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Only once everyone has said their thank-yous and goodbyes, and the connection has been dropped, does Cinnamon wryly comment to Spice, "I'm sorry that guy Jax was such a weenie, Spicy! I'm sure it's just 'cause he doesn't know how good you are."

Spice snorts, "He's an asshole, is what he is. Fuckin' banks transmit financial data over simple http-goddamn-s." Cinnamon giggles! After that, though, she hugs and thanks everyone for making time for her to introduce them to some of her new people... then settles down in front of her laptop to do a quick but thorough review of the new data.

It doesn't take more than half an hour, though, for her to get a rather bemused expression... followed by a rather unhappy one! She pauses long enough to call Spice, asking the hacker if she has some free time available to do a bit of work with her, please? -because if Cinnamon's instincts and budget program are both correct... then these books are cooked! Spice answers right away, "Always for you, bosslady. Should I bring Jo?"

Cinnamon sighs in relief, "Oh, fantabulous, Spicy -- thank you so much! Umm... if Josie's okay with it possibly being a situation like when we cracked the banks to catch Qadan -- as in, slow, dull, and not very exciting for her? -- then she's welcome to come!" She laughs, adding, "If it takes a while, she might even get to den-mum us!"

Spice laughs, "You know how she is! Give her people to take care of and fuss over and she's in seventh-goddamn-heaven. She'll hang out and read whatever the fuck it is that's got her giggling so much." She raises her voice, "Babe? Bosslady needs some help. You wanna go?" There's a general sound of approval, and Spice grins and tells Cinnamon, "We'll be right there!"

Cinnamon laughs, feeling incredibly warm and happy -- she has the absolute bestest friends! "Awesome! See you soonest, then -- and thanks a ton to you both!" She continues working over the data while she waits for the couple to arrive. What that means is (when Spice and Josie come trotting through the door with tail wags and hugs all around) Cinnamon says with confidence, "I'm sure now, peeps. These numbers are fake!"

Moments later the little dragon is pointing out the characteristics she's spotted -- as well as the red flag raised by the program itself. Once she's done, she looks up at Spice and Josie, her expression grave, "So I'm guessing this explains the why they're short on money... but can we do anything to try and figure out more about this situation? I'd like to be able to help somehow, rather than just say they've got a money hemorrhage. They sorta already know that, after all, right?"

Spice mms and nods, brows together, "Well, I can dig in a little. I mean, I can try and backtrace some of this, but you know accounting like the back of your hand."

Cinnamon nods thoughtfully, "Well... let's take a moment and review the data first. Jax scanned in the pages to make the electronic copy, after all. Maybe we'll find something usefu- oh!" She frowns consideringly... then gives her friends a wry glance, "Well! I'm guessing now we know why he was so against sharing the data. I'm guessing he's the person cooking the books!"

Spice smirks, "Ya think? Ten bucks says he blames us for it. He made that snarky-ass comment about blaming us if anything went wrong."

Cinnamon giggles! "Sorry, Spicy -- I don't make sucker bets!" She laughs, and then the two of them settle down and start slowly combing through the scanned pages.

It's almost four hours later that Cinnamon lifts her head to curiously ask Spice, "Hey, any idea what MayB is? I've got a long alphanumeric and that word scribbled in a margin here."

Spice shakes her head, "Not a clue."

Cinnamon tilts her head, studying the number for a moment... then changes windows and types in the number and 'MayB.' "Nothing useful..." She considers, then types in the nonprofit's name. That makes her blink thoughtfully, then type a bit more... then straighten up at the results, "Ooh... Spicy! I think he wrote down the nonprofit's bank number on the margin -- and the bank is Malaysian Banking Merhad, or Maybank!" She grins excitedly at the hacker, "Lookie!"

Spice mutters about dumbass security practices as she tracks the number... then nods, "Yeah. Got it."

Cinnamon giggles again, "Well, at the very least if he gives us any flack, we can mention this!" With that, she goes back to perusing the scanned data.

Throughout all this time, Josie and Shane are in and out. Thorn had returned to the infirmary after the zoom meet-and-greet, though he comes back to Cinnamon's office sometime later. He's curious as to how the investigation is coming, and also what it's actually involving; he's never really gotten what a forensic accountant does. At one point Shane leans down to kiss Cinnamon's cheek and murmur a hello. Cinnamon blinks absently at the kiss -- but then brightens when she realizes it's Shane, "Oh! Hi, asthore! How're you doing? We have a really cool problem to work on -- did you hear?!"

Shane chuckles and nods, "Josie told me you were in detective mode. I'm sorry I missed the first meeting, acushla. Errands took longer than I expected."

Cinnamon happily hugs Shane, "It's fine, dathúil! But I sure for certain would love it if you can be there for the next meeting, please? We're going to try and find out who the thief is... and while I'm guessing it's Jax, their treasurer, I don't want to accuse him if he's an innocent, y'know?"

Shane's brows go up, "Ah. I will happily be there in an official capacity as truthspeaker."

Spice snorts, "I wanna see how quick this guy pisses his pants upon realizing we've got an actual-fuckin'-factual truthspeaker."

Cinnamon grins at that, though it's slightly wry, "That'll be good, yeah... but what I'd really like to do is hopefully maybe find the money -- that's what would really help the nonprofit, y'know?"

Shane mms and nods, "Well, we can always try and push him into telling us." He chuckles, "Wish we could get Da to Zoom. He'd be a great help." Spice mutters about Shane and Quinn together being a menace -- at which Cinnamon giggles and nods! Then she gives Shane a quick, shy kiss before continuing to work on the pages.

Less than an hour or so later, Spice announces absolutely cheerfully, "Jax-pot! Found it." Josie groans at the pun.

Cinnamon blinks bemusedly up at Spice, pushing up her glasses, "Uhhh... what?" A heartbeat later she too groans -- then giggles! "Okay, what did you find?"

Spice spins her computer around, "Bank account. People are so sloppy sometimes..."

Cinnamon gasps, "Oh! That's fantastic, Spicy! Can we get in, maybe? See if that's where the money's going or not?"

Spice mmms, "Well, it'd be better if we also got legit access to the NGO's accounts."

Cinnamon looks curious, "Explain, please? I mean, we have their books here?" She runs a finger down the page on the screen, "Umm... yeah, here! There's entries for bank deposits right here... so we have dates and amounts, if nothing else?"

Spice nods, "It'll take me a while to actually get in to his account, though. You got the numbers in an actual spreadsheet or somethin' now? Rather than Jax's scans of his ledgers?" Her screens are full of terminals that look like mostly meaningless numbers and letters.

Cinnamon nods and flips windows on her screen, "I do -- here. They were part of the download. How do you want them?"

Spice mms, "CSV would be best. I can plug that into a lot." She rubs her face, "This is gonna take a while, bosslady. Banks are persnickety about their actual internal stuff. We can see corresponding numbers, but if you want the actual transactions traced between accounts? That can take a little longer."

Cinnamon smiles, sending the CSV data over to Spice, then shakes her head, "We've done this before, Spice. I'm happy to try and help again... and even if we can't get one-to-one tracking, if we can get enough so we can flat out ask him to verify or deny this very suspicious data... then we can ask Shaney to listen in on that too. That should be enough, from our end... don't you think?" She adds darkly, "I'm really hoping he's not yet spent all the money, too -- 'cause how could you do that... to a nonprofit?!"

Spice nods and her mouth thins, "Yeah. We can do that." She shakes her head, "People are assholes."

Cinnamon tilts her head as she considers that... then she grins warmly at Josie and Spice, "Some are. Present company excepted though, I think!" She laughs, then settles down with Spice to start working on this new avenue of research.

Josie makes them both stop to eat dinner, and again later so they can sleep... but the next morning they're both almost feverishly back at work, trying to get things done before 7:30 pm their time -- because the next scheduled meeting is at 8:00 pm! Being on the other side of the globe means the NGO members will be connecting with Cinnamon et al. at their Sumatran eight o'clock in the morning. They're cutting it close -- when Spice nearly gleefully yells, "Aha! Got you, fucker! Yeah, those match perfectly -- he's not even sneaky."

Josie beams, tail wagging, "He is, though! It took you guys to find him out!"

