2024 October 07
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A Tangled Chain All DisorderedIt's about then there's another knock at the door. Shane gets up to answer, and smiles, calling back over his shoulder, "Speak of the Devil, a ghrá." He steps out of the way and Sparrow saunters in... with Kestrel at his side. Cinnamon laughs when she spots Sparrow, "Shaney! He's not a devil!" She squeals excitedly at sight of Sparrow's companion, though, hopping up to dart over and hug them, "Kestrel! Hihihi how're you doing how come you're here are you coming with us to see the Bigot Brothers hey you two want some breakfast I got plenty c'mon in!" Kestrel looks different than any of the little group have ever seen -- wearing blue jeans, hiking boots, and a hoodie. There's none of their normal fun eye makeup, and their hair is pulled back in a low ponytail. In other words... they look a lot more like a guy than anyone here has previously seen. Thorn nods, "True, and besides which they'd justify anything in their mind no matter what they have to do to survive." He looks at the door, and breaks into a wide smile, "Sparrow! Kestrel! Hello!" Kestrel hugs Cinnamon back and laughs warmly at the greeting, "I could eat!" They also move to hug anyone else that seems like he or she would take kindly to it, "Hello, Thorn!" Sparrow smiles, eyes twinkling, "I've got endless appetite!" He squeezes Cinnamon and grins mischievously, "And in some pantheons, I would indeed be the devil -- the adversary." Cinnamon gives a small raspberry at that, then grins at Sparrow over her shoulder as she turns to get utensils for the new arrivals, "Then those must be really bored or stupid pantheons -- since I can't imagine annoying Tricksters for funsies is smart!" She laughs, pouring drinks and bringing them to the table as she adds, "So seriously, peeps! Is Kestrel here to talk to the prisoners too, or what?" Kestrel settles in with Josie and Spice and a plate of food, as Sparrow smirks, "No, it's not. But then these assholes think that it's us poor, innocent Tricksters luring them into being idiots. All we're out here doing is teaching lessons and how not to take yourself too seriously." Jaeger chuckles quietly, "You know quite well the high and mighty do not care to be taken low." Sparrow nods, "Exactly! That's why I exist... why Tsisadu exists... why Anansi exists -- humility is important." Shane snorts amusedly, "And you know so much about that...!" Cinnamon curiously and silently mouths 'Tsisadu'... then grins and pulls out her cell phone to look it up. She figures Sparrow and/or Kestrel will answer her query when they're ready, after all! She frowns thoughtfully a moment later. All she's finding is the Trickster Rabbit, Jistu, in the southeastern US. Hmm... oh! Got it -- Sparrow must be saying it in his native tong- -- and then Josie leans close to the little dragon to murmur, "It's Cherokee... means Rabbit, as in Br'er Rabbit." Cinnamon jumps slightly at Josie's murmur, blinking at her... then grins and nods, showing the cell phone, "Yeah! Found him!" Josie grins back, wagging, "I don't know words in all the Native languages, but I tend to know the names of the various Tricksters, Mothers, and Fathers." That makes the little dragon giggle -- she thinks that's just good sense, really! Kestrel considers a moment, then sighs, "I just... wanted to be here. They hurt me. I wanted to face them." Cinnamon tilts her head at Kestrel, tucking her phone away. Her voice is sympathetic, "I... totally get that, Kestrel? But... if they're anything like what I've seen so far, umm..." she tries to figure out how to warn her friend. Finally she says carefully, "It's... a good bet they'll be rude and mean and totally not apologetic or nice at all, you know? So you might want to, like... be kinda braced for that?" Kestrel tips their chin up, "I need to face them instead of letting them turn into a shadow in my mind. If they are simply hateful little men..." They takes a deep breath, "That will remind me that they are small and scared -- and I am stronger than they are! I am used to having hate thrown at me." Thorn nods silently at Kestrel's words. Cinnamon's face is an unwitting mix of emotion -- she wants to hug Kestrel and comfort them, but she also kind of wants to shield her friend from nasty people she knows are indeed going to throw pointlessly vicious, hurtful hatred at them... and at the same time she can absolutely see what Kestrel's doing -- because she needed to do it for herself too, when Qadan was so cruel. Her voice is soft and worried, "Y-you -- you are, Kestrel -- you totally are stronger than them!" She catches herself then, in firm internal reminder: she cannot stop Kestrel from doing what they need to do to feel strong! But... there is one thing she absolutely can do -- and she adds firmly, "-and... a-and if you want, I will gladly stand there with you and give you hugs when they act like -- l-like the total doodyheads they are!" Cinnamon isn't sure why she's feeling tears welling up -- though she does know she really doesn't want to see her friends hurt by these insecure, cruel little man-babies -- but she swallows hard and forces a small smile as she adds, "Just, um... j-just if you want, of course." Kestrel sets aside their food and goes to hug Cinnamon tightly, "I would be honored." Shane's eyes narrow as he abruptly, intently studies Marcus -- who is watching Cinnamon with an unwittingly fond, warmly affectionate small smile on his lips. Seconds later, when people shift and move, and Marcus glances towards the next speaker... Shane sits back again, thinking to himself, [Well, fuck... he really does care.] He sighs inwardly, not so much jealous as a little frustrated at himself... for holding onto his grumpy feelings at the elf. It's Sparrow who speaks next, drawling, "Sugar, you know it's okay to say 'shithead' when 'shithead' suits the moment, right?" Cinnamon happily hugs Kestrel warmly back -- though she blushes hotly at Sparrow's comment! She carefully doesn't look at the Trickster, though; instead she takes a deep breath and glances around to make sure everyone has enough to eat. Once everyone is full and breakfast is done, Cinnamon suggests they head to the palace. To Josie and Spice she adds, "We can put away the remainders, but feel free to just leave the dishes -- I'll get them when I get back, okay?" Spice shakes her head, "Nah. I'm staying here. I'll do them." Cinnamon grins shyly at Spice, giving her a thank-you hug -- then quietly helps with clean-up until everyone's ready to go. Marcus and Jaeger are both moving to put their coats back on. Kestrel asks, "May I use your restroom? I traveled like this because it's easier when I look more like my ID... but I want to be me when I face them down." Cinnamon beams in unwitting relief at Kestrel, "Oh, absolutely!" She feels almost proud of Kestrel -- she'd wondered if the poor person was too nervous to dress normally and that's why they arrived looking like they currently do. "Extra towels are in that cupboard. Do you need anything else?" Kestrel smiles and shakes their head, then takes a small rucksack from Sparrow, "I won't be long." After perhaps fifteen minutes the two-spirit returns with their hair braided, eyeshadow and lipstick in place, and wearing a colorful, flowing, hippie kind of dress. With their head held high, they say firmly, "Let's do this." Cinnamon grins at Kestrel, her eyes bright, "Wow, you look awesome! Once this is all over, maybe we can have a girls lunch or something, and you can show me how to do the sparkles, like you said you would someday?" Kestrel smiles brightly, "Of course I will!" Cinnamon beams at Kestrel, then glances around to see if she's forgotten anything... and her eyes fall upon the little posy which Marcus brought yesterday afternoon. It's still in the decorative bowl in the center of the low table, making the room smell nice -- and Cinnamon brightens, "Oh! Kestrel! Would you like a pretty golden pansy, or a gold and ivory honeysuckle strand, to tuck into your hair too? They both smell wonderful, and would look so gorgeous in your pretty jet-black hair!" She's completely unaware of the cultural symbolism of gayness with the pansy -- she's just trying to help a dear friend feel better. Kestrel smiles as they look at the posy, knowing the significance -- both in the gay community and in several other ways -- of all the flowers. "These are the ones Marcus gave you?" Cinnamon blinks in astonishment at Kestrel, "He did! How did you-" but then she wheels and gives Marcus a confused grin, "You're... telling everyone you brought these? How come?" Kestrel laughs softly and shakes their head, taking the honeysuckle and tucking it into their hair, "No, sugar. But I can smell him on them... and since all I smell is him, you, and an unknown scent I'm guessing is the florist, I assumed..." They trail off, letting Cinnamon fill in the rest of the thought herself. That's all said just as Marcus too shakes his head, "No, köst-... Cinnamon. I've not told anyone I brought you flowers." Cinnamon blinks again, both confused and intrigued as she watches Kestrel... then curiously scoops up one of the beautiful little cornflowers, sniffing thoughtfully at it -- and, though she doesn't realize it, her tongue flickers slightly as well, as she tries to scent the same things Kestrel did. Marcus slowblinks at Cinnamon essentially licking the flowers -- then swallows hard! Shane leans in toward the Germanic elf to murmur, "She doesn't realize she's doing it." That startles Marcus, making him flush an actually rather becoming pink as Shane smirks a bit and stands straight again. Cinnamon can indeed scent Marcus somewhat on the flower. It's quite faint to her, though -- just a hint beneath the flower's own scent. The little dragon looks