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My Lords, A Solemn Hunting is in Hand

Sparrow has his arms loosely around Kestrel, but it's still got an aura of gentle possession: this is his person and he wants them safe. Sparrow's chin rests lightly on Kestrel's head, "So, aside from the arrow, we've got the place Kestrel was found. We've also got stories from other folk that have had near-misses out on the rez. It's like they're specifically going for animal-souls."

Cinnamon nods, "I remember you told me a couple of real animals were found killed too." She smiles at the way Kestrel and Sparrow sit... then looks around hopefully for Shane. Does he feel like... well, maybe a little bit of cuddling? If it's not too hot yet?

Sparrow nods, "Yeah. Same sort of arrow."

Kestrel turns around slightly, "Not where I was found, love -- where I was attacked." They turn back around and look at Cinnamon. Shane has settled by her and slides his arm around her, urging Cinnamon to nestle against his side as Kestrel continues, "We were able to backtrack my blood trail to the attack site." Sparrow growls, and it's not a human making a growling sound. It sounds like an actual coyote growling.

Cinnamon has no idea how transparent she is -- she just glows happily up at Shane when he settles next to her, and almost curls up against him! She tries to be responsible after that, though, looking inquiringly at the two Native Americans, "Okay? So... what's the plan, then?"

Sparrow smiles wryly, "Honestly? See if we can find a common scent at some of the scenes. I need help. Bears have the best sense of smell on the whole fuckin' continent, but me as a bear? I go berserk when I smell Kestrel's blood, so I'm not much help for tracking. I understand your sense of smell has gotten pretty fuckin' good, though?"

Kestrel tips their head back and furrows their brow, "I thought you were starting from the butte, and doing a visual scan?"

Sparrow kisses their forehead, "Well, we can, but I thought scent...?"

Kestrel smiles and taps his cheek, "Darling man, your anger's just going to cause issues with scent tracking." They turn back to Cinnamon, "We talked about doing a visual scan from the tallest butte near where I was attacked. Sparrow says you have specialized vision?"

Cinnamon nods cheerfully, "I do! I think it's just, um... IR and UV vision that I have in human form, though. In dragon form I have more... what's the word -- more visual acuity? As in I can see better, more sharper. I think it's 'cause of the flying up high?"

Shane nods, "Yeah. She can see further in dragon form."

Sparrow nods, "I wanted to try the IR sight. If someone's staying out on the rez lands far enough to hide, they'll leave some kind of heat signature, probably."

"Sure!" Cinnamon's pleased -- she's maybe going to be useful! "Happy to help! When do we start?"

Sparrow replies easily, "Early morning. I want everything else around to be cool so the heat will stand out better. Even most animals will be cooled down then, and the morning dew isn't just cool -- it holds scent best of all too. So we want to be in place before sunrise, which is when the dew cooks off." His arms are still around Kestrel as he grins and adds, "So it's an early bedtime for all of us tonight."

"Okay!" Cinnamon grins, adding, "What's the plan for the rest of the evening, then? Anything?" She wonders if she and Shane can curl up together and maybe do some nice cuddly reading... that'd be cozy!

Sparrow's eyes gleam, "Well, my plans..."

Kestrel taps him sharply on the thigh, "Hey! Be nice! We've already traumatized her once -- she doesn't need details!" Cinnamon blinks at Sparrow and Kestrel... then blushes hotly as, once again, the meaning takes a moment to arrive! She hastily nods to Kestrel, then turns and almost hides her face against Shane's chest! The two-spirit turns to Cinnamon with a smile, "Sparrow and I will be catching up. We set up a couple of yurts for the three of you, though when we did it, I thought Thorn and Shane would be rooming together."

Cinnamon blinks a moment later as she realizes what Kestrel means re the yurts, "O-oh... oh! Umm... hmm. Is it... a-are you okay, Shaney, if, umm... I mean... w-well, do you want to b-bunk with Thorny?" Thorn arches a brow and looks flatly at Shane. If Shane would prefer to bunk with Thorn, the healer would have to check Shane for a fever!

Shane arches a brow, replying to Cinnamon, "Only if you'd rather I did. My plans were to share with you. You're much more fun to snuggle." He catches Thorn's look, then, and can't quite stop the chuckle.

Cinnamon sighs happily, "Oh! Okay!" She beams glowingly up at Shane... then grins at everyone else, "Is that okay with everyone? Can we, um, get shown to the yurts, so we know where they are, and can dump our stuff there, please?"

Thorn smiles, "That works out fine for me, really."

Manny pushes to his feet, from where he'd joined everyone after cleanup, "Let me show y'all where they are." He's got an easy smile and casual body language -- the kind that can hide deceptive quickness. Thorn and Cinnamon have both seen warriors go from that sort of loose-limbed relaxation to deadly-fast in a split second.

The evening is quiet... quieter even than Coblyn at night. After all, on Coblyn there are people who routinely move about after dark. Out here, anything moving around after dark is either silent, or nearly so. However, were one lurking near the yurts, a faint whispering might be heard from within... though just from one of the yurts! Naturally, it's the one Cinnamon is sharing with Shane. The young couple had cuddled very cozily while relaxing and reading a bit... at least until Cinnamon had looked up and asked a bit nervously, "Um... Shaney? Did you... I mean, I hope, umm... well... er, is it... is-s it okay with y-you... that Kyesha said you were... w-were b-by my side?" She's worried enough that her sentence ends on a bit of a nervous squeak -- which causes her to hastily add, "I, uh, I, I'm sure she, er, s-she didn't meant it, umm... d-diminutively or anything?!"

Shane looks down at Cinnamon, head tipped, "But I am by your side, acushla. It's another way of saying I'm yours... and I am most definitely yours." He smiles and leans in to kiss her gently, cupping her cheek, "Between the two of us, you are the more powerful one... and if we were dealing with unknown sidhe, they might say you were by my side. It's a matter of perspective. Besides, it also infers we're side-by-side. Neither of us stands behind or ahead of the other. We're partners. Equal."

"But..." Cinnamon blinks up at Shane, her entire train of thought momentarily derailed by that lovely little kiss wow he has the softest lips...! A moment later she blinks again, hastily yanking her thoughts back together. This is... so strange to her! She knows, from overhearing Candi and friends gossiping together, that men always want to be strongest, and to lead -- or at least be thought to be leading! Cinnamon knows girls are supposed to treat men like they're the boss, even if it's all a lie. The little dragon hadn't been able to bring herself to do that sort of... fawning, cooing kind of false adulation she's seen so often, but she had tried to not flaunt her strength or being a councilor or anything like that.

But... here's Shane saying... he's actually saying she is the stronger one! Even better -- to her slightly panicky perspective on potentially losing him to his possible hurt pride -- he... doesn't seem to care that he's not seen as the automatic leader?! But... can you even do that -- be partners who go side-by-side, like he's talking about? She's heard a lot of folks talk that talk... but she doesn't know of anyone from her childhood that she's seen actually walking that walk, so to speak! She struggles with this peculiar and fascinating new idea for a few seconds... before confusedly whispering, "But... can folks really do that? Be side-by-side partners... without you feeling bad that people don't see you as... as the boss in the relationship? The leader?"

Shane seems honestly perplexed, "Why would I feel bad that people recognize you as powerful? You are powerful. I've got skills you don't have, you have skills I don't have, but you are by far the strongest, physically and magically, of the two of us." He grins, eyes twinkling, "I'm not threatened by powerful women, beautiful. I went straight from being raised by a smart, independent single mother to living in the trod, where me Da may be the Guardian, but the person who makes the truly important decisions and has the deepest magic is me gran, Saorise. As for walking side-by-side, you've got at least one example in your chosen family: Josie and Spice. Spice seems to sometimes boss Josie around, but she also doesn't take Josie's choices or self-power away. She lets Jo shine when it's her turn and is proud as fu... is super proud of her when she does. It goes the opposite direction, too -- Jo is so proud of Spice that she almost breaks people's legs with how hard she wags!"