Cinnamon blinks -- then cheers, "Yay, Spice! You're the best!" She glances at the time, then squeaks, "Eeek! I'll start setting up, 'cause we only have less than an hour -- you keep tracking down and matching everything you can, Spice, okay?" Glancing around as she starts organizing the office for a zoom call again, she checks: is Shane present too? Shane is not only present, he's brushed and braided his hair and put on a dark shirt. He looks, honestly, just a little bit intimidating. Josie is also there; she probably only looks intimidating to anyone who doesn't know her.

Cinnamon beams goofily at her so-handsome sweetie! -- but a heartbeat later, shakes herself and gets cracking on tidying up! First she ensures there are enough lights in the office so they can all be seen clearly -- and then, with Josie's and Shane's help, all the foodstuffs cleared away, with the office looking tidy and professional. Josie has been a champ through all of this effort -- she'd trotted over to ask Hilde for a temporary loan of a translation charm, so the Bostonians can all understand should anyone agitatedly break into speaking Malay during the call, as well.

At the correct time the zoom meeting begins, with Cinnamon greeting the others and introducing the new folks, "This is Josie Moonsdaughter, the local councilor... and this is Shane Elmstrod, our truthseer and-" embarrassingly, she can feel herself blushing with happiness, "-a-and... my s-s-sweetheart!"

Each person introduced inclines their head. Thorn is present, and is concerned about this meeting, since it will reveal a rather large... problem to the others. But it must be done, both to secure justice and help them. Shane looks friendly and relaxed. He's found through the years that people actually underestimate how good he is at what he does. Josie beams, which is a bit intimidating if you aren't used to giant crocodile shifters. The members of the NGO board all greet the new folks. Cinnamon is relieved no one snickered at her blushing!

Kyesha smiles at Cinnamon's stuttering over introducing Shane as her sweetheart. The crocodile shifter nods in turn, introducing her team to the newcomers... then adds at Cinnamon, "You are lucky to have such a handsome and useful young man at your side."

[Finally,] Thorn thinks with amusement -- but does not say out loud at all. Cinnamon turns bright red -- even as she nearly squeaks delightedly, "I am! He's awesome!" She coughs, deliberately trying to lower her voice range from the squeaky almost-ultrasonic to more normal speaking tones, "Uh... um, so! So, ahh... we... well, I, I guess -- I had a question for you all, please?" She takes a deep breath, then asks quite frankly, "See, um, I -- I was wondering... is this not the actual data? Was it a test for our security, rather than your true books?"

Both Kyesha and Adiratna tip their heads in almost identical, confused gestures -- and then Kyesha goes very still. Even her voice is carefully even and calm, "No. As far as I know, these are the only books." She hasn't looked at Jax.

Perhaps it's because they've both gotten used to watching for small signs of disturbance, but both Thorn and Cinnamon notice Kyesha's nictitating membranes blink closed and open again. That's the only sign the Chair gives, though, that she might be upset by this news. Cinnamon has nictitating membranes herself, and she honestly isn't really surprised Kyesha might be upset. Thorn is surprised; he'd have thought Jax would be the obvious person to look to. But if he's reading this body language right....

Unlike the two women, Jax looks distraught, "What do you mean? Has something gone wrong? Did something happen? Is it corrupted somehow on the way there?" He turns agitatedly to the two women, "I told you this was a bad idea -- no matter what these people say about computer security! I was afraid of this! They are trying to steal what little money we have!"

Adiratna speaks calmly, "Let us not worry beforetime. Please, we should hear what the honorable 13th Chair has to say before we jump to conclusions." Shane, meantime, is frowning.

Cinnamon snorts at Jax's accusation, then smiles wryly at Adiratna, "Thank you." To all of them she adds, "Let me explain, please. See, because of my non-supernatural job, I have the most up-to-date accounting software. Between it, and my personal experience in forensic accounting for all kinds of jobs -- up to and including the federal level -- I rapidly realized that the books I were sent... contained falsified data. In a nutshell: your books have been cooked!"

Thorn is keeping his attention between Jax and Kyesha -- and he sees Jax getting increasingly indignant... and increasingly furry! He thumps a fist on the desk or table where the members of the NGO are sitting and shouts, "How dare you accuse me of such a vile thing!" He stands and leans in toward the camera, baring teeth that are more like fangs now, "I am horribly insulted! You would shame me and my family with such things? I do not have to put up with this! I will-" apparently sit down and shut up because Kyesha turns to him and hisses, with an absolutely inhuman sound that makes Jax cringe, "You will be silent!"

Cinnamon is quietly whispering with Shane during Jax's outburst, since she's not at all impressed with the Orang Pendek right now, "Spice told you to watch him most, right?" At Shane's silent nod, she grins, still whispering very quietly, "Okay! If he blows up during this next bit, feel free to sing out, okay?" She beams delightedly at him, then turns back to the camera, smiling ruefully, "I'm sorry for the upset, but I can explain, really. See, there are certain, um... repeating patterns, or 'tells,' when someone is making up the numbers -- stuff like a particular number showing up more often than is statistically normal in, say, the cents columns, you know? That's just one of them, of course, and I can send you the program's analysis later, if you'd like... because by now, both the program and I can detect the tells pretty quickly." She sighs and sips some water, then continues almost apologetically, "This kind of stuff happens usually when someone's skimming money out of the till -- or, in this case, bank account."

That explanation causes a dramatic uproar worthy of the most dramatic telenovela crossed with the most elaborate of Bollywood movies! Jax looks as if he is about to burst into tears as he declares, "I was just doing my job! I am an honest man! I would never do this thing! Who could do such a vile thing to an NGO! It is so dishonorable!"

Shane winces like someone just kicked him in the balls -- then leans down, whispering in a pained voice, "Almost every single word of that was a lie." He's just loud enough to be heard on the microphone.

Cinnamon beams at Shane, "Thank you, asthore!" then turns back to the screen. She's really curious what Jax will do at this point!

Jax's eyes go huge and he starts to open his mouth as if to defend himself -- but then he whirls and lunges for the door, shrieking that he will not stand for such accusations! Kyesha remains almost inhumanly still -- and once again, the only sign of reaction is that quick flash of nictitating membrane. In contrast, next to her there's a flash of movement so quick and so bright that it's an eye-watering blur! On the screen, it almost looks like some sort of special effect... until, once things settle, the image resolves into an ethereally beautiful, gold-shimmering Asian woman -- at least from the waist up. From there down, however, she has the broad body, enormous wings, tail, and long, webbed feet of a swan. She sings a sorrowful query to the little monkey-man she's got pinned, "Jakarta? Why would you do such a vile and wicked thing?"

Cinnamon breathes an awed, "...wo-ooow! That was so pretty!"

Shane is also blinking slowly, and Spice whistles low, "Fu-uuuuck. I've gotten used to a lot of weird shit since meeting y'all, but that was straight out of anime. Goddamn." That makes both Josie and Cinnamon giggle!

Kyesha narrows her eyes at Shane, "A quick test, if it is not an insult?"

The half-beansidhe perches on the arm of Cinnamon's oversized chair and smiles, "It's not an insult. You don't know me from a bar of soap. My knack is well-known here."

The Chair nods, "I have been told there is a game. Two truths and a lie?" It sounds odd coming out of the Chair's mouth, with her very precise speech.

That makes Shane smile wider, "Yes. I know of it. Please go ahead."

Kyesha nods slowly, "I do not like eating fish. I am one-hundred-fifty-three years old. I have a copy of every movie the American actor Kevin Bacon has ever been in." Her head tips gently to the side, waiting.

Shane smiles and looks around the room, somehow keeping a straight face, "Anyone else want to guess before I do the reveal?"

Cinnamon giggles! "My guess is the first one about fish is the lie... because saltwater crocodiles are really omnivorous, from the reading I've been doing!" She blushes as she adds a bit embarrassedly, "Plus I totally had a crush on Kevin Bacon when I saw 'Footloose'! I so wanted to be able to dance like him!" She giggles sheepishly, covering her face. Thorn remains quiet, not giving his own guess. He's a bit too high-strung at the moment, and he's worried Jax -- now the theft has been revealed -- will do something stupid and destructive. Thorn doesn't want to see that happen.