astonished as she straightens, "Whoa! I can scent Marcus -- just a little bit!" She beams at Kestrel and Marcus, then cheerfully adds, "I think I'm gonna wear one too -- so we match a little! But I think the pretty gold and cream looks better in Kestrel's hair than mine, and the blue-purple stands out okay against my red... don't you think?" She also knows the cornflower's meaning is 'be gentle with me,' though she has no idea Marcus meant that -- instead she bemusedly wonders if he was maybe saying he would be kinder to her? Well... that'd be awful nice, if so -- she's really leery of being hurt again, darnit! As she tucks the little sunburst-shaped cornflower firmly in amongst the curling mass of her scarlet hair, she adds with a smile, "Plus, I think this is my absolute favorite color -- that lovely dreamy shade of purple-indigo that you get right after sunset or right before sunrise!" Kestrel reaches to help Cinnamon with her flower -- they've gotten the distinct feeling Cinnamon doesn't often do much 'fancy' with her hair! Privately, they decide they need to help Cinnamon learn a few fun, feminine, fancy things to play around with when she wants to feel frilly and pretty. Cinnamon beams and thanks the two-spirit -- she'd actually had no idea how to get the flower to stay in place! With that, she laughs happily, and the entire little cavalcade heads for the palace: Jaeger, Sparrow, and Kestrel... Marcus, Thorn, Shane, and Cinnamon. Shane walks with Cinnamon and Kestrel, an arm sliding cheerfully around his beloved's waist as they walk; Jaeger is murmuring to Thorn as they follow. Marcus still looks a little stunned as he walks behind them all, finding himself accompanied by Sparrow -- who smirks and drawls, "Count y'rself lucky you didn't bring her a fuckin' gladiolus or some other spear-shaped flower. Y'd be havin' to go home and change pants!" He winks at Marcus, then trots to catch up with his mate -- leaving the elf scarlet-faced behind him! Once the little cavalcade of Jaeger, Sparrow, Kestrel, Marcus, Thorn, Shane, and Cinnamon reach the palace, it takes no fuss at all for them to be shown down to the cells down below. Diarmaid meets them in the antechamber to what would be called a dungeon, if it were more dank and unpleasant. Cinnamon waves shyly to Diarmaid, thanking him for letting them see the Bigot Brothers, and asking a little worriedly, "Have they been totally awful to you all? I'm so sorry, if so!" Diarmaid's eyes normally don't do their glowing thing noticeably in full light... but it's not truly full light down here. It's as well-lit as it can be, but it's underground and windowless. The red flares up as he laughs quietly, "I've had only Fomorian and other obviously non-human guards on them. I wanted them reminded that they are not amongst friends here. They've tried swinging their dicks and being nasty, but when you have a 7' tall person with a bear's head snarl at you with glowing orange eyes... it can do something to settle you." Cinnamon sighs in quiet relief, "Oh, good. I just... I mean, I know how... how depressing it is to be constantly picked on... so I'm glad you're all okay." She smiles a bit worriedly regardless, hoping the nasty bigots aren't too horrible to... to... Wait a minute! That... she... hey! Cinnamon almost lights up with excitement at a sudden realization: she can growl (metaphorically) for Kestrel! She's a freaking dragon, after all -- even if she can't change shape down here, she can still breath fire! Cinnamon beams delightedly at Diarmaid, "So as long as we don't hurt them, then, it sounds like it's okay to snarl back... yes?" Thorn laughs! Diarmaid snorts, "Please. If they're assholes, be an asshole right back. They're used to being the scary ones. I don't think they'd actually encountered many truly powerful supernaturals when you caught the first one. Shapechangers and skinshifters are easy to depersonalize because they're usually one shape or another." He smirks and motions at his own head, "I am absolutely not." Cinnamon giggles at that, almost bouncing on her toes with excitement, "Yay! Thank you, Diarmaid!" Kestrel laughs at Diarmaid's explanation and then reaches out their hands to take those of the Fomorian guard captain, "I'm one of those they tried to murder, and I suppose I don't seem threatening in either of my forms -- I'm a healer. So I'm glad they haven't been treated horribly." Sparrow snorts, "Betcha they think they're being denied all kinda rights." He rolls his eyes and chuckles. Diarmaid looks around, "One at a time or all together?" Cinnamon glances at her friends, "Umm... what do you peeps want?" She knows Jaeger likely doesn't want those not in the know present for his interrogation... but she also really wants to be there for both Jaeger -- so she can remember everything he learns for him -- and Kestrel -- for both emotional and growling support! Sparrow replies, "I think my sweetheart should seem 'em all together, but divide an' conquer's a good strategy otherwise." He puts a hand gently on the small of Kestrel's back, then smirks, "Also means they can't claim they believed the others were bein' tortured or some bullshit." Cinnamon blinks at Sparrow, not sure what he means... but quite willing to go along with whatever he wants. Thorn murmurs to Cinnamon, "I think Diarmaid meant if we want to see the brothers all together, or see them one at a time?" Cinnamon nods to Thorn, whispering back, "I got that... but I'm not sure why Sparrow thinks the Bigot Brothers will want to claim they were tortured or something?" Meanwhile, Diarmaid asks for them to wait a few minutes while he and another guard corral all the prisoners. Kestrel is taking deep, slow breaths; it's very much as if they're drawing their power around themselves. Jaeger and Marcus decide they'll stay behind for this part, since neither of them is close with Kestrel. Cinnamon steps over to Kestrel and (after a few-seconds-dither) very, very lightly takes their hand -- though she's feeling super-sensitive to any flinching or leaning away. Not only does Kestrel not flinch or lean away, but they even tightly squeeze Cinnamon's hand as the whole group follows Diarmaid, when he returns. The little dragon smiles shyly up at Kestrel, and sticks close to them as the party heads off to see the prisoners. The little group find themselves in a room with the three bigots. They aren't separated by bars, but the men are shackled to chairs spaced five feet apart, which are obviously bolted down. The men can stand, but the chains won't let them move more than a foot or so from their individual chairs. There are other similar chairs in the room, and someone has also moved in some more comfortable furniture. Diarmaid and the bear-headed Fomorian guard are in the room as well. Cinnamon can't help scowling in silent warning at the brothers when she sees them -- they'd better not be horrible meanies to her friend, darnit! Thorn remains somewhat in the background, leaning against the wall but attentive as to whether anyone needs medical attention. He's reasonably certain the three prisoners haven't been mistreated, but he's also keeping an eye on their body language. Shane stands back with Thorn, arms crossed over his chest. Sparrow sprawls in one of the chairs brought for the guests, smirking and looking entirely too at-ease. Kestrel walks through the door as if they're some sort of royalty: chin up, bronze skin almost glowing. Cinnamon does her best to quietly be there for Kestrel... but not to get in their way. This is all for Kestrel right now, after all! The three men all get to their feet, scowling around the room. Other than the Fomorians, everyone in the room almost all look entirely human -- though at least two of the humans are unmistakably Native American. Kestrel lets their eyes roam over the three men before asking Cinnamon, "Which one did it?" Cinnamon points at Russel, "He's the one that actually did the murdering. The other two... I think one made the weaponry and the other fancies himself a hacker." Disgust tinges her voice as she adds, "The kind that likes doxing and is pleased he gets people murdered at church." Kestrel's lip curls in disgust as they look from man to man, "So you're all just bullies. Little, scared, mean bullies." They disdainfully look Russel up and down, "And you needed tricks that even a Trickster considers to be playing dirty to get to me and my people." In the background, Sparrow nods and mutters, "Damn right!" Kestrel tips their head and smiles at the prisoners, "I bet I am just your absolute worst nightmare -- a brown person who was assigned male at birth, but feels more of the feminine force in themself... and then on top of all those obviously horrible, hateful things... I carry a spirit beast that could tear any of you into tiny pieces." Cinnamon scowls at all the brothers, feeling weirdly protective of Kestrel -- she's yet to register that she recognizes, internally, how much emotional hurt Kestrel too must have faced... even though for a very different reason than Cinnamon did. The little dragon can't help softly mutters, "Is not horrible and hateful -- they are wrong about that!" She keeps her voice low, though, not wanting to rain at all on Kestrel's parade. Thorn too remains stony-faced -- this is Kestrel's battle to fight! Shane snorts and murmurs to Thorn, nodding to Hacker Brother -- whose face is now the color of a beet, "You gonna heal him if he has a stroke at having to deal with a nonbinary Native American shapeshifter not being scared of them?" The word 'Eventually' is on the tip of Thorn's tongue... but then he wouldn't be true to the Oath; he can't let himself cross that line. "Yes," he murmurs back to Shane. "I'll keep all of them alive if I have to. For as long as necessary." A moment later he has a belated realization of