Feeling old, comforting-if-also-limiting ideas that used to be the bedrock of her identity crumbling away... is both freeing, but also a little nerve-wracking for young Cinnamon! She doesn't have the vocabulary to properly express that, though, since she's not yet tried any research into either psychology or patriarchy... and so her confusion and upset -- and, to be honest, also a bit of nervous excitement -- is blurted out in a stuttered, "But it -- b-but you -- you're the guy?!"

That makes Shane laugh softly, "Indeed I am! As indicated by the fact that I identify as male -- and that has precisely fuck-all to do with who is the leader in any relationship; pardon the language, acushla." He squeezes Cinnamon against his side in a tight, one-armed hug, "I have no need to prove my manhood, virility, or strength by trying to subdue or subjugate others. I don't have to prove my strength by making other people feel weak. I know what I'm good at and I know where I need to be bolstered. I don't need my ego stroked." His eyes go teasing and he leans down to whisper into her ear, "There are other things I prefer having you stroke." Cinnamon goes bright red as she squeaks with (pleased) embarrassment, nearly burrowing up against Shane's side, where they're lying together in bed!

Shane grins at that... then stretches as he thinks, "I know I'm a strong fighter. I can best almost anyone in my home trod with staves or blades -- except Quinn. He can still hand me my rear on a platter because he's been a warrior for literal centuries. But ask me to set up an intelligence gathering station and I'll be staring at you in perplexity. Ask Baird to do it, though, and you'll have an outpost up and running in thirty minutes or less, as long as the equipment is to hand." That makes Cinnamon grin wryly and nod in agreement -- she's seen how effective Baird can be in his field of expertise!

Shane thinks for a moment or two more, then adds, "On the other hand, put me in a bare-knuckle boxing bout with most anyone -- even Diarmaid -- and the chances that I'll come out the winner are very, very high. For some reason I'm very hard to knock down, and I've got a real talent for knowing just where to hit to make it really hurt." Cinnamon nods again -- she's seen some of that! -- then giggles happily and blushes as he rubs his nose against her hair and murmurs, "You, however, are smart, sweet, strong in many ways, and keep manifesting new powers. You are a wonder."

Shane's deeply encouraging reply makes Cinnamon blush hotly again, though this time instead of nervous embarrassment, she's nearly glowing with a joyous mix of delight and love. Almost breathlessly she wonderingly replies, "Oh... oh-kay...?!" -- then snuggles warmly up against Shane again. She has the silliest beaming smile on her face! But... she thinks that's okay -- Shane won't mind! After all, as far as she's concerned, she tries to be fair with her strength, and maybe someday she'll be wise... but the best part of talking with Shane about this 'by your side' statement from Kyesha is discovering (once again, though she's yet to let herself realize it) that her breath-takingly amazing asthore... seems to really like her -- her! The overweight, plain-jane, dumpy despair of her natal family -- has someone as gorgeously smart and beautiful and... and just all-around WOWsers! -as Shane -- who actually wants to spend some time with her!

The next day, well before sun-up, there's a light tapping on the yurt doorframe. Cinnamon yawns as she wakes up all snuggled up against Shane... then smiles sleepily. It's still quite chilly -- desert nights can be startlingly cold sometimes! However, Cinnamon is also feeling very cozy, all cuddled down in the sleeping bags together with Shane! She's still beaming as she gets up with him and dresses, then goes to eat a hot, fast breakfast.

Thorn too wakes up and dresses, having already set up his rugged clothing for the day. He also buckles on his more portable medical kit -- the big one will be if something truly bad happens, which he of course doesn't want actually to occur. Shane also helps Thorn get all his gear packed and unpacked for the trip. The little dragon nods as she listens carefully to Sparrow's instructions over their shared breakfast: they could probably climb the butte, but flying will serve a dual purpose... in that they can get there more quickly, and it will keep them from disturbing anything on the ground.

Cinnamon hums happily to herself shortly thereafter, as she flies them all to the butte the Trickster directs her to... then settles very carefully onto the butte's top -- which is a little small for her, admittedly. She holds on with her clawed paw-hands and tail as everyone carefully clambers off her and onto the rocky surface... then asks them all to look away while she does a quick change, please? Sparrow grins and starts to say something -- maybe take a playful peek too? -- but Shane turns him around by the shoulders and mutters something in his ear that makes Sparrow smother a laugh... because a full-bellied laugh would echo out across the desert.

Cinnamon takes a deep breath... then concentrates on changing! Her dismayed, "Oh, bother!" unwittingly lets everyone know the first try was not a success -- as does the soft whumpf! of displaced air... but at the second attempt she sighs in relief, "Oh, yay!" She patters over to the three men, beaming, "Okay! Thanks for waiting, you guys. So, where are we looking, Sparrow? Anything in particular we're looking for?"

Sparrow replies, "We're looking for unusual heat signatures. If you look around using IR vision, you're going to notice that things out here are cold as fuck. People think deserts are hot, but winter deserts can freeze your balls off. So we're going to do a grid search by quarters."

Thorn nods, listening... then asks, "What do you want me to do?"

Sparrow explains the process, then asks Thorn and Shane to use a couple of topo maps he brought along, to mark off the areas he and Cinnamon have searched, "My vision isn't as sharp as hers for heat, so I'm going to be using goggles."

Cinnamon grins and nods ruefully, "Yeah, I saw there were some folks shivering back at the big building where we had breakfast!" Then she tilts her head inquiringly at Sparrow and the map, "Um... so I'm... am I doing the quarters after you, or separate ones, or what, please? Is this like... redundancy in searching, with one of us scanning right after the other?"

Sparrow nods, "I search, then you cover the area after me. Or the other way, if you'd prefer. Two sets of eyes are better than one."

"Okay! I get it now." Cinnamon beams at Sparrow, then glances down at the map, "Okay, so... is starting here good..." she runs her finger lightly along the western edge of the northeastern quadrant, "-and I'll just keep slowly turning towards my right as I scan?"

Sparrow nods, "Yup. We want to try to not stare directly into the sun as we work this."

Cinnamon replies absently, "Oh, it won't be up for another, umm... 15 or 20 minutes?" She grins shyly over her shoulder at Sparrow, "I looked it up on my cell, for reference!" The Trickster can see her blink, and nictitating membranes slide across her eyes as she turns back to begin her slow, careful scan.

Sparrow tells Thorn, "Mark off the areas we've already swept on the map. Any area that one of us says we need to re-scan, notate. People actually doing the looking sometimes get in a zone and don't realize when they're starting a whole new circuit." Thorn nods and takes up the map. He uses a flashlight with a red lens, to preserve the searchers' night vision.

Cinnamon turns slightly as she continues scanning, though it's slow going. The desert is pretty uniformly 'cool' to her IR vision... and there's an awful lot of desert to scan, as well. But she does her best to be careful and methodical, visually tracing back and forth across the quadrant, one section at a time. When she's finished the first quadrant, she alerts Shane and Thorn as to how far she searched so they can note it on the map... and then she steps around a bit so she can continue with the next quadrant lying around the tall butte.

Sparrow isn't quite wearing camo, but he is dressed in colors and clothing that easily blend with the desert around them. He's doing much the same as Cinnamon. The quiet, precise words he uses to describe his progress are so unlike Sparrow that it might feel a little eerie. Cinnamon silently considers that as she continues scanning... huh. Baird gets that really-really quiet and focused demeanor sometimes too on missions, from what the little dragon has seen. Must be a military thing?

Sparrow, from what he's describing, can't see with his goggles quite as far as Cinnamon. He is, however, reporting the same results where their searches overlap. The only places showing up as just a tinge warm, Sparrow explains as being tiny heat sinks some animals use as burrows at night... but those are just barely over the temperature of the surrounding land.

Not quite twenty minutes later the sun starts to rise, and the area starts to slowly warm up a bit. Cinnamon keeps scanning, though, shifting occasionally to UV if the light is too bright in any particular spot... and as the sun rises, she can double-check the spots she had to skip earlier, with her IR vision. That said... about ten or so minutes later Cinnamon has carefully and meticulously scanned the full 360 degrees around the butte. She sighs unhappily, "I'm so sorry, Sparrow, but by now everything's pretty evenly heated to me." She takes a moment to rub her face, adding, "The only difference is that tiny little black rectangle out there." She points, then frowns, "I don't know why it wouldn't have any heat, though. Maybe something's wrong with my eyes?"

