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O Mischief Strangely Thwarting!

The lunch is filling and delicious, the company is cheerful and pleasant... and by the time it's over, everything is cleared up and put away, and everyone has departed, Cinnamon is in a very happy mood. She heads off to her office for the afternoon, intending to read the three letters to Liam while she's there.

As Cinnamon is settling into her office, a messenger shows up with a note from Himeko, letting Cinnamon know she's gotten a tea ceremony set up for Cinnamon and Aoi -- but it won't be until after the return from the big trip. Also, Waylon has some metals -- and, actually, some rough gems -- he'd like Cinnamon to have a look at. The little dragon makes note of all that in her calendar, then turns to Liam's correspondence. The letters which were re-routed to Llewellyn are a mixed bag. One is from the guy who she was warned sees himself as something like a God-Emperor in Greece. He's demanding his territory be released from the Council's rule, citing the whole 'god-emperor' thing. Another seems to be a copy of one of the letters she's already seen, from when the whole Thirteenth Chair thing came up in Council. The third seems to be from a village that's actually deep in Snow's territory.

Cinnamon blinks at the first letter, then grins wryly -- wow, what a conceited person! She hopes Elias is right, and the silly man will be impressed with her... because no, she's not releasing just one enclave, sorry! That'd be totally unfair to both the regular people there... and everywhere else. She's pleased the second letter is being dealt with already... but she frowns thoughtfully at the third. In it, the elders of the village complain that humans are encroaching. Qadan promised to keep them safe from that, in return for tribute from their herds. They've been sending the tribute, but nothing has been done! Cinnamon's brow furrows in perplexity. Hmm... maybe there was a similar situation with Qadan as there was with Aoi -- and he was just ignoring some folks? Cinnamon decides to trot down the hallway and see if she can find Snow's office... she'd like to share the letter with the new councilor.

Snow's office is easy to find, but Snow isn't in it, so Cinnamon checks to see if there's a time listed to find Snow there... because now she thinks about it, the little dragon has no idea at all where Snow lives! There's a note on the door stating that she has gone back to her home until the next council session; any correspondence should be forwarded through Jalil. Cinnamon frowns at that. She stands outside the door, lightly tapping the letter on her fingers as she considers. On the one hand, Snow seemed really nice, to Cinnamon... but on the other, the letter was sent to Liam. Hmm... though if it was sent to Liam, that means it must've been sent a while ago, since they didn't know he was dead... which also means Qadan was still the councilor there... okay, good. It should be safe to give this to Jalil, to send to Snow! As she patters down the hallway again towards Jalil's office, Cinnamon curiously checks the stamped date on the envelope. The date on the envelope is actually after Liam's death. But Snow's territory -- Qadan's former territory -- is rather vast, so it's quite possible not all the denizens are aware of what has happened in the last couple of years.

Cinnamon nods to herself -- this all tracks, so far! Jalil's office door is open and quiet strains of Moroccan music are playing. She peeks into Jalil's office, knocking politely on the doorframe, "Jalil? Got a moment, please?"

Jalil glances up and then smiles broadly. He has removed his glasses, so his flame-filled eyes are visible, "Come in, please!"

Cinnamon blinks in startlement, her eyes widening, "Oooh, wow, Jalil -- you have the coolest eyes!" She advances into the room towards him, unwittingly starting to reach out as if to touch the flame -- but when she sees her hand rising before her face, towards Jalil's, she squeaks in embarrassment, "Oh! I'm so so sorry -- that's so rude of me! I, uh, h-here -- letter! Qadan! Er... except not? To, er, Liam... oh, crabcakes!" By now, of course, she's scarlet! "I, um... c-can I just start over, please?"

Jalil laughs a warm and inviting laugh, teasing gently, "Thank you for not poking me in the eye." He winks at Cinnamon and covers his eyes with the sunglasses he normally wears, in order not to tempt the little dragon -- fire creatures are often fascinated with flame. "Please, sit. Start over." His office is not like hers. Rather than a desk and chairs, there are floor cushions and a low table.

Cinnamon is still blushing as she hastily settles on one of the cushions, "Right! Um... yeah, no... n-no poking..." She takes a deep breath, then lays out the tale of the letter, finally adding, "So I tried to take it to Snow, since I think she'd take good care of them, you know? But the note on her door says to forward stuff to her through you. Is that okay? I'm afraid the envelope is torn open, but I was careful to put it all back together as best I could...?"

Jalil examines the contents of the letter, brows going up, "This was written after Qadan was already... removed from office." That's a gentle way of saying 'consumed by fire after trying to commit mass murder.' "But the steppes are vast. They've given their location by latitude and longitude, which would indicate they're so remote there are no actual roads near them." He looks up at Cinnamon, "Would you like me to pass this on to Snow, or would you rather go yourself?"

Cinnamon smiles wryly, "I'd love to go visit that area! But I absolutely have to take care of Nusantara first." She beams a bit proudly as she happily adds, "We've fixed one of the problems already, in fact! Plus Veles is out there arranging things so when he calls I can fly out, and we'll get a whole bunch done quickly." She adds in (slightly uncertain) explanation, "Apparently it's SOP for someone to... sort of get all the ducks in a row, before really big missions are, um... done? Or at least that's what folks are telling me." She smiles hopefully, "So... could I ask you to send it on to Snow, please?"

Jalil nods and smiles again, "Of course. I would be honored to get this to her. She is new at being a councilor, and she will be grateful to know this is happening. She will doubtless be upset Qadan was demanding tribute to do what he should have been doing just as a normal duty."

Cinnamon nods gravely, "That's a good point -- I should've registered that more quickly. Hmm..." She thinks a moment, then nods once, "Can I ask you to pass a message to Snow too, please? If the village is hurting because of sending the 'tribute,' I'm happy to help her fund some replacements, okay?" She smiles as she adds, "They did effectively write to both of us, after all."

Jalil nods, smiling warmly and reaching across the table to take Cinnamon's hand, "This. This is why you will make an excellent Thirteenth Chair should it revert to being a mediator rather than a chair with territory." Cinnamon blushes with pleasure as she beams shyly and accepts Jalil's hand -- she's thrilled that people she respects seem to think she's doing okay!

Later that same day -- and a few days after his first 'being there' effort for Cinnamon -- Marcus approaches the little dragon again, this time at Astrid's quaint little bookstore and teashop. He'd been feeling much better after his short bout of ironsickness, so when his spies reported Cinnamon and Jalil were at Astrid's Bookshop, Marcus decided to 'be there' yet again.

The little dragon is chatting cheerfully over tea with Jalil, and blinks when Marcus approaches with a volume of poetry in his hand. She watches with interest as the sidhe asks the djinn if the translation is a good one, and he and Jalil chat about the book of poetry. Marcus is once again friendly, charming... absolutely not snobbish or cold. He even compliments Cinnamon on her choice of reading material.

Cinnamon brightens a bit, "Oh! Well, it, uh, I... I, um, thought it might be interesting to read a German poet...? S-so Astrid recommended Rainer Maria Rilke, as someone with some beauty and mysticism and pathos. Umm... have you... read him at all? Maybe?"

Marcus smiles and recites in German:

"Herr: es ist Zeit. Der Sommer was sehr groß.
Leg deinen Schatten auf die Sonnenuhren,
und auf den Fluren laß di Wind los.

Befiel den letzten Fructen voll zu sein;
gieb ihnen noch zwei südlichere Tage,
dränge sie zur Vollendung hin und jage
die letzte Süße in de schweren Wein.

Wer jetzt kein Haus hat, baut sich keines mehr.
Wer jetzt allein ist, wird es lange bleiben,
wird wachen, lesen, lange Briefe schreiben,
und wird in den Alleen hin und her
unruhig wandern, wenn die Blätter treiben.

Then he switches to English,

"Lord: it is time. The summer has been long.
Lay your shadows over the sundials
and let loose the winds upon the fields.

Command the last fruits to fully ripen,
give them two more days of southern sun,
urge them to perfection, and chase
the last sweetness into the heavy wine.

