2024 November 04
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In Thy Memory, Look Thou, CharacterAfter the zoom call to Papua New Guinea, things progress rapidly -- such that the little group begins their flight for Nusantara only a day later! The visit there extends for as many days as necessary to set things aright -- or, in some cases, to begin the process of repair. Consequently, an entire month has passed before Cinnamon, Thorn, Shane, and Marcus finally return home to Coblyn Street! Veles (who was utterly invaluable in getting things done) chooses to remain in Nusantara for the time being, to ensure all the group's plans come properly to fruition. Fortunately, due to several satphone calls ahead of time, Cinnamon is able to invite people over for a wonderful celebratory dinner to both thank everyone who helped so much, and share all the fun stories with them all as well! The little dragon also promises a large spread of food to all her dear friends who assisted in making this excellent trip a very great success. Other folks happily offer assistance as well: Elias suggests he bring wine and his home-brewed root beer, while Hilde is going to bring desserts, and Jaeger has some savory treats in mind. Lorcan, Bob, and Ang are also invited for their assistance (though they all three regretfully decline due to work), as are Josie and Spice, Keiko and Baird, Sparrow and Kestrel (though they're not sure if they can make it), Aisling, Tre and Navin, and more. In fact, after some discussion regarding how many folks will likely be present, Marcus even offers to have it at the Residence -- since it's clear there are going to be too many people for it to be comfortable in Cinnamon's tiny cottage. Cinnamon-dragon lands at night on Currier's Hall, like usual, then drops down to the circle below. The cheerful scarlet dragon is almost prancing down the street once Thorn and his luggage are unloaded (with happy reminders to meet at the Residence the next evening for dinner) -- she is so proud of how well she and her dear friends did in Nusantara! They trot on down to the Residence to unload Marcus and his luggage, reassure him that they'll be on time for the dinner the next evening... and then the happy little dragon and Shane head back to her place to dump their luggage, then fall asleep for the night -- it was a very long and busy 24 hour trip from Lombok International Airport on Praya island in Indonesia, to San Francisco, and from there on to Boston! However, when Cinnamon goes to her bathroom to put her toiletries away before bed -- she finds a new affirmation there! It's centered on her mirror and stuck into place with a pair of garnet-encrusted shell hair combs, and the little note reads: The sunlight on your hair rivals the sun on the sea. That makes her both squeak in shock, and blush! She comes back with them in her hands, and a confused look on her face, "Asthore, how... hmm. He must've mailed them here, and asked Spice or Josie to place them!" She grins tiredly, "Naughty people..." then yawns! As she sets the combs down on the little bedside table, she adds, "If we're sweeties, though... does that mean I shouldn't accept gifts from other men, or something? I absolutely don't want your feelings hurt, after all!" Shane chuckles and wraps Cinnamon in his arms, examining the combs as he murmurs, "My love, my acushla, a ghrá... accept the gift. He put a lot of thought into it." He kisses the top of her hair, then adds, "Unless you don't like it." Cinnamon snuggles up to the cuddling with sleepy contentment, "Mmm!" She listens, then grins shyly, "W-well, they are... kinda pretty? But... are you sure it's okay with you, asthore?" A heartbeat later she puzzledly adds, "How d'you know he put a lot... oooh! Did he ask you first, or something?" Shane shakes his head, "No. They're just thoughtful. They match your hair... they're abalone instead of tortoiseshell, so he made sure it's not having an effect on an endangered species, which you'd hate. They're garnets so they aren't extravagant, which you wouldn't accept due to them costing too much. I'm fine with it, acushla... promise." He gives her a playful scowl, "Are you accusing me of lying about it being okay with me?!" Then he winks and kisses her nose to make sure she knows he isn't really upset. Cinnamon squeaks! -- then giggles tiredly and snuggles up again, "Well... okay then, milseán." As her eyes start to drift closed, she sleepily adds, "Mmmaybe I'll wear 'em t'morrow... t' dinner..." Seconds later... she's out like a light in her beloved's arms. Shane looks down at Cinnamon, smiling as she conks out. The more he thinks about it... the more he's starting to realize: perhaps she could use the affections of more than one person. He thinks she really needs to finally understand how beautiful she is... so maybe having not one but two men obviously smitten with her might do it? He lets the thought slide onto the back burner as he nestles in to sleep as well. The next morning Cinnamon is energetically recovered -- which is good, she thinks, as she's got a lot of cooking to do -- so she can bring delicious food with her to the potluck celebratory dinner they're having that night at the Residence, to welcome them all back home! In fact, that evening, Cinnamon looks quite a bit different from when she left. Her normally indoor-pale skin is now a warm, healthy tan, and there's a cute little sprinkle of freckles across her nose and cheeks. Her eyes sparkle too, with a new-found confidence -- she now knows beyond the shadow of a doubt: she's both useful, helpful -- and liked! Perhaps most dramatically, her hair is now a brilliant scarlet -- a wind-tossed little mane of flame threaded with sunshine-bright gold, that fluffs out from behind a pair of pretty jeweled hair combs to frame her face and tumble down to just past her shoulders. Initially at least, on the trip, Shane had somehow stayed just about the same color as always, his hair not taking on any highlights. Of course, he spends time outside all the time, so