Sparrow goes very, very still at that -- and a heartbeat later his voice is crisp and businesslike as he turns his goggles in that direction, "Can you focus on that for me? Point right where you see it. Is it straight up and down, or is it tipped sort of like the side of a triangular tent?"

Thorn hisses softly, "Thermal camo? They don't even have that in the Regular Army."

"Um, it's... that way?" Cinnamon points carefully, then blinks, studying the weird effect for a moment before she nods, "Yeah, it... it's a little tilted?" She glances bemusedly at Thorn, wondering what thermal camo is -- then back at Sparrow, "But... shouldn't a tent be warm too? Like everything else?" Shane can see the expression on Sparrow's face go almost viciously pleased! A fraction of a second later, though, the Trickster is again almost flatly business-like. He opens his mouth to begin asking another question -- and Cinnamon blinks again as she studies the 'maybe tent,' not realizing she's interrupting, "Oh! Wait, wait -- something's happening! There's, umm... huh, there's like... a... like a dark stick moving around it now? Though... it has hot spots kind of dancing around it too!"

Sparrow stiffens at Cinnamon's description -- and he snaps, "Don't take your eyes off it! If it moves, you follow it with your vision -- keep us informed of where it goes."

Cinnamon starts to nod -- but then startledly adds, "Oh, wow, wait! There's a -- like a... thin thread of fire or something jumping from it to the ground?"

Thorn opens his mouth... then closes it. Cinnamon does not need to know she's watching a man relieving himself. Sparrow, however, absolutely cannot resist! The wickedest of wicked grins flashes across his face as he barks, "Change, darlin' -- now! Get us down there quick as you can -- don't look away! We don't wanna lose this bastard!" He's already going for her draconic harness, even before he's done talking -- and Shane is doing the same. Thorn too grabs onto Cinnamon as quickly as he can, hanging on for dear life as she streaks across the early morning sky, down to their target.

Cinnamon makes a small, startled, "Yeep!" noise when Sparrow suddenly snaps at her -- but despite that, she immediately changes and leaps off the butte, her wings spreading as she initially free-falls. It only takes a few flaps... and then she's effectively crashing through cactus, underbrush -- even a small rock formation, as she smashes down next to the thing at which she's staring so intently! A heartbeat later she chirps with horror: she just nearly stomped on some poor guy in camo! Worse (to her perspective) -- he was peeing! Sparrow laughs wickedly as he does a rolling landing, followed immediately after by Shane. Thorn, however, wisely chooses to wait for Shane and Sparrow to leap off first and get hold of the man or men.

The man in question stumbles backward in gaping shock, tangling up in his desert camo tent which (unsurprisingly) matches his desert camo clothing. After all, no one really expects dragons to just drop out of the desert sky! A heartbeat later he slaps at his thigh for a weapon -- but he's far, far too slow for a Trickster and a beansidhe. Sparrow's sharp voice belies his almost sweet words, "Sure fuckin' sucks to get caught with your pants down, just goin' 'boutcher business, hm?"

Cinnamon politely -- and hastily! -- averts her eyes, trilling indignantly, "Sparrow, you could have warned me!" A heartbeat later she blinks as the tent is partially yanked open by the man's thrashing, "Ohmygosh, look, you guys! That's a really big modern bow!"

Sparrow says absolutely unapologetically, "Sorry about that, darlin'! Didn't want him gettin' away!"

Shane winces through that whole statement, but doesn't call Sparrow on it. Instead, he lets the Trickster subdue the man while he himself snatches up the compound bow, nose wrinkling, "Fucking... ugh. It stinks of garlic and wolfsbane." Thorn is off of Cinnamon as soon as Shane and Sparrow have thrown themselves off. He goes towards the tent to secure it and make sure it's not going to be a danger to the others... and also to count how many sleeping bags are in it.

Cinnamon leans her head down, her tongue flickering, "Ooh, it does! I'm catching hints of silver too, and... I'm not sure which type of wood specifically, but... hmm, I'd maybe guess it's oak, ash, and thorn?" Her massive triangular head swings around to glare down at the prostrate hunter, and she sternly adds, "You are a very bad man... for trying to kill sapients!" Then she adds in a quieter aside to Shane, "There's lots more metal things in the tent too, asthore." Then she smiles toothily at Thorn, "It only smells like one person in there, though, Thorny... if that helps?"

Shane nods, "I can probably grab them." He looks carefully at Sparrow, adding, "Probably best you don't actually summarily execute him, dude."

The Trickster's smile is completely unreassuring, "Why not? That's what he tried to do to Kestrel." He's got the guy by the collar, dragging him away from the tent.

Cinnamon blinks at Shane, then raises her head to add to Sparrow, "Oh! No, don't do that, please? I want to know why he's doing this!" She lowers her head to stare more directly at the... is he shell-shocked or something? -- the still silently gaping man, "Why? Why would you try to murder innocent animals and folks?"

Thorn says gently, "We need to find out who else he harmed, who his accomplices are, and where he even got the idea to hunt people."

Cinnamon nods to Thorn, "Yes, that too -- that's exactly right!"

The man has moved past shocked into scowling silently at Sparrow. It looks like he's trying for a 'You can't break me' tough-guy look. Sparrow gives Cinnamon a resigned look and exaggerated sigh, "Can I just hurt him a little bit? He doesn't need all of his fingers, right?" This time when he smiles, his teeth aren't human at all.

Shane mutters, "I think this is what he meant by feral..."

Cinnamon sighs at Sparrow, her voice gentle, "Sparrow... how would Kestrel feel if you just offed him? I mean, I can't speak for them, but... I know when I was shot the first time, I wanted to know why." She doesn't realize just how odd it might appear to an outsider... that the giant fanged dragon is trying to calmly reason down a (relatively) tiny humanoid.

Thorn says very carefully to Sparrow, "No, Sparrow. I know you want to rip his heart out, but we're not going to do that. There are better and easier and more ethical ways to get information out of him."

Sparrow closes his almost yellow eyes and takes several slow breaths... and when he opens his eyes again, they're back to their normal brown... and his teeth are human again. He sighs, "You're right," then pulls out zipties and goes about binding the guy, adding, "But we're going to have a very stern talk once we get him back."

Thorn nods with relief. "Thank you," he says quietly.

Cinnamon nods firmly, "Absolutely!" She looks down at the man, then smiles in a (to her) reassuring fashion at Sparrow, "Don't worry, we'll figure things out!" Once again, it hasn't quite registered how many teeth she bares while doing that! She glances next at Shane and Thorn, "So, can you guys pack up the tent?" She tilts her head, studying the tent, then puzzledly adds, "And... anyone know why he and the tent weren't giving off any heat at all?" She has never stumbled across thermal camo, so it's an unknown to her.

Sparrow relies, "Thermal camo. Meant to literally cancel out a heat signature."

The man is still just scowling as Shane tells him quite cheerfully, "As Will Smith said in 'Men in Black': don't start none, won't be none! So, behave yourself, and your life expectancy grows exponentially." The half-beansidhe is already packing up the gear and letting Thorn help when and if he wants to.

Thorn explains more fully to Cinnamon, "There's some thermodynamic trickery that you can supposedly do to make, say, a tent look like it's the same temperature as the background. Something about burying a heat sink, I think? But the last I heard it was still really on the experimental side. So our new un-friend has access to some pretty expensive and remarkable gear."

Cinnamon blinks interestedly, "Thermal...? Oh! Wow, cool -- that explains the black rectangle -- and the black stick was him! Okay, I get it now -- thanks, guys!" She grins at Shane and lays flat so he can load things up onto her harness more easily... and adds sternly to Sparrow, "Be sure the bad guy is buckled in securely too, please, okay, Sparrow?"