Who now has no house, builds no more.
Who is now alone, will long remain so,
will stay awake, read, write long letters
and through the avenues go here and there
restlessly wandering, with the leaves drifting down.
Marcus smiles quietly, "'Autumn Day,' Ranier Maria Rilke," then nods toward the book she holds, "It's likely in that volume."

Cinnamon gasps excitedly, "Herbsttag -- yes! Isn't it lovely? Oh, oh, I have a favorite too!" She grins, her eyes sparkling and her German fluid and impassioned -- then switches to English for Jalil,

"You see, I want a lot.
Perhaps I want everything:
the darkness that comes with every infinite fall
and the shivering blaze of every step up.

So many live on and want nothing,
And are raised to the rank of prince
By the slippery ease of their light judgments

But what you love to see are faces
that do work and feel thirst.

You love most of all those who need you
as they need a crowbar or a hoe.

You have not grown old, and it is not too late
to dive into your increasing depths
where life calmly gives out its own secrets.
Then she sighs and beams delightedly, "Isn't he just beautifully lyrical?!" Cinnamon has no idea just how much that poem applies to both her and Marcus' situations... she just thinks it's a thing of beauty. Marcus smiles back warmly, momentarily struck dumb by Cinnamon's joyous demeanor, and the easy, fluid way his native tongue flows off hers. Then, after courtesies exchanged, he leaves -- before he's even close to wearing out his welcome.

Frieda and Albrecht are, naturally, horrified to hear of the attack on poor Marcus, and they rush out to Coblyn Street to assist in his healing and consolation. However, news and travel speeds being what they are for the sidhe, it's actually a few weeks after the incident itself before the twosome arrive and have also, themselves, healed up from the travel. Thus, by the time they're ready to console and comfort their deeply wounded friend... they find he isn't really interested -- because he's both healed up and busy fretting worriedly about how close Cinnamon and Shane are getting!

After a bit of pique at Marcus not really being interested in their usual playful games, the twosome decide they're going to do something that will help Marcus in his (admittedly weird) fixation on the rude barbarian not getting to the dumpy fat girl first. It'll be a lovely surprise for Marcus! Once he's gotten his 'fix' with this dull girl, maybe then he'll relax and be more fun again. So they watch a bit and plan a bit, then gather together a few things they'll need. Once evening comes, they prep as necessary... then head to the spot they've chosen. They're ready.

It's the night of the day of testing Marcus' allergies. Cinnamon patters happily along Coblyn towards her little home, humming quietly to herself and hoping Shane gets off work soon. She's feeling rather pleased with herself -- she's gotten a great deal of good work done today! -- so she's planning on celebrating a teensy bit with a tasty cake. Hopefully Shane will like it too? Hmm, chocolate or lemon... or wait, does she know what he likes best? Maybe... chocolate and lemon, perhaps...?

As the little dragon passes a darkened alley, she hears a low, throaty laugh followed by, "Oooh, Shaaa-ane... I'm so glad you changed your mind!" Cinnamon blinks in surprise, pausing to glance back into the alley -- just in time to see a blonde woman pulling a suspiciously familiar, tall, raven-haired man towards her for a passionate kiss.

Cinnamon freezes in gut-twisting horror for a heartbeat, her eyes widening behind her glasses -- then realizes she's standing right where the girl might spot her! The idea of the two turning and laughing at her for her gullibility makes her insides want to shrivel up, and the little dragon darts quickly out of sight from the alleyway. She pauses, her fists clenched against her mouth to keep herself from screaming or sobbing right then and there -- but the sound of low murmuring and another throaty laugh make her almost run towards her little home. She can hide there; she'll be safe there!

Cinnamon has a truly horrible night, broken-heartedly crying into her pillow and simply ignoring any knocking at her door. She can't help but wonder, though: what is wrong with her, that she keeps falling so hard for guys who just want to make fun of her?! Her shock and desperate misery feels overwhelming, until she finally falls asleep from exhaustion.

When she wakes up the next morning, she feels leaden and numb inside, going through the motions of getting up to shower only because she can't think of any good reason not to. Once she's washed away all her tears, though, she feels too much gut-punched anomie to actually go out and do anything... so she pulls on clean pajamas and curls up on her futon under a blanket, to hide from a world that's simply too much for her right now. She doesn't know it, but her expression -- her entire demeanor -- is that of someone smashed down once too often; slumped in spiritless defeat. Even when there's more knocking on her door, and voices calling... she covers her head with a pillow, and ignores it.

Shortly thereafter, Marcus returns to the Residence with his brows furrowed in worry. He'd arrived at Cinnamon's door for their lunch date... though she likely thought of it less as a date and more like just a friendly meeting. But when he showed up, he'd found Shane at the door. The half-beansidhe had been there for some time knocking and calling Cinnamon's name with no results. The two young men compare notes and come up with a picture that discomfits them both: it's not like Cinnamon to go radio silent! She usually lets someone know where she's going to be, unless there's something seriously wrong! "She's not at the infirmary..." Shane rubs the back of his head anxiously, "Could she have had to leave the Street suddenly?" He's obviously upset at the thought that she didn't let anyone at all know.

Marcus rests a hand on Shane's shoulder, not even thinking twice about it in his worry for Cinnamon, as he assures the half-beansidhe, "I'll check in with Elias on my way back home." Shane nods, adding that he'll check a few other places later, as he's got promises to keep right now. Both men agree to meet back at Cinnamon's cottage a little later.

Now, Marcus strides into his suite, frowning in worry as he undoes his waistcoat. Elias had had no idea where Cinnamon was either. Shane's busy and can't help because he won't break promises unless they've got actual evidence they need to worry, and it's not just: 'Well, she's not answering her door...' The Germanic elf mutters to himself, "Could someone else have a key? Maybe Spice... even Josie? I should have asked Elias." He huffs a frustrated sigh as he shakes his head and tosses his coat and waistcoat onto his bed -- maybe she's just so hurt she couldn't cry out? But for goddess' sake, the woman is a dragon! What could damage her so badly she couldn't even call for help? Marcus has gotten better, but it still hasn't quite registered for him that a psychic wound would hit Cinnamon as badly -- if not even worse -- as would a physical one.

It's as he's pulling on a less-stylish jacket that Marcus turns and sees Frieda and Albrecht standing in his doorway. He hides an irritated sigh -- he's got no time for these two and their idiotic games! He wasn't best pleased that they came to visit again, after what happened last time. It takes a moment, therefore, for him to register just how inordinately smug they both look. He pauses with his jacket halfway up his arms, asking, "What has the two of you looking like the cat that got into the cream?"

Albrecht laughs delightedly and Frieda titters, grinning as she asks in an overly-sweet voice, "Off to dally with your new little playmate, now the cretin is out of the way?"

Marcus blinks slowly, finishing pulling the jacket over his shoulders but not moving to button it... as a cold certainty settles in his stomach. He keeps his voice calm and curious, though, as he asks, "Cretin? What do you mean? And how is whoever-that-is out of the way?"

Both Albrecht and Frieda laugh! This time it's Albrecht who speaks, "That barbarian that broke your nose last time we were here -- but don't worry, cousin! We took care of him for you."

That cold stone in Marcus' gut turns to bile... that's starting to climb up his throat as they outline just what they did. By the end, Marcus feels as if the top of his head is going to fly off as he snarls, "You did what? I cannot believe this! Are you both absolutely mad, or are you just complete dumkopfs? What on this world or any other made you think I wanted her damaged... even if for my benefit?!"

Frieda looks mightily offended, while Albrecht huffs haughtily, "What is wrong with you? We did this for you! You were worried about him getting to her first -- and now he's out of the way! She thinks he's an inconstant cad. Your way to her is clear! It's just a harmless prank -- and now you get what you want too!"