perhaps it's his genetics? Beansidhe hair -- at least the ones with black hair -- seems to resist any sort of sun-induced lightening. When asked, Shane had just blinked and pulled a lock of his hair forward to examine it, then smile, "No, acushla, the blue-purple highlights are natural -- they've always been there. The only changes I've actually seen in any beansidhe's hair are... the reverse. Those that spend more time outside under the moon have more blue." Marcus, on the other hand, currently looks almost like some sort of sun deity. His hair has lightened to a near silver-white with golden streaks, and his skin has warmed not to a bronze, but to almost a shimmering shade. The colors of his skin and hair make his blue eyes seem glimmeringly luminous even in low light, now... such that even with his ears covered by his hair, he looks weirdly, beautifully inhuman. Thorn has also tanned, and his hair is a shade or two lighter. It was a busy trip, but he's glad to have made it. It stretched his healing talents a little, but that didn't bother him at all. Moreover, he was surprised and glad to see Cinnamon grow into her role as councilor! However, Shane's comment about his hair proved true when the little group had to spend a lot of time doing nightwork, to discreetly move a great many folks around. After two weeks, Cinnamon noticed her asthore's normally warmly golden skin began to pale considerably, while his hair was suffused with those rich, blue-purple highlights. Unlike humans, however, the half-beansidhe going pale didn't look sickly -- no, instead his skin first simply lost the human pinkish-brown warmth. After that, a day or so later, it began to take on a pearlescent gleam that made his amberish eyes have an almost wolfish shine in some environments! Now, when next to Marcus, the pair of young men look like eerily beautiful representations of Day and Night: a glittering sun in the bright blue sky, and the mysteriously gleaming moon in an ebony night. Cinnamon finds herself both slightly tongue-tied -- and equally, tremendously and happily proud -- to be seated between two such beautiful men! Though also, she's clearly not really aware of just how pleased both men are to be on either side of her as well, framing her cinnabar-and-copper loveliness. The little dragon is clearly hungry, eating neatly but voraciously in between her happy chattering about the trip they've all just returned from, "-nd we were able to mark off almost all the ten issues that remained to deal with! Some of them were surprisingly easy," she glances around at her trip companions, "don't you guys think so too? -and some of them were harder -- but we figured things out eventually! Plus: so gorgeous there and sunshine and beaches and diving and wow!" She giggles, pausing long enough to have a drink -- and so others can talk too! Seated on Cinnamon's left, Marcus is silently daydreaming -- remembering with pleasure just how remarkably, breathtakingly beautiful the group's off-time had been for him... Cinnamon had been determined to try and not eat their hosts out of house and home, so she'd researched online about ocean fishing birds, to try and teach herself how to fish in dragon form. That first time... whew! She'd been adorably unsuccessful -- splashy, drippy, and sneezing -- and stars and stones but Cinnamon does the cutest little dismay chirps! But later, as the little dragon learned and improved... ...though in the Residence, in that moment of memory, Marcus has to school his expression to calm -- because of Cinnamon's hilariously rather put-upon expression at having a wild tuna madly and repeatedly whacking her across the snout with its powerful tail! Seated on Cinnamon's other side at the Residence, Shane is covering a smile -- as he remembers what happened a few days later... The combination of abrasive salt water and intensive sun had resulted in a very sad little dragon! Initially she'd been incredibly itchy while in dragon form, which led to her rubbing against trees and rolling around in the sand -- which had helped, mostly, in working off her unexpectedly shedding scales... except for the occasional really tightly-sticking patch that just wouldn't peel off, darnit! Cinnamon had ended up lying full length in the shade on the beach, wings all stretched out as well, as she quavered in a sad little voice to Shane, "No one warned me I would moult!" He'd just petted her nose and crooned gentle reassurances, since he knows how much that means to her... while Marcus continued gently rubbing cocoanut oil into her skin, carefully working off the handful of patches of itchy, dried scales that still remained. When Jaeger, at the Residence, curiously asks which of the Nusantaran issues was the most difficult to resolve, Spice snorts and Cinnamon laughs -- and then, glancing at each other, they nearly chorus together, "The fuckin' siren!" and "The siren!" Thorn laughs, and Cinnamon giggles, when Spice snarkily adds with an awful faux English accent, "Wat'ry tarts lobbin' aboot songs is noo basis fer a rational system of government!" Shane grins, explaining, "Movie reference," to all the lost-looking supernaturals. Cinnamon cheerfully adds to Jaeger, between bites of food and occasional helpful interjections from her companions, "See, there was this little enclave or, um... well, it was a nice little island with a safe bay that supernaturals lived next to, right?" She goes on to relate the issue: several boatloads of pirates and drug traffickers were docking at that nice, sheltered, hidden little bay. From it, they'd either strike out at passing commercial and private traffic, or avoid military search boats during their runs. However, the supernaturals just wanted the pirates/drug cartel gone because the island is -- or rather, had been -- a hidden enclave which was accidentally betrayed to a drowning sailor who was rescued by one of the kinder-hearted and more human-appearing supernaturals. Also, the supernatural elders were a bit concerned some of their young would be seduced by drugs