Sparrow sighs dramatically, "Yeah, yeah, no letting the murderous cockmunch go splat."

Cinnamon blinks at Sparrow, "Murderous wha...? -eep!" -- and hastily looks away, her ears tilting back in embarrassment! However, a few heartbeats later she glances from Shane, packing up the tent... to Thorn, assisting him... and then to Sparrow. While the Trickster firmly fastens the prisoner onto the harness, she murmurs very, very softly to him, "I... I need you not to kill him, Sparrow. Someday, I'm afraid I'll be the one in this position," her glance at Shane is troubled as she very quietly continues, "and I know I'll be furious and scared for my sweetie's life too. I'm gonna need smart people I respect, like you and Thorny, to talk me out of it... 'cause we both know force won't stop me."

Sparrow looks up at Cinnamon and says matter-of-factly, "You've been in this position multiple times, darlin'... and each time, you've chosen mercy. You don't have to worry about going feral." He pats her nose softly and then kisses her nosepad... though, unlike when Shane does it, this comes off like he's kissing her cheek like a friend. "You're much, much nicer than I will ever fuckin' be." He looks at the guy who's still trying to pull off stoic-tough-guy, and says in ice-cold tones, "You have her to thank for your life -- and if you think you've got some kinda fuckin' anti-interrogation training, you're in a for a big fuckin' surprise or three."

Cinnamon grins shyly at the kindness from Sparrow, feeling unaccountably self-conscious for a few seconds... though she's not sure he's right about her having already (multiple times) been in the position of holding prisoner of the person who nearly killed her beloved! It was... just the one time, really? -and poor Shaney had been so seriously injured that she hadn't had any time at all to consider Hans, once she drove him off! She blinks, remembering that horrific night with abrupt, disgustingly clear sense-memory... and shakes her head sharply to dispel it. Yuck! Nopenope, not thinking about that -- her beautiful asthore is all fine and healthy and good now! She's going to fly them all back to the main buildings, and change, and... maybe Sparrow will let her watch so she can learn a bit more about negotiating, the way Baird does? That'd be cool! For now, she turns her head to watch the tent takedown -- she's curious as to what weaponry and/or other equipment this weird guy has.

Once the guy's trussed up, Sparrow helps Shane and Thorn with taking down the camp. There's a pretty impressive medkit, as well as multiple weapons. The various types of arrows make Shane back out of the tent, "Uhm... I don't react to most of the types of stuff that harm supernaturals, but I'm not sure I want to test my immunities this far. Holy hell, man..."

Cinnamon leans her head over to flicker her tongue over them all, then curiously ask, "What is all this stuff? What does he think he's hunting -- Superman?!"

Thorn asks, "Why? What do you scent on them?"

Sparrow crouches in the tent opening and wrinkles his nose, "Iron, silver, wolfsbane, ash wood, garlic..." He calls over his shoulder, "The amount of garlic on this shit ain't gonna do anything but piss off anything sensitive to it, asshole!" Then his voice is back to the others, "Sage... which ain't gonna do what he probably thinks it's gonna do. Clears away the funk of some of this other stuff. Salt. Again, working against himself..." His nose wrinkles again, "Given the incense smell, I'm betting he even dipped them in holy water." He shakes his head and snorts.

Shane nods to Sparrow, "Okay. Then work gloves ought to be okay."

Cinnamon nods at Sparrow's words, replying to the healer, "Mostly what Sparrow's saying, Thorny, though some of it is just weird scents to me?" She easily twists her head around to look down at the man strapped onto her harness, sounding genuinely puzzled, "Why are you so angry with supernaturals?" The guy is zip-tied and strapped to Cinnamon's back; he just snorts and refuses to speak.

The Trickster nods to Shane and goes to his tie-dyed pack, pulling out heavy leather gloves as he explains, "Iron for fae, silver for a lot of other species, including some shifters and vampires. Ash works against some species of fae that aren't sidhe. Garlic... sadly, some species of vampire are actually sensitive to it. Holy water... really, that's only going to fuck with a demon, and most demons don't want to be here any more than we want them here. Same with sage: it's a healing and cleansing herb. If that had been on the arrow that went through Kestrel, it would have made healing them easier. Same with the salt. Asshole has just enough information to be dangerous."

Cinnamon blinks in astonishment at Sparrow, "Demons?! They're real?" A heartbeat later she blinks again, "Does that mean angels are real too?"

Sparrow pauses, in showing Thorn how to safely pack up some of the ammo as Shane tosses it out of the tent, and looks surprised, "Why wouldn't demons be real?"

Cinnamon puzzledly adds, "I thought... doesn't salt, like, um... ground or bind some supernaturals, or... or something?"

Sparrow nods, "Salt can be used to create a circle to keep supernaturals out. But putting it on an arrow or a bullet? It's just going to have a purification effect."

Cinnamon falls silent, her ears tilting back and forth as she thinks furiously fast... and then she hesitantly asks, "So does that mean... christianity is real too? Like, accurate-real, I mean?"

Shane snorts, and Sparrow laughs, "Fuck, no! Most Christianity is so far removed from its roots as to make it unrecognizable -- dunno if their supposed god even exists. The critters I call demons are from a time way before Yeshua bin Yusef ever walked the earth. Same as the critters you'd call angels."

Cinnamon sighs in gusty -- and unexpected -- relief, "Oh, good! I told someone once that the religions were all likely just badly remembered things, even if the deities of those times were still around. I'm glad to hear I wasn't wrong!" She smiles, adding, "So, we got everything? Do I need to pause on the butte to pick up the maps, as we head back?"

Sparrow shakes his head, "Nah. Someone can grab the stuff we left up there."

Cinnamon cheerfully flies everyone back to the rez compound shortly thereafter, waiting outside until she's completely unloaded, and the prisoner is marched into a building. Thorn helps to offload Cinnamon. He's probably the one most immune to all the crap that the hunter put on his arrows, though he does wonder what tuatha are supposed to be harmed by. Once the guys are done, the scarlet dragon beams at Shane, waiting for her with a sheet over his arm. About a minute after that, she's pattering into the building with Shane, "So what's the plan now, asthore? I know Sparrow told us it was a good bet we wouldn't see hide nor hair of the guy during the four days we were here, if he was a really-really wary hunter -- but now he's captured -- yay! Do you think Sparrow might let me watch the interrogation, so I can learn more nifty things like with Baird?"

Shane winces slightly and has to admit, "I don't know that all Sparrow's questioning techniques are going to be... very palatable." He pauses, then quietly adds, "By which I mean, he may hurt the guy."

Cinnamon's jaw drops, and she stares in horror at Shane. It takes a moment for her to squeak a tiny, horrified, "W-what?!" She draws in a sharp breath, straightening with determination, "We -- we have to do something, Shaney! That -- this -- I, it... it's not right!" She grabs Shane's arm, ready to dash off -- but then stops and frowns thoughtfully, "Wait. If I... I mean, to help... hmm." Her eyes narrow in furious thought... and then she looks sharply up at Shane, "Okay. If Thorn distracted Sparrow for a bit, taking him to go help with checking on Kestrel one more time... do you know where the guy's being held? Is there a way for me to get a few moments alone with him? -and... would you be willing to hide and listen for truth for me, like you did at Rowan that time?"

Shane grimaces slightly, "Sparrow learned interrogation techniques in the military, and from what I understand, it wasn't standard military..."

Sparrow seems to appear out of nowhere when Cinnamon is nattering; he's smirking slightly, "I'm not going to torture him." He arches a brow at Shane, "Even if you are right about how and where I learned some of the less ethical interrogation techniques. I thought about it, and Kestrel would never forgive me if I waterboarded information out of this asshole. Besides, information learned under duress is usually shitty information."

Cinnamon nods several times in agreement! She stays silent after that, though -- she doesn't want to accidentally give away being able to do something... 'unusual' just now. So instead she slightly changes the subject, her voice hopeful, "So, um... I've helped Bairdy on some missions, and in exchange he taught me some useful stuff about negotiations. Are you, umm... I mean, could I maybe... er... w-would you mind?" A bit hesitantly she adds, "I mean, if... if it's not... icky?"