how... threatening that sounds! He frowns, shaking his head, [No, bad healer!] Shane snorts amusedly, "You're a great healer, but remind me not to get on your bad side, my friend." Thorn replies, "Believe me, I don't want to have a bad side." Shane shakes his head, "Neither do I, but people do occasionally get on it. I just try to make sure mine is small." Elsewhere, Kestrel smiles gently at their little dragon friend, "Oh, it is to them." Their eyes look over the men with something too dismissive to be disgust, "They're scared of me because their souls can't encompass even a fraction of what anyone else in this room can." At that, the weaponsmith brother tries to launch at Kestrel, snarling nearly incoherent hatred. Cinnamon frowns at the weaponsmith, stepping forward just a little bit -- so she can, if necessary, block the guy hard away from Kestrel. She remembers Shane telling that one guy to not spit at her, after all. The puma-shifter's eyes flash slit-pupiled and golden for a moment -- and when they speak their voice has a harmonic growl in it, "You don't scare me -- you're a coward that shot from ambush! But me? I'm counting coup." Then they turn and smile almost seductively at Sparrow, "I'm done here, beloved. Let's go and let our friends do the work they need to do." Sparrow's grin is wicked as he stands, pulling Kestrel to him for a quite lascivious kiss! Then he lightly pats them on the ass, "Let's skedaddle, gorgeous." They both walk away, Kestrel's hips swaying and Sparrow strutting like the very cock of the walk. Cinnamon smiles quietly as she watches Sparrow and Kestrel walk away... though she's a little pink from accidentally catching sight of that amazing kiss from the corner of one eye! Once they're gone, she glances hopefully at Diarmaid, "Can Jaeger and Marcus come in now?" Diarmaid nods and goes to get the two elves. Less than five minutes later the guard and the elves return. By now the brothers are all reseated... though one of them is still obviously seething. Cinnamon thanks Diarmaid, then turns back to the three brothers -- she doesn't know how Jaeger wants to arrange things, so she's going to leave that to him. Instead she says sternly to the prisoners, "You managed -- mostly -- to behave before. Let's see if you can stay on best behavior still." She has no idea how ridiculously tiny and unintimidating she may look to the brothers who don't know her as the dragon... but honestly, she doesn't care. More surprise for them, if they're meanies again! The weaponsmith sneers, "You mean with the faggot prairie nigger?" Diarmaid and the other guard are calm; they know exactly who's in the room and who is and is not a threat. Shane, though, pushes off the wall, eyes narrowed. The men have been silent until now -- what's made them suddenly start talking? Though... that is the only brother who still doesn't know Cinnamon has a draconic form....? Thorn stifles the sudden start at the asshole's comment, while Jaeger murmurs almost amusedly, "Oh, please, do tell us exactly how you feel." Cinnamon steps forward again, her voice firm, "You are very lucky that you did not say that to them... because I would be really upset with you if you had!" Thorn takes a few slow breaths, resisting the urge to snap something -- it's Cinnamon's show, now. He contents himself with waiting for the punchline, as the little dragon folds her arms and adds, "So be nice to my friends who want to talk to you." It simply doesn't occur to her to try to be intimidating -- she's never been any good at it, after all! The man derisively looks the tiny woman up and down, as Russel hisses at him, "Dude, you really don't want..." His brother just sneers right over him, though, "And what would you do, you stupid, fat bitch? Stomp your foot and pout at me?" Over by Thorn, there's a flash of movement -- quickly followed by another. When it resolves, Marcus has hold of Shane's bicep and is muttering quietly in the other young man's ear... and Shane looks positively livid! Cinnamon misses that, standing in front of the much larger Bigot Brother as she is -- instead she puts her hands on her hips and raises her eyebrows as she stares up at him. Her voice is absolutely calm, "No. I'd set you on fire." A heartbeat later she decides turnabout is fair play, and firmly adds, "You stupid fathead boy. Now go sit down and shut up unless Jaeger asks you a question." The man snorts and looks to the third brother, "You hearin' this shit?" Russel is trying his best to be at least a little subtle as he growls, "Dude! Sit. The fuck. Down! She's..." Cinnamon abruptly realizes: she doesn't have to take this doodoo! She steps forward again, shoving the man with careful firmness in the center of his chest, "Sit down!" The man stumbles back and almost collapses into his chair. Jaeger chuckles, murmuring, "Atta girl!" as he too steps forward, smiling almost congenially. As the angry brother tenses as though he's going to try popping right back up into Cinnamon's face, the Elm elder murmurs calmly, "I suggest you stay where you are. She wasn't speaking of matches and gasoline when she made her threat." Cinnamon grins with shy pleasure up at Jaeger -- she's really happy he thinks well of what she's doing -- and that she's not being a show-off or anything! She adds politely to the other brothers, "Could you please lean a little away from this guy? I don't want to accidentally set you on fire too, if he's still a stupid-head." She knows the brothers are both at least 5' away on each side... but she's trying her best to give good warning to this... dense as a brick idiot. Unfortunately it looks like the man is indeed about to jump back up -- but then Jaeger murmurs, "Don't." It's just one word... calm, even-toned... he sounds almost gentle, "Caradog likes his walls white and soot is hard to get off them." Cinnamon blinks at that -- then hastily takes two steps back, "Oh! I'm so sorry, peeps -- I didn't know that." She knows she can literally suck the fire and all its heat back... but she's pretty sure soot isn't included in that heat absorption! Meanwhile, Thorn can hear Marcus urgently murmuring to Shane, "No -- let her do this! She's learning how to stand up for herself. Six months ago that insult would have had her in tears... but it didn't hurt her this time -- it angered her. Watch how strong she is." He's speaking quickly, but his tones too are gentle. Shane's obvious anger starts to calm, and he takes a couple of deep breaths. He makes his voice quiet -- only loud enough for Thorn and Marcus to hear, "It's just..." Marcus nods in quiet sympathy, "You're a protector, and she's your beloved. But she needs to see she can stand on her own." Across the room, Jaeger smiles warmly at Cinnamon, "Oh, it would be worth it. I just wish his brothers to know people would be quite wroth with them." He turns to the men, voice again level, "But hear me: I will not stop her if this is necessary." Cinnamon looks a bit worried, regardless, when Jaeger speaks to her... but then when he speaks to the men, she relaxes. Okay, this should be all right, then -- she shouldn't get into trouble if she has to flame the guy. Plus, she comforts herself, she can absolutely volunteer to help scrub any soot off the walls! She considers for a few seconds... then folds her arms and stays where she is. Jaeger's a lot more dangerous than she is, yes... but she's still a dandy shield -- and darnit, she is not letting them even try to hurt her friends! Thorn hopes the men realize -- should they mouth off and get flamed for their troubles -- that the only source of 'soot' would be their flaming bodies. Shane actually winces, muttering to Marcus, "Ouch. Caradog wouldn't give a fuck..." Marcus replies just as quietly, "I know. But look how terrified the one on the right is." He indicates Russel -- and Marcus is right: Russel is terrified. Hacker brother, though, is still just looking sullen. Jaeger smiles at the hacker, "You've been exceptionally quiet. Nothing to add?" The man snorts, "You can't do shit to us. I know a bluff when I see one." Russel again leans forward and hisses, "Randy! Shut the fuck up!" He cuts a terrified look at Cinnamon. He's been here longest of the three... so he's also had time to realize just how deep in the shit they all are. Cinnamon laughs aloud at Randy's ridiculous claim! "Randy? Is that his name?" She smiles at the hacker, "Unfortunately you're not in a human prison... and none of us are human. So... actually, you're wrong. This isn't a bluff, and we can do... hmm..." She glances around thoughtfully, "Probably not torture -- I know the king doesn't like that, and I agree. But past that?" She grins humorlessly and shrugs, "You guys are kind of out of luck!" It occurs to both Thorn and Cinnamon about then that all three prisoners have been remarkably tight-lipped. They didn't even speak when the unnamed brother got up in Kestrel's face. Only once Jaeger and Marcus entered the room did they start talking. Cinnamon tilts her head thoughtfully, wondering why that is... and then, being who she is, she simply asks, "For that matter, why were you guys so quiet before, when Sparrow and Kestrel were here? Did... did Sparrow... no, wait, he couldn't have if Russel was brought straight here." She studies the three men curiously, "What's going on?" Back by the door, Thorn arches a brow; he isn't completely proficient in reading body language so he doesn't know what they were thinking/feeling/reacting to before. But now... Cinnamon's right: something's weird here! Next to him, Marcus has calmed Shane, so both of them are once again leaning back against the wall. Randall sneers, "That queer didn't deserve to hear anything we had to say." Shane snorts loud enough for everyone in the room to hear him. Cinnamon hears that snort, and frowns at Russel, "You're