Shane looks around to see if anyone else wants to guess -- there's nothing more than expectant grins -- so the half-beansidhe kisses Cinnamon on the cheek before he chuckles and asks Kyesha, "Why don't you like fish?"

Kyesha looks impressed, "Most people would pick that as the lie, I believe." She wrinkles her nose, "When I was younger, I got some poisoned fish a poacher put out. It made me very, very sick and I nearly died. I will not eat it now unless I cannot avoid it." Her face softens slightly as she looks to Cinnamon, "That is a very good movie." Then she looks straight at Shane and firmly states, "I have never stolen from this organization... or any other organization with which I have been involved. I have done my best to be a respectable and honorable Chair." Shane listens closely, then nods. Cinnamon grins shyly at Kyesha, then smiles as she glances at Shane. She's not surprised at all that he nods... though now she's wondering which one was the lie! Maybe Kyesha's really 154 years old?

Kyesha adds, "I am 177 years old, by the way." Cinnamon brightens at the news of Kyesha's age, feeling oddly relieved that she's not the only one with a huge crush- er, appreciation! Right, appreciation -- for Kevin Bacon. Kyesha looks at the kinnara and the monkey-man, "Now you say something the same." The slightly confused kinnara does the same for her job at the NGO and about stealing. Kyesha looks calmly, flatly, at Jax, "Now you."

Jax sobs and shakes his head, "I will not be abused this way! I cannot believe you would accuse me so!"

Shane mutters, "That's true. He thought he'd get away with it and talk his way out of it."

Kyesha stands from her chair and stalks over to where Jax is now writhing in terror. She grabs him by the collar to drag him back toward the table -- and the whole time, she looks weirdly calm. Jax babbles hysterically at Adiratna -- she must save him! Keep Kyesha from eating him! The crocodile shifter hisses again, "Do not be ridiculous! I do not eat sentients!" She plonks him into the chair, "Just tell us where the money is!"

After a few heartbeats of listening, however, Shane shakes his head and sighs, "He's babbling nonsense. I don't speak whatever language he's on in, but I somehow don't think it's about the money."

Adiratna purses her lips, "No. It's not about much of anything coherent."

Cinnamon huhs, "So the translation charm isn't working? He must really be gabbling nonsense!" She brightens again, shyly holding up one hand -- somewhat like a student who knows the answer her teacher wants, "But! Umm... actually, I think we can help with that!" She turns and beams proudly, "Spicy? Got the relevant data up on your screen?" She turns back to the camera as Spice readies, happily adding, "Spice and I worked really hard on this for the last two days, and we were able to track the money!" Wryly she adds, "We tracked it... through the bank accounts -- whose numbers were actually listed on the books, believe it or not! Scribbled in the margins, actually." She shakes her head, "Like Spicy said -- that was the real security breach! But anyway -- as it turns out, Jax was apparently quietly siphoning off money via what were listed as 'bank charges' and 'telecom repair' and 'transportation costs' and other such fibs, into an account of his own!" She sighs, adding, "I'm real sorry, but not all the money is still there. On the good side, though, the vast majority of it apparently still is! Though we don't know why he did that... but! If you tell us to, Spice can send it right back to your account, right now. Or ask Spice for the information, and you can do it yourselves -- whichever you prefer!"

Kyesha looks at Jax with what would seem a complete lack of expression if one hadn't been looking for those quick nictitating blinks, and states flatly, "You are a very stupid man." Then she looks back at the Coblyn side of the discussion, "If you have the information, will it be easier for you to do this thing? I am so sorry you had to witness this shameful behavior."

Spice nods, "Yeah, I can get that done."

Cinnamon beams, leaning to whisper, "Thanks, Spicy -- you did awesomesauce!"

Spice murmurs back, "Eh. You knew where to point me." She winks. Cinnamon laughs quietly, and gently squeezes Spice's hand -- she's so happy they could help the NGO!

In the meantime, Kyesha has called for someone to drag the sobbing, pleading monkey-man away. Cinnamon waits until Jax is gone to beam at the two women, "So... I hope we helped a bit!"

Kyesha and Adiratna both look at the Coblyn screen; it's Adiratna who nearly sings, "Thank you all so much! You have saved not just us, but the mangroves -- they will provide homes for our people and for the creatures who live there."

Kyesha nods in solemn agreement... then looks thoughtfully at Shane, "That is quite the talent you have."

Shane chuckles, "It can be somewhat painful. If you wanted a confession, and not simply to know if he was lying, it's me da you would want on the job."

From behind him, Josie giggles -- and Cinnamon grins wryly, nodding, "Yeah, though it's a little embarrassing... even if you have nothing to hide!" She adds in explanation, "People just blurt out the truth when he's using his knack." Then she adds happily, "Thank you, Adiratna! We're really glad we could help." She thinks a moment, then adds, "So, does this wrap up all of your needs, or is there anything else associated with the letter you sent, that needs to be dealt with?"

Kyesha replies, "That is all that we need, but..." She looks at Adiratna, who smiles and nods, "Can everyone in the room get in view of the camera at once?"

"Um, I think so?" Cinnamon glances around, beckoning, "Thorny, JoJo, come in closer with Spicy and Shaney and I, please?" Thorn blinks, and nods, scooting closer to the center of the view -- as does Josie.

Adiratna smiles, "Thank you." She bows and then holds her hands out toward them and begins to sing. At first it's a single, clear, beautiful voice... but then it starts to sound like multiple voices. It's only a minute or so, but the notes echo and vibrate through the room long after she finishes singing.

Cinnamon blinks startledly at first... but then a slow smile grows on her face as she listens. She finds the music lovely and haunting and... oddly reassuring. She beams at the kinnara once the song is finished, "Thank you, Adiratna -- that was lovely! Can you tell us its significance, please?" She figures there has to be a reason everyone had to gather close, after all... maybe? Thorn is startled as well. But the singing is so lovely that he almost forgets she asked them to gather together.

Adiratna smiles, "It is a blessing. For love and happiness. It does not have to be romantic love. Some people find love in different ways than that."

Cinnamon awwws! "Thank you so much, Adiratna, Kyesha -- that's so nice of you both!" She nearly glows with excitement as she adds, "So does this mean we fixed your current problem satisfactorily?!"

Thorn blinks again, then smiles warmly, inclining his head in a slight bow. "Thank you for this blessing," he says quietly to them.

Kyesha nods -- then actually smiles again, instantly going from dour to motherly, "We thank you very much. It was more than we expected."

Cinnamon is thrilled at how pleased the two women are! Everyone says their thanks and goodbyes, and eventually the zoom call is closed down... and then Cinnamon almost bolts up out of her chair! She's almost squealing with excitement as she frisks about the room, giving everyone warm hugs, "We did it! We did it! Eeeee, that's the first Nusantaran fix -- all done and wonderful and yay!" Spice and Josie are glad to hug Cinnamon back, as is a smiling Thorn -- the blessing has made him oddly upbeat, and optimistic. Shane waits to be last, so he can keep holding her. However, as she's dancing excitedly about with Josie, holding the wolf-girl's paw-hands and laughing happily at the madly exuberant tail wags... Cinnamon's phone dings! She blinks, pausing long enough to check it... then laughs joyfully again, "Oh, this is so awesome -- peeps, this is from an email from Kyesha! She says she promises to spread the word that the 13th Chair is present and aware -- and absolutely helping the folks she represents!"

After this first (exciting!) success with the Nusantara issues, Cinnamon happily changes her map of the area -- now, the Sumatra pushpin has a big green checkmark on it! After that Shane has to head off on some errands. Cinnamon has a talk with Spice and Veles (on the cell) about timing... then consults her calendar... and then decides to go find and talk to Sparrow. Just as she's locking her office door, however, Tim-Tam comes dashing breathlessly up, "Mornin' miss gotta note from Jack 'ee says yar great bluidy package arrived!"

Cinnamon blinks at the little runner -- then squeaks excitedly, "Oh! Oh, the rickshaw must've arrived -- thanks so much, Tim-Tam!" She happily tips the girl (much to Tim-Tam's quiet delight -- and internal determination to remain the person who delivers all messages to the nice young dragon!), then patters hastily down the stairs. She continues all the way to Tre's and Navin's place, puffing as she hustles up the circular staircase, and knocking briskly on the door. When it opens she pants, "Rickshaw's here, Tre -- wanna come start putting it together?!"