Thorn comes up shortly after, "I've bound all the arrows in a bag with a biohazard mark on it," he says. "That's... actually probably more accurate than I would like."

Cinnamon pushes her glasses up as she glances curiously at Thorn, "Do you want them all flamed or something, then?"

Sparrow snorts at Thorn's comment, nodding wryly, "Around here, that's probably a really accurate label." He shakes his head, "Fuck. What I wouldn't give to have Quinn as well as you here, Shane." He looks at Cinnamon, "Thanks for pulling me back off the ledge back there, darlin'."

Thorn says, "Flamed? Probably for the best. I haven't checked them for any distinguishing marks, but I doubt there will be." He pauses. "Anyone check the guy's wallet yet, by the way?"

Cinnamon blinks at Sparrow... then smiles shyly, "Oh! You're welcome, though... I know you'd have done the same for me. Besides," she grins happily at Thorn, "it was Thorny who had the really good reasons!" Then she tilts her head curiously at Thorn, "Is he carrying any identification?"

Thorn shakes his head, "I don't know; I didn't see any. But he may have been arrogant enough to think that he wouldn't get caught."

Cinnamon nods thoughtfully to Thorn, "Good point!" She looks back at the Trickster, still very curious, "How are you going to interrogate him, Sparrow?"

Sparrow smirks, "I may have been just slightly rough when I patted him down, and there was no wallet on his actual person. But I didn't go through the pack he had in the tent." He turns to Shane, "You, lad?"

The half-beansidhe shakes his head, "Not yet. I wanted to get it somewhere that we could treat it like a potential bomb."

Cinnamon curiously asks, "Is anyone keeping an eye on the guy?" She wonders if she can somehow finagle Shane into doing that, while Thorn and Sparrow (as the least likely to be allergic) look through the man's pack... and then maybe she can dart in with Shane for a few quick questions?

Sparrow nods, "Manny and Kestrel are actually watching the door. Guy's not going anywhere." He clears his throat, "I'm not going to torture him, but I did hang him up by his ankles to give him some time to think... and the way I've got him trussed, he's not getting down."

Cinnamon blinks slowly at Sparrow... then confusedly asks, "Isn't that... not healthy, though?"

Thorn frowns, "Are his hands free? We don't want him destroying any evidence he might have on him...."

Sparrow shakes his head, "His hands are not free, and I'm not planning on leaving him upside down for long. Just came out to grab y'all for this." He huffs out a humorless laugh, "Truth is? I don't trust myself. This is too personal. If it were someone that hurt one of you three? I could question them and be somewhat emotional but not go fuckin' feral. But Kestrel's the closest thing to my mate."

Cinnamon nods in silent sympathy to Sparrow, lightly patting his arm, "It's okay, Sparrow. I think we all get it. We'll come with, if you want." She wishes a bit frustratedly she could somehow finagle some time alone with the guy... but it looks like that's not feasible. Oh, well! She'll just try to learn from Sparrow's interrogation techniques as well.

Thorn nods, casually asking, "Should I bring my medical pack?" Cinnamon looks abruptly worried at that!

Shane puts a friendly arm around Sparrow's shoulder, "Why don't you go have some time with Kestrel? This has to be a relief for you both."

Sparrow sighs, "Yeah..." then looks straight at Shane, "But you ain't slick, boy. Go check him over." He pats Shane on the shoulder and ambles off.

Cinnamon blinks at that exchange, then looks puzzledly at Shane, "'Slick'?"

Shane watches Sparrow wander off again and shakes his head with a chuckle, "He means I'm not fooling him, and he knows I'm trying to shoo him off so we can talk to the guy without him there."

Cinnamon brightens at a sudden thought, adding sotto voce to Thorn, "Oooh, maybe you can get Kestrel to let you give them a quick examination -- that'd slow Sparrow down even more!"

Thorn chuckles quietly, "I don't think either of them will be fooled by that! But if you want I can keep watch outside, and if Sparrow is coming I can knock on the door?"

Shane adds, "Wouldn't hurt to examine the guy anyway." He takes Cinnamon's hand and starts moving to where the prisoner is being held.

Cinnamon grins hopefully at Thorn as they walk, "Well, you actually wanted to check Kestrel, right? That's what you said earlier... and then, once that's done, it'd be awesome if you could return to guard the door, Thorny?"

Thorn nods, "I'll get my pack and meet you there, then!" He smiles to Cinnamon, "I'll check Kestrel first -- sure." He goes to retrieve his pack and then go to examine Kestrel... to make sure they're still all right after the wound.

Cinnamon beams, calling, "Thank you so much, Thorny!" She pads along with Shane, glancing up at him and smiling as she gives a soft sigh, "Now... hopefully we can persuade Manny to take a break for a moment too... maybe? Would it be okay if I told him we're supposed to take over, since Kestrel's due for a checkup and some time with Sparrow?"

Shane says, "Uhm... we just sent Sparrow off to spend alone time with Kestrel...?"

Cinnamon grins and nods, "Yup! So Sparrow has to wait a moment, which means hopefully that he'll be that much more eager once Thorny gives Kestrel a clean bill of health!" She nearly dimples with excitement, "Hopefully that'll be enough time -- you think? Maybe?"

Shane grins down at Cinnamon's enthusiasm, "I think it'll be fine. Besides, he already knows we were trying to distract him so you could talk to the guy, acushla. That's what he meant about me not being slick."

A moment later Shane nods to Manny, who nods back, "You need to talk to the guy?"

Cinnamon blinks confusedly at Shane, "He... wait, what? Did you tell- er, wait. That can wait." She smiles uncertainly at Manny, "Hi! Um, Shaney and I are here to reprieve you since Kestrel left...?"

Manny grins, "I'm gonna stay right outside here, but you two can go on in and have a chat. Sparrow said to expect you when he came and spirited Kestrel away. Actually, he said to expect all three of you, but..." He shrugs, then opens the door and steps aside.

Cinnamon blinks a bit worriedly at Manny... then studies the door carefully. If it's heavy, thick, soundproof, and can be locked from the inside, then she's willing to try using her abilities with the prisoner. Short of that, though... she knows Manny is Sparrow's son, so may have unusual abilities... and Elias told her to not tell anyone about being able to mesmerize! She has faith in Elias' wisdom, especially considering this. So she murmurs absently, as she visually checks the door, "Oh, Thorny wanted to do a quick physical checkup on Kestrel... he'll be here in a bit, though..."

The door is definitely heavy -- it looks like it's about four inches thick, and made of some sort of very solid wood. The building where the prisoner is being held is meant to be some sort of very weatherproof storehouse. It also seems like it might serve as some sort of shelter. Cinnamon blinks at the door, impressed! "Wow, Manny! This door would almost hold a werewolf! Does it lock on both sides?" She curiously adds, "How would you know if someone inside needed something? Can you hear through the door, or is there... some other way to communicate?"

Manny grins, "It does lock on both sides, and yeah, it can hold some pretty powerful folks. We've had to put a pissed-off spirit beast in there a time or two. Don't know that it would hold Sparrow because I don't know that it would hold up to a polar bear, and I know he could take that skin. But it's held cougars, jaguars, and red wolves."

Cinnamon pushes up her glasses, slightly astonished, "Wow! That really is impressive!" She waits for the reply to her second query as well, before entering.

Manny adds, "It's pretty soundproof, but if someone's pounding on the door, we can hear it... and it's not cell-proof."

"Cell... oh! Phone, got it!" Cinnamon brightens, "Oh, yay! So you have cell service out here now? I know when we came out earlier for the councilmeeting, Kestrel said only landlines worked here."

Manny nods, "Yeah. It's not great, but it's here. Just one tower and it only works right around this area, not further out on the rez."

Cinnamon grins delightedly, "Still -- congratulations!" To her, this says things are perhaps looking up just a bit, financially, on the rez. Fabulous news, she thinks -- and maybe some of it is due to not having to import water so much! She beams and waves cheerfully, "Okay, then -- we'll just bang hard on the door when we want out!" However, she waits until she and Shane are in the room, and Shane has locked the door, before she tries getting the prisoner down from where he's hanging.