lying. I think you were all scared." She thinks a moment, then adds, "Though... that was probably the first smart thing you guys have done -- because you were right to be scared, even if not of Kestrel." She shakes her head in slightly dismissive disgust, then glances at Jaeger, "I'm sorry -- I should hush so you can talk without being interrupted." She smiles and tilts her head in a 'go on!' gesture. Jaeger leans down and murmurs very quietly against Cinnamon's ear, in German, "They're idiots... and narrow minds are very susceptible to being nudged. That, my dear, is why they're so very talkative now." Cinnamon blinks interestedly up at Jaeger, pushing up her glasses as she murmurs back, "What nudged the- oh! Was it you?" Jaeger's blue eyes are almost amused as he nods. Then he straightens and looks down the row of men. "Now... you-" he points at Russel, "are Russel. You are Randy... and your name? Did your parents stay with the R names or were they a little more creative?" The last brother snaps, "Reggie is a fuckin' creative enough name!" Cinnamon giggles in spite of herself! Shane mutters, "Hi. I'm Larry. This is my brother Darryl. This is my other brother Darryl." Thorn blinks. The boys must really be rattled -- they're singing like pigeons now! Cinnamon is still smiling as she murmurs to herself, "Okay. Russel is the murderer, Reggie is the weapons boy, and Randy is the..." she grins to herself, remembering Spice's... verbal creativity at mentioning Randy's disgusting work, after all, "script kiddie." That hits a nerve! Randy comes surging to his feet, face back to that concerningly purplish-red color as he yells, "Fuck you! What do you know about computers, you stupid bitch?! I could have all your money in my pocket in a week!" Cinnamon laughs again at that! "No, now you're just blustering and trying to save face." She sighs, adding, "But... I want you to stop being so rude and name calling so much, okay? So, last warning: no more swearing!" Back by the door, Marcus grins wryly at Shane and Thorn, apparently enjoying being the peanut gallery for his father and the dragon, "Is that the only insult they have for women? No wonder their parents couldn't make it past the one letter of the alphabet on their names. Creativity must be in low supply in their gene pool." Shane murmurs in reply, "A week? It'd take him a whole week? Jesus fucking Christ... no wonder Spice called him a script kiddie!" Then he calls out to Cinnamon, "Love, how long has our actual, competent hacker been working on the money stuff for these three and their petulant backers?" Cinnamon glances back at Shane, "Umm... how long have we been here?" She thinks a moment, then adds, "About an hour? Took us a bit to get here, after all, right?" Randy snarls, "Fuck off! Why do you think you can-" -- and then several things happen all at once. Jaeger's voice raises very slightly, "Quiet, you three!" It's not loud, it's just very, very firm. Simultaneously, Cinnamon's head whips back around at Randy's swearing, and she snarls, "Stop that!" At the same time, a (deliberately small) gout of fire roars out of her mouth -- and sets Randy's clothing on fire. All three men are screaming and thrashing madly, trying to scramble away -- but they're all shackled too closely to their chairs. In the next second, Cinnamon blinks up at the elf elder she just interrupted -- then winces, "Sorry, Jaeger!" She immediately inhales deeply... and just as fast as he was set alight, Randy is no longer on fire. There's a truly unpleasant smell of burnt cotton and hair, and Randy is still screaming for a few seconds before he blinks down at himself and is reduced to incoherent gibbering. He's shaking badly all over -- and now there's also the distinct, pungent scent of urine as well. The two brothers who hadn't yet put together 'giant red beast' and 'small stern woman' are babbling near-incoherent apologies. Thorn slowly shakes his head at the scene as he straightens. He has a feeling he's going to need to give at least a little healing to that loudmouthed piece of shit. As he does so, Cinnamon sheepishly adds to the elf elder, "I didn't mean to interrupt. Umm... I can sit down, if you'd rather?" Jaeger smiles warmly at Cinnamon, "Oh, no, my dear. Please." He glances at Randy and then at Thorn, "I know they're wastes of skin, but do you mind...?" Cinnamon glances back at Thorn too... then steps forward and snarls again at Randy -- this time without flame, "Don't you even think of bothering my friend, you -- you jerkface! You sit right down and behave... or else! 'Cause I don't bluff either, darnit!" The now-whimpering brother collapses back into his chair, shrinking away from Cinnamon -- who scowls sternly down at him... then nods once to Thorn, "Only if you want, dude, okay?" Marcus sounds cool and amused, "I don't know... can you grow back singed hair or reverse a grown man pissing his pants? I think it's mostly his overinflated ego she burnt off." He actually winks at Cinnamon, who blinks -- then blushes hotly! She's still smiling a bit, though, as she glances back to Thorn. Thorn nods, smiling quietly and stepping forward. "The Oath demands it," he says simply. He takes a wide walk around the three occupied chairs, to end up standing behind Randy's chair. He first does the magical equivalent of topical anesthesia, dulling whatever minor pain the flame incurred. As he does so, he adds conversationally to Marcus, "I don't think I can put that back into his bladder. The hair, though -- well, he doesn't strictly need it." He takes in a deep breath, his hands light on Randy's shoulders as he assesses. The man only has minor first-degree burns -- a bit of sunburn, at worst. It's small effort to heal that... and so the cells are repaired as if new. Afterwards, the healer removes the anesthesia magic, and checks once again for any remaining damage. Cinnamon says sternly to Reggie, "Thank the healer for helping you. Nicely." She figures that's likely more than the jerk truly deserves -- and as far as she's concerned, he can just sit here in half a shirt and wet pants, for being so mean! There's a strangled, "Thank you," from the man -- it's like he's actually having to struggle to speak. Jaeger's glance down the line of men is coolly amused, like a world-weary professor, "Have we now firmly established you are not at the top of this food chain, gentlemen? That name calling will not be tolerated? Honestly, your foolish bravado is... well, I'd say it's... admirable? -but mostly it's simply vaguely amusing." His voice goes grave, "Your hubris, however, is... quite astounding -- and will do you no good here. There's no one here you might intimidate. The only person in this room who couldn't kill you with their little finger is..." He looks around the room, then chuckles avuncularly, "One another." Cinnamon smiles her thanks to Thorn once he's done... and only moves back from Randy when Thorn has safely moved away from the brothers. The healer takes Jaeger's words to heart, as he resumes his position near Shane and Marcus. He really could kill any or all of the three boys. That's an extremely sobering thought -- and helps pull him back from any further musing about breaking his Hippocratic Oath. As he does so, the little dragon looks up at Jaeger, her voice sort of hopefully pragmatic, "So... can we ask them the questions we need answers to, now?" Jaeger smiles and nods, then looks once again over the row of men, "You truly do wish to do as she asks. It's better for everyone." By now, of course, Spice and Cinnamon have an excellent grasp of the information necessary for them to successfully crack just about anyone's financials -- so the little dragon's queries are clear, unhesitating, and direct. Cinnamon makes sure to record on her phone, as well -- if the brothers can be gotten into trouble with the human authorities too, then all to the better! Caradog most likely doesn't want to have to imprison these jerks forever, after all. Once the financial information is collected, Shane excuses himself to get it immediately to Spice and Josie. Also, there are several crimes about which the brothers are closely questioned, since Cinnamon wants a comprehensive list of the twelve people Russel in particular, and the brothers in general, murdered... so the poor families can receive (at the very least) some financial recompense. The list of the dead is depressing, and as it's being related, Marcus has his head lowered, murmuring something over and over. Thorn is the only one close enough to hear it; he eventually recognizes it as one of the funeral prayers from Elm. Thorn's expression is grim as the list of the dead is recited, but he keeps himself from glowering at Russel by instead murmuring the prayers along with Marcus. Cinnamon is quietly distressed to realize: unfortunately at least four of the twelve are supernaturals. None of the deaths are 'good'... but she's worried about how long this has been going on. Hopefully no more than a year... because that way the wicked financial investors are potentially still just 'testing the waters' with this terrible scheme. When questioned further, the brothers describe the supernaturals as: "some kinda troll-thing," a "werewolf," a "fairy-creature," and "this gnarly old guy with teeth like a shark's." The 'fairy-creature' -- most likely a sidhe of some sort -- was in a small, nearby mountain town. The 'gnarly old guy' was in a Chicago neighborhood with a lot of Slavic immigrants. The werewolf and the 'troll-thing' were taken down on the rez. Cinnamon frowns thoughtfully as she realizes: tracking down families of supernaturals may be difficult! Also... could that toothy one perhaps be a ghoul? Jaeger's voice is tight, "No. No, I don't think it was a ghoul. In fact, I think we will want to speak with Elias about that one... to see