and easy money, as well... so they wished to get all the human criminals out of the bay at once, so the island could be properly re-hidden again, and any supernatural youth who needed it could be helped get clean again. Jaeger nods solemnly, "We are, sadly, no less susceptible to addiction than humans. In fact, some of us are actually moreso, as we have no need for medications and drugs for healing much of the time. Alcohol isn't normally a problem, but things such as opiates? They can be quite the dire situation." Cinnamon nods to Jaeger... then grins as she thanks Baird and Keiko for coming out for that issue! "So then we all sat around, with Veles -- oh, he's still there, to make sure the plans go through okay; isn't that awesome of him? He's been totally amazing in making sure we could all get things done! Um, where was... ah, right! So one night while we were brainstorming, Baird said what we really needed was a yacht full of rich fools and gold, that would pull all the raiders out at once! ...and that's when it hit me: maybe a siren could do that? You know, like sing them all out to follow her, like in that Greek myth? So everyone said that was a great idea, so I called Spice -- who was the other reason everything worked so well -- no, Spicy, don't look at me like that! You totally were!" Cinnamon giggles at Spice's profane mutterings, then cheerfully continues, "-and she asked Elias and he did the research and found one in Greece and Spice got the info back to me and we flew out there and once we found her Marcus persuaded her to come help us and she did and the pirates all left and the elders reset the borders and we flew her back and then landed on the island and yay! Mission accomplished!" Keiko tips her chin up, "It was very, very lucky that my man also knows just the right people to contact so once the pirates were far enough out, they found themselves confronted by all the right coast guards and military police -- and it didn't matter what false flag the pirates flew!" Baird rolls his eyes, "It's just I know the tricks people use to slip prosecution." Cinnamon giggles at that! Shane snorts amusedly, "My acushla is making it sound a lot easier than it actually was, too! We had a lot of back and forth, and here and there, to make everything work out!" Marcus nods wryly in remembrance -- it had not been at all easy, in truth! -- but Cinnamon beams, "I'm just glad things worked out so well in the end, peeps!" Shane slides his hand under the table to playfully stroke Cinnamon's leg as he teases her about how much she's downplaying the difficulty, adding, "It made herding cats seem like the easiest thing in the world. It was like herding children who were herding leprechauns who were herding cats." Cinnamon squeaks a bit startledly at the unexpected -- but certainly not unwelcome! -- touch on her leg -- then (despite turning rather pink) laughs at Shane's explanation. Marcus blinks at Shane's very apt analogy -- then murmurs dryly, "Please do not manifest that into reality! I will have nightmares about a herd of leprechauns cackling and chasing dozens of cats down the street." Josie giggles, "No one's valuables would be safe! Not to mention, no one's dark laundry." The little dragon laughs again at the banter from Marcus and Josie, beaming despite her flush -- this is really a very nice dinner, she decides! Hilde too laughs, "Wait, wait -- what about the volcano?! I read in the outside news that it finally erupted, though I assume you got everyone away safely? What happened there?" Cinnamon beams again, nodding, "We did -- we absolutely did, Hildy! -and Veles was totally awesome there too. See, he'd already met with them -- the really non-human looking ones that the Red Cross couldn't see -- so he had them building a really massive raft of the biggest tree trunks they could chop down, to carry them all to the area where the rest of their people were! When we got there, we loaded them all up and then I dragged the raft to rejoin them with their folks... and then, once that was done, we took the raft ourselves, and flew to that bit of coast in Australia where the boat people that are like oceanic Romani had washed up after the terrible storm they wrote about -- this was like almost a decade ago, if I'm remembering correctly -- and found about half of them were intermarried with the locals and didn't want to leave..." Shane's eyes are twinkling, "That's how you get the really good fresh bloodlines -- you seduce the best people that show up from outside." At the word "seduce," he slides his hand nearly all the way up Cinnamon's leg beneath the table! Cinnamon turns even pinker! She manages to continue through her squeak and nervous giggle, "Ah! Uhhh... right. Right! Okay, so we took the rest with their permission back to the area, to the island where the people had written about being worried about starving, and both tribes agreed to at least temporarily work together to keep them all happy -- the boat people would fish, and the island people would make sure the boat people had all the materials they needed to keep their boats repaired. So then we took the raft itself, and headed off to another boat community -- they are so cool, how they actually live just on the ocean, mostly, in big floating rafts made up of the connected individuals boats, but just when the weather's nice, of course -- but they, the migrant boat community, needed more materials, that's what they said in their letter, because their matching landside community had mostly either moved away or died, so we gave them the raft since those logs would keep them in materials long enough to find another community to match up with!" Cinnamon pauses there for a gasp of air and a drink -- and to wryly reflect to herself: she's really making this sound so, so easy -- when in reality there'd been hours and days of flying around and being a bit lost, or being treated to feasts by the grateful islanders -- food that really couldn't be refused, which meant staying more days to go fishing and/or foraging