is a great pleasure to meet you?" Then she translates for her non-Welsh speaking friends, shyly adding, "I'm hoping my accent doesn't make her wince!"

Angharad replies in Welsh, "And a pleasure to meet you as well! I've heard murmurs about Liam's granddaughter."

Veles smiles, "I am technically your liege, so that was a proper formal introduction... but yes, we are also friends." He nods to the nocker, "Angharad. It's a pleasure."

The small woman waves a hand, "Just Ang -- that's a whole lot of name for someone my size. Please, come in!" She steps aside and ushers them into her apartment.

Cinnamon blinks in surprise at Veles, "You are?! But you -- w-we -- uh, wait! That -- we can talk about that later, okay?" She's genuinely startled, however, since to her urban fantasy-trained mind -- as well as information from Spice -- a 'liege' relationship had some sort of swearing or something to it! But for now she simply mentally sets that aside, and instead troops on in with her friends, looking around with interest. A heartbeat later she blinks at Ang, her voice carrying a hint of worry, "'Rumors'? Uh-oh... was it, umm... w-were they bad ones?" She hastily adds, "The, er -- Sh-Shaney says the broadsheets always exaggerate!" Ang amusedly assures Cinnamon that it was just the normal 'white knowledge' of a new person... nothing scandalous! The little dragon is relieved.

Angharad doesn't have a living room so much as an enormous workshop that sort of has a few seats possible. There are tables full of tiny gears and cogs, while half-finished mechanisms are scattered here and there. The walls are filled with clocks and less recognizable things, and there's also an entire table that looks like a cross between a chemistry lab and a new age shop. Cinnamon unwittingly murmurs an awed, "...oooohhh..." as she looks around -- this place is simply fascinating to her!

The coblyn moves around, picking up items off flat surfaces to make spots for people to sit, "Please! Get comfortable! Would you like something to drink? I have water, ale, and water."

Cinnamon giggles, carefully seating herself in the smallest spot she can, "Water is fine, thank you!"

Shane grins at Ang, "Water for me, as well."

Veles also agrees on water, so once everyone has their drink Ang leans back against one of her workbenches, "I'm going to assume since you've brought new folks that this isn't simply a social visit, lad?"

Cinnamon grins at Shane, at that query, her eyes sparkling, "He's actually bringing me to meet you, ma'am... 'cause I need a charm, please?"

Ang's brows go up, "Oh? What is it you need?"

"A translation charm, please!" Cinnamon turns to Veles, beaming, "Want to describe precisely what you need?"

The coblyn nods as she listens, "I'm assuming two-way? They're pretty simple... even if you need multiple languages."

Veles nods, "Da. But it would be good if it can be only one-way sometimes. Either just for me speaking to be translated, or for me to just hear them. It is occasionally good for intelligence-gathering if the person you are with doesn't know you understand them."

Cinnamon nods, then smiles at the coblyn, "Also I'm covering the cost, please."

Ang looks a little concerned, "Well... the translation charm itself is simple, but not cheap if you want it for multiple languages. But for what you want..." She squints her eyes, considering, "It'll likely at least double the price. The reagents needed for that are fairly rare and expensive."

Cinnamon blinks at that -- then turns to the ex-merc, "Do you think this'll help you do your job better, Veles?"

Veles slowly nods, "Da, lady. It will be easier and faster than trying to find an individual translator in each place... and having the ability to listen is important."

Shane too nods, "He's not wrong, you know. If part of this job is to look for people that are trying to be sneaky..."

Veles wryly picks back up, "Da. People will often say ridiculously incriminating things in their own language... if they think you cannot understand."

Cinnamon smiles and shakes her head, "It's all good, you guys! You're the experts -- I just wanna be sure I'm doing the right things for you, y'know?" She turns back to Ang, "Okay, no problem! Make it exactly how he'd like, please?"

Ang blinks... then nods and names the price for the charm -- first without the switching components, and then with. It really is quite expensive, but when Cinnamon again agrees without hesitation to pay, Veles actually sits up a little straighter. If Cinnamon is willing to pay this much for this charm, and trust his judgement on needing something this spendy, then she must truly trust him! Despite his background and what he thinks of as his past sins... he finally really is family.

Marcus doesn't normally stop in the street to read the broadsheets. Instead, Ingrid usually brings a copy home to the Residence so he can read it there, along with his other correspondence -- just as a businessman out in the human world might read a newspaper. The Germanic elf feels it helps to be apprised of gossip, as gossip often holds nuggets of truth... and the broadsheets also hold advertisements and actual news.