Tre's eyes light up and he nods, "I would love to!" He looks over his shoulder and smiles, "Navin's sleeping, so... let's let him sleep." Tre grabs the messenger bag he's started carrying and closes the door behind himself.

The two of them trot as swiftly as poor, panting Cinnamon can manage down the street to Duille Darach inn. Once they're there, Cinnamon breathlessly greets Jack, then asks for a drink, please, for both of them? She grins with shy embarrassment at Tre, "I -- I hope you don't mind, but... whew! I, um, could really use a moment to catch my breath, please... before we cart this up to Currier's Hall again? I rented a small room there that we can use to spread out and put the rickshaw together. Is that okay?"

Tre beams at Cinnamon, "We can rest as long as you need to!" He examines the crate and hmmms, "We might need a real cart to get it there, actually." Then he laughs, "A cart to carry my cart!"

Jack passes over cool drinks and grins at Tre, "Indeed. Shane was using a cart when he brought it." Bringing packages from Rosie Jones' off-street home -- which is where almost all Coblyn's citizens send their mail that has to come from the human world -- is one of Shane's daily errands. When he's gone, one of the runners does it. But the half-beansidhe usually does it because he's able to blend in so easily.

Cinnamon whews! and sips her drink as she thinks a bit. "Jack, where does Shaney get the cart from -- do you know? Maybe we can meet him there when he's returning it, and borrow it ourselves?"

Jack considers, "Don't rightly know, lass. But this time of day, th' lad's likely deliverin' anything Himeko needs, an' might have the cart with him."

Cinnamon thinks about that for a bit... then simply nods firmly once, "Clearly time for a runner!" She grins, glancing around -- she knows several of them can often be found near the post office/inn, after all. Once she spots one and beckons him over, he soon dashes off with a message for Shane, asking if (when the half-beansidhe has a moment) he could bring the cart to Jack's inn, so she and Tre can haul the new rickshaw's flat-packs up to Currier's Hall, to put it together. After that she sighs contentedly, "Okay then! Now we have a moment to relax and catch our breath before Shaney arrives!"

Tre is almost bubbly with excitement, talking about what might be acceptable payment and whether he ought to do things like offer a service where people could pay for a set number of rides beforehand, "Y'know, for people whose incomes are spotty or who have to do some kind of exchange with John to get coin?"

Cinnamon grins almost affectionately at the happy half-ipotane, "You can set it up however you want, Tre -- it's your business! I'm just being a silent partner, you know?" She considers a moment, then adds, "You might want to get a... one of those, um, pedometers or something? So you know how far you've gone -- that'd allow you to charge per half or quarter mile, y'know? Um... maybe a cashbox too -- maybe weld it onto the front crossbar or something? I bet Waylon could help with that. Let's see... would you like, say, a tablet so you can schedule appointments too? What else might help... maybe a set of walkie-talkies, so you always have someone on back-up... what do you think?" She beams cheerfully as she sips her drink -- it's so awesome to her to see someone really get to enjoy their chosen work!

Tre considers, "Maybe not a tablet. They're finicky when it comes to weather. But definitely some kind of way to keep up with appointments... and a walkie is a good idea. You can get really sturdy ones and they aren't dependent on cell service...."

As he's thinking all of this out loud, Shane ducks into the inn, beaming -- which causes Cinnamon to squeak a delighted, "Shaney!"

"Heya!" Shane moves over to kiss Cinnamon warmly, then smiles at Tre, "I didn't know when you'd have time to pick it up, and I didn't figure you'd want to drag it up the stairs to your place." He looks almost as excited as the half-ipotane.

Cinnamon beams, "Oh, yay! Okay, we can load all the flat-packs into the cart now -- let's get going!" As she pays Jack for both drinks, then patters out with the two men to start loading the cart, she too is bubbly with excitement! "Asthore, can you tell Tre how folks who don't immediately have coin on them pay folks with... I think it's like... scrip, maybe? -that can be turned in for cash, to John at the Vault?"

Shane nods, "Some people keep basically letters of credit or scrip on them. Easier than carrying pouches of precious metal coins around, and easier to figure out the rate of exchange... and some people don't have set prices on anything and simply barter." He starts to pull the cart once it's full, but Tre takes the handles from him and starts walking while Shane keeps talking, "Some of the vendors in the street market keep a book, and people keep a line of credit that the vendor takes to John at the end of the month, to get moved into their account. Each person that buys something signs off with their sigil."

Tre nods, "So, like, instead of money I could trade someone for clothes or something else I need? Like a protection charm?"

Cinnamon blinks worriedly at Tre, "A protection charm?! Tre, has someone actually threatened you or Navin?"

Tre shakes his head, flushing a little, "No, but... I mean, not here, but...." He ducks his head.

Shane ahhs, "Tent city, right?"

Tre nods and looks chagrined, "Old habits."

Cinnamon tilts her head bemusedly, glancing between the two men... then blinks, "Oh! Oh, like... something to help you hide, so you could go back there if you wanted? Is that what you mean?"

Tre shakes his head, "No, I mean I would rather be safe than sorry -- I'd like a protection charm for the apartment. I've talked to people who asked if I had one. I haven't had a place that I could adequately protect for a long time." He's still blushing a little, "We've got locks on the doors, but...." He shrugs.

Shane nods, "You've got protection charms on your place, acushla. I've got charms on mine. Almost everyone does."

Cinnamon nods cheerfully, "Oh, sure! But folks just showed me how to do the stuff, or gave them to me -- like Hilde's troll cross." She beams at Tre, "We can show you too, Tre -- no problem!" She beams as she adds, "Here we are -- Currier's Hall! The room is the third one off the big council meeting room, so..." She patters into the building, peeking around a corner -- then brightens, "There -- gotta be that door! You guys go ahead and start opening the packs in there, and I'll go get the bag of tools I borrowed, that I've stashed with Llewellyn -- be right back!"

By the time Cinnamon gets back, Shane and Tre have gotten the boxes laid out and opened, and Tre is examining the instruction booklet and giggling to himself. The little dragon grins curiously, "What's up, Tre?"

Tre hands her the instructions. They look like they've gone through a bad translation program -- like perhaps it was translated from Chinese to French to Portuguese to English. The syntax is hashed, the word choice is ridiculous, and the meaning is completely garbled. The half-ipotane grins, "It's good there are diagrams." Indeed, there are many quite excellent diagrams.

Cinnamon reads aloud, "Implant latch B on sleeve D and increase the screwing with slow carefulness or the small rabbits will scratch," then blinks slowly, "Um. Yeah, let's..." she giggles, "let's stick with the diagrams, definitely!" After that -- along with some discussion occasionally, to try and figure out where this or that bit is actually meant to go -- the three begin putting the little rickshaw together. It's actually very exciting to watch the vehicle sort of grow, between them all! Once they're done, Cinnamon stands back to admire it... then bounces excitedly and claps her hands, almost squealing, "Yay, it looks so awesome, Tre -- do you like it?!"

Tre's eyes are bright and excited, "I love it!" He's almost petting it as he moves around it, making sure everything is in place.

Shane smiles and reaches into a messenger bag he's carrying, "Got something for you." He hands over a couple of square decals. When Tre looks at them, he grins. There's no business name on them, but the logo is two crossed horseshoes with the points upward, so they look almost like a W.

Cinnamon leans to peek, then laughs, "Oh, cool! I like those. Also, Tre, I read that this panel here on the back?" She points to the one she means, "It's often painted with something nice, that pleases the driver -- their company name, or an ad, or something -- so if you want, there's folks on the street who do beautiful paint work! Also," she trots over to her bag, then grins shyly as she straightens, "Um... I got you a bicycle bell, just for if you want, that can go on the front? That way if someone doesn't hear you coming, you can ring it!" She grins again as she adds, "I've read that they'll sometimes use strings of bells on the back, between the wheels -- and they deliberately pick bells with matching tones, so it's pretty sounding! Um, what else... I already mentioned a cashbox to you, and that Waylon might help with... er..." She cuts off as someone walks in -- then brightens, "Veles! Hi there -- how are you? Oh!" She beams, trotting over for a hug as she adds, "I see your charm is done -- so pretty! How's it feel? How're you doing?"