for them so they didn't starve... and other littler parties or questions or time-consuming problems that invariably cropped up! Thorn adds, "Wasn't there something about the peace treaty the two Papua New Guinea supernatural tribes signed? Something about how they wanted it witnessed by a 'neutral party'?" When encouraged, he continues, "So the headman of one tribe had already demoted his second who lied to him -- Veles found that out! -- and signed his side of the treaty, and was Cinnamon's representative to sign the treaty for her. But then the other tribe at first wanted Cinnamon to sign it in person -- they were worried it had been changed somehow. We spent all afternoon going over the treaty with both parties before they finally agreed that it hadn't been modified! Meanwhile we're trying not to draw attention to the siren drawing in all the pirates and traffickers offshore, or the fleet of coastguard ships coming in over the horizon...." Shane nods and rubs his temples, "Diplomacy is the art of lying prettily sometimes." That makes Jaeger snort amusedly! "And of course, dear boy, they needed you there to make sure the lies were kept to a bare minimum." Cinnamon laughs, nodding! "It was kinda totally, overwhelmingly busy, yeah!" She giggles excitedly, adding, "The party afterwards was fantabulous too, wasn't it?!" People laugh, and then Josie asks about the little handful of young and adventurous Akoesdi Ayvwi who'd agreed to try island life. Cinnamon brightens, "Oh, yeah -- that was so nifty, JoJo! So they came out on the special flight that Spicy arranged for them with that supernatural-run import/export business Sparrow told us about, right?" She blinks, then grins wryly, "Ask me later about our flight out, though -- but anyways! So we met them at the airport and then we flew with them out to the island with extreme weather issues -- where we introduced them and the island tribe and their new sea-Romani allies, right?" She beams proudly at the two men seated on each side of her, "Shaney was amazing at keeping them all calm while flying with me, too -- and Daki-kun was fantastic at keeping everything all friendly and helpful! So it looks like the Ayvwi people are happily burrowed into the volcanic stone now, and the island folks are working with them to try and shore up the side of the island that's most often hit by storms, and the ocean tribe thinks the Ayvwi are awesome folks to swim and fish with, and they're all working together to make things better there! Is that fantabulous, or what?!" Jaeger raises a brow, then smiles almost impishly at his son! Marcus actually flushes at the nickname. He knows the -kun is the male Japanese equivalent of the more feminine -chan, and means a cute or sweet boy. He also knows Cinnamon gives almost everyone nicknames, but they're almost always just shortenings of their names like JoJo or -- as with Baird -- adding something like a Y to the end. But with Marcus, she's using his true name and the -kun. He's not yet sure if she realizes it's betraying her feelings of growing affection... but he's certainly not going to push it! Cinnamon completely misses that interaction, though even if she'd seen it, she certainly wouldn't admit she picked the nickname she did because she was pretty sure he'd be unhappy with her calling him 'Marcussy'! Instead, still focused on Josie, she happily adds, "Oh! Also, that island was the big storm barrier for quite a few other, far flung islands -- and two of them had problems too! One of them needed help protecting their nearby, very threatened fisheries, and the other had folks that thought the island was sinking -- but after some sea supernaturals examined the areas, they told us the fish around the first island needed their coral reefs rebuilt from storm and tourist damage, and the other island was just having all its beach slowly swept away by both normal sea currents and the occasional storms -- and isn't it funny how often things all intertwine? The beach was getting swept away because they cut down the mangrove swamp there for the tourists to enjoy the beach, but since the beach was vanishing there weren't many tourists coming any more -- so I asked Spice to give Kyesha and her mangroves NGO two million, so she could get her folks to replant that side of the island!" Spice grins, interjecting, "Kyesha and Adiratna were fucking incredulous -- and then Adiratna nearly cried, she was so happy! An' yeah, before you ask, we fucking well set things up right! The money comes monthly from an absolutely legit-looking source." Cinnamon almost glows with happiness at Spice! She cheerfully adds, "Plus that's part of what Velya is making sure of, for all of us -- that the plantings happen the way we planned -- oh! Also, at Kyesha's suggestions I did some research online, like I did for Sparrow? -- and found another nonprofit that does rewilding projects -- which is such a cool idea, right?! -- and one of the projects was for artificial supports to regrow coral reefs! So we started feeding a million to them too, to make sure they'd work on this island's coral desert too, to bring it back to life again... oh! Plus Kestrel a while ago mentioned a place in Florida that hatches baby sea turtle eggs -- like, a scientific group, right, you know? -- so we asked all the islanders of that chain if they had anyone that wanted to go to college to maybe learn how to be a marine biologist or anything like that -- and there was some! So Spicy set up a trust fund for college for anyone there that wants to go to college and then return to the islands for at least five years to help their people -- isn't that cool?! -and we set up a coalition of elders from across all that island chain to maintain and dispense the Nusantara Island Chain College Fund to good kids, and it sounds like they might someday soon both have much better coral reefs! Oh, and also they're going to try planting oysters for an oyster reef to lessen the storm impacts and that'll be more food too but they'll have to return all the shells they