Marcus is in his office at the Residence scanning this week's broadsheet when his eyes catch on an item amongst the gossip -- especially the words "ebony-haired" and "fiery redhead." Like many folk on Coblyn, he's quite adept at reading between the heavily-coded lines on the broadsheets, so those two descriptors, adjacent to each other, make him go back and read the bit more carefully.... and his pale brows rise. Whoever wrote this innuendo-filled piece is trying hard to make it sound like Shane and Cinnamon have been all but caught in flagrante, in public! Marcus suspects -- given his experiences with and around Cinnamon -- that little more than hand-holding, hugs, and kisses have been involved... but clearly this means the relationship is getting serious enough to be noticed.

The part about overnight stays, though, makes the elf flush in worry. The two may just be holding hands and cuddling in public... but who knows how things are progressing in private? After all, Marcus has no way of knowing Cinnamon can barely bring herself to nervously touch a shirtless Shane. So the elf mutters firmly to himself, "Be. Calm. Pushing will not help. Just be there." He closes his eyes and takes several slow breaths, then looks at his pocket watch. Ah... time to leave for breakfast at Uta's. He wants to catch Cinnamon and offer that introduction to Bob.

What Marcus doesn't yet realize is that using spies to figure out Cinnamon's schedule, to organize his plan of just being there and being... pleasant... means that Jalil has noticed -- again. So, when the djinn spots Marcus sitting outside Uta's and having breakfast at just about the time Cinnamon normally starts her day... well, Jalil mischievously decides now is the perfect time to see if Cinnamon would like to have company today! He knows, after all, that today is her normal weekly shopping day -- and is also the day Shane usually takes to run a lot of his weekly errands for other people.

Jalil pretends not to notice Marcus, but the djinn is good at keeping an eye without seeming to do so -- he's expecting one of Marcus' amusing little pouty fits. However, as Jalil steps up to knock lightly on Cinnamon's door, he's rather shocked to see Marcus finish up his little repast and tidy things away... before stepping up to the door as well, greeting Jalil in a perfectly polite and almost warm way.

At the tap on her door, Cinnamon brightens: maybe it's Shane! Or no, wait: today is his errand day, because he knows she does shopping today. Hmm... Jalil, maybe? That's always fun! She hastily gathers up her shopping gear, then opens the door, "Hi there- oh!" She blinks -- then laughs, "Well! Hi there, Jalil and Marcus! How are you guys this morning?"

Marcus smiles, "I'm well. I was having breakfast and thought I'd ask if you wanted to meet Bob today, but I think Jalil had something...?"

Jalil covers his surprise -- Marcus doesn't seem in the least upset or put out! The djinn knows who Bob is, but regardless, his surprise doesn't show in his voice as he replies, "I simply thought you might like company as you did your marketing today, Cinnamon. I know we've had a lovely time doing so together before."

Cinnamon looks pleased, "Oh, awesome, guys! Um, let me think... are you both okay with walking with me while I shop, and we can talk about Bob and stuff?" Hastily she adds, "Just, uhmm -- just if you're not busy, of course?"

Jalil grins -- here is where he fully expects Marcus to jockey for position or get huffy about Jalil horning in on his big plan! Consequently the djinn is again shocked... as Marcus simply smiles, "I wouldn't want to disrupt your routine, so I'd be happy to walk with you if I'm not interrupting."

Jalil offers his arm to Cinnamon and smiles his broad, beaming smile, "Please. I'd be honored."

Cinnamon beams at Jalil, accepting his arm... then blinks in surprise at Marcus. Wow, he's being... nice?! She grins delightedly at him, unwittingly lighting up at how lovely today is turning out -- even without Shaney! "Thank you, Marcus -- that's really nice of you!" The young elf is struck speechless for a moment at that smile; he feels heat rising in his cheeks. There -- that's the kind of moment that reminds him so strongly of just why he wanted so badly to kiss Cinnamon under the mistletoe at the Madrigal Ball!