Veles smiles as he hugs back, "I'm doing well! I've been to see Spice. She's got everything I need ready to go. I just wanted to stop by and let you know I am on my way out." He looks at the rickshaw and smiles, "This is a very good idea."

Cinnamon eeks! "Already?! No, wait -- stupid question, I'm sorry!" She takes his hands in hers, staring earnestly up at him, "Thank you so much for doing this, Veles -- it means a ton to me, and it's gonna make things so totally easier for me! -- but... will you remember something really-really important for me, please? It's this: the most important thing is that we all want you to stay safe, okay? Please?"

Veles smiles almost indulgently and hugs Cinnamon again, one hand on the back of her head, "I promise I will stay safe." When he pulls back, his smile is more teasing, "Despite the fact that I am a changed man and that you reminded me I am not immortal, I do have a skill set that will make me very hard to harm."

Cinnamon laughs at that, though it's a little uneasy... but then she brightens, "Oh! Also, before you go, Veles? This is Tre -- he's one of the two really great guys who saved Marcus's bacon while he was lost off the street!" She beams at the half-ipotane, "Tre, this is Veles Drakov of House Elgan -- he's awesome at a bunch of sneaky things, and an amazingly helpful guy!"

Veles nods and reaches to shake Tre's hand, "By which she means I am an ex-mercenary and sniper who has repented of his wicked ways and now uses his powers for good." Cinnamon grins affectionately at Veles! Tre gets a wide-eyed expression, making Veles chuckle, "And I am simply human... though I was raised, as a young child, around dragons. Now, I am headed to help Cinnamon deal with some long-distance things where she cannot always be, since she has other duties."

Cinnamon nods, her voice fervent, "Thank goodness! I think my head would explode if I had to do it all myself -- most of it is totally new to me!"

Tre is still a little wide-eyed. It's easy to believe in mythical creatures when you are one, but mercenaries are still things out of action movies! Meeting a soldier of fortune is unusual. Still, he says, "It's a pleasure to meet you! I... wow!"

Shane murmurs amusedly, "He's not the only one we know. We tend to attract special people." Cinnamon beams proudly and nods several times! Shane thinks it's going to be interesting once Tre gets to know Sparrow, and finds out the embodiment of Coyote was also once some sort of special forces operative.

Veles says his goodbyes, gets another tight hug and sternly earnest warning to be careful from Cinnamon, and slips out, smiling. Cinnamon waves after him, then sighs happily as she studies the rickshaw, "Well, guys, I think it's done! What do you all think?"

Tre grins excitedly, which makes him look quite young, "I think I like it very much!" He's also going to speak with Navin tonight about joining Cinnamon's House Elgan. From what he's learned, it will be quite safe, since so far they have a dragon, a hacker, and a mercenary, after all!

Cinnamon beams at Tre, impulsively hugging him, "Yay, Tre-Tre! I'm so glad! Want to take it out for a spin?" She laughs, adding, "Can I have the honor of being your first passenger?" Then she grins at Shane, "What do you think, asthore? I have to put an order in at Cafe Prague for hot food for us all, for tomorrow morning take-off, if Sparrow agrees to us going to hunt the supernatural-hunter. So, if Tre's good with it... want to come along, to return the cart? We can maybe tie it on, on the back of the rickshaw?"

Tre almost bounces as he hugs back, "I'd love to take it for a spin, and be honored if you and Shane were my first passengers! First ride's free!"

Cinnamon squeals delightedly as she hugs Tre again, and Shane nods at Cinnamon's questions, "Maybe grab a snack while we're at the cafe too."

It's full dark out, and about an hour or two later, once Cinnamon is finally headed back to her little house -- Shane is doing a favor for someone, but will be joining her later. Somewhat to her surprise, the little dragon finds Sparrow as she's walking along Coblyn -- and he's talking to Marcus! Cinnamon grins in rueful bemusement to herself -- Marcus sure is in a lot of places recently! But she walks up and greets them both, then checks: are they having a private conversation, or may she join, please? Sparrow grins broadly at Cinnamon, "Well, hey, sugar."

Marcus also smiles in greeting and says, "Of course you can join. If it were terribly private, we'd be quite rude to be having it in the middle of the pavement."

Cinnamon grins at Sparrow -- then laughs! "Good point, Marcus!" She grins, then almost bounces on her toes with bubbly excitement, "So, guess what guess what guess what, you guys?! The first Nusantara problem has been solved! I'm so, so happy!"

Marcus smiles, "I can tell. You're practically glowing! Congratulations. Things like that can get a little hairy." He considers and discards the idea of hugging her in congratulations. They aren't there yet.

Sparrow, however, has no such qualms, scooping the little dragon up into a tight squeeze, even lifting her off her feet a bit. Cinnamon laughs and exuberantly hugs Sparrow right back! She's a bit breathless at the hug, but she tries to be polite: "Thanks, Marcus! It was all due to Spice and Shane and Josie -- Thorny and I mostly watched them do their thing!"

Sparrow snorts, "Yeah. Because one of them is a fuckin' forensic accountant."

Cinnamon giggles and grins shyly at Sparrow, "Well, okay... I think I helped some too?" She's still beaming once she's back on her feet again, cheerfully continuing to burble excitedly, "So, Sparrow, I talked to Spicy and Veles and it looks like I'll have roughly a week before I gotta head out there so I was wondering if you want some help maybe with hunting your supernatural hunter, like a nice big mobile arrow-proof wall, maybe?" She grins, her eyes sparkling at her silly self-description -- then adds, "Unfortunately I don't know how long I'll be stuck out in Nusantara, fixing things... and I have to do a ton of travel planning with Spice -- but I do have about four days all free, so I could fly you out there and maybe Shaney and/or Thorny'd be willing to come too, if you want?"

Sparrow listens to Cinnamon's word-blurt explanation of what she'll be doing soon, and his brows go up, "This would be a great time to do it. Winter on the rez is still warm but not sweltering... tracking's easier. Of course, I'm bettin' you're bringin' your beau and Thorn. So it won't hurt to have one of the best fighters I know and one of the best healers as well." Marcus also listens, brows knitting. He's a bit dismayed he's not going to be able to simply 'be around,' with Cinnamon being so far out of reach -- and worse, with Shane right there all the time. Also... this sounds dangerous!

Cinnamon beams at Sparrow, unaware of Marcus' thoughts, "Okay! So that's a yes, right? Can we leave soonest? I need to gather up some stuff real fast, but Spicy said she'd help me with getting all the food, and Shaney says he'll help with the packing but I still gotta ask Thorn. Umm... is tomorrow morning an okay departure time? Can you do your luck-covering thingie so I can fly during the day?"

Marcus' eyes move back and forth between the other two people, brows still furrowed as he murmurs, "Isn't this a bit dangerous? Are you going to be safe, Cinnamon? I mean, they're literally hunting supernaturals, right?" Cinnamon blinks slowly, tilting her head bemusedly as she looks at Marcus. Her gaze isn't unfriendly, just confused -- like she can't quite understand what she just heard. Indeed, Marcus almost immediately flinches as he hears himself, "That came out so wrong; I apologize. You're an adult... a very, very capable and intelligent one. You can make your own decisions. I'm just... worried. I apologize for butting in, but... is there anything I can do to help?" Cinnamon smiles, relaxing at that. She doesn't know what Marcus could do to help... but then, this is Sparrow's rez, so he'd know best!

Sparrow smirks, "Well, your expertise at the moment is negotiation, and one think I sure as fuck ain't doin' is negotiating with this -- or these -- assholes. I'll be asking them some questions, but after that-" his eyes go cold, "let's just say, rez justice can be swift." But then he smiles again, "But I bet someone trained in diplomacy and negotiation would be helpful in Nusantara."

Cinnamon grins wryly at the Trickster, "Oh, don't be mean, Sparrow! We'll be taking an airplane there, and I wouldn't do that to Marcus!"

Sparrow looks as innocent as it's possible for the literal embodiment of trickery and mischief to look, as he replies, "I thought you'd probably try to fly it yourself."

Marcus bites his bottom lip for a moment, then hesitantly says, "How bad can it be? I mean, I've been ironsick before?"