harvest though they promised they'd do that and once the coral's a reef again the turtles will return and Velya said he'd look into who to contact about maybe hatching turtle eggs there too once the beaches are safe for the babies and..." She pauses for another gasp of air, quickly reviewing... "and I think that's all for that isla- oh! Oh, right: and also I'm going to do some research on how to culture pearls and if it's the right kind of environment and oysters and if there are places to train anyone interested -- and if so, Velya and Spicy and I will make that happen for those islands too!" Jaeger smiles, quietly impressed at both how much was accomplished, and how long Cinnamon can talk on one breath! He asks thoughtfully, "Have they looked into sterilizing and cleaning up old, wrecked vehicles to create a reef? It can help to keep them from going into landfills." Cinnamon nodnods to Jaeger, "Actually, there's an awful lot of WWII vehicles down there too -- I was really surprised at how many!" She giggles, blushing as she adds, "We had some really nice times we spent just relaxing for a day, diving and snorkeling and exploring the reefs -- they're sososo beautiful!" Shane slides an arm around Cinnamon's shoulder to resist teasing her further. The twinkling in his eyes may give something away to the more... worldly of the party, however. He needs to remember to discreetly tease Aisling, because he remembers the day well... It's been a long day for Shane. The little group had decided to split up to cover more metaphorical territory in helping folks, so Shane, Veles, and Thorn had been motorboating between a handful of islands. Thorn wanted a chance to check in with all the supernaturals and ensure they were healthy and well, which necessitated Veles for translation... and after some discussion, the group had decided Shane should go along to ensure everyone was telling the truth, and so Veles had some backup in case there were any scuffles. Cinnamon and Marcus were going to stay where they were, since the islanders had need of someone very strong to move some volcanic boulders... and Marcus could be her hands as necessary. Back on Coblyn Street, at the celebratory dinner for their return, Cinnamon startles slightly when someone speaks -- she'd been quite lost in those more pleasant memories as well! She blushes, "Sorry! S-sorry, I missed that -- repeat, please?" Elias laughs gently, repeating, "I asked if you'd heard anything from any of the councilors regarding possible refugees?" Cinnamon blinks, yanking her thoughts into order... but then nods confidently -- she's got this! "So far, no, but I've not yet gotten to my office, Elias." She brightens, beaming as she adds, "I know it's a small thing, but I'm really going to enjoy changing all the pushpins I can on our map board from red to green! I'll check then for any letters or messages, of course." She grins at her friends, "Anyone who wants to come along for the celebration is welcome too!" Spice grins at that... but then leans forward, chin in hand and elbow on the table as her brows draw together, "So... what about all the fuckin' non-human-lookin' people -- the ones on the volcanic island, I mean. What kinda species were they? I mean, shit, around here we got boggles and stuff... like, Butler's obviously not human and people would freak the fuck out about Groot-in-a-suit. But I thought most of the fuckin' mythology out there was more like... goddamn dragons and shapeshifters and shit?" Marcus blinks rapidly, mouthing, 'Groot... in... a suit?!' He looks puzzledly at Hilde and Torben -- both of whom are trying valiantly not to laugh! They are both, after all, huge fans of the MCU... and Spice isn't completely wrong about Butler looking a bit like Groot wrapped in a tux. Cinnamon giggles at the mental image of Groot-in-a-suit, then replies to Spice, "Well, what we saw was that there were folks there from other mythologies too, if that makes sense? Like on Coblyn -- I think supernaturals are like humans, in that respect, in that they wander around the world too. Plus it's a gorgeous place to live, as well. So at the volcano there was a jorogumo girl, and a naga woman -- I think they were both immigrants? -- as well as other folks from other places. There was also a handful of local ghosts of various types, and an anggitay -- she looked kinda like a female ipotane? -- and a buta ijo family that all looked like huge, bright green orcs with too many curving fangs, and other local folks. There were only like ten or fifteen of them all together, but some of them were really big, and some were just really not human looking at all!" Cinnamon grins a bit sheepishly, remembering the first meeting of the unusual supernaturals on the island... The scarlet dragon lands with Veles, Shane, Marcus, and Thorn, then shifts shape to human when Veles explains the remaining supernaturals had told him they wanted to give her a small feast before leaving that night -- both to thank her for her help, and to use up their remaining stores of food and other goods. Shortly thereafter Cinnamon bends over the big raft, curious about how it's put together. She lightly touches the pale... spackle? -- wondering what it is. It doesn't really look like rope? "Huh! What's this glomming-together stuff made of? It's not rope, and it's... sticky?" Back at the celebratory dinner, Cinnamon adds, "The jorogumo was kinda sad, in a way. We talked a bunch during the dinner, and she told me her story. She and a friend were on vacation from Japan and hiking on the island's beautiful mountain -- it wasn't actively, um... volcano'ing then? But it was rainy season and they both ended up slipping on mud and scree when the path gave out under them. The girl didn't know she was a jorogumo until her genetics or magical ancestry or whatever kicked in just before she was about to maybe die -- so she transformed reflexively, clinging to something on the mountainside and surviving. Fortunately for her, no one else human was there to see her do that... and it turned