As the three start strolling down Coblyn, Cinnamon adds fervently, "Nusantara is such a tangle -- of cultures and problems and peoples and just wow! -- so any help or learning I can find at all is absolutely totally appreciated... and I'm hoping maybe Bob can teach me some stuff too, y'know?" Hopefully she adds to Marcus, "Can you maybe introduce me to Bob later?" then adds to the djinn, "By any chance do you know anything about the area, Jalil? I don't want to miss out on good and helpful information just because I wasn't... because, uhh..." Her voice trails off at a sudden thought as she stares off into the distance for a few heartbeats... and then, abruptly, she gives a squeak of excitement, "Ohmygosh, guys -- I just had a thought! You know, lack of resources causes a lot of folks to be displaced there, and that includes the supernaturals. So, here's my thought: do you think it'd be a good idea -- oh, and is it appropriate too, I guess? -- to ask all the councilors if they know of any places in their various realms that might be willing to accept immigrant supernaturals?!"

Marcus uses the moment of Cinnamon's distraction with Jalil to hastily get himself under control again! At her question, he replies, "There's a lot of global unrest, but there are likely enclaves with extra space. Coblyn can get crowded, but we've just opened up the tunnels... and I was told that there's actually more space than was originally anticipated being needed."

Jalil nods, "Sadly, I do not know much about the area of which you speak, Cinnamon. But I can check with some of the enclaves in my demesne, to see if they would have space."

Cinnamon bounces excitedly once, with a delighted squeak, "Oh, yay! That's awesome news, guys -- thank you both so much!" -- before she remembers herself. She blushes as she coughs, then adds more carefully, "And... asking all the councilors: is that proper? Or is that not usually done? Or what?" Her eyes widen at another thought, "Oh, wow, I just thought of another possibility -- there's one of the volcanic-rock islands that's kinda storm-scraped a lot. But... I wonder if one of the Akoesdi Ayvwi families might like to move out there... and then make caves in the underwater mountainside for all the folks there?!"

Jalil considers, "The issue with that is the underwater mountains do not stay watertight. The tunnels would flood, wouldn't they?"

Cinnamon grins at Jalil, "I don't know, actually -- I'd have to ask them if they could do water-tight tunneling. But... I know prairie dogs have a way of tunneling that prevents flooding?"

Marcus thinks -- really considers the propriety of Cinnamon's query -- then muses, "Bringing a motion to consider it would be perfectly proper... especially as the thirteenth chair. They're refugees. It's a global matter -- rather than one for a single region."

Cinnamon frowns thoughtfully... then hesitantly asks, "Well, I... kinda sorta was thinking of asking them all individually... so it's like more personal? Do you think asking at a council meeting would be better?"

Marcus considers, as does Jalil. The young elf looks thoughtful, "I believe bringing the consideration up in general session will make everyone aware of it. Asking each person in private makes it sound..." He pauses, looking for words.

Jalil murmurs -- despite honestly not wanting to agree with Marcus, "Doing it quietly makes it seem like you're trying to do something shady. Bringing it to general session gives it the proper gravity it deserves."

Cinnamon blinks at that, "Oh." She considers a bit... then laughs a bit sheepishly, "Wow, I was just thinking that I should do it personally so I don't bother everyone at the Council meeting! But..." She frowns thoughtfully, absently nibbling on her lower lip -- then straightens and says with determination, "You know what? You guys are absolutely right -- I've got to stop thinking this is just silly little old me, and realize I'm representing all those folks -- and that means I have to stand taller and prouder so I don't embarrass them, right? -- and they absolutely have the right to be -- and should be -- brought up in council!"

Marcus' voice is almost quiet, because he doesn't want to talk over her, "Cinnamon, you have always had the right to stand up in council and say what you need or want to say."

Cinnamon smiles ruefully at Marcus, "Thank you... but honestly, for me? It's easier to know that... than it is to do it!" She laughs a bit sheepishly, "Remember the first time I sat at the table? Ohmygosh, I was so petrified -- I wasn't even sure I should even be there! But..." she smiles warmly at both men, "I've been working on it... and I'm really happy to be making friends, too!" Wryly she adds, "Though... I'm gonna guess Aoi's not going to want to talk to me for a bit, unfortunately."

Marcus looks at the ground for a moment as he nods, "Yes, I remember. I was... a bit of a prig." At that admission, Jalil actually stares at Marcus in astonishment! The elf raises his head, adding, "You've made so many good differences." Then he looks around and smiles, "Oh! Those pierogies you like!"

Cinnamon beams at Marcus, "Really? You think the changes I caused are okay? Yay!" She laughs as she looks towards where Marcus is looking -- and completely misses the effect, on Marcus, of her full-wattage delight at his approval, "Oh, yeah -- those are the nummiest! Hey, would you guys like some pierogies before we shop?"