if he knows who it might be." Cinnamon nods unhappily to Jaeger. A little more questioning gets the name of the town where the sidhe was taken down, at which Jaeger murmurs, "We'll look for trods in the area." The phrase "troll-thing" makes Thorn immediately think of Hans... but no -- the kill was on Sparrow's reservation. The healer scowls as it hits him: the bigoted boys were going after people in marginalized communities -- likely because they were easier prey. Thorn once again has to force himself to keep his temper, as he nods once in agreement with Jaeger. Shane returns to the dungeons at that point, with a bit of a smirk at Reggie, "You, at least, are now poor as a church mouse. I think our... cybersecurity expert took your threat to my acushla personally." Cinnamon blinks at Shane... then smiles quietly. She's so proud of Spice -- and her lovely Shaney too! She takes a deep breath... then closes her questioning by asking each brother individually what secret they most want her to not know. She read that in one of her urban fantasies, and thought it was a great way to not miss anything important! Each brother unwillingly responds: Reggie the weaponsmith gives up his hidey-hole -- which means the supernaturals will be able to pull the brothers' metaphorical teeth. Randy the hacker grits his teeth, but ends up surrendering information on the locations of safe houses. Russel the hunter, however, admits after struggle that he doesn't want her asking about his sexuality. Shane nods at that. Of course a Nazi homophobe would be ashamed that he himself is gay. Cinnamon, though, blinks confusedly at Russel, "What's wrong with s-sexuality?" She thinks for a moment -- then gasps, straightening up, "Oh! Oh, I'm so sorry -- wait -- you don't have to answer that!" Russel is gritting his teeth, struggling powerfully throughout the questioning to remain silent! When Cinnamon releases him, he pants and actually looks thankful. The little dragon blushes hotly, feeling horribly guilty at unwittingly but nonconsensually outing some poor person -- even if he is a nasty goober! She has no idea she may have just driven a huge ideological wedge between the brothers with this... or that she may have thereby hugely reduced their ability to work together in their bigotry. Indeed, the other two are looking rather suspiciously at their oldest brother, as if they're trying to figure out what that was all about... but almost think they might know. Cinnamon hastily checks instead with her friends to make sure no questions have been missed. Once that's confirmed, she sighs gustily and tiredly asks, "Okay... can we go now, then? Please?" Her glance at Shane is rather hopeful as she adds, "I could really do with some food and, um... m-maybe a hug? Please?" Jaeger smiles -- and again, it's almost gentle, "Now, boys, you're going to go back to your individual cells until we're sure that letting you loose on the world is going to be more dangerous for you than the world." The Elm elder nods to them, then turns to the others, nodding again in approval as Shane steps forward and wraps his arms around Cinnamon, murmuring against her hair, "Always." Cinnamon sighs and relaxes into Shane's hug, almost snuggling up against him in relief! Her voice is a soft murmur, "Mmmmy cwtch... thank you..." It takes her a few seconds before she finally straightens, though she stays in the warm, comforting circle of Shane's arms. He puts his arm around her shoulders, tucking her against his side as everyone exits. It's only once they're out of the room that Cinnamon blinks slowly, as something registers for her... then glances puzzledly at Jaeger, "Oh. That time... at Elm, when that young man was questioning Veles, before he got better. That... wasn't the young man that got him to talk, was it? It was really you?" Jaeger smiles, "I helped, but it really was my trodmate who did most of the work." Cinnamon smiles tiredly at Jaeger as they all head up the stairs, "Really? Huh. Is that a general Elm thing, then? Or is it just your trod where everyone's super persuasive?" The elder smiles, winks... and doesn't answer past that. Thorn is mentally wincing and scowling at himself. He really doesn't like how he felt in there -- that he might have let any one or all three of them die. Or hit them with a mace across the head. Or even just maybe making them all feel like nettles are wrapped all around them... but no. Stinging nettles are a form of harm. Jaeger slows and rests a hand on Thorn's shoulder, his voice as quiet as if he knows at least part of what Thorn is thinking, "Thoughts and emotions are only part of us. What matters is how we deal with them." Thorn nods quietly to Jaeger. "I'm trying to remember that," he says softly. Jaeger nods -- Thorn is, after all, part of his trod -- and murmurs, "Ask Iason about it." Thorn blinks at Jaeger, then nods soberly, "I will." Up ahead, Shane grins down at his little beloved as they all reach ground level again, murmuring, "The only time I won't be able to give you a hug is mid-battle, acushla." Cinnamon giggles tiredly up at Shane, "So if I want a hug mid-battle, I just gotta stop the battle real fast?" She grins, her eyes dancing as she adds, "Just joking!" Marcus chuckles, "Well, if there's anyone who could do that, it would be a dragon." Cinnamon grins at Marcus, then thinks a moment before she wryly asks the others, "Is it just me that feels... I dunno, kinda... like I need to wash all over? Sort of... tainted now?" Shane smiles wryly, "No, it's not just you." Then he leans down and murmurs against Cinnamon's ear, "Want me to wash your back?" Cinnamon adds a bit heatedly, "They were such..." For a heartbeat she looks faintly guilty -- but darnit, Sparrow was right! "Such sh-sh... shitty people!" Shane and Marcus both look surprised at that -- and then Shane grins and hugs her tight, "Indeed they were!" Cinnamon blushes hotly at her outburst! She responds with relief to the comfort of Shane's hug, not really thinking it through as she mumbles sheepishly against his chest, "Umm... y-yes, please?" Shane smiles and hugs his sweetheart close, "Of course, acushla." He's honestly wondering, though, if she'll actually let him do any such thing. Cinnamon sighs as she straightens, adding, "Gotta get all this information to Spice soonest, too -- oh! Also, guys? I recorded the confessions. If Spice and I can figure out a way to get that to the proper authorities, we can maybe make those doodyheads' lives really difficult in human space!" When they get back to Cinnamon's cottage, there's the smell of something savory wafting through the windows. The little dragon blinks, her head coming up at the delicious scent -- then blushing as her stomach growls loudly! "Umm... mmmaybe, if you guys want, you can all come in for lunch too?" Once everyone's inside, Cinnamon quickly sends out a few messages via runner: one to Diarmaid, asking him to please let her know if there's any soot left behind from her fire-burst. Another goes to Sparrow, telling of the confession of murder regarding the werewolf and "troll-thing," and asking the Trickster if he can get some money to their families, once Spice tells him where it is. The final message goes to Elias, relating the confessed murder of the "gnarly old guy with teeth like a shark's" in the Slavic Chicago neighborhood. It's a small internal shock to Cinnamon, in fact, to realize how (relatively) close that neighborhood is to her childhood home! Of course, she also makes sure Elias knows they intend to try and get some financial compensation -- courtesy of the brothers -- to the bereaved family. She checks: should she contact Olav the Thane for that? Or send it through Elias himself? Cinnamon also eats hungrily, feeling much, much better once she's done so. She'll cheerfully share food with the runner as well, if they seem at all hungry or sniffing at the delicious scents. It doesn't occur to her in the slightest that doing so might seem like 'eating with the help' to, say, Marcus, for example! Fortunately Marcus seems supremely unbothered by her sharing food with the urchins who do a lot of the running on Coblyn. Cinnamon checks interestedly with Spice as well, once she's seated with everyone else: how well padded, financially, are the brothers? Spice smirks, "Between the brothers there was a cool five mil in various accounts. Their benefactors, though? Ohhh... whew. We're talking billionaire territory on at least two of them!" Cinnamon brightens at that, "Oh, awesomesauce, Spicy! We'll be able to help the rez and other folks a ton with that amount!" She grins with shy happiness as she holds up her phone, adding, "Got the confession recordings here, too. Think we can get them to the right authorities to make their lives reeeally difficult?" A message comes quickly back from Elias: he has a couple of ideas on who it might be, and he will do some research. In regards to financial recompense, he replies: 'Many of my kind have no family left; I am fortunate to have the chosen family I do. I'll see if he had any scions.' Cinnamon thinks for a moment, murmuring, "Okay, five mill, and four dead, and we probably should give Caradog something too for holding them... yeah, this works out! -and there should be even more to help the humans too!" She beams hopefully at Jaeger, "Would a million each be okay for the families, do you think?" Again, she really doesn't realize how... unbelievable this would likely sound to the poorer residents of the rez -- she simply wants to try to make things better. Josie says solemnly, "CinCin, a million dollars to someone on the rez would set them up for twenty years or more." Cinnamon tilts her head curiously at Josie, "Only twenty years? Don't they have any good investment portfol-... uhh... wait. I'm being stupid here, aren't I?" She looks