Marcus just slowly shakes his head as it dawns on him: Cinnamon may not be in any physical danger or pain right now -- but she's definitely emotionally fragile. Hasn't he seen that? Hasn't he himself caused that kind of devastating emotional pain? He almost snarls, "Verdammt! I've got to go apologize to her... ach, and Shane too! You've done him a great disservice -- I need to make sure Cinnamon knows the truth about this." Frieda puffs up like a wet hen, starting to object to having to apologize for 'a harmless little joke'-- and Marcus looks at her like she's a speck of dirt, "You really are mad, aren't you? I don't want you within ten feet of her. In fact, I don't want either of you anywhere on the entire street! By the time I'm done making this right, I want you gone."

Albrecht's face goes red; he moves as if to get in Marcus' face, snapping, "Just who do you think you are, to throw us out?! You can't treat us like this! You're not even an Elder -- Jaeger is!"

As if his name summoned him (though it was actually all the yelling) Jaeger appears at the end of the hall. With his usual inimitable style, he courteously inquires, "What is going on, please?"

Marcus almost snarls as he stomps toward his father, yanking at his coat in a way that's very unlike himself -- which makes Jaeger arch an intrigued eyebrow. Marcus explains: "These two... people have made Cinnamon believe Shane is cheating on her -- which we both know is absolutely ridiculous, but she's so ready to believe someone would leave her that they made it work. She's gone incommunicado since their ridiculous prank, and I'm going to try to coax her into listening to the truth."

Jaeger's other brow rises... and then he looks at the other two elves. In a chilly voice he murmurs, "Ah. I see... and you don't wish to take orders from Councilor Marcus? The primary and long-term representative of Elm, here on Coblyn? Or should I say, the primary and long-term global representative of Elm?" He stares with haughty disdain at the two before adding, "He made his desires quite clear: he expects you shall be leaving. Now." That shuts both visiting elves up, their eyes almost bugging out! It's as if they'd forgotten their childhood friend is now politically powerful -- indeed, powerful enough for one of the eldest and strongest sidhe they know... to defer to him! They both stutter and almost tip over themselves, agreeing to leave.

After they've fled, Marcus sighs and rubs his face, muttering, "I need to go make this right, Vater. Neither Shane nor Cinnamon deserve this."

Jaeger lays a hand lightly on Marcus' shoulder, "I'm proud of you, mein Sohn."

Marcus straightens a bit and nods, tiredly smiling at his father. He doesn't always want to admit it to himself -- or anyone else, for that matter -- but his father's opinion of him is indeed important to Marcus. "Also, I am abjectly sorry for any... distress I caused you and Mutter by my younger... behavior."

Jaeger chuckles quietly, "We are elves. We all go through our period of being contrary. It is in our nature. One day you and I will sit together and I will tell you the story of the courtship between your mother and me." He pats Marcus on the shoulder again, "Now, go: try to repair whatever those two... people... did." Marcus straightens a bit, walking out the door with a look of determination on his face... and Jaeger smiles quietly to himself, murmuring, "He is finally growing into himself, meine Sternschnuppe. You would be so proud." He glances up as if he could see the sky; as if he were talking to someone he could see up there... and then he turns to return to his own business.

Marcus strides along Coblyn, looking first for Shane, since the elf knows he will have to explain this to the half-beansidhe. He sighs to himself, glad he makes a habit now of carrying two or more handkerchiefs at all times. Even though this isn't his doing, he won't blame Shane at all if the other young man breaks his nose again -- since this new (and horrible) emotional attack on Cinnamon is his fault by association. He looks down at the jacket he changed into and straightens it, sighing in resignation: if it gets bloody, it gets bloody. He'll apologize to Ingrid for causing her more work, and assure her he won't be upset if it isn't salvageable.

Hunting Shane down really isn't all that difficult -- it just consists of stopping a random person on the street and asking if they've seen him. Chances are they will have, at some point in the day. Then you go in that direction and ask someone in that vicinity... and continue asking till Shane is found. Luck is with Marcus today, as it only takes three repetitions before he tracks Shane down -- coming out of the apothecary with a package to deliver.

When Marcus calls out to him, Shane stops and looks around, brows going up as he sees who it is. The look on his face is somewhat skeptical, in fact, as Marcus trots to catch up to him. The elf notes this, but keeps the sigh on the inside, "I'm sorry to interrupt your errands, but I need a..." This time he does sigh, "Can I ask you to come with me to Cinnamon's house? I have some unpleasant news to give you both and I'd rather only have to tell this..." he makes a face, "ridiculousness once, please." The look on his face after that is pleading.

Shane slow-blinks, processing Marcus' sincerity -- and the fact that he's telling the truth about why he'd like Shane to accompany him. This isn't some trick! The half-beansidhe looks down at the package in his hands as he considers -- Marcus is being exceptionally and unwontedly sincere! Also, Shane is very worried about his acushla, "Okay, I'll go along... but I have to deliver this."

Marcus nods, "Of course. I wouldn't ask you to shirk your duties." The two of them travel the few blocks required for Shane to drop off the package at the home of a very pregnant little dwarf woman's house... and then turn toward Cinnamon's home. While they walk, Marcus takes a deep breath, "This is going to sound strange, but once we get there I'd like to ask you to please not speak or show yourself until Cinnamon lets us in. I know it's a strange thing to ask, but... I promise you it's needful in this instance."

Shane's head actually jerks back, because he wants to protest -- but he can't, in the face of the sheer truth of Marcus' statement. "Ooookay... but with a few stipulations. One, I will not lie -- and I'm not going to force myself in somewhere I'm not wanted."

Marcus looks at Shane, a brow raised, "I wouldn't ask you to do either of those things. It's not your nature, and it would disrespect Cinnamon -- and that is the exact opposite of what this is about."

Shane gets a look on his face as if he's feeling a little weirded out, but Marcus is still being truthful! The half-beansidhe is really starting to wonder just what the fuck has happened, too -- because Marcus looks like he's marching to a funeral, or his own death. Plus, the only reason Cinnamon dens up like this is when she's been beaten down emotionally! The really strange part, though, is... why would she let Marcus in before him? After all, it's Shane that's her sweetheart and her asthore!

When they reach Cinnamon's cottage, Marcus raps firmly and loudly on the door, calling out "Cinnamon? Please, I know you're in there! Please? I know what's happened." Shane winces at that comment about knowing she's in there, because Marcus is apparently only pretty sure -- but then the half-beansidhe blinks at Marcus knowing what's happened, and his jaw drops. Marcus knows what's upset his a ghrá? Marcus, of all people? The elf knocks again, "Please let me in. I really want to explain what happened." He waits a few minutes, knocks a little more lightly and calls, "Please? I'll just stay and wait... because I'm worried about you. I know you're hurting in there. I'll be right here when you're ready," -- and then... he waits. Shane stares. Every word of that was truth! This is not the Marcus he's been used to.

Every little bit, Marcus knocks lightly again and repeats, "I'm not leaving. I know what happened, and I want to make sure you're okay. Just let me in to speak with you. Please? Just for a few minutes?" Shane settles in, watching this with confusion. He hasn't seen Marcus this determined and sincere in a very long time.

Inside the little cottage, Cinnamon is curled up under the covers and ignoring the annoying rapping on her door... but eventually a thought drifts through her mind. Isn't that... Marcus' voice? Didn't she tell him to come over for lunch? Just as she's starting to debate getting up to apologize to him and tell him she's not feeling well, so can't make lunch... another thing registers for her: did he just say... he knows what happened?! Oh... bugger! That means Shane must be being obvious with that new [beast!/witch/grrr horrible/waaaaah!] umm... girl... which means the whole terrible street must know by now! Cinnamon sighs miserably, wondering if she can sneak away from the street under cover of night, and just never return... wait. Was that Marcus saying he was worried about her? That thought niggles through her mind for a while -- if he's being nice, it's not nice to make him worry out there, is it? But... is he really being nice? But... he certainly has been, recently... hasn't he? ...oh, uuuugh! She sighs, realizing she really should get up and at least... well, at least tell him she's fine and he can go away now.

The little dragon drags herself reluctantly out of bed, slowly belting on her robe and putting on her slippers in the half-hearted hope that Marcus will give up before she gets there... but no. Trudging over to the door, she sighs once more... then unlocks and opens it, letting it swing slowly open. She doesn't even have the energy to greet Marcus, though... she just stares defeatedly at him.