Marcus smiles again, once he recovers from that joyous reaction, "Please, let me treat." He nods to Jalil, "You as well. It seems to be a group outing, and I'd be pleased to do something nice." Jalil once again looks at Marcus in bemused astonishment.

Cinnamon also looks a bit startledly at Marcus, "Oh! Uhmm, I... I didn't mean to, er, hint at you or anything, Marcus -- you don't have to do that...?"

Marcus shakes his head, "You weren't hinting." His smile is a little wry, "I really would like to treat you both. I've been enjoying walking and talking with the pair of you, and it seems like the sort of thing you'd do for...." He pauses, trying to decide on the correct word, "... friends."

Cinnamon blinks slowly at Marcus, pushing up her glasses... then glances bemusedly at Jalil. Is this as startling to him as it is to her? She has this sudden urge to giggle nervously, which she ruthlessly forces down... and just lets out a smile, "Um... well... okay then?"

Jalil resists the urge to press a hand to Marcus' forehead, instead looking at Cinnamon. He too is relieved to see the same bemused expression on her face. Besides, Jalil's core temperature is somewhere in the 105ºF range. Checking Marcus for a fever would only reveal one of the delirium-causing level -- and this wasn't... quite... delirium? Just... odd, "I would be happy to join you both."

Cinnamon grins confusedly at Jalil, relieved he's surprised as well... then follows Marcus as they head for the little restaurant. Thoughts tumble through her head as she ponders why Marcus is doing this. Could he... have something to say quietly to her or Jalil, that he doesn't want to say on the street? Did he arrive too late to have a bite to eat at Uta's, maybe? Did Jaeger make a deal with Marcus or something, about how many times the younger elf had to be polite to folks? Oh! Maybe he's got a rock in his shoe or -- or some underclothing isn't sitting quite right, or something... and he needs a moment in the men's room to fix things? The little dragon has to cover her small grin as she registers just how wildly unlikely her speculations are getting.

Marcus holds Cinnamon's chair for her when they sit, and the conversation is actually pleasant. Marcus asks Jalil for some suggestions on Arabic poetry, since his own collection is very much in the European vein and he's been wanting to expand his knowledge of it. He says he's been meaning to ask around about American poets as well since it seems like he ought to know more -- having grown up in the States, after all.

Cinnamon grins excitedly at that request, noting (after Jalil's suggestions) that she loves both Emily Dickenson -- who really seems to get shyness! -- and Robert Frost, who has lovely turns of phrase. She admits she's not read much Walt Whitman, though he's been recommended to her... but she's recently discovered Maya Angelou, and very much loves her work as well.

At the end of the meal Marcus checks his pocket watch and stands, putting down enough money to cover the meal -- fortunately, people on Coblyn make enough not to have to live on gratuities. "I apologize, but I have some appointments today I must attend to. Thank you for including me."

Cinnamon grins bemusedly at Jalil after Marcus departs, "Was that... kinda odd to you too?"

Jalil wryly replies, "Were I not one hundred percent certain Thorn would have noticed him not being the correct species, I would wonder if he were some sort of changeling." Cinnamon laughs at that!

By the next morning, Cinnamon and Spice are already seated in the little dragon's office, and Spice has made all the arrangements she needs. Veles too is present to be introduced, though he has other things to see to as well, so won't be present for the entire meeting... and 30 minutes before the meeting time, an email with the correct connection information is sent to the Chair. Veles is leaning on the ledge of one of the windows, looking quite relaxed. He's taken to shaving his head, since the burn scars keep him from growing a full head of hair in any case. Spice is sitting on the side of the computer, out of sight of the camera.

Thorn enters the office just in time, having come from the infirmary at a fast jog. He does pause to take a quick look around as he closes the door, and looks approving -- it's very cozy yet dignified! Cinnamon beams and waves to Thorn, who smiles and waves back, seating himself out-of-the-way but available for the call. Cinnamon grins at Spice, "You're getting introduced too, Spicy -- we're not shutting you out! Plus they might like to see the person who's helping them download securely?"

Spice makes a face, "Can I play the 'as a hacker, it's against my fuckin' religion to show my face in a Zoom meeting' card?"