embarrassed, "Sorry!" Josie shakes her head and smiles gently, "Not stupid. Just unaware of how things are. It's okay." She's wagging slowly, "Most of them don't trust banks." Thorn murmurs, "I can't say I blame them...." Cinnamon frowns worriedly, "But that... but then... wait, no! This is bad -- it means they can't take advantage of -- of, like, compound interest!" A moment later she puzzledly adds, "Wait, can't they... couldn't John at the Vault, or whoever his equivalent is there... couldn't the rez have its own branch? I mean, even if a few humans are in it too... surely that's not exactly bad, is it?" Josie says gently, "How do you convince the humans... without outing the supernaturals... that this bank can be trusted... unlike all the other banks?" Cinnamon replies promptly, "You don't! You let the humans make their own decisions, based on what they see happening with the supernaturals... and if either the werewolf or the troll guy were part of human families, you set up the money in a fund or trust for them, that disburses just the interest -- if there's enough for that -- or just part of it on, say, a monthly basis... or if the money is for the entire rez, then you let Sparrow and Kestrel tell how they want it set up!" She grins curiously, "I mean... doesn't that sorta seem logical? Plus you don't call it a bank. You call it the Vault, or the Trust or Fund or something... credit union, maybe?" She adds apologetically, "Sorry, that's not my specialty -- usually I just do the book balancing, y'know?" Cinnamon blinks as her phone chooses that moment to sharply bleeen! at her. Picking it up to check... she then squeaks excitedly, "Oh, it's Velya, yay! He says he's gotten permission and a guide to go talk to the Papua New Guinea big man tomorrow, and would like us to be available please on zoom!" She hastily types a bit, then beams at her friends, "Spicy, Shaney, and anyone else who wants, he says it'll likely take all day to hike up to the mountaintop, exchange the ceremonial gifts, and set things up -- so can we be ready to zoom tomorrow morning around seven to eightish! I'm thinking of setting up in my office, so it looks more... more professional? You peeps wanna come too?!" Thorn nods soberly, "That sounds good to me. I'd like to come along if I may." Cinnamon is almost glowing with delight as she nods to Thorn, then nearly bounces in her seat, "Eeee if this works out it'll be number two of the Nusantaran problems fixed -- I'm so excited!" Then she grins at Shane, "He asked specially for you to come, but to not show initially -- I'm guessing he's found something where he wants to surprise someone with a Truthseer!" Shane nods, smirking a little bit, "Of course I'll be there. I'm starting to be the official truth-speaker... and we want to know the guy is talking in good faith." Cinnamon giggles excitedly as she hugs Shane! She personally thinks -- but doesn't quite have the nerve to say publicly -- that Shane can be her official truth-speaker any time he likes! For the rest of that day, Cinnamon and Spice end up working hard to slowly, carefully, and thoroughly track down every last asset they can find, of all of the prisoner-brothers' murderous sponsors. The little dragon wants to be sure they get everything in order to most effectively stop this horrible racist genocide as firmly and permanently as possible... so wiping out all the sponsors, all at once, is the best way she knows of to do so right now. Josie enjoys herself being den-mum to the two younger women, and Shane promises to keep alert to any responses to Cinnamon's earlier messaging to Sparrow, Elias, and Diarmaid. Privately, the half-beansidhe suspects it will take Elias a while to discover if the murdered Chicago vampire had any relatives or other fictive kin, and Diarmaid will likely roar with laughter but not bother the little dragon re her concerns about soot... but it's possible Sparrow or Kestrel will have rapid responses regarding the murders of the werewolf and troll entity, and how to assist their families. Hacking financials has begun to be almost a game for the dragon and her liege-woman! Spice giggles through some of the protocols that have become almost commonplace for her... and Cinnamon grins at her, eyes sparkling as her fingers seem to nearly fly across the keyboard, "Know what I'm wondering, Spicy? We think there's four or five of these jerkfaces, right? So... what if the way they're hiding giving away all this money is as some sort of tax dodge? -and they're claiming that the husband and wife maintain separate accounts? That'd mean it'd only be three or so families -- maybe even just one or two extended families? -- who're trying to pull this nasty garbage. That'd sure make it easier for us to track everything down to wipe them all out... and I can totally see one very large, greedy, arrogant family deciding it rightfully deserves a bunch of land from the rez!" Spice looks up and smirks, "So, like four, five, or six cousins with their own little private fiefdoms..." She tips her head and her fingers dance a little more as she talks, "I'm not quite the fuckin' goddess with birth records that I'm gettin' to be with dirty money, bosslady... but it looks like if we go back about three generations... these fucknuggets are all related -- and..." her expression goes almost feral, "now they're all about to be completely broke incestuous fucknuggets!" Cinnamon giggles at that! "Well, let's make the complete list of everyone's assets first, Spicy -- then we can wipe them all out... in one fell swoop! That way, none of them will have any warning at all, right?" Spice shakes her head, "None of these cockwaffles are trusting enough to put anything in a wife's name. They're all misogynistic pieces of crap." She starts compiling the list, humming as she does so... and Shane blinks and arches a brow, "Dude... wasn't Wagner a Nazi?" Spice pauses, grinning at Shane, "Yeah, but 'Ride of the Valkyries' is great 'I'm about to kick your entire ass' music!" Shane grins and takes out his phone, flipping through until he finds what he wants -- at which point he replies, "If your East Asian-heritage self needs some kind of Viking music to hack to, this might be better!" A second later, 'Immigrant Song' starts to blare from the phone speakers. Cinnamon laughs aloud at that! Spice grins and winks at Shane, head-banging a little. The little dragon grins with wickedly delighted mischief, and focuses on the side tasks Spice gives her, so she can most effectively assist her dear friend... in making sure the entire nasty, genocidal group are utterly erased! Some time later, Spice hmms, "Not all of these folks are bordering Sparrow's rez... but they're all bordering a rez. It's like we're back in the 1800s and they see First Nations as less-than-human." Cinnamon looks disgusted... but then blinks at a sudden thought -- then gets an even more mischievous grin as she pauses just long enough to dash off a quick message to Sparrow! She'll send it via Shane, if he has a moment; the message asks the Trickster if he can give permanent bad luck to the following individuals. The list is of the (fortunately tiny) handful of greedy and arrogant ranchers who were sponsoring the racist brothers -- and includes their addresses, so Sparrow will realize just who these men were, and what motivated them into daring to actually hunt and murder his people! The little dragon figures it won't hurt Spice's efforts at all, after all, if her targets are suddenly long-term afflicted with near-terminally terrible misfortune! While she's at it, Cinnamon also notifies Baird of the brothers' weapons-building lair, and all their former safe-houses -- if anyone can clean those out quickly and completely, it'd be Baird's non-white men. Finally, Cinnamon sends a note to Brynn, letting him know that Russel, the oldest brother/prisoner, is likely gay -- and might that be a hopefully helpful bit of information to help break his terribly bigoted conditioning? Once the hackathon is completed, the final financial account is... substantial. Ranching is lucrative, especially in a country consisting of far more carnivores than vegetarians and vegans combined. On top of that, several of the extended family members had oil on their land... which also explained some of the anti-native attitudes, considering so many of those pipelines run through sacred land. Consequently, what with land, regular bank accounts, secret accounts, businesses and investments, and more... the financial reckoning is not in the millions of dollars, but rather in the obscene realm of billions! Cinnamon is utterly elated! When Spice announces that final number, late that evening, the little dragon does a gleefully huggy victory dance with Shane, Josie, Spice -- whomever is there! Even Sparrow gets an unwittingly more thorough hug than usual from the tired but absolutely elated little dragon! She thanks him fervently for his help with luck, as well. As it turns out, Sparrow and Kestrel are indeed present, because the Trickster has some good news of his own about a West Coast import/export company run by supernaturals that Cinnamon requested he look into. He's found a small-scale company of folks who can handle steel, and do both overland and overseas shipping. They have a small cargo ship, and a large old ex-military transport plane for their company. Kestrel is stunned upon hearing the numbers, and immediately starts thinking of ways it can be used to help the bereaved families, the rez folk in general... and how to make it happen without being too obvious. They seem to want to start with something about firewood. Cinnamon blinks at that -- firewood? Not more water, or food? -- but is happy to leave it in Kestrel's capable hands. The puma shifter smiles, "Of course food and water, but..." Kestrel pulls up result