Shane is standing back a bit, just as Marcus asked him to be -- but when the door opens, he automatically tries to rush forward to go to Cinnamon's aid. It's only Marcus' grave expression and his raised hand that keeps Shane back. Marcus hesitates a heartbeat before softly asking, "May I come in? Please?" The Germanic elf's voice is gentle, coaxing... and Shane's heart drops into his stomach. He stops in his tracks; he nearly stops breathing -- but he does what he said he'd do.

Cinnamon stares silently at Marcus for a few seconds... but then realizes: if he knows what happened, then... he knows about... about... she gulps, closing her eyes for a heartbeat -- she will not burst into tears again! She's been crying for -- for days, it feels like! She's already -- he knows she was... was jilted again, so... well, at least he doesn't look like he's going to laugh at her, so... so... oh, who cares. Her gaze drops as she mumbles, "Whatever..." and turns away. She's feeling smashed down enough that she doesn't even care if he messes up locking the door.

Marcus takes a step far enough that Cinnamon can't easily close the door -- well, not without hurting him, and he knows she wouldn't do that on purpose -- then pauses, "Is it okay if I bring a friend?" Shane is still obeying the 'stop sign hand,' but his muscles are tensed, holding back his instinct to go make his acushla feel better!

Cinnamon pauses, considering... then without turning around, dispiritedly asks, "Who?"

Marcus takes a deep breath, knowing there are going to be two very different and unpleasant responses to this, "It's... it's Shane." He flicks his eyes toward Shane, holding up one finger telling the other man to just wait, before looking back at Cinnamon, voice gentle, "I know he's likely the last person you want to see right now, but I brought him because I know something about what happened last night that neither you nor he knows. So... please? Just until I've spoken to the both of you. You need to be together to hear this. Then, if you want, we'll both leave." He feels certain saying this, because he knows Shane would never force his presence on someone.

Shane, however, feels suddenly nauseated... because that part about him being the last person Cinnamon wants to see? It's... true! But how the fuck can that be true? He puts a hand over his chest, where it feels like someone just mule-kicked him there -- and goes even paler than beansidhe-pale as he glowers at Marcus. What the hell has the damn elf done? How does he know what's going on here -- but Shane doesn't? The half-beansidhe would growl and demand answers, but that he promised to stay quiet... and he keeps his promises.

Cinnamon takes a long, slow breath. Shane is out there?! He wants to come in?! He has some nerve, if so -- he has a ton of explaining to do -- and she's absolutely not interested in tricksy talk! She wheels around, rage building inside her -- but her voice is still almost eerily quiet, "He- okay. Sure. Fine... he can come in." Her eyes are unwittingly starting to light up with her tightly-banked pain and fury.

Marcus nods and motions for Shane to follow him as he steps in -- and Shane immediately ducks in after him. At the expression on Cinnamon's face, though, Shane does what is built into him: "Acushla! What's happened? What's wrong?" He starts to swoop toward her, to pull her into his embrace -- but Marcus puts himself literally in Shane's way, both hands on the other man's chest and his voice firm, "Wait!"

Cinnamon may be exhausted, but she is not going to put up with Shane acting like nothing's wrong, darnit -- he knows she's a bit freaked out by casual sex! Consequently, when he starts to rush forward, she absolutely glares daggers at him -- he'd better not try touching her right now!

At that, Shane nearly stumbles; Shane doesn't stumble. He's exceptionally hard to put off-balance... but those two things combined -- Marcus stepping between them, and the furious look on Cinnamon's face -- make him nearly lose his physical footing as well as his mental equilibrium. Marcus sees that and adds, "Wait. Just... wait. I promise this is going to make sense."

A heartbeat later, it registers for Cinnamon: oh, god, Marcus is going to try to be reasonable about casual sex -- because everyone here feels that way! But... she can't... she can't! The thought of... of... with just anybody else, too! -- it... it makes her want to wail and throw up! For a moment, the realization of just how badly she doesn't fit in here makes her feel like howling in agony and despair... and it's only decades of training to be a 'nice girl' that keeps her from screaming... at both nice, reasonable, eminently gorgeous and perfectly-fitting-in-here young men... to get out -- and stay out! Instead, the empty despair she's feeling just sort of sweeps across her face, as she hides her face in her hands as she turns away again.

Marcus takes a deep breath and turns to Cinnamon, "What you thought you saw last night is not what you think you saw." Another deep breath, "Or who you think you saw." He rubs a hand over his face, "That whole stupid farce was Frieda and Albrecht's fau-" A pause... then a shake of his head, "No, it was their doing... but it was at least partially my fault." He feels it lies at least partially with him, after all. He struggles a bit for words on the next part -- he can't say he was frustrated about not having time to woo Cinnamon, but he doesn't want to lie either... so he walks carefully around it. It's not quite jealousy, but... "Those two idiots apparently overheard me mentioning I was worried about you having little time for me. I was trying to find some pleasant things to do with you."

Shane listens to this and is shocked. That's mostly true! -- though he's so befuddled himself, he's not currently sure what else is or isn't true. Nearby, Cinnamon's dull misery shifts a bit, and she blinks slowly. Frieda and Albrecht... wait -- Frieda's a blonde -- it could have been her! The little dragon's anger flares up again: how could Shane... with someone who's already attacked her so meanly! Though... if it was her, then where was Albrecht? Cinnamon's quick mind continues on almost unconsciously, remembering that heartbreaking visual flash of- of... wait. Shane... fairly broad-shouldered, but... the guy last night? He had the right French braid down the back, that she wove for Shane that morning, but... kinda... slender, actually? ...could it have been...?

Marcus knows he's at least shooting himself in the foot with Cinnamon here by explaining it was those two again, but he pushes on -- because he will not let this stupidity stand! His face and voice show his clear pain and discomfort as he looks at Shane, "The two of them contrived to be in an alley they knew Cinnamon was going to walk by -- and then they put on a little... show. A stupid, hurtful little show... by pretending to be you and some woman in a passionate embrace. Albrecht is, unfortunately, quite a gifted mimic." Marcus' lip curls in disgust at his former friend, "I fear they were very convincing. They thought they were helping me. They have been told to never, ever return here."

Cinnamon's head comes up at that. Albrecht and... but... but then that means... her eyes widen as she whirls around, staring at both young men in shock. Marcus moves so he's not between Shane and Cinnamon anymore -- and so he can see both their faces, "I am so sorry, that I fear I can never truly express the depth of it, to have been the cause of this... in any part. It was cruel and I am... I don't... I do not wish the two of you hurt by something done so foolishly and thoughtlessly."

Shane's eyes look nearly murderous; Marcus flinches slightly, fully expecting a fist to come flying at his face! He's shocked when Shane speaks, voice tight with rage, "They tried to make it look like I lied to my acushla?! They tried to make her think I would hurt her like that?!" His nostrils are flaring; anger is not an expression often seen on the half-beansidhe's face. Even when he broke Marcus' nose, he looked more cold and intent than angry.

Cinnamon stares silently at Marcus for a long heartbeat... and then, impulsively, she rushes forward and throws her arms around him in a tight hug! Her face is pressed against his chest, and consequently her voice is a little muffled, "Y-you, that -- that w-was really brave of you Marcus to tell us that thank you so so so much!" She sniffles, almost hiccupping before she manages to get out a slightly teary, "I really truly absolutely ap-p-ppreciate you telling us too -- from the bottom of my heart! I -- I, uhh -- m-maybe we can do lunch s-sometime too? -though, um, p-please not today, okay? P-please?"

Marcus was preparing to almost literally bow out, so having Cinnamon suddenly rush him and hug him -- voluntarily, even! -- has his eyes going wide and his arms springing out from his sides for a heartbeat... before he sighs and wraps his around her in turn. He even pets her hair gently for a stroke or two. Still, he reflexively glances at Shane, as if to check he's not going to get his clock cleaned for doing so... then smiles wryly, "It's not brave, Cinnamon. It's simply what needed to be done. But... you're welcome." His smile gets crooked as he dips his head, not wanting Shane to see his face -- and glad Cinnamon can't, "Of course not today. You need to heal your heart. I'll leave the two of you to it." Then he looks at Shane, expression serious, "You would regret hurting them in cold blood, Shane... you know you would. They have been banned from Coblyn -- that's a huge black mark against them. Word will spread to other enclaves."