The guy is legitimately hanging from his ankles, as if he's a side of beef. There are other hooks along the rafters as well, with bunches of dried herbs and plants hanging from them. There are even some cured meats there, in the comfortably cool room. However, between the gag and the blindfold, the man's face is starting to look alarmingly red. Shane nods, "Time for him to not be upside-down." With him and Cinnamon working together, they quickly have him unhooked. Cinnamon hastily takes off the gag and blindfold, while Shane checks the knots to be sure the man's blood supply isn't being cut off anywhere. The little dragon doesn't wait at all, of course -- she knows people may arrive any minute! But first, much as she asked of Quinn, she has to check: "Hello! Are you willing to talk with us, please?"

The man sneers at her and pulls his head back, mouth screwing up -- and Shane immediately claps his hand over the man's mouth. In a quiet, almost friendly voice, he says, "I really, really would think hard about doing something disrespectful like spitting on her. You don't know it, but that sweet woman is also the giant dragon that talked a really pissed off avatar out of gutting you on sight. Plus, I would take it personally."

Cinnamon blinks -- she'd not realized what the man was about to do! But at Shane's words, he gets a warm, delighted smile... and then the little dragon turns her quietly intense gaze on the man. Her voice is soft, but also somehow very convincing, "All I want... is for you to tell me truth." She waits, watching to see any reaction.

The man struggles against the push of Cinnamon's voice and she can see him almost being able to resist it. Almost. But then he sneers, "I'm just doing God's work -- ridding the world of you abominations!"

Shane winces a little, "Well, he believes half of that..."

Cinnamon blinks, taken aback. A sneer, instead of blank-faced calm? She doesn't think this guy is really under, actually. Hmm... how to check. Ah: ask his name. He won't want to give that! "What's your name, and who is working with you?"

The man struggles, but then he gets dull-eyed and his voice goes flat, "Russel Amos Hamilton. My brothers are working with me."

Cinnamon nods in quiet relief -- that's more like what she was expecting! "Where do you and they live? Why are you doing this? Who is bankrolling you?" She suspects such unusual armaments as this man uses must absolutely be custom made, after all.

The man, Russel, goes on in that same voice, "We don't have a fixed address. We travel. We're just trying to purify the world from you freaks. As if racial mixing wasn't enough, interspecies mixing is a further abomination. We have backers all over the world." Shane mutters.

Cinnamon nods, but keeps asking questions as rapidly as he can answer them -- she doesn't know how much time she has, after all, so she wants to use it as wisely as possible! "Where are you getting your information on supernaturals from? Where are you and your brothers staying right now? Who is crafting your weaponry?" She wonders if this guy is the hunter, with one brother as researcher and the other as weaponsmith. She sure hopes there's no more than three of them! Though... she shudders slightly. What if there's an entire guild -- or something like that -- of murderers? Cinnamon's thoughts on the brothers as having distinct roles as researching and weaponsmith are correct. Shane keeps nodding as the guy talks, letting her know the prisoner is continuing to tell the truth. It seems the other brothers are staying elsewhere, but they don't always let one another know their locations... because of this exact situation.

Over the next few minutes Cinnamon asks a wide variety of questions designed to find out as much as possible, in order to hopefully both capture all the brothers, and bankrupt their endeavors. She also tries to track down the 'backers,' as well as ascertain if there are other murderous groups running around: "Who are your backers? How do you contact them, and how do you get money from them?" and "Give me your bank account information, and tell me how I can access it," along with, "Who else knows you and your brothers are doing this? Are there more hunters like you and your brothers?" Her final question, once she's run out of data to ask for, is a rather sad, "Why are you focusing on the rez?"

A lot of the questions about the backers are dead leads, because it's all set up as blind contacts. Money is deposited into an overseas bank account which can be accessed with the correct account information... which the man doesn't know by heart. His brother has it -- the one that does research. Also, the brothers keep their names out of things. The man thinks there are other cells like theirs, but they don't interact. "I'm focusing here because there's a concentration of abominations here."

Cinnamon frowns thoughtfully after all the answers... then says slowly, "Can you call your brothers to meet with you? Without suspicion?"

Russel replies tonelessly, "I wouldn't call. I would text." Shane is still nodding, indicating the man is still telling the truth and not just pretending to be mesmerized.

Cinnamon gets the man to describe precisely how he'd do so... then glances up as she hears the door handle turn. She grins ruefully at Shane, then turns to the man and closes her eyes as she backs away a few steps, visualizing the sharp snap of mental disconnection. As the man blinks, she says to Shane, "If he's not going to talk, I'll get the door, okay?" She leaves the guy facing Shane, and goes to unlock and open the heavy door, then peek around it to see who's there, "Hello?"

Shane doesn't have questions. Smiling, he explains, "I'm the lie detector, not the question asker most of the time. That's for Da."

The person on the other side of the door is Sparrow, who smirks, "What did you two get out of him while I was being distracted?"

Cinnamon giggles in spite of herself at Sparrow, "You're funny! Is there someone here to cover when Shaney and I come out?"

Thorn arrives with Sparrow, looking a bit wry. He was correct, and Sparrow was absolutely not fooled when the healer showed up asking to check on Kestrel. But they were perfectly fine, and almost fully healed. Cinnamon brightens at sight of Thorn -- and beams when she hears how well Kestrel is doing! Sparrow arches a brow, "Cover?"

Cinnamon blinks, "Um, as a guard? Isn't that why Manny and Kestrel were here?" She looks around, "Is Manny still here?"

Sparrow ahhs and chuckles, "I thought you meant in the room. Is he still restrained? I don't want him ruining any of the herbs in there."

Cinnamon nods, opening the door wide, "He is! We just took off the blindfold and gag. Umm... is that okay?"

Sparrow nods, "Not much he can see in there. No windows. The door can hold back most critters less powerful than a full-blown werewolf like Fraser." He motions at the visitors, "C'mon, have a drink with me and Kestrel; fill us in. We can start strategizing."

"Okay!" Cinnamon waits until Shane emerges and Manny settles back on watch, then grins shyly as she takes Shane's hand. Pattering along with him, she whispers, "We really need to figure out a hand signal to let you know not to listen, asthore -- I d-don't like accidentally hurting you! Umm... how about this?" She raises her free hand and lightly rubs the top of her left ear, then glances inquiringly up at Shane.

Shane smiles and nods, giving Cinnamon's hand a squeeze, "That works." He walks along with her like this is the most natural thing in the world... because to him, it is. Cinnamon sighs happily, leaning a bit against her asthore. Eeee, she can say that now too -- she has Shaney's permission! Sparrow walks with them all, leading them to the yurt Shane and Cinnamon have been sharing. Because of her thoughts, the little dragon is almost glowing with happiness as she follows the men into the yurt... though with Sparrow, Kestrel, Thorn, Shane, and herself there, the little yurt is now a bit crowded! She glances around, then sits on the bed to get out of the way of the larger folks. Shane shifts around so he's behind Cinnamon and puts his legs around her. Cinnamon beams excitedly -- she's getting Shaney-hugs! This is the most awesome day! She knows they're about to talk about unpleasant things, but... but Shane! Her face is bright with joy, right now.

As everyone settles, and Kestrel hands out bottles of cool water to everyone, Cinnamon thinks a moment, then smiles uncertainly at Sparrow, "Do you, umm... have a cell phone, Sparrow? Or something that can do recordings?" Sparrow tugs out his phone and opens a voice memo app. He also shifts Kestrel onto his lap, to make sure there's a space for Thorn to sit. Once Sparrow is ready, Cinnamon nods once to him, then begins to talk. She doesn't give her questions, but rather simply recites all Hamilton's answers, verbatim. She grins shyly once she's done, adding, "Sometimes my memory's really helpful."

Sparrow nods along with the recitation, brow furrowing and face darkening, "Fuckers. So he was here because we're a refuge. That shit needs to stop."