Cinnamon gives Sparrow an incredulous look, "Fly it?! It's halfway across the planet, dude -- and I'm not even an adult dragon yet, apparently!" A heartbeat later she gives Marcus an equally incredulous look, "How bad?!" She sighs amusedly, "Dude, you'd be horribly sick for days -- maybe even a week! I'm not going to do that to you, and you don't have any protection for going on a plane. At the very least, you'd need something like Elias' box but bigg... errr..." She blinks, her expression getting very far-away as she stops in mid-sentence -- her mouth is even still open! Her thoughts race furiously for several seconds... and then she blinks again, focusing intently on the young elf, "Hey, umm, Marcus? Um, have your people ever, like... tried to figure out the limitations of that allergy?"

Marcus considers, "I'm sure someone has. But I don't know if they found them."

Sparrow's eyes are twinkling, "Maybe y'all can test it out if we get this business on the rez wrapped up quick-fast."

Cinnamon grins wryly at Sparrow, "How easy is it to track this guy, then?" She adds with a smile to Marcus, "Maybe Jaeger would know?"

Marcus thinks, then smiles a bit sadly, "My mutter was actually the better tracker. She needed to be for her, ah... job." He doesn't want to say on the open street, 'My mother was an assassin. It's good to be able to track humanoids if your job is killing them stealthily.'

Cinnamon wonders what the woman's job was -- wait, not important now! Got to keep organizing and moving forward, right! She laughs softly at herself: she's got so much on her plate right now, but she's thinking of helping Marcus test this allergy-thingie? Sheesh. Though... hmm... maybe he can help with organization? She grins, adding, "Okay. If we get back with enough time, Marcus, I'd be willing to help you test -- but only if you want to try, okay? I don't know how unpleasant it might be for you, after all. Umm, let me think... maybe ask Hilde to help you arrange a place and the stuff to test with, too? Like, umm..." she considers a bit, then rattles off, "Well, at least a large piece of steel, and then some stuff to try layering with, to see if anything is enough protection -- wood, brass... sturdy cloth, leather... maybe close-cell foam? Stuff like that, y'know?"

Marcus' laugh is actually warm and affectionate, "Don't worry. Hilde will be all over this if it's going to be something to tease me with! Apparently now we aren't considering handfasting, we've become like siblings."

Sparrow answers the tracking question, "I've been working on the scent from the arrow. It's been kinda fuckin' difficult because I got fuckin' feral over it smelling like Kestrel's blood as well as this asswipe's scent."

Cinnamon giggles at Marcus, "Awesome!" A moment later she frowns consideringly at Sparrow, "Feral? Uh-ohh... did you, um... mess up the arrow? Or is it still, er... scentable? If... that's even a word?" She grins wryly again.

Sparrow smirks at himself, "Only if you can reconstruct it from tiny little splinters of wood." He rubs the back of his neck with one callused hand, "I have some idea of the scent, but the memory of it's fading -- and I am so pissed at myself. I was in bear form when I tried to pick up the scent, and their blood scent was so much stronger and I..." He spreads his hands and shrugs, "I control myself pretty well most of the time. That was not most of the time."

Cinnamon looks at Sparrow and for a moment her heart almost breaks for him -- she knows she'd be livid if someone hurt Shane like Kestrel was hurt! Heck, if Shane hadn't been in Hans' hands when she found them, she's not sure if she would have wanted to beat the troll up badly too. She steps forward and impulsively gives Sparrow a tight hug, "Never mind, Sparrow! We'll just... we'll figure out another way to find this -- this total doodyhead!" She steps back a moment later and smiles a bit tightly at the two men, "Okay. I gotta go buy a whole bunch of food to take with us to the rez. So, Sparrow, can you be packed and ready to go by tomorrow morning? Is it okay to ask you to do your luck magic so we're not seen then?"

Sparrow hugs Cinnamon back with a wry chuckle, "I appreciate all the thought you're putting into this. I can be ready in fifteen minutes. My stuff's all in my airstream, which is parked down the block in a long-term garage just outside the street."

Cinnamon nods absently -- she's clearly already moving into maths mental mode again, "Okay, but I do need some time; sorry. So, meet you at Currier's Hall tomorrow morning around, umm... let's say between eight and nine? That should be enough time for me to get loaded up... and Marcus, can you and Hilde be ready to test in... let's say it takes all four days to find this jerk. Do you think you can be ready by then? -and if we're lucky, maybe even earlier?"

Marcus nods, then pauses, "Do you need help getting anything ready for your trip? But I can definitely have things ready for testing by then."

Cinnamon smiles and shakes her head, "If you'd like to help, connect with Spice, please? She's brilliant at logistics and computer stuff -- she'll be organizing the foodstuffs and Nusantara traveling thingies for me." She nods firmly again, adding, "Okay then! Guys, I gotta run -- still got a lot to do -- but thanks for talking with me, and more laters bye!" She waves as she's pattering off, looking pleased, "Awesome! Okay, what's next on the to-do list... Thorny!" She heads for the Infirmary, to invite Thorn on the trip to the rez. She has no idea she just asked Marcus to effectively put himself at the disposal of someone who he's... uncomfortable with!

As Cinnamon patters off, and once she's out of earshot, Sparrow smirks at Marcus, "Boy, you got it bad. But you hear me: I'm less polite than our dear Shane. I will fuck you the hell up if you screw her around again. Hear me?"

Marcus blinks at Sparrow, then replies truthfully, "You won't have to. If I hurt her again, nothing either of you can do will rival what I'll be doing to myself." He nods and adds, "Now, I need to go find Spice." He heads purposefully off, leaving Sparrow actually grinning behind him.

Elsewhere, Cinnamon almost skips into the Infirmary -- things are progressing just swimmingly! Cafe Prague has her order for hot, protein-heavy food for the morning, Spice was still giggling as she hung up from Cinnamon calling to warm her that Marcus might -- just might! -- turn up asking if he can help, and finally: if Hilde wants help from Spice for 'testing' Marcus, Spice should feel free! The little dragon beams despite the front waiting room being currently empty, simply calling down the hallway, "Halloo, is Thorny available, please?"

Niko pops out of a nearby room, smiling as he nods and motions toward the back rooms, "Yup!"

"Oh! Sorry, Niko -- I missed you!" Cinnamon blushes as she adds a bit sheepishly, "Thanks!" and patters down the hallway, glancing around until she spots Thorn, "Ah! Hi, Thorny! Want to come along tomorrow morning to Sparrow's rez with me and him and Shaney to see if we can hunt down that goober of a supernatural hunter?"

Thorn pokes his head out of one of the back rooms, then smiles and heads towards Cinnamon and the front reception area, "Goober of a- oh! Yes, definitely -- I'd love to help!"

Cinnamon grins, "Yay! Okay, then it's like usual: Currier's Hall tomorrow morning at nine -- or earlier if you want to help Shaney pack up my backpack!" She grins, hugs him cheerfully, "Also, thanks again, Thorny, for being with us for the first Nusantara problem-fix -- wheee! See you tomorrow!" Then she darts out again, calling over her shoulder, "Got a ton to do oh also wanna go to Nusantara in about a week for more problem fixing let me know later okay?!" That gets a blink and a laugh from the Infirmary folks!

The next morning, shortly after 8:00 am, Cinnamon in dragon form is lying in sphynx pose in front of Currier's Hall, while Shane, Josie, and Spice all briskly lash on an enormous pile of bags, boxes, and more -- all the food (both fresh and prepared) which Cinnamon intends to take with her to the rez. Shane's and Cinnamon's luggage is already neatly tied into place, and the red dragon is either glancing down the street, or busy watching and (when she can) helping lift things into place. Thorn packs light, since most of his luggage is taken up by medical gear and medicines. He also wants to check in on the people he helped the last time he was there. Cinnamon cheerfully greets Thorn, and obligingly spreads a wing so it's easier for him to climb on and pick a saddle.

Moments later, Sparrow shows up with a MOLLE pack that's been tie dyed. It's got several similarly-decorated pouches attached, as well as a few things fastened on with carabineers. Cinnamon is giggling softly as Sparrow walks up, explaining to her friends, "-was totally incredulous and laughing, both at once -- she wanted to know how on earth I got Marcus to ask her to test him against the steel allergy?! She almost fell over laughing too, for some reason, when I said he apparently wanted to go with us to Nusantara -- hi, Sparrow!"