Cinnamon leans back enough to smile shakily up at Marcus, her eyes bright with unshed tears, "Well, it -- it was brave to me!" She hugs him tightly one more time, then steps back... and glances worriedly at Shane. He sounds really angry! Is he... angry with her...? She feels like her heart is breaking all over again as she anxiously wrings her hands together, "I -- I th-thought you were b-b-bored already -- I'm sorry! I thought -- I mean, last night -- a-and I, I was... w-was so dumb! I -- I didn't know anything so I thought... I'm so sorry really-really I am I never wanted to hurt you p-please don't... d-don't be mad at... a-at me...?" Cautiously, hesitantly, she starts to hold out her arms. Will he... hug her? Or... if not, can she make this look like, er... like a... a shrug, maybe?

Shane sweeps her into his arms and hugs her tightly, pressing his lips to the top of her head, the anger falling away, "No! No, a ghrá! I'm not the least bit angry at you -- I'm angry for you!" He rocks with her a little, making soft sounds, "I know the number the mundane world has done on your head. If you heard a voice you thought was mine and saw someone that looked like me..." He sighs and kisses her hair again, "Those assholes found a wound and poured salt and vinegar in it. I'm not angry that you reacted to the pain."

Marcus quietly and stealthily slips out, smiling a bit sadly at the pair of them as he goes. As he does so, Cinnamon shudders once, utter relief flooding through her -- her asthore still likes her! He's not bored -- not yet! He doesn't think she's an idiot! The relief is immense enough that without meaning to, she bursts into tears again, hugging Shane tightly -- as if she'll never let go... as if he's her rock and her safe place all in one. Shane keeps holding Cinnamon, stroking her hair and her back, soothing her with soft sounds and gentle touches... though he doesn't try to shush her. The sounds are simply little hums murmured to let her feel and hear his voice, while her ear is against his chest.

Eventually the little dragon gets over her tears, shyly asking if she and Shane could spend the evening in together, please... maybe? She'd really like to just cuddle up and be close for a bit, if he doesn't mind... oh, and if he's hungry, she has leftovers? She doesn't realize it consciously, but touching and closeness are getting to be incredibly important to her, with those she cares deeply about! Shane pulls back enough to look down into her face, and says softly, "Acushla, we can do whatever you want tonight. So, yes. We can cuddle. I can stay over. You can send me home. It's your call."

Cinnamon bites her lip, then nearly whispers, "C-could you, umm... s-stay? P-please?"

Shane smiles and kisses Cinnamon's forehead, "Always." Cinnamon sighs in relief, and after making some hot chocolate, she gladly cuddles up against Shane, under the covers and on the futon.

It's some time later, in fact, that the little dragon has to head off to the restroom... where she almost immediately notices the Marcus-modified affirmation as she's using the sink. Her eyes fill up with tears as she reads it -- her wonderful asthore-Shaney is so amazingly... amazing! She's still clutching the little piece of paper as she comes pattering back into the main room -- where she nearly throws herself on Shane, hugging and kissing him and babbling a bit tearfully that if she'd just seen his note before that -- er, before th-the -- the, uh, those... horrible fakes! -- why, she would have just known it couldn't be him! Not after such a sweet note!

Shane oofs a little at the sudden, wonderful, soft, snuggly impact, happily kissing and hugging back with a broad smile. He didn't expect this bounce-back so quickly, but his heart is suddenly lighter. Then what she's saying percolates through to him, and he tips his head, "What note, acushla?"

Cinnamon beams as she proudly holds it out to him, "This one! About my smile!" She's almost dimpling with delight, "D-do you really like it, asthore? Really?"

Shane glances down at the note, but before he can read it he tips his head and smiles at her, "You've got a smile like the sun coming out on a cloudy day, a ghrá. I love your smile. You smiled at me the first day you met me and it felt like a really lovely punch to the chest... and you were so straightforward..." Cinnamon is almost glowing joyfully, at Shane's reply! She squeaks delightedly and throws her arms in a hug about his neck -- then giggles and wriggles with happiness, scootching up against him as he studies the note. When he looks down at the note, his brows come together, "Cinnamon, love... I didn't write this." He digs around in his sporran and comes out with something he wrote, "I mean, my writing's legible, but it's not pretty like this."

Cinnamon giggles again, nodding in agreement, "Yeah, I've been working on my writing, but it's not a patch on this either!" She sighs happily, leaning her head against his shoulder as she adds, "Must've been Josie or Spicy... or maybe Jalil? He can be surprisingly sweet and... almost, like, poetical sometimes?"

Shane nods, still smiling, but looking a bit curious, "Jalil's writing is a bit more..." He tips his head side to side, trying to find words, "Arabic? It has hints that he usually writes in a different alphabet... and Spice's handwriting is..." he laughs wryly, "almost illegible! Josie, maybe. She's a complete sweetheart, and I don't know if I've ever actually seen her handwriting."

Cinnamon mmms contentedly, "I'll ask tomorrow... it can wait! For now, I just... I want, um... I want this time just for us two... er... is that okay?"

Shane leans in to kiss Cinnamon softly, letting her decide when it's time for the kiss to be done, "Anything for you."

The two spend a calming, cuddly night together. It's not until early the next morning, in fact, that Cinnamon squeaks with excitement as she and Shane are getting ready for the day, "Oooh, Veles texted me late yesterday -- listen, asthore! He says he checked out the volcanic island and connected with the supernaturals there, and talked them into building rafts or boats of the biggest logs they can cut down, so I can either tow or carry them away... oh, even better! He also says he sneaked up on the camp of the international group of scientists there, studying the volcano... and he overheard them say they're pretty sure it won't blow for at least this week! So now he's off to Papua New Guinea, to talk to the supernatural highland chief that's refusing to sign the contract. He says he's planning to try a zoom call to me in three or four days..." She looks up at Shane, her eyes alight with happiness, "Isn't that amazing?! Wow, things are just going fantabulous so far!"

Shane smiles and nods, loving to see Cinnamon glowing like this, "Sounds absolutely amazing." He hugs her tight and kisses the tip of her nose, "I have a lot of jobs today. Do you want to meet back here for lunch or just wait until dinner?"

Cinnamon sighs happily, her face tilted up and her eyes closed for more of Shane's lovely kisses! When he asks his question, she grins ruefully, "Yeah, me too on the errands! Umm... maybe want to do lunch at whatever end of the street we happen to be on?" She's not about to turn down an opportunity to spend more time with her lovely asthore, after all -- even if she does have a lot of errands to run today!

Shane nods, "Sounds good." He hugs her tightly one more time before trotting off to start his day. He's actually whistling to himself.

Cinnamon's morning is spent trying to track down the author of the very sweet affirmation note, as the little dragon believes thanks -- and maybe cookies? -- are definitely in order! She gets increasingly bemused, though, as she goes through her friends in order of who she thinks must've written the note -- thanking them and getting, '...what? wasn't me?' in response! She knows it wasn't Shane, but when she meets up with Josie and Spice, the wolf spirit gives her a puzzled, "Nooo... not me. Spiiice?" The little hacker snorts amusedly, "You know my writing's fuckin' chickenscratch, bosslady!" Thorny? "No, sorry!" Elias? "No. I've never even been in your bathroom, dear." Jalil? "As true as it is, it wasn't me." That, of course, makes her blush with shy pleasure! It's not until Hilde looks at the note, head tipped and eyes slowly starting to twinkle, that Cinnamon finally learns who it was -- as Hilde murmurs with a smile, "Oooh. Not me. But I know the writing."

Cinnamon brightens, "Oh, yay! Okay, who is it? I need to thank them for being so sweet! Though... how'd they get into my bathroom, I wonder? I mean, not that many folks have been there...?"