Cinnamon nods silently... then adds quietly, "I hope the information on how to get his brothers to meet with him is useful. That was one of my questions."

Sparrow nods, "I think it will be. The problem is, what do we do with them when we have them?"

Cinnamon is silent for a long moment, thinking. Finally she hesitantly suggests, "Try... tracking down the backers through them?"

Thorn thinks carefully, and nods, "The backers are the dangerous ones. We need to cut off their funding." He sighs, "...and maybe try to 'deprogram' them."

Sparrow nods, arching one dark brow, "That's all true. But what do we do with the backers? I'm putting this decision in your hands because I can't be trusted not to go full nuclear on it."

Cinnamon shakes her head, her expression wry, "Sparrow, I'm already in over my head on Nusantara! I'm sorry, but..." She pauses, considering... then brightens, "Ah! Get Kestrel to help you!" She beams at the two-spirit as she adds, "They're nice and organized and level-headed... and if you're on Coblyn, I suggest Elias! He's awesome-good at calm, thoughtful advice!" She frowns consideringly, then adds, "Probably... Jaeger too, maybe?"

Sparrow nods and smiles, "Smart woman. Setting boundaries. Proud of you. But you're all right. The backers are the dangerous ones. If there are more like this guy and his Winchester-wannabe brothers, then we need to start tracking them down."

Cinnamon nods emphatically, "Definitely! Plus, once I've hopefully gotten all the pressing issues for Nusantara taken care of, if I can help I'll be happy to." Her small grin is wry, "Within reason, of course. The way things have been going, I'm not gonna be surprised if another small disaster or five lands in my lap, partway through Nusantara's stuff!" She giggles, adding shyly, "It's... really nice to feel useful, though!" A moment later Cinnamon frowns thoughtfully as she muses aloud, "Though... in a way, this really is something that transcends council borders, isn't it? This is a threat to all supernaturals!" She looks a bit bemused, "Though again... I'm surprised this is the first we've heard of it! For a supposedly world-spanning group, they're... seeming to have remarkably little effect? Could they be new, or lying about their size, or something?"

Sparrow nods, "I think they must be. I think we'd hear more if our folk had been dropping like flies."

Cinnamon winces! "Well, that's certainly information that'd be helpful to have too. If I hear about anything like that, I'll absolutely let you and the council know, okay?"

Thorn nods, "If it's some sort of global organization, then the council should definitely know."

Shane smiles wryly, "Sort of like the anti-council?"

Cinnamon frowns, "Hopefully it's not that organized... and currently it's still just a teeny-tiny number of rich people with some sort of grudge or something." She doesn't say it aloud... but the prospect of a global group of heavily-bankrolled assassins is quite frankly horrifying -- as in: way too much for her to deal with currently! She firmly shoves that possibility out of mind, and focuses on how nice and warm Shane's arms are, around her. No panic attacks, darnit! After that, though, the little dragon checks with Sparrow: is there anything else he needs help with, before they return to Coblyn?

Sparrow shakes his head, "No, I don't think so. We're gonna keep this fella here for a bit. Until we can get his brothers pulled in, I think we'll just keep him confined. Kestrel will insist he stay fed and watered and gets access to a latrine and a bed." He grins affectionately at the two-spirit in his arms, and they laugh softly and hug him back.

Cinnamon grins as she nods, "Kestrel's smart -- they'll keep you on the right path, Sparrow!"

Once the meeting is done and everyone but Shane and Thorn have left, Cinnamon thinks a bit... then calls Spice. If the young woman is willing, Cinnamon wants to ask her to please let Hilde and Marcus know that Cinnamon will likely be available tomorrow to help with the allergy testing. She also glees a bit with Spice: they caught the assassin, woo! Spice answers the phone and chuckles, "We've been testing some, but so far, mostly it's been... fuckin' uncomfortable for Marcus. Not sure we'll be able to fabricate what he needs quickly, but we can try." The grin in her voice is audible, "Glad you got the fucknut."

"Oh, you've started already? Well, cool! We'll be flying back tonight, so if you want help tomorrow... happy to?" Cinnamon's voice is wry as she adds, "We can talk more about the other thing once we're back. Oh! Also, Tre and Navin might say yes to joining Elgan -- Tre was very impressed by meeting Veles!" She giggles, then adds, "Hug Josie for me, please, and see you all soon!"

Josie's cheerful voice can be heard in the background, "Marcus really wanted to get started! He's... not feeling well." Cinnamon awwws, feeling sorry for the poor guy!

Spice snorts, "He's ironsick. Not badly -- just a little. Should be right as rain when you get back. Glad to hear our lost boys will have a house to belong to, and 'course I'll hug my mate!"

Once she's said her goodbyes and hung up, Cinnamon next sends an email to the Havvarger, asking them if they can recommend what instrumentation would be useful for her as a flying creature, and do they know how to deep-sea fish for the really big tunas and stuff? Also, can they recommend someone to make her a nice sturdy brass base for the instruments, that can be fastened onto her harness?

Thorn is glad to hear Marcus is doing... well, not well... but at least 'okay.' He thinks it's really good of the elf to volunteer for the allergenic materials testing. "I'll help out where I can," he tells Shane and Cinnamon, "though I'd like to check the people I saw the last time I was here, just to make sure all is well!"

Cinnamon checks the time, then nods cheerfully to Thorn, "Okay! Let's have you do that with the rest of today, and we'll fly home tonight, when it's dark." She grins a bit shyly at Shane, "I think I'm gonna have a nap until lunch, but... maybe after lunch we could cuddle some?"

Shane gives Cinnamon a tight hug, "Like I'll ever say no to that." The little dragon giggles and blushes, and happily hugs back! Yep, today's gonna be really nice, she thinks!

Of course, when she wakes up a few hours later, Cinnamon discovers her mind has tidily arranged a list to answer Sparrow's previous query on what to do about the supernatural hunter's backers! Consequently, it's only a short while later that she's devouring a delicious lunch while also chattering happily to Sparrow and Kestrel, "-not that I think any harm should come to their families, but it's good to know if their disappearance is gonna harm anyone, right?" A quick gulp of her drink is followed by: "So then, check their names to see if any of them have been in the military or prison or stuff like that -- or maybe if Baird recognizes any of them? Oh, and after capturing the research brother, make sure you get the bank access info perfectly, right? Then use that information to empty their accounts, of course, and track the backers through deposits -- if you ask Spice real nicely, she might be willing to help with that?"

Cinnamon grins, having another big, hungry mouthful and a drink, before concluding with, "-and then it's pretty basic, I think: either ruin or convert the backers. What do you think? Oh, and also: is it okay with you, Sparrow, if I tell folks about what happened here? -and can I put a note in the list of topics for the next council meeting, asking if anyone has any news of supernaturals being murdered in their areas?"

Kestrel is once again in Sparrow's lap -- the trickster has been pulling them into his lap almost every chance, as if he's afraid Kestrel is going to disappear... or maybe he's just being his usual lecherous self. He considers, then growls, "Of course you can spread the word. I've been spreading the word."

Kestrel murmurs gently, "You've been ranting and growling, love."

Sparrow has to agree with that, adding, "I had meant to mention it at the next meeting, but yeah -- it's real fuckin' important to mention it now."

Cinnamon grins wryly at Kestrel, then at Sparrow, as she very gently teases, "Well, if you don't mind, Sparrow, my intention was to use English to spread the word... rather than growling?"

Sparrow nuzzles into Kestrel's neck and breathes in deep as he thinks, "Didn't you say he said something about interracial mixing being bad but interspecies being even worse?"

Cinnamon thinks for a moment, then quotes from memory, "He said: 'We're just trying to purify the world from you freaks. As if racial mixing wasn't enough, interspecies mixing is a further abomination.'" She tilts her head at Sparrow, "Is that what you meant?" She muses for a heartbeat, then curiously adds, "Oh, is this one of those things where, say, one of the siblings is actually a halfbreed, but had a terrible upbringing instead of a decent family like Shaney had, and so now they think they're atoning, or something weird like that?" She adds in an aside to explain, "One of my urban fantasies had that plotline. Not my favorite."