The Trickster chuckles, waving casually. When Shane arches a brow at the tie-dyed pack, Sparrow grins, "It was one of my final fuck-yous. But I do also have a couple others in camo."

Cinnamon giggles, her tufted ears and her crest rising perkily, "I like it -- it's pretty and colorful! Go ahead and tie it on real securely behind one of the saddles, okay?"

It's getting to be down to a science by now, so it doesn't take long to get everything packed and everyone saddled up for the flight out. Sparrow shakes his head and chuckles as he sees what's going on, "Sugar, you sure you need all this food? It looks like a literal fuckin' ton."

Cinnamon's voice is firm, even as she smiles at the Trickster, "I am absolutely not gonna make your people go short, Sparrow, just because I need an almost literal ton of food! Plus this is food we can all eat, so... win-win, right?" She grins, stretching her head over to give Josie and Spice light tongue-flickers, "Thank you two so much for all the help, peeps! We'll be back in four days at the latest -- I know we gotta get moving soon, once Veles calls in from Nusantara -- for the volcano if for nothing else." She giggles as she adds to Spice, "Be nice to Marcus, please? Or at least don't... don't verbally smoosh him like a bug or anything?"

Spice smirks, "I've noticed that he's not being a total asshat, bosslady. I'll be less mean to him."

Cinnamon laughs at that! Shortly thereafter, goodbyes and good-lucks are given, everyone that's going is securely buckled on -- and with Sparrow quietly murmuring his incantations, Cinnamon gleefully launches off the building's roof -- with a happy, "Woohoooo!"

Thorn holds on to the rigging, very much aware of how fast Cinnamon can accelerate! The scarlet dragon flaps swiftly out and away from Boston proper, then settles into her usual distance-eating cruise speed. As she does so, she happily exclaims, "Oh, I just had a cool idea! Shaney, Sparrow, do either of you know someone who can do, um... like the brass instrumentation on a sailing ship, so you never get lost? I could have one made that could be fastened onto my harness -- that'd be really helpful! We could put, like... maybe a barometric pressure thingie, so I could avoid storms, and a compass for if we do get caught in bad weather, and a place to click in my cell phone, and... more stuff like that! What do you guys think? -and since it'd be fastened to the leathers, we wouldn't ever have to worry about dropping it too!"

A heartbeat later she adds, "Oh, crabcakes -- I forgot to call Kestrel, darnit! I don't want them to worry about anyone being scared by us arriving, or food and water, or anything else like that when we arrive, after all." She's silent for a moment, then adds thoughtfully, "I should totally research the highest-protein lowest-bulk foods that exist, too, actually -- so we can load that up for Nusantara! I don't want to eat them out of house and home either, after all." She blinks consideringly... then grins, "I wonder if I can fish in the sea?"

Shane is doing the very last-minute checks and laughs softly, rubbing a hand over Cinnamon's scales, "I'm sure you can... but remember you're going to have people on your back, acushla. Your passengers are going to get awfully wet if you do a lot of fishing."

"You can probably fish," Thorn agrees, "but probably not with passengers aboard!"

Cinnamon trills her giggle at that! "Well, I meant while I was in Nusantara, y'know? Lot of islands there where folks could wait while I splashed around! You guys don't forget to pack bathing suits too, okay?"

Sparrow chuckles, "It's okay, darlin'. I called Kestrel and gave 'em the heads up. They're waiting for us... and why don't you ask the Havvarger about nautical instruments? Bet they'd have a good idea on where to find some."

Cinnamon hmms... then nods, "A good craftsperson would likely be willing to do a bit of custom work too, right? Okay! I'll try that... oh, and maybe they'd have good suggestions on learning how to fish in the ocean, as a supernatural, too!"

Shane looks thoughtful, "You know... I wonder if there's a crew like them sailing from the west coast?"

Cinnamon blinks interestedly, "Oooh, that'd be cool -- either a ship or a plane, but crewed by supernaturals? Who's the council rep- oh!" She laughs a bit sheepishly, "Sparrow, of course -- duh! So, Sparrow, do you know of anyone like that?"

Sparrow thinks... "I don't, but Josie didn't know about Valkyrie either. We don't always know about everything in our territories. I can tap some of the other avatars; see what they know. I know they have the kind of wooden ships sailing museums and such."

Cinnamon beams toothily over her shoulder, "Oh, yeah, that'd be awesome -- thanks, Sparrow!" The scarlet dragon knows this trip is for a rather grim purpose... but it's a beautiful spring day, the weather is finally clear, and she's with friends! So as she zooms along, she cheerfully bursts into song -- one that she recently heard on the radio, and finds inspiring!

I could have my Gucci on!
I could wear my Louis Vuitton,
But even with nothing on
Bet I made you look -- I made you look!
Shane laughs and sings along, not sure Cinnamon realizes quite how risqué those lyrics are. Then again... this is the girl who innocently sang 'Always Have to Steal My Kisses From You' with him!

The flight goes swiftly, between Cinnamon's usual speeds and Sparrow's good luck abilities... and it's only about two hours later that Cinnamon is cruising along, staring intently downwards as Shane uses google maps to direct her. Seconds later, she nearly carols, "Oh! There, that must be it! I recognize that butte nearby -- the three arrow pines one!" The scarlet dragon angles down for a smooth landing along the runway which the folks at the rez kindly set up for her, to make it easier to find. Once landed, Cinnamon beams as she calls greetings to the handful of awaiting folks, "Hi there, everyone! Thanks for having us!" Kestrel is there, of course, as well as some familiar faces from the council meeting. One of the people meeting them is Manny -- the young man Thorn helped, who doesn't know who his father is.

Shane and Sparrow are immediately out of the harness, once Cinnamon lands. The two of them start unpacking things as if they've done this together for decades. Cinnamon chatters happily with Kestrel as her harness is unpacked, lending a claw when necessary, "-hope the review was helpful, Kestrel -- oh! Also, how're you healing? Thorny's gonna want to check you over too, I bet!"

Kestrel is smiling brightly, and wearing a pair of wide-legged linen pants and a t-shirt so large that the neckline falls off one shoulder. They laugh from where they stand by Cinnamon's head, softly stroking her long nose, "Every good review helps!" Thorn greets the people he knows, especially Manny, the young man whom he 'cured' of leukemia. He agrees with Cinnamon: he definitely wants to check up on how Kestrel is doing! He also asks after Dovie, the elder who was accidentally poisoned along with the councilors.

Manny walks over to help with the unloading, and to say hello to Thorn. When he hears Dovie's name, Manny chuckles, "She's raising as much hell as she can."

Thorn laughs softly, "Good. Good! I'm glad to hear that!"

Manny slaps Thorn on the shoulder, "Listen, man, I thank you for whatever you did last time y'all was here -- it helped. Doc says things are staying good." His face is solemn, "Means a lot."

Thorn's smile softens, and he nods gravely, "I'm glad I could help. I'm even more glad that you're doing well and that your health is good and stable!"

When Manny walks past Cinnamon's front to speak to Thorn, the Welsh dragon can't help a quick tongue-flicker at his passing-by scent. She's curious as to whether he scents anything like his father, now that she knows she has a very good sense of smell/taste. Hmm... sure seems very similar! She brightens when she notices another familiar face, calling, "Forrest! Hey, how are you? Thank you so much for the hair care tips -- my hair's been getting shinier!" She hasn't registered that Forrest might not realize the nice but shy young woman he talked to last time, at the Council visit... is now a very large and scaley dragon!

Forrest smiles somewhat bemusedly, then glances inquiringly at Kestrel, who laughs, "Forrest, this is Cinnamon's spirit beast form." That makes him laugh and nod, and then he actually signs in ASL: 'Welcome!'

Cinnamon blinks at that, tilting her head interestedly, "Whoa, a new language for me! What's that, please? Oh, wait! Isn't that, umm... what is it, American Sign or something?" She beams toothily, "Can you teach me that?!"

Kestrel grins and nods, "He's learning ASL, yes. But only a few signs. He says it's easier than singing all the time." Forrest nods and smiles, holding his fingers about an inch apart.

Cinnamon grins shyly, "I like singing... but I like learning new languages too!" She glances around, notices she's all unpacked and Shane is waiting, and bounces to her feet, "Oh! Be right back, everyone!"