out the naga lady was this wise, kind oracle-person who knew to be there. So she helped Aki-chan make sure some of her stuff was found next to the body of her poor friend, who wasn't supernatural unfortunately, when human rescuers came looking for them." Cinnamon sighs, adding, "Aki-chan can't go to her old home now, of course. Her change was only about ten years ago too, so she's staying with the naga woman and learning how to be a good person so she won't kill humans by accident when she eats -- as well as how to hold her human shape if she shapeshifts." She grins as she adds, "She's an MCU fan too, by the way -- we joked about Spiderman and the Avengers all night!" Torben grins, "I know it's cheesy..." Hilde gently bumps him with her shoulder, "You looked hot in that Thor costume, though." Torben actually blushes. Cinnamon giggles and nods cheerfully, "You did, Torben!" She blushes as she remembers what a stunningly attractive Jared Marcus made, too! Shane grins at his acushla actually calling another guy hot. A moment later, though, he rolls his eyes and adds, "Remember that woman that was trying to record us on her phone?" Both Elias and Jaeger sit forward, shock and worry on their faces. Cinnamon sighs amusedly as she shakes her head, "The scientist? Oh, yeah... good thing you and Veles caught her!" Shane just shakes his head with a snort, "She thought she was being slick. She stumbled over us by accident and was trying to record us -- but..." he taps his cheek under his eye, "I have night sight and Veles is just eagle-eyed -- we saw her! We caught her. It's all good." He sighs wryly as he remembers the situation... Cinnamon is in dragon form, figuring out with Aki-chan how to best hold or fasten the spiderweb ropes to herself, in order to pull the raft. Most everyone and everything else, of course, is now loaded onto or attached to the raft, ready for the dragon councilor to begin pulling them to their new home. As Cinnamon and her companions examine the ropes and likely attach points on her backpack/harness, the scarlet dragon doesn't immediately notice first Veles, and then Shane getting alert looks, going still for a bit as they murmur quietly together... and then sort of drifting away from the softly red-lit area of the beach. In fact, the first Cinnamon knows of it is when there's a startled yelp which is abruptly cut off... and moments later, Shane returns... with a very shocked, wide-eyed woman firmly in tow! As the woman is brought up by Shane, Cinnamon cranes her long neck around to blink at Shane's capture... then grins wryly, "Well, hello there!" -- at which point the woman blurts out without thinking, "N-no! I'm not a virgin!" Baird mms at the story of the reluctant spying scientist, "It is a bit shocking to be faced with a dragon when you don't expect it." He looks around the room, "How did the flight go?" Cinnamon giggles at Baird's dry comment... then laughs aloud -- though her tone is clearly wry -- at the question! "It was... um, what'd they tell me... ah, right!" The little dragon's eyes sparkle with amusement, "The plane's crew assured me that any landing you can walk away from... is a good landing!" Next to her Shane chuckles, shaking his head wryly, while Marcus rolls his eyes with a smile. Cinnamon remembers it all quite well too, as she thinks about it...
Back at the Residence, Baird mutters, "They're not wrong, but neither are they exactly right." He glances from Thorn to Marcus, asking almost teasingly, "Was it comfy inside the box? Seven minutes in heaven and all? Or was it hell?" Marcus laughs quietly, "Even I know that game, Baird. Nothing of the sort happened. We made jokes about getting airsick and not jinxing yourself." He's lounging almost lazily, "Besides, I'm relatively sure I'm not Thorn's type." Cinnamon giggles at that, turning a little pink! Thorn laughs quietly at Marcus's comment. "Fortunately I didn't hurl!" he adds. "That would have made the time a little more tense." Shane clears his throat, "I did have a word with Sparrow afterward, about the co-pilot that was a bit... dismissive." He thinks, [Rude as fuck is more like it.] "He wasn't happy about that -- at all! Neither, apparently, was the captain. I don't know what kinds of consequences it brought, though." Cinnamon blinks up at Shane... then turns a little pink again, "Awww! That was sweet of you, Shaney!" She beams, bumping him gently with her shoulder. This is the first Thorn has heard about the copilot being dismissive of Cinnamon! "I hope she was apologetic once we were brought safely to the ground...?" Shane smirks, "No, she was a bit snooty about it. I think she was upset that she was proved so very wrong." He shakes his head and shrugs, "I just don't get some people." Cinnamon grins shyly -- she hadn't really cared about the copilot, since she'd been getting really nice -- and relieved! -- hugs, handshakes, and (startlingly, to her) backslaps of thanks and congratulations from everyone else! A moment later, though, she blinks again, "Oh! That reminds me: peeps, how're things with the three bigot brothers?! Did Russel being gay give Brynn a way to help him see how bad those beliefs are?" She grins hopefully at her friends, "Did the families and enclaves of the lost supernaturals receive the money okay? Have the recorded confessions been sent to the human police yet, and are the brothers now in trouble there too?" Apparently the conversations between Brynn and Russel are still on-going, as Russel's internalized homophobia is proving difficult to work through. The confessions have been sent -- which means the other two are in quite a lot of trouble! It seems Brynn wants to keep Russel out of the eye of the human police, though, until the spiritual psychologist is (hopefully) able to get to a breakthrough. Cinnamon looks a bit confused, "Sooo... wait. Are you saying the younger two brothers were released?" Baird shakes his head, "No. They've made their way onto the most-wanted list, though." "Oh, whew!" Cinnamon grins at Baird, then curiously adds, "Why