Hilde's brows go up and she tips her head again, "I could make you go through, person-by-person, who's been in your cottage and therefore who might have been in your bathroom, o-oor..."

Cinnamon snorts amusedly, "After the Solstice party, I'd have to say a lot of folks! But this was recent, you know?" She grins and bounces excitedly on her toes, "Tell tell tell, Hilde!"

Hilde's eyes soften and she smiles, "It's Marcus. He's got beautiful penmanship... often handwrites the invitations to events at the Residence."

Cinnamon blinks slowly up at Hilde... then adjusts her glasses, "Marcus? Are you sure? Why would he write something so sweet like this, though... for me?" She tilts her head as she studies the note, muttering thoughtfully to herself, "Could he... maybe he thought they were Shane's affirmations? But... that doesn't really make sense either..."

Hilde chuckles, "Cinnamon, sweetie, almost everyone on Coblyn knows Shane's handwriting. It's nice and legible, but it's not what's on the backside of this. I'm quite certain he absolutely knew it wasn't Shane's, too. Besides, I don't think Shane has had to do self-affirmations a day in his life. His mom raised him confident, then he met his dad -- and it just got better from there."

Cinnamon sighs amusedly, "Wow, tell me about it! It's a darned good thing he has enough confidence for the both of us." She laughs, adding, "Wish he could bottle it!"

Hilde leans in confidentially, "Cinnamon, Marcus wrote this because it's true. Maybe he wanted to spread a little sunshine in your life -- and think of this one thing: he didn't sign it -- he didn't make a big deal of it. He just did it and left it for you to find... to make you smile."

Cinnamon blushes slightly at Hilde's insistence that the note is true -- that's both really sweet! -but also makes her feel... well, a bit self-conscious! She considers the note for a moment, musing aloud, "You're right... he didn't say a word about it." Her small, thoughtful frown is perplexed as she adds to Hilde, "So... you know him pretty well, right? Why would he do something nice like this... to me?"

Hilde cups Cinnamon's cheek to make sure the little dragon is looking at her, and smiles softly, "Because he wanted to make you smile. Because he cares about you being happy. Because he's trying not to be such a little drittsekk. Because I think he may have a tee-eensy crush on you. But I think the 'wanting you to smile' is the important part... a sweet, selfless gesture."

Cinnamon blinks a bit startledly up at Hilde, making a mental note: [must learn Icelandic next!] -- and carefully does not think about Marcus maybe having a crush back on her as well -- nonono nuh-uhhh, absolutely nopenoping out of that one it is totally not happening! She should know better by now than to even daydream about Marcus being at all interested in the likes of her! "W-well, he -- h-he, um... well, yeah, I did smile?" Honesty compels her to admit, "I thought it was Shane, at first!"

Hilde nods, brows still arched, "And does it make you smile, still? Knowing Marcus wrote it?"

Cinnamon unwittingly frowns as she considers carefully. It takes her a few seconds before she slowly answers, "It... more confuses me, I think?" She thinks a bit more, then slowly continues, "Like... why me? I don't... I mean, I'm not sure why he'd care?"

"Don't overthink it just because it came from an unexpected source," Hilde suggests. "Just realize someone wanted you to smile. Look at the big picture: he's starting to grow up."

Cinnamon considers that for a moment too... then abruptly grins, "Okay! That, umm... actually makes more sense to me, since I know Elias and Jaeger and Jalil, for example, like it when I smile too." She smiles shyly at Hilde as she adds, "Thanks for telling me, Hilde... it helped." Her grin gets the slightest bit mischievous, a moment later, as she decides internally: she's going to write a beautifully calligraphed note and send it to Marcus! -and all it will say is: 'Thank you!' No signature, no letterhead, no clue as to why... just that!

Of course, that happens along with all Cinnamon's other errands that day. She tries to clump them together depending on which end of the street they are... so she's down at the mouth of the street a short while later, glancing around and wondering if either Aisling or Lorcan are in the area. The little dragon has just passed a message on to Himeko, politely requesting the tea ceremony perhaps be moved to before her Nusantara trip -- since she'd very much hoped to hear any useful wisdom which Aoi might be willing to share with her regarding the area. After that, Cinnamon patters over to Waylon's forge, standing outside the warning line and waiting for him to finish whatever he's doing. She'd like to do the identifications for him if he's got the time right now!

Waylon is efficient and is soon able to get to Cinnamon, smiling warmly at her as he greets her. Cinnamon beams, waving, "Hi, Waylon! Can I come in? You had some things for me to identify, so if you're not busy, I'm free right now? Also, I've got a new piece of equipment that needs to be secured to a leather harness. Can you tell me who the best leather-worker is on Coblyn, please?"

Waylon considers, "There are a few folks you could ask, but there's a saddler that works in Caradog's stables who is excellent. Of course, that's why he works for Caradog." He moves deeper into his forge, bring out a small, sturdy chest.

Cinnamon nods thoughtfully, "Okay... well, hopefully he'll be willing to work for a private citizen too!" She grins at sight of the chest, "Cool! Is this like a recent discovery or something, that you don't know what they all are?"

Waylon nods, "He works on commission quite often, actually. It's just that Caradog pays him a very nice salary, and he gets to live quite comfortably in the stables there. The lodgings are really quite nice for the staff." Waylon tips the chest open, "It is, yes. Or, well, a new old discovery. It was tucked away in a corner and had been forgotten." Inside, there's a jumble of gems, loose metal, and coins.

Cinnamon curiously adds, "How'd you know I could identify gems too, by the way? Or... oh! Was this something Liam's done for you too?" Her eyes light up at the chest's contents, "Oooh, a forgotten treasure chest? How nifty!" She laughs excitedly, pulling things out in careful handfuls, then spreading them neatly across the table. She orders them by type and size, beaming, "Oh, this is nice!"

Waylon smiles, "I've known a couple of dragons in my day. Almost all the western ones have some affinity with gems and metals." He crosses his arms over his chest. They look large when hanging by his side. Crossed like that? They look positively enormous. "But yes, Liam helped out a time or two." As Cinnamon spreads out the trove, she finds mostly gold and silver. There are some yellow topazes and quite a few semi-precious stones. But there's also one raw, uncut emerald nearly the size of her palm -- and a ruby the size of her thumb. A smattering of small, uncut diamonds glimmer amongst similarly sized moonstones and quartz... and amongst the silver, Cinnamon finds a four-ounce piece of platinum. The little dragon ooohs happily at each lovely thing she finds -- though she holds up the emerald and the platinum with excitement, "Look, look, Waylon! Aren't they beautiful?! This is emerald -- and this is actual platinum! I've never seen a piece so big before!" She also thinks -- but politely doesn't say -- that she believes her emeralds in her necklace from Liam are all together larger and nicer than this one! That makes her giggle.

Waylon's eyes widen as he carefully takes the emerald from her. It's uncut and unpolished, so it'll be smaller when it's done, but that's still a huge stone! -- as is the platinum, as well. "Oh, my... yes. That emerald alone is... well, it's more carats than I've ever seen in one stone."

Cinnamon glows happily as she beams at the smith, "So did you find the chest? It's awesome!"

Waylon nods, "I did. I sometimes go..." He looks like he's searching for a word, "walking... and when I do, sometimes I find things that have been forgotten. This had been forgotten."

Cinnamon sets down the platinum and picks up some of the moonstones, musing, "I know these are supposed to be less valuable than emeralds and rubies and stuff, but... in some ways, aren't they so much prettier?" She holds up the stones, turning them back and forth to admire the soft, pearly shimmer, "Kinda like opals... not that valued, but so much more... more alive feeling!" Then she laughs as she puts down the moonstones, "Is that one of the things you can do -- find forgotten things? What a fantabulous knack to have -- I'm almost envious!" Curiously she adds, "Where did you walk? I mean, you look human enough... but wow, I bet people stare at your size?"