Shane smiles as he follows along with the blanket that's used for Cinnamon's changing booth. The scarlet dragon squeaks embarrassedly as she misses her first try to shift shape... then sighs in relief and hugs Shane when she makes it on the second try, "Thanks for the help, asthore!"

Shane grins and wraps his arms around Cinnamon, kissing her nose, "No need for thanks, acushla..." his eyes are twinkling, "-and I didn't even peek." That, of course, prompts another embarrassed squeak! Shane is also quite sure that's going to turn Cinnamon rather pink as he escorts her back to the others... where Sparrow and Kestrel are already organizing people to get food ready for the dragon.

Sure enough, a moment later the still-pink Cinnamon comes trotting out with Shane to the main square, where she cheerfully hugs Kestrel, "Hihi I brought a ton of food 'cause sorry but I do kinda eat a lot and I didn't wanna be a bother and it's so good to see you again how are you what's the plan for the rest of the day, peeps?"

Kestrel smiles and hugs her back, eyes twinkling, "You know, I have very keen ears." They arch a brow at Shane, "I don't remember you teasing her in quite that way. Have I missed a development?" They keep their arm around Cinnamon's shoulders almost protectively as Sparrow replies, "Food first, then I can tell you and show you the information I found."

Cinnamon blinks a bit bemusedly at Kestrel, then glances at Shane to see how he's reacting -- and then, all of a sudden, Kestrel's meaning becomes clear to her! She squeaks a bit embarrassedly... but a heartbeat later she nearly visibly brightens, glowing with delight, "Oh! Yeah! Kestrel, guess guess guess what happened?! Shaney's letting me be his -- h-his..." deep breath, "girlfriend!" The squeak that comes out on makes her blush hotly and cover her face, muttering, "Ohmygosh I have got to learn how to talk like a normal person, sheesh!"

Kestrel grins, and Shane arches a brow at the 'let' part of that. Then he turns to Kestrel, "I'm not letting her do anything. She finally allowed me to claim her as my sweetheart. I'm the one with the honor of having her as mine." Cinnamon is still beaming delightedly at Shane -- she's not sure why he's saying those lovely things, but it sure is nice of him!

Sparrow slings an arm around Kestrel, smirking, "An' all it took was a near-fatal mauling."

At Sparrow's comment, Cinnamon scowls, "Oh, wow, yeah -- I am so really-really glad Hans is permanently exiled from Coblyn! He didn't just nearly kill Shaney though -- he also almost squished poor Marcus' head! Oh, and then, when he was released outside Caradog's lands? He even attacked Lorcan and Diarmaid!" She fervently adds, "Thank goodness for Thorny!" In the next breath she adds hopefully to Sparrow, "Food first? Awesome! Like, um... now?"

Kestrel's eyes widen as they look to Thorn, "I take it you healed Shane and Marcus from whatever this Hans did?"

Sparrow just shakes his head, "Only a true idiot is going to attack Diarmaid. An idiot or someone with a death wish." He grins and nods at Cinnamon's hopeful query, waving them all over to where a lovely, big spread of food awaits.

Cinnamon patters after Sparrow, beaming again as she nods to Kestrel, "He did! He's amazing! But you already know that, I know -- are you guys hungry?" She squeaks happily at sight of all the food, "Oh! Wow, thank you so much, Kestrel! Oh, good -- you added in the food from Cafe Prague too!" She selects a plate, glances around to make sure it's okay to start now... and at the nods, she beams again, and turns to filling her plate.

Thorn nods very soberly, walking with the group to the food. "Fortunately they weren't in serious condition. But..." he sighs, shaking his head, "I expected better of Hans. I'd hoped to give him a checkup before he left... but now he's out there on his own, and hasn't learned a demmed thing."

Cinnamon gives Thorn a wry glance, "Not in serious condition?! Thorny, you gotta stop downplaying what you do, dude! Marcus was in so much pain he was staggering, and he actually groaned when you healed him -- I was there! I saw! -- and Shaney was -- w-w-was, ummm..." She gulps once, carefully pushing down some really horrible memories of way too much blood and unconsciousness and -- and bones bending the wrong way and- yeah, no. That's enough of that! She determinedly focuses on food instead!

Shane smirks, "Shane was apparently ambushed and remembers very little of what happened." He smiles and kisses Cinnamon's head again, "But it finally knocked us out of circling one another." The little dragon smiles a bit worriedly up at Shane, then glances at Thorn. She hopes Shane doesn't start believing Thorn's assertion that it wasn't really a 'serious condition' -- she doesn't want Shane to get careless at all!

Thorn makes a quiet sound and nods, "I'm sorry; you're right, Cinnamon. They were in... not good condition."

Sparrow chuckles quietly... but then he nods to Thorn, face solemn, "Compassion is good. Wren would like you."

Cinnamon grins shyly as she remembers Baird's help, and adds to Shane, "Baird helped me! I didn't know what boys like, so he helped me pick out a gift for you." She's sweetly ignorant of the marvelous double entendre she just made, instead adding happily, "Aren't they nice, useful boots, too?"

Sparrow looks across at Cinnamon and grins, "Oh, darlin', I could tell you all sorts of things that boys like."

Shane gives him a playful glower, "Don't you even start. I've already had to explain a nickname you apparently gave me. I don't need you giving me even more things to explain when you deliberately give them three or four layers." Cinnamon is looking interestedly at Sparrow -- more data is good, she knows! -- but then Shane replies -- and poor Cinnamon flushes bright red! She remembers how much trouble 'long, tall, and noble' gave her mentally, and she's still embarrassed enough about that, that she nearly fumbles her plate of food! She squeaks, grabs her things, and almost flees the buffet table, in search of a place to sit that's in the shade... and hopefully dark as well, considering how dumb she feels right now!

Shane rolls his eyes at Sparrow and follows after Cinnamon. Kestrel gives Sparrow and light slap on the arm and then turns to Thorn, voice gentle, "You are a true blessing." They sigh softly, "I am lucky you were here as well. I've been told that if you were not here to guide them, the arrow would have been the death of me."

Thorn smiles quietly to Kestrel, "I'm just glad I could help... though now we get to find who did this to you."

Cinnamon grins with shy embarrassment as Shane seats himself next to her, whispering, "S-sorry...?"

Shane bumps Cinnamon gently with his shoulder, "There's nothing to be sorry about! Sparrow's just being Sparrow... and he's so happy to be here with Kestrel, and have Kestrel be alive and healthy, that he's being even more Sparrow than normal."

Cinnamon giggles at that, happily returning the gentle shoulder bump. After that she scoots a tiny bit closer to Shane, and neatly devours her meal -- she's hungry! Eventually she whispers to Shane, "So do you know what the plan is to find this guy, asthore? I don't wanna interrupt Sparrow when he's so happy with Kestrel... but I am kinda curious?"

Shane shakes his head, "I don't know yet. Eat first. Plan after." Indeed, once Cinnamon has eaten her fill, Shane collects dishes and takes them to where Manny and Forrest are doing the washing up. Sparrow is sitting on the ground with Kestrel between his spread legs and leaning back against his chest.

Cinnamon happy-sighs and relaxes for a moment after she's eaten her fill... then smiles and gets up to patter after Shane. She glances around at the washing area, then picks up a towel. To Manny and Forrest she beams and asks, "Hi! Can I help with drying?"

Manny shakes his head, then nods toward where Sparrow and Kestrel are, "I think they're waiting to talk with you. We're the clean-up crew. But thank you for offering." He gives her a smile and a wink -- and for that instant it's very, very obvious to anyone that really knows Sparrow just who fathered this younger man.

"Oh! Okay." Cinnamon blinks at Manny's wink... then grins -- she thinks he's cute! Much less scary than Sparrow too, thank goodness... she neatly replaces the towel, then patters over to Sparrow and Kestrel, "Hi! Manny says you're waiting to talk to us...?" She smiles as she seats herself cross-legged near to Sparrow and Kestrel, reflecting: it seems parents and offspring do tend to scent very similar! It's not just that Jaeger and Marcus live in the same house, for example. Cool! Newly learned info makes Cinnamon happy.

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Last modified: 2019-Jun-12 19:53:32

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