not send Russel's confessions too, though... since first, he can't be found by the human police, and second... his brothers' confessions kinda implicate him too, after all -- since they were his support for the murders he committed?" Baird shrugs, "You'd have to ask Brynn that. It was his request." Cinnamon nods slowly, her expression a bit perplexed... but after mentally tabling that thought, she grins hopefully at Spice, who managed the money for dispersal. Spice grins smugly, "All the fuckin' money's either dispersed or invested, bosslady! -an' yeah, I took the money for the rez out -- it's in an account at the Vault -- so Kestrel and Sparrow can figure out what th' hell they're gonna do with it to make a fuckin' credit union. Janet... heh..." She arches a brow at Shane, who grins, "According to Mum, she's invested most of it." He leaves out that what she's done is start a trust for 'My future grandchildren. You are going to try to give me grandchildren, yes?' It had been a teasing question because Janet would never push... but she knows how smitten Shane is -- and that he'd love to have children of his own! "She did donate about $50,000 to a local women's shelter." Cinnamon brightens, "Oh, wow -- what a great idea!" Thorn, for his part, invested the money into a trust fund. He... finds himself remarkably unimaginative when it comes to what he would like to get! After further discussion, it comes out that Iason apparently used the money for the Infirmary to buy some land outside the enclave to grow healing plants, while Kyesha and Adiratna are putting the money to excellent use -- and are both absolutely thrilled! The college fund, too, is doing well, with the elders very happy and feeling more confident about their communities' futures. Baird, like Janet, has mostly invested his, "After upgrading a bit of equipment..." Keiko smiles indulgently, "He was like a small child in a candy store." Cinnamon giggles at Keiko's comment -- then eagerly asks Baird, "So did the brothers' safe houses and weapons depot get cleaned out okay too, then?" She blushes a bit as she hesitantly adds, "Is, umm... is... I-Iliya maybe not... quite so... so upset with me now?" Baird rolls his eyes, "Iliya can be an idiot. He is no longer being a jerk about you. You saved his ass -- and the rest of him -- but you also startled and scared him. The safehouses and weapons caches were cleared out. The weapons were really good, so I'm working on getting someone to clean up the registrations and serial numbers." Cinnamon nods at that, somewhat relieved. Jaeger mentions Caradog hasn't said anything... yet. But the elder elf also assures Cinnamon that Caradog tends to show thanks in tangible, rather than spoken or written, ways. Brynn... well, Brynn hasn't said anything yet, either. But he tends to like to do things face-to-face. Cinnamon brightens at that news, thanking Jaeger, and then happily adds, "I actually wanted to go talk to Brynn sometime, so... that hopefully works out perfectly!" She grins, "Also, it just hit me on the flight home -- my first anniversary of dragoning is coming up this month! I thought it might be fun to have a celebration party..." She pauses, realizing the anniversary is also of Liam's tragic and pointless death... so after a moment's thought she adds more quietly, "-for my arrival on Coblyn Street." She makes a mental note, though: she will absolutely go spend the day of Liam's death with Rebecca, her dear step-great-grandmother! Maybe she can talk Shane into coming along... and maybe Elias and/or Thorny too? For now, the little dragon quickly changes the subject, turning to Jaeger and Elias, "So, did the relevant enclaves get money too?" Shane wraps his arm around Cinnamon and pulls her close, ducking his head down to kiss her quickly and murmur, "I think a party sounds amazing... because it also celebrates the first day I met the love of my life." He winks playfully at her -- and sees Marcus flush out of the corner of his eye. She blushes hotly -- at both the lovely kiss and her startled squeak! Elias nods at the question, answering for himself and Jaeger, "Yes. They're both using it to heighten their defenses." Cinnamon's still quite pink as she stutters to Elias, "Oh! Oh, g-g- y-yeah, that's good!" Thorn smiles quietly at Cinnamon's blush, and nods to Elias. After a moment, he says amusedly, "I think the next council meeting is going to be a little... energetic... about the news of this network." Cinnamon grins wryly, snuggling a bit shyly against Shane, "Ahh... y-yeah, it likely will be, umm... contentious?" She sighs and smiles, "I have a humongous ton of receipts, if nothing else!" Elsewhere... Veles has been traveling, and hearing about the successes of Cinnamon and her crew, of which -- he realizes with pride -- he is an integral part! News will continue to spread, he's quite sure -- though it may be slow going since the Nusantarans are a bit isolated still. Maybe it might spread out through the Oceania supernaturals as well? The siren they worked with let them know, after all, there are a couple of underwater enclaves -- though they don't tend to be as expansive as the landlocked ones. Once the news jumps onto one of the larger continents, however, Veles is quite sure it's going to spread like wildfire. Back on Coblyn, the news of the extremely successful return of the little group also spreads like wildfire! Cinnamon is very happy with how well people seem to think of her -- though she completely misses that a small part of that is also admiration at how much more... more glowingly attractive and solidly grounded in herself she seems to be. The little dragon makes a point of checking in on a few specific folks and things, as well: she's delighted, when speaking with Tre, to hear how well the little rickshaw business is doing! She thanks Sparrow for both giving her and Spice the contact information for the supernatural-owned import/export business... and grins mischievously as she also thanks him for giving permanent bad luck to the cruel and bigoted