Shane's brows furrow, "No, acushla, I think he's hinting that the guy's a racist as well as having something against supernaturals. We patted him down, but did anyone check him for tattoos?"

Cinnamon shakes her head, "Not me, no. But maybe whoever took all his clothes but his shorts and t-shirt saw something?"

Sparrow shakes his head, brows drawing together, "I didn't even think to look. Didn't trust myself to strip him down to skin. He had the t-shirt and shorts on under the camo." He sits up straighter, patting Kestrel on the hip, "Hop up, sugar. I think we need to go check our guest for body art."

Cinnamon watches silently, unsure if Sparrow wants company or not... and mentally running over her little 'talk' with the guy -- trying to remember any tattoo flashes or anything like that. As she does so, she muses aloud, "If one of them was a halfbreed... my guess would be the researcher. He'd be more likely to be possibly trusted by other supernaturals, right?" Thorn stands as well, taking the 'we' to mean the group.

Sparrow nods to the trio that brought him out here, "I want all three of y'all to come with me." His mouth is set in a narrow line, "I don't think the half-breed theory is what we're gonna find, darlin'." Kestrel kisses Sparrow's cheek and murmurs something very close to his ear that makes him smile in the gentlest way any of them have ever seen, before he ushers them all out the door and heads for the storage room where the prisoner is being held.

Cinnamon nods, scrambling hastily to her feet, "Um, ok-kay!" She glances at the remains of lunch, then grabs her half-finished bottle of soda to take a long. Her sideways glance at Shane is a bit nervous, but she slowly reaches for his hand again -- maybe he'll walk with her again while holding hands? She finds she really-really likes that! It's very reassuring.

Shane reaches quite naturally for Cinnamon's hand and murmurs to Thorn, "You're bringing your kit, right?" He's not actually concerned the hunter's going to get hurt, but it's always good to be prepared. Cinnamon sighs happily, leaning into Shane's side as they walk together.

Thorn hmms? and nods, "Of course," he says. "Just in case."

Cinnamon hesitates, abruptly realizing something, "Umm... wait. Sparrow, are you, um... do you mean to... er..." Argh! She hates it when she blithers like an idiot! Just... just blurt it out! "Are... uh, i-istheguygonnaben-n-naked?!"

Sparrow pauses and arches a brow, "Well, most guys don't get tattoos on their dicks, but I had planned on checking his ass. You don't gotta come in... or you can leave when we got to that part, darlin'." Cinnamon squeaks with shocked embarrassment, her hands flying up to her flushed cheeks -- well, crabcakes! It almost feels like Sparrow's been taking lessons from Aisling in effortlessly mortifying her! She almost drops her water bottle, but fortunately catches it before there's much splashing. She breathlessly apologizes to Shane for that -- then takes a deep breath and continues with the others, despite her scarlet blush.

When they reach the storage building they find Forrest and someone they haven't met at the door. Forrest waves cheerfully and the other young man nods silently. They both step aside as Sparrow pulls a keyring from his pocket and unlocks the door. When it opens, they find the hunter sitting on the same chair he had when Shane and Cinnamon left him. He's glowering at the floor, but he doesn't look like he's been harmed.

Cinnamon finds herself almost half-hiding behind Shane... mostly so she can hastily run for the door if Sparrow starts, er... starts strip-searching the guy! The little dragon is pretty sure that's what it's called, after all. She whispers to Shane, "Hey, asthore? W-what if the guy has something like Baird does... in his body?" Thorn, before going in, asks Erin to keep a watch outside... just in case. He knows Sparrow's people -- Forrest and the other man -- would get them as soon as something happens, but he's not entirely certain this will be over soon.

Russel snarls at them, "What do you want now? Gonna do more of your fuckin' witchcraft?"

Sparrow smiles almost affably, "Actually, no. We're here to do a little skinvestigation." He smirks at his own bad joke, "See, my sweet, compassionate little friend told me that you mentioned something about race as well as species, and that got me thinkin'. Got me wonderin'..." He's been strolling around behind the guy. Shane follows after gently kissing Cinnamon's hair and murmuring that he's going to make sure Sparrow colors inside the lines. Sparrow reaches over Russel's shoulder, fingers turning to claws as they rip through the cotton of the man's dark grey undershirt, "-if maybe you're also a fuckin' racist!"

Cinnamon squeaks in shock again at the sudden violence -- then whirls and races out of the room! She gently shuts the storage room door behind her, blinking nervously wide eyes at the two young men there... then takes a deep breath to try and calm herself down so she doesn't stutter. She doesn't want Forrest to think she's mocking or anything! "S-sorry! Sp-parrow is just a bit, umm..." she grimaces a bit, "w-well, he's... kinda scary when he's mad." She can't quite bring herself to admit she's actually more embarrassed at the potential nudity!

The other young man with Forrest whispers hoarsely and softly, "Sparrow's a little scary all the time." But his eyes are twinkling with mischief.

Cinnamon nods rather emphatically at him! She sighs, relaxing a little... then glances around, "Umm... is it okay if I sit out here with you guys? Just for a little bit? I promise I'll do my best to stay out of your way?"

Forrest just smiles and pats the ground next to where he's sitting. The other young man says in his whispery-soft voice, "Please do! I'm Robin."

Cinnamon sighs in relief, smiling her thanks to both young men as she settles down, "Hi! I'm Cinnamon. I'm here with Shane and Thorn."

Robin nods and whisper-rasps, "I know. I saw you here last time. I just didn't come out to visit much."

Forrest's sweet singing voice adds, "Robin's very shy. I think it has to do with his spirit beast. They're very solitary creatures."

Cinnamon brightens, "Oh! Are you a shapeshifter too?" A moment later she looks exasperated at herself, "Oh, Robin -- of course! I should have guessed from your name. Umm... is it okay to ask you what your other shape is?"

Robin nods, voice still whispery-soft, "I'm a jaguar." He tips his head back and points to a scar across the left side of his throat. It's not something that looks like a slash, though -- it's wider and more jagged, like a badly-healed bullet-wound. "Got nearly caught by hunters when I was really young. They thought I was an actual jaguar, I'm pretty sure."

"Oh, wow!" Cinnamon's eyes are wide as she leans for a closer look at the scar. A moment later she sits back and grins cheerfully at Robin, "Do you mind if I ask my friend Thorn to take a look at you? He's a healer." She wonders if Robin knows she's a dragon... hm. Well, she doesn't want to sound like she's bragging or anything, so... she'll wait and see if he asks first.

Robin smiles, "He can if he likes. I don't mind the scar. It reminds me to be careful." He blinks slowly and then whispers, "You're the dragon, right?"

Cinnamon nods and beams in as friendly a fashion as she can, "That's me!" She laughs, her tone a little self-deprecating, "I, um... just found out... less than a year ago, so... I'm still learning how to do it, y'know?"

Robin grins, "It's okay. I was twelve before I shifted. I remember what it was like learning how to cat." He leans in to confide, "And I was in foster care at the time. With white foster parents." Forrest winces and runs his hands over and over along his braid. A lot of Native kids are put into white foster homes.

Cinnamon giggles and nods, "Still working on dragoning, myself..." she sighs, some of her good humor dissipating, "-and yeah... families that don't get it are... well, can be... the worst." She's morosely silent for a moment -- but then firmly reminds herself: she is a dragon! Plus -- and this perks her up noticeably -- Shane! Oh, yeah -- life is good! "But now things are better, so... yay!"

Robin nods and smiles. It's a sweet smile; not a brilliant, face-beautifying one, but a sweet, welcoming smile, "I've found my real family now, too. Like, my actual parents. They're on a different rez, but I got to meet them!"

Cinnamon brightens at that, "Oh, congratulations -- that's so awesome, to be able to meet relatives that actually like you!" She's genuinely happy for both young men, safely living on this rez rather than being forced into some unnatural social expectation of white imitation. If they want to, she chats happily with them both about families and how wonderful it is to have loving family -- found or birthed!

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Last modified: 2019-Jun-12 19:53:32

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