after result on Sparrow's cell phone about elders on the rez who need firewood throughout the winter... and how 'firewood for grandma' is a euphemism for elder care on many reservations. Cinnamon huhs... she learned something new! She also quietly checks with Kestrel and Sparrow regarding somehow getting banking or other similar financial assistance out on the rez -- is that possible, or desirable? She has to now focus on Nusantara, but if there's anything they need from her to help make it so, they should absolutely ask Spice. The fiery little hacker not only is brilliant at setting things up like this, but she can also (should the need arise) call Cinnamon in Nusantara. Kestrel thanks Cinnamon and Spice with warm hugs, and promises to take the credit union idea under advisement. After all, if the People own it, it's different than trusting their money to a bank! Heading out shortly thereafter with Sparrow, the two-spirit is excitedly making plans on what to do with the new money -- but pauses in confusion when Sparrow begins laughing, and just can't seem to stop! Kestrel's voice holds notes of affection and wryness, "What've you done now, sugar?" Sparrow's grin is absolutely wicked -- more wicked than he lets anyone but his sweet mate see, most of the time -- as he teasingly tells them he hasn't done anything! How could Kestrel accuse him of such things?! Kestrel remains amusedly unconvinced, "You're lucky Shane isn't here. You'd be giving him a pounding headache. Out with it." That makes the Trickster laugh even harder as he relates his gentle nudging and suggestions -- which are leading to Marcus actually going along to Nusantara, which gives the Germanic elf a chance with Cinnamon! Kestrel looks more than a little skeptical as they ask why Sparrow is going to such lengths... to which the Trickster explains: "That gal is shaping up to actually bypass Liam as the 13th chair! She's already a'most as good as he was -- and she's just starting! She's tryin' t' take care of everyone, just like Liam did... an' unlike him, she's firmly rooted in this century! She wouldn't believe me if I said that right out loud, though, so I'm doin' th' next best thing -- and makin' sure she's got a team of folks that just can't be beat, to help her take care of the supernatural world!" Later, Shane grins as he hands Cinnamon the response from Diarmaid -- and after reading it, the little dragon giggles a bit embarrassedly! Apparently the big Fomorian found her fire-burst hilarious, well-deserved, and eminently useful -- the brothers have been exceptionally well-behaved since then! He therefore considers any soot remains to be so negligible as to not merit concern -- and then he thanks her! That relieves the little dragon. Cinnamon checks with Spice regarding the eight human families: was the hacker able to get a surreptitious million to each of them? Spice manages to create a fictional 'long lost [insert relative's name here]' for the humans so the money isn't suspicious. She also manages to give each one enough so the net total is $1 million rather than the pre-tax total. Cinnamon is immensely pleased at that, thanking Spice repeatedly! The little dragon expects Jaeger and Elias will need more than a day to figure out who (respectively) the 'fairy' and the vampire were, of course. Jaeger is still trying to hunt down the sidhe, but Elias actually calls Cinnamon, letting her know he was able to find out who the vampire was! Unfortunately the poor murdered man had no family or friends close enough to be family. Cinnamon unwittingly nods to Elias despite being on the phone, "That's okay, Elias, and thank you so much for finding out! I think we'll gift money to his enclave instead, in that case... because if racist garbage is able to track them down, it's a good bet the enclave could use a little more help in keeping all its folks better hidden." She does some quick math after hanging up: a million each for all the murdered peoples' families or enclaves -- that's $12 million. Hmm... maybe tack on another million for each of the supernaturals killed, so their family/enclave can do a better job of hiding, too. Okay, that kicks it up to $16 million. Maybe a chunk to both Spice, and Baird and his men -- and that takes it up to... $21 mill- wait. Shane and Thorn were there too -- they took risks too! Okay, so that becomes $23 million now... Cinnamon has worked with money for all her life, so it doesn't occur to her that this might sound at all incredible or amazing as she swiftly shares her thoughts with Spice, and the little hacker just as swiftly starts apportioning out the money. The little dragon worriedly adds, "Oh, give $2 mill to each of the other rezzes that the creepy murderer cult members lived next to, as well. Hmm..." She glances up at her friends, "Have I missed anyone?" Thorn blinks slowly... he wouldn't know what to do with one million if he was handed it! -which... he has been. He thinks the best thing to do would be to give some of it -- probably the bulk of it -- to the Infirmary... and then some tucked away for a rainy day... probably with a credit union? Shane too blinks slowly at realizing he's suddenly... rich! He immediately begins making plans to send it all to his mum. Of course, Janet is likely to invest some, and donate the rest. She lives frugally on purpose. Cinnamon eyes Shane amusedly as he plans aloud... and then the little dragon quietly texts Spice (so Shane won't immediately naysay her) to put another million for Shane into something like a trust for him -- the little dragon is going to ensure one way or another that her sweetheart is financially secure! Spice grins as she gets to work putting the money where Cinnamon's mouth is! Reactions are likely to start rolling in soon, but Spice is good at making it be something that won't be immediately noticed. After consideration, Cinnamon also has a million (or, in some cases, two) set aside to gift to Caradog (who is being kind enough to imprison the three racist brothers), Brynn (for working so hard on healing them), and the family or enclave which Jaeger is currently researching. After that she considers... then smiles at Spice, "Can we just hold the rest for now, so it's there as we need it?" The little hacker agrees -- she can put it somewhere it will be exceptionally difficult for anyone to find. When Josie teases that Spice found it, so someone else might, Spice looks mortally offended! Thorn has to stifle a bit of a laugh. "I think it'll be safe wherever Spice decides to hide it," he says, then sobers, "I guess that shuffling it around is a bad idea? Does it just sit in an account somewhere in Switzerland? Spice again looks offended! "No one puts their money in Switzerland anymore!" Thorn blinks, "No? What do they do?" Shane grins, "I think she's talking about the Cayman Islands." Thorn ooohs, "Like in the Panama Papers!" Spice nods, "I'm splitting it into multiple accounts. The Caymans have extremely strict banking laws, but I'm not putting all our financial eggs in one fiduciary fuckin' basket." Cinnamon shyly adds, "Weirdly enough, South Dakota makes it really easy to hide who owns bank accounts there... so a lot of unscrupulous folks ended up doing that -- at least while I was doing public accounting?" Spice nods, "Uhm... yeah, but..." she turns her computer around, "at least $1.5 billion of what I found was in South Dakota -- so I'm takin' it the fuck outta there." Cinnamon laughs! "Works for me!" Thorn blinks as Spice casually throws out '$1.5 billion,' then silently shakes his head. That's... an unconscionable amount of wealth while there is still suffering in the world. Early the next morning everyone converges almost at once on Cinnamon's office for the zoom call with Veles. Shane arrives with Cinnamon, of course, since he's been spending every night he can at her place. His apartment has become essentially the place he goes to get clothes, shower, and check the little box outside his door for messages -- his hair is even still a little damp. Thorn arrives for the meeting in his typical 'scrubs' -- really, the unofficial uniform of the Infirmary -- since he doesn't think a suit would make him seem more professional. Spice and Josie arrive together as well, while Cinnamon is there and neatly dressed in her professional work clothes. The little dragon somewhat sleepily peruses the wikipedia page on Papua New Guinea as they all await Veles' call -- then nods, "Ah, here's why there're so many supernaturals there, peeps -- listen to this!" She reads aloud: "Large areas of New Guinea are yet to be explored by scientists and anthropologists. The Indonesian province of West Papua is home to an estimated 44 uncontacted tribal groups," then grins excitedly at her companions, "Is that totally neat, or what?! I wonder if there are uncontacted supernatural tribes too!" A moment later she blinks, "Oh, wow... listen to this too! 