Waylon smiles, "Moonstone is less valuable in money, but more valuable in magic, actually. It can hold a spell tighter than many gems. It's why you see it in so much jewelry." He chuckles, "I go walking betwixt and between, so very few people see me -- and yes, finding hidden things is something I'm good at."

Cinnamon grins, "How cool! I bet you enjoy it bunches then, right?" She thinks a moment, then curiously asks, "By betwixt and between, do you mean like... like in Faerie or something? Is it... something you have to do alone, or could you take someone else with you?" She lightly taps one finger on the emerald Waylon is holding, adding, "There's a weakness -- not a faultline -- but be kind to it, you know? It runs along this edge here." She traces where she feels the slightly less compact part of the emerald, then grins, "Do you make jewelry too, then? Oh! Or is it, like... do you walk along leylines, maybe?"

Waylon nods, "I can make jewelry, yes. But I only make very particular and special pieces." He smiles, "I can take people with me, but it often disconcerts and discombobulates them. I can walk in Faerie and a couple of other realms. I can walk the leylines... but walking the leylines is dangerous."

Cinnamon nods interestedly, "Too much energy on the leylines? Like walking on, say, lightning?" Then she narrows her eyes thoughtfully, "Wait... in Faerie? Like in the Underhill, or Tír na nÓg? I thought they were inaccessible now...?"

Waylon nods, "Exactly. Ley-walking can be done, but it must be done carefully." He strokes a hand over the chest, "I haven't walked the other realms in quite a long time. The actual gateways to most of them are unstable and impassable. But the passages between are sometimes accessible. Think of it as a series of roads that used to lead to different cities. You can't get to the cities anymore, but the roads are still there. Some waystations are still there."

"Huh!" Cinnamon sounds fascinated, "So can you do that nine-leagues-in-one-step thingie too?"

Waylon nods, smiling, "I can." He leans in, speaking quietly, "But that's not something I tell just anyone. You, little dragon, seem like you might need to know that sometime. So I'm giving you the knowledge." He pats the chest, "This was in the ruins of a waystation."

Cinnamon grins delightedly at Waylon, "Thank you! I'll keep it quiet, then -- though... is it okay if I tell Shane? As long as he promises not to talk about it to anyone else but us two?" She adds a little sadly, "A ruined waystation? What a shame... I bet those are almost as sad as collapsed trods."

Waylon smiles, "I'd never expect you to keep it from Shane... or even the other companion that's often with you -- and yes, they are very sad. They once served as neutral ground, or just a place to rest on a journey. I sometimes wonder if the gates could be rebuilt. But then I think it may be best, for now, that they aren't."

Cinnamon looks pleased -- Waylon must not be at all upset that she was so hinky the first time they met -- because he just trusted her with a wonderful secret! She wonders who he means by the other- oh! Duh -- Thorny, of course! Before she can verify, however, Waylon distracts her with his intriguing comment, "Really? Why's that? Are the gates like leylines, in that they're really, uhmm... energetic, sorta?"

Waylon nods, "Very much so. I think perhaps they were destroyed from the other side... though I don't know that. It's a theory."

Cinnamon's eyes widen, "Ohmygosh! Wow, yeah -- I can see why you'd want to be really cautious then!"

Cinnamon and Waylon chat together for a bit more, and then she cheerfully bids him a good day, and heads on out. As she emerges from the forge, she glances around. Hmm... at this end of town, she needs to find out if Jaeger and Marcus would be willing to allow her to be present when they talk to the prisoner... and she has to drop off her letter to Rebecca at the post office in the pub. The little dragon wishes to warn her step-great-grandmother that she's going to Nusantara for a while, but she's arranged that Rebecca can call Elias if she needs anything -- plus she's kind of secretly hoping the two lovely elders will maybe chat more and deepen their friendship!

Cinnamon also wants to pick up the package waiting for her at the pub as well -- she's pretty sure (excitedly so!) that it's her new gear -- which means she needs to trot it on up to the street's origin point, to Caradog's palace! On the way, she wants to keep an eye out for Ingrid (to ask if she'd be willing to secretly drop off Cinnamon's 'thanks!' note), Spice (to find out if she's broken the cell phone code yet), Aisling or Lorcan (to ask about testing their trod-wood against steel with them), and the Akoesdi Ayvwi -- to find out how they feel about volcanic islands! Hmm, anything else? Cinnamon giggles to herself: gotta watch out for her asthore too! She's starting to get hungry for lunch!

As luck would have it, she runs first into Ingrid, who is running some of the household errands for the Residence. Cinnamon brightens, waving at the young woman, "Ingrid! Hi there! Do you have a moment?"

Ingrid glances around, then smiles brightly and trots over. She's got her marketing basket over one arm, "Of course! How are you?" Her eyes twinkle, "You heard about those two... people being ejected, yes?"

Cinnamon sighs and shakes her head ruefully, "I did... but yikes, I feel so bad that I fell for their -- their garbage!" She turns slightly pink with embarrassment, "I r-really didn't mean to worry folks so much! But, um -- oh! So, um, I have a question for you?" She hastily gets the piece of affirmation paper out of her bag, then grins shyly, "So... see, Marcus left a nice affirmation note on my mirror, but didn't sign it or anything, right? So, um -- oh, Hilde helped me identify the writing, so I'm sure it was him! But anyways... so... um, w-would it be okay for me to ask you to, er, t-to drop this somewhere he'll find it, please?" She hastily adds, "M-mine are all tucked around my bathroom mirror, but I don't know if he has any affirmation places or anything, so... I was hoping maybe you would know?"

Ingrid gets that 'awww!' look on her face, but she quickly hides it with a happy smile, "Of course! He doesn't have any kind of... affirmation wall or anything, but we can definitely make sure it gets sort of... shuffled in with his correspondence."

Cinnamon beams in relief, "Oh, thank you!" Once Ingrid has tucked the note away, the little dragon gives her a hug, "Thanks so much, Ingrid! Please let me know if there's anything I can do for you too, okay?"

Ingrid smiles and hugs Cinnamon back, "Oh, don't worry about that. This is a pleasure."

After talking with Ingrid, Cinnamon continues cheerfully pattering along Coblyn. She's singing or humming quietly to herself as she goes, still keeping an alert eye out for her lovely asthore... or for Aisling or Lorcan too, of course! When she reaches Duille Darach she steps in to get her package, thanking Jack as she does so... and then she intends to continue on up-street. This time, however, she's carrying her package, which is easily over 3' long and 2' tall! Consequently, as she exits the pub, she's walking slower and more carefully, trying not to bonk anyone with it... despite not being able to see over the top! It's an unwittingly hilarious picture to those who pass... as it almost looks as if the package is both ambulatory, and humming happily to itself!

It's good luck that Cinnamon passes Lorcan going into the pub just as she's coming out. It's also probably the first time she's ever seen him out of the king's livery! Lorcan's wearing startlingly human garb: distressed jeans, a thermal Henley, and workboots with bronze eyelets. His hair is up in what Cinnamon has heard called a man-bun. Cinnamon blinks -- she almost didn't recognize him! Er... is that him? "Lorcan? Is that -- oof, moment..." Cinnamon hastily shifts her awkwardly shaped package around so it's over one shoulder, then grins excitedly up at the gealsidhe, "It is you -- wow!" She carefully does not say, of course, that he looks super-hot that way! Well... mostly hot. Mmm, dressed that way, her Shaney would look so, so... er, yikes! Focus here, girl! "Uh, y-yeah! So, umm... drat, what was... oh! Right! So, um, Lorcan, are you maybe up for an experiment?" She is, as always, charmingly clueless as to subtle innuendo, alas!

Lorcan blinks and smiles, "Yes, it's most definitely me." He arches an eyebrow and looks around, at Cinnamon's question about experimentation. He could have sworn he'd heard she was involved with Shane, but... he smiles, an actual dimple showing up in one cheek, "That depends... what sort of experimentation did you have in mind?"