Cinnamon giggles at Spice, shaking her head, "Nope! I mean, we're all brand new and strange to these folks, right? So hopefully seeing us -- even if it's just a glance at our faces -- will help them feel better... please, Spicy? Plus you may need to walk them through what to do too!" Spice sighs and comes around to the camera side of the computer and settles in, doing her best to look respectable... which isn't actually all that good at the moment. Cinnamon covers her giggle at Spice's glum expression! The hacker gets the app up and running, and the Zoom meeting room open. Five minutes or so afterward, the other members of the meeting start appearing.

The little dragon brightens as people log on, waving, "Hi, everyone! I've brought a couple of folks together for you all to meet, since your Chair mentioned it would be nice to see people. So, this is Spice, my dear friend who's running the computer part of this show, and if you have any questions about the security you can ask her. This is Thorn, who will hopefully be coming with me when I finally get to Nusantara -- he is a truly awesome healer! This is Veles, who's gonna be the man with, uh, his boots on the ground -- he'll be able to speak for me if you have any needs when he comes to visit." She beams, adding, "-and I'm Cinnamon, the Thirteenth Chair! It's a real pleasure to meet you all -- oh!" She hastily adds, "Also, I'm a dragon descended from Liam, the previous chairholder, and if you have any questions, please feel free to ask! Also, if you're comfortable telling us if you're supernaturals, umm..." She grins shyly, "Well, I know I at least would love to know?"

Spice adds, "Our truthspeaker is running a little bit late -- he had another job he had to do."

The three people on the screen nod as people are introduced. The very short, twitchy, lightly built man introduces himself as the Treasurer, due to being a bit more modern-day adjusted, and tech-savvy, than everyone else on the Board. He's one of the Orang Pendek people, and named Jakarta -- though he quickly adds, "But you may call me Jax." The large, very solid, dour woman introduces herself as Kyesha, one of the shapeshifting saltwater crocodile people... and the last person in the room is a truly lovely, graceful, and smiling woman with a musical voice, who introduces herself as Adiratna, a kinnara; she's their grant-writer and general money-raiser. Cinnamon recognizes Kyesha's voice as the woman she spoke to on the phone -- and, as the Chair, she's also the one who seems to speak the most, "It is good to meet all of you."

Thorn nods to the people on the screen. Somehow, he never associated the supernatural with modern technology -- even most of his medical themes tend towards the old-fashioned, like herbology. He wonders if that's even a good thing, and decides he's going to have to try to find some sort of syncretism between 'old' and 'new.' But that can wait. For now, he's fascinated by the supernaturals he sees on the screen; it makes him wonder if anyone has ever taken a census of the supernaturals of the world.

Cinnamon beams, "It's good to see you all too! So... okay then! Jax, Spice says she has a secure connection for you, so you can share your books with us. Ready?"

Jax nods and gets out actual ledgers, like the ones Cinnamon has in her office. He's frowning intently, "I am very uncomfortable with this risk. These numbers and this information is very sensitive. I did not even like having to put it into an electronic form."

Spice stops herself from rolling her eyes, and instead replies, "I understand your concerns. However, the encryption we're using has never been broken. There's an annual prize for anyone that can get past it -- ten million US dollars -- so some of the best hackers on the planet have tried." She leaves out that she herself has tried, too, "I promise you, it's safe." Cinnamon looks quietly impressed -- that's news she didn't know! She's rather proud of Spice for being so clever with computer stuff. Thorn blinks. He hadn't known that, either! He wonders if Spice has ever tried to go after that prize.

Jax still looks grumpy and reluctant, but at Kyesha's flat stare he finally nods, using the provided link to send a copy of the books. His voice is slightly accusatory, "I will hold you accountable if something goes amiss after this."

Cinnamon smiles calmly, "That's fine. In my other job, the company always backs up their claims of security too, so that won't be unusual." She waits silently, watching Spice work swiftly on her little laptop... then beams when the young hacker gives her a nod and a thumbs-up. "Awesome! Okay, everyone, we got the download just fine -- thank you all for your time, and it was lovely to see you all face to face! Now, if I remember correctly, your next scheduled meeting is day after tomorrow, at 8:00 am your time, right? So hopefully I'll have something useful for you by then, in regards to possible ways to cut financial corners... and even if not, at least I'll be able to tell you it's not your spending that's the issue!"

The smiling kinnara and the chair nod their agreement, but Jax is still scowling as he grumbles, "I still do not like this."

Kyesha's deep voice is flat and uncompromising, "You do not need to like it very much. You just need to know that the information is safe."

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