sponsors of the three brothers! Later, and in private, she invites Shane, Thorn, and Elias to come with her to be with Rebecca during the anniversary of Liam's death... and she sends out cheerful invitations to all her dear friends to her intended party to celebrate the one year anniversary of her arrival on Coblyn Street. She also checks her office, to see if any letters have arrived that need her attention... and later, quietly, she asks Elias: did he get to spend any time talking with Rebecca in the last month, while the great Nusantaran adventure was on-going? He did, and he smilingly thanks her -- and gently teases her -- about 'setting them up' like that. She blushes hotly, but is very pleased! Soon, back in Nusantara, Veles also starts hearing back from across South and North America about Cinnamon, as well as Thorn, Shane, and so on... from people that haven't even met them yet! Further, they're not calling Cinnamon just a councilor -- but rather referring to her as the 13th Chair. This is going much better than expected, the ex-merc thinks with pleasure! There aren't many requests for help coming in yet, but Veles thinks that might be more due to the fact that there hasn't been a true 13th Chair for so long... and also, it's possible Liam's territories are feeling a bit unsettled, now they may be handed off to other councilors. On Coblyn, Sparrow too is amused folks in his territories are starting to whisper about the little dragon that's the 13th Chair! He grins when he finds Cinnamon one day, "You're a fuckin' legend, darlin'." Cinnamon blinks puzzledly at Sparrow, pushing her glasses up, "Excuse me?" She thinks about that... then grins uncertainly, "Isn't it Coyote that's the legend?" Sparrow laughs, "Nah, I'm a goddamn fact! I mean people are talkin' about what you did for the Nusantarans. Been a while since there was a 13th Chair. Some of the folks that were Liam's... and are now yours... I think they're wonderin' who their councilor will be." Cinnamon blinks a bit puzzledly again, "But, umm... it's... just me? I mean, I'm their councilor?" She pauses, then confusedly adds, "Wait, Liam wasn't gone that long before my arrival... was he?" Sparrow shakes his head, "No. But he took on his own territories. To be a true 13th Chair, darlin', you have to be neutral." Cinnamon considers that for a bit... then replies pragmatically, "I think I am? I mean, if some of, say, Killa's folks turned up today and asked for my help, they'd get it -- you know that! I'd probably try first to get Daniella to get Killa to help, but if he insisted on... on survival of the fittest, or some silliness like that? I'd just go help... same as I did with the Nusantarans." She grins excitedly as she adds, "Though I admit, I'm kinda hoping I get to do something in Southern Europe, with Shane and Thorny and Marcus -- so the folks there can see how much Dak- er, M-Marcus has changed -- for the better!" Sparrow says quietly, "But who would your people go to if they felt they needed intervention? I'm not saying they would, but what if they did?" Cinnamon smiles thoughtfully, "Me, I hope! My real goal here, though, isn't to just hand off the territories I'm covering... it's to show them alternatives to me -- like I mentioned with Marcus, right? So if the southern Europeans can see how nice and helpful he is now, maybe they'll ask me to please return to him!" She adds with the cheerful openness of someone with nothing to hide, "I'd like to take Josie along next time I'm in Greenland too... and how do you feel about cold, please? Though..." her small smile is a little wistful, "I... kinda do hope I get to keep Oceania. I'm trying really hard with the islanders and the whales!" Sparrow arches a brow, "Ever been in South Dakota in the wintertime? You realize the Lakota are up there, right? That's why so many indigenous charities talk about firewood for grandma." He squeezes her shoulder gently, "I hear ya, darlin'." Cinnamon laughs and shakes her head, "Nono, I mean further north -- up in the Arctic circle! I'd like to take you up there sometime, so they can meet both of us. Though..." she absently nibbles on her lower lip, then checks, "do you know if they have a trickster spirit up there? Or is it just too darned cold and dangerous for that?" She brightens, "Then again, even if they don't have a Trickster, you've told me that your tricks are for folks who're humorless and cruel about it, right? So you shouldn't have any reason to trick a people that are just really carefully focused on survival -- so that should be fine. Yay!" She beams up at Sparrow, "So, what do you think?" Sparrow grins, "Again, ever been to South Dakota?" He clears his throat and sings in a warm, pleasant voice, "Ain't nothing 'tween the pole and South Dakota / And barbed wire don't stop the wind..." He adds in explanation, "It's almost an arctic wasteland in the winter. I'm good with Greenland. Been there a few times. Be happy to go back." Cinnamon listens with a smile... then curiously asks, "So how is South Dakota colder than North Dakota, then? Er... is that what you meant?" Sparrow shakes his head, "They're both frigid as the center circle of Hell in the winter." Cinnamon nods more confidently, "Ah! Gotcha... hm. I wonder if that's part of why South Dakota allows such financial chicanery... so they can make money at something?" She thinks about that... but then just grins and shrugs, "Guess it doesn't matter, really! But yeah -- if either of us have a trip scheduled for up thataways, let's agree to make sure the other goes too, okay? So we can try and start them thinking about asking you to represent them, right?" Sparrow sighs, "Sadly, they've been fucked over in a lot of ways. Lotta the native and the white ranchers both lose cattle in the winter... and the pipelines poison the land." Cinnamon considers that for a bit... then nods slowly, "Then... yeah -- especially if you have any ideas on how to help folks out there -- let's get them thinking about you as their councilor." [Previous Log] [Index] [Next Log] |