Just as Lorcan asks his question -- and after he made his careful scan of the street -- Shane steps out of the shop next door to the pub. The flirtatious tone to the gealsidhe's voice, and the content of the question, has the half-beansidhe going quite still. When it comes to thoughts of Cinnamon straying, of course, his mind doesn't even go there. She's still shy about letting Shane do nice, sensual things for her -- so whatever made Lorcan put on that purring, charming tone in his voice... the gealsidhe is about to be disappointed! -and Shane is just enough beansidhe to grin and wait to see the look on the guard's face.

Cinnamon beams excitedly at Lorcan, "Oh! It's really cool lemme tell you!" In a one-breath word-blurt of excitement, the little dragon explains what she, Hilde, and Marcus have found regarding steel and elm wood -- and how Jaeger suggested asking other trod-elves about their wood too. She concludes with, "So we thought maybe you -- you're oak right? -- would be willing to test for us or if not we thought we'd try Aisling but since I met you first what do you think?" She pauses for a deep breath of air -- then adds thoughtfully, "Though... ironsickness is no fun, right? Um... can I maybe buy you lunch when I find my Shaney and we have lunch, to make up for it if you get ironsick at all, please?"

It takes a moment for Lorcan to swap from leaning in and grinning flirtatiously to processing that the experimentation Cinnamon wants to do includes what sounds like some rather physically uncomfortable but intellectually and magically interesting research. The Oak sidhe stands up again, brows raised, "I'm surprised no one has tried this before... and the different wood seemed to make a difference?"

Cinnamon nods excitedly, "Yeah! We tried oak, willow, pine, ash... I think there were some others too? -- as well as elm, and it was like totally huge difference, Lorcan! Like we laid the elm against the steel, and Marcus could lean against it! -- but that was the only one -- the other woods? Nada!" She beams delightedly up at Lorcan again, "So? Game to try? Shouldn't take too long, if so?"

From his vantage point, Shane bites his tongue to keep from laughing aloud. It's commonly known Lorcan can -- and often does -- essentially have his pick of playmates... mostly due to the fact that he's not a total prick to those he spends his time with. Shane -- being Shane -- wasn't jealous, watching Lorcan turn on the charm. It was just amusing to him, because he knew it was going to go right over his acushla's adorable head. Finally Shane steps forward, calling Cinnamon's name. Lorcan also turns toward Shane, looking just the faintest tidge guilty as he raises his hand in greeting. After that, he turns back to Cinnamon, "Give me a mo' to grab my mail and I'd be happy to help."

Cinnamon blinks, glancing around uncertainly as she pushes up her glasses -- was that Shane's voice? With the package on her shoulder, her usual field of view is nearly halved, of course... and she's distracted by Lorcan's acquiescence, "Oh, awesome! Okay, let's meet at Currier's Hall please, okay? That's where the steel is -- and I'll keep an eye out for Hilde or Marcus or Thorny or Shane too since we all worked together on it -- and thanks so much, Lorcan!" She beams, waving as he heads into the pub, then turns to see if she spots Shane. The package across her shoulder (of course) swings a much wider arc, "Shaney? Asthore, are you the- oof! Oops, sorry, sorry -- who did I hit? Are you okay?!"

It turns out it's Shane who got hit with the package! Most anyone else would have been knocked on their arse, but... Shane. He's got weak spots, but balance is not one of them. His nose, on the other hand... one hand is over it and he's laughing, but the sound is a bit nasal, "I'm fine, acushla! What is this giant thing you just assaulted me with?" There's nothing but amusement and affection in his voice.

Cinnamon squeaks in horror, "Oh no! Oh, asthore, I'm so sorry are you okay do you need a hankie I'm sososo sorry I'm such a dunce are you okay?!" She's almost tangled up in trying to hug him, check his face, not drop the package, and make sure he's okay -- all at once!

Shane steadies the package with one hand, and gets one of his own handkerchiefs out with the other, chuckling as he does. There's definitely blood, but it doesn't seem like she actually broke it -- or if she did, it's not out of joint. He tips his head back as he presses the cloth to his nose, "I'm fine, beautiful! Promise." In fact, he's smiling, "Put the package down, then you can hug me. One thing at a time." Definitely a bit of a nasal tone to his voice now.

Cinnamon hastily puts down her package, standing on tiptoes to wrap her arms about Shane's neck. She's clearly distraught, much like when she accidentally whacked Marcus during staves practice, "Ohmygosh, dathúil, I'm so sorry! M-maybe we can stop by the Infirmary before Currier's? Forgive me, please? I really-really d-didn't mean to be such a goober!"

Shane's voice is gentle, even if he sounds like he's got the world's worst cold, "I'm fine, I promise! But yeah... maybe we should check in with Thorn and Iason..." He can feel the swelling starting around his eyes... and he knows Cinnamon will beat herself up something fierce if she realizes she's blacked his eyes!

Cinnamon nods at that, giving Shane one last squeeze before she turns and grabs up her package again, "Okay, let's go right now! I wanna be sure you're okay. Oh! Also, while we go? Got some news for you -- and a question, too!"

Shane walks with her, one hand on her shoulder because his eyes are watering a little. He's not in a great deal of pain, but getting your nose bloodied isn't pleasant. He's still smiling, "Give me news and ask away."

Cinnamon heads up-street with Shane, excitedly telling him about her day so far: Waylon's treasure identification and Lorcan's agreement to experiment, as well as Hilde identifying the writer of the affirmation note. It's not until the two are relatively alone on the street, though, that Cinnamon glances carefully around, then leans to whisper to Shane, "Also... asthore, did you know that Waylon can actually walk leylines and stuff like that?! He said it was like the nine-league boots thingie... and I was wondering if it was something you've done too, or if it could maybe help move Marcus around with less ironsickness!"

Shane listens to it all, loving to hear his acushla chatter. His smile as she sounds awestruck about how Waylon can travel is wondrous, "I knew he could, but I haven't traveled with him. He says it's dangerous to take passengers because if they lose contact with him, it could easily kill them."

Cinnamon huhs thoughtfully, "That's... really interesting!" She considers for a few seconds... then grins almost mischievously up at Shane, "Now I wanna try traveling that way with him and you -- as a dragon, so you're both buckled in! D'you think he'd be up for that?"

Shane shrugs, "I think he has to be the one doing the walking, acushla. I don't know exactly what Waylon is."

Cinnamon looks a bit disappointed, "Well, foo!" She walks a bit more... but then grins up at Shane again, "Well, maybe we could walk together that way? Or... huh, why doesn't he just tie everyone together himself? Kinda like me making sure folks are buckled onto -- oh!" The little dragon almost bounces on her toes in excitement, "Oh oh oh I almost forgot to tell you, asthore -- this is it! The package! It's the, er... the dashboard I ordered! Gotta go find the leather-worker at the palace to ask him to securely and nicely fasten it to my dragon-harness too!"

Shane makes sure they're steered into the infirmary, since Cinnamon is in infodump mode; it makes him smile at how childlike and happy she can get. "Because I get the feeling that things aren't entirely corporeal where he walks, acushla. That's a question you need to ask him."

Cinnamon blinks, her train of thought racing along with her words, "Huh! That's really fascinating thanks for sharing asthore hi Nikos how are you is Thorny in?"

Nikos glances up, blinking slowly, "Uhm... he's..." The daemon waves toward the back, then asks, "Is this another Marcus thing?" He seems confused it's Shane bleeding... or bloody, at least, since the active bleeding has mostly stopped.

Cinnamon blushes hotly and squeaks, "No I'm so sorry it was a me thing I was a goober and whacked poor Shaney I'm really-really sorry!" She hastily hustles Shane along -- she's mortified that she actually struck her sweetheart! Best to get him to Thorn right away, she thinks. "Thorny! Thorn, are you free I could really use some help please?"

Shane can't help but laugh as he calls back over his shoulder, "She's not a goober. It's just a tall package and she's adorable and tiny!"

Cinnamon blushes hotly again at that! There's a tiny smile on her lips though, as she mutters, "You're being way too nice for how clumsy I was, sweetheart!"

Shane murmurs, "I find it adorable how you're taking such good care of me." He's happily following along. Cinnamon can't help the small, delighted giggle at that!

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Last modified: 2019-Jun-12 19:53:32

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