'The island is presently populated by almost a thousand different tribal groups and a near-equivalent number of separate languages, which makes New Guinea the most linguistically diverse area in the world.'" The little dragon looks up with a wry grin, "I think it turned out to be a really good idea to send our poor Velya there with the best translating charm we could find!" Cinnamon yawns, then adds, "Sounds like he's up in the highland cloud or moss forest... lots of cool things there! Conifers, tree ferns, a whole bunch of fungi, mosses, orchids... ooh, also birds-of-paradise, parrots, marsupials, and butterflies!" She laughs -- then brightens as the cell phone pings, "Ooh, is that him? Here we go!" Shane perches on the arm of Cinnamon's chair, looking somewhat forbidding -- he's not smiling at all. Spice is in a smaller chair beside Cinnamon, with her tablet in hand, while Thorn is gently nudged to stand behind Cinnamon with Josie. In all, it looks like the little dragon is surrounded by very competent, serious people. Cinnamon adds happily, as Spice briskly clicks things through, "I hope we can spend a little time there, while we're there -- they mentioned the islands having amazing coral reefs and marine life, as well as a bunch of sunken wrecks from World War II ships and airplanes. It's supposed to be some of the best diving and snorkeling in the world!" After that she takes a deep breath... and then she too looks grave and serious as the connection is made, seconds later... and three men come into view. The closest one, of course, is Veles himself -- he gives them a quick wink, then continues working with Spice to solidify the connection. Although she can only see him from the abdomen upwards, the chief or big man looks mostly human to Cinnamon -- about 30 to 40 years old. Maybe he's a shapeshifter species, like Jax was? That'd make sense, if so -- it's surely better to not show one's supernatural tendencies on zoom! The man is dark-skinned, with a short beard on his frowning face, and his dark-brown eyes are narrowed. Some sort of decoratively-beaded wrap, topped with feather tufts, holds back his short, dark, very curly hair, and several single-color strands of beads and/or shells -- in red, black, and ivory -- loosely wrap his throat. A few longer strands drape across his bare chest, and there's some sort of... is it leather? -- wrapped about the biceps of his folded arms. Behind the supernatural man is his interpreter or second-in-command -- someone who seems like an older, smaller, and somehow less... solid? -less trustworthy? -version of him. Behind both of them is some sort of decoratively-carved, wooden-walled building, though Cinnamon cannot see enough to realize the three men are all seated on the porch of a classic large tambaran, or men's house. The little dragon waits for Veles to introduce them all, then politely greets the headman and confirms she's the new councilor for his area. Does he have any questions for her, or can he accept her promise of arrival within six months or so, in order to sign the magic-infused peace treaty? Cinnamon watches in silent interest as Veles translates her words -- he'd texted earlier, asking her to stick to English, as he has a suspicion he wishes to test. Veles has -- as becomes obvious to almost everyone after a moment -- hidden his ability to understand what's being said to the headman. The way his eyes flick to the Big Man's advisor gives the impression, to those who know him, that he's perhaps bumped up against the other man's rough edges. Once Veles is done, the second nods to him, then turns and speaks in quick, emphatic words to the big man. Curiously, as he does so, the big man seems more and more displeased. As the translator speaks and the headman gets more and more frowny, Veles arches a brow subtly toward Shane, on the other end of the zoom call. The half-beansidhe leans in, brows drawn together -- it's difficult for him to do in another language. Still, what's being said is causing a dissonant sound, to him. Cinnamon is a bit puzzled at the big man's deepening frown... but she trusts Veles implicitly here. Thorn too is watching the headman look more and more grim, and wonders just what the translator is saying. Cinnamon hasn't said anything remotely offensive, that the healer can tell! Moments later, Veles' face is calm and still as the translator tries to seem apologetic, while relating what the headman supposedly said in reply. Internally, the former merc thinks he'd be upset as well, if what the translator told the headman was true! In such a situation Veles wouldn't sign either, if Cinnamon were as rude as the translator makes it seem like she's being. Cinnamon waits silently, her eyes flicking from face to face as she waits for Veles to speak to her, while Thorn is very aware of the tension brimming from the headman -- this is... not what he'd expected! Shane looks utterly puzzled as he listens. His acushla was so anxious and stumbly when she first came to Coblyn! Now, though, she's wonderfully diplomatic and put-together... yet the headman still looks incredibly unhappy. Veles is slowly nodding as the advisor speaks... then he turns and supposedly translates for Cinnamon, his face serious with worry and concern -- though his expression and tone don't match his words. His tone sounds essentially like: 'Can you believe this guy?' -- but he's actually speaking in Bulgarian, since he's pretty sure the advisor might know English but won't know Veles' native tongue, "The translator is trying to play us against one another. He's basically telling the headman you're one of Aoi's flunkies, scolding him for being childish and not falling into line. Essentially, he's telling this very respected leader that you aren't the councilor and you are not only disrespecting but also emasculating him." Cinnamon blinks at hearing Bulgarian, but immediately taps mute and whispers the translation so her friends know what's going on. Thorn keeps his expression as neutral as it was, restraining an eyebrow that tries to shoot off into the ceiling. Once Veles is done, the little dragon takes a deep breath and nods once. In Bulgarian she crisply replies, "Okay, got it. Tell me what you need to show this jerk up, and we'll make it happen." After a moment's thought, Veles asks if they can reveal to these two men just exactly who and what Shane is. Cinnamon nods firmly, shifting to English to reply, "Absolutely. Velya, if you're willing, I'd like you to translate, okay?" She straightens a bit when he nods with the hint of a grin, and (effectively) starts over the negotiations, "Honored chief, I am Cinnamon, the 13th Chair and new Councilor for your area of the world. I would like to introduce you to one of my most trusted companions: the Truthseer Shane Elmtrod." She waves a hand towards Shane, sitting grimly next to her, then continues, "Before we continue, please let us know how we can demonstrate we speak the truth to you. Would you like to run a short, simple test?" As Veles faithfully translates Cinnamon's words (and the advisor looks abruptly a little sick), Shane sits up straighter, inclining his head in greeting to the two men; he looks serious and (unsurprisingly) rather noble. He has by now worked up a bit more businesslike and serious version of the two-truths-and-a-lie game he's sometimes used to demonstrate his knack to people. The translator seems reluctant to have such a test, but the headman abruptly insists upon it. Cinnamon silently watches the false translator as Veles, Shane, and the big man run through the testing... then she smiles quietly as the headman declares himself convinced. At that point she has Veles translate for her again, and asks the advisor point-blank: "Did you faithfully translate the words you were told by us?" That, she figures, will give Veles enough warning to be prepared for a near-hysterical denunciation! It doesn't even occur to her that physical violence is an option, after all... she's not of a violently honor-bound society. The translator surprises no one when he shrieks a denial that leaves Shane grabbing his head at the high decibel, sharp tone, and sheer untruth of it -- then launches himself in armed attack on poor Veles! That's when the scarred man reminds people who know him -- and clearly demonstrates to those who don't -- that he is not simply a helpless diplomat. Moving faster than those who know him have yet seen, he turns what seems to be an unarmed civilian brutally attacked by a fully-armed warrior... into a shocked and disarmed warrior flat on the ground -- with Veles' booted foot between his shoulder blades to keep him there. Thorn blinks! -and... it's over! Cinnamon too blinks -- then smiles and murmurs, "Well done, Velya!" She hastily begins speaking again, though, since she's worried the chief may react badly -- he's already snapping something in sharp, angry tones while glaring at the advisor! Despite her lack of training in diplomacy, the little dragon figures absolute truth is the best right now -- so she speaks with great sincerity, "All right, translate again for me, please, Velya?" A deep breath as she hastily arranges her thoughts, and then: "Honored chief -- your attention for just a moment more, please? Believe me, I deeply understand the pain of betrayal when someone you trust implicitly turns around and stabs you in the back. However, I have a serious problem right now, and I need your help!" When the big man hesitates... then gives one tight nod to her, the little dragon continues with internal relief, "I and my companions will absolutely be arriving to meet with you and the lowland supernatural tribe... but we don't know precisely when, and due to travel issues around the world, it may take us several days -- possibly even a few weeks? -- before we can be there to exchange the requisite ritual gifts with you, and sign in person." She sighs, adding, "Worse, the treaty needs to be in place as fast as possible... because the chances of outside humans discovering the supernatural world are unfortunately extremely high where you are right now, due to the tensions caused by your advisor between your people and the lowlanders. So this is my request of you, please: go ahead and sign, and then, while everyone is watching -- including us here -- will you also put in an X for my name? -and just state for the magic that you're making this temporary signatory mark as my trusted representative and at my request, until I can myself arrive and properly sign." She smiles -- hopefully confidently -- as she adds, "I want only people of honor to sign this treaty... and I truly believe you are indeed a man of great honor. Will you do that for me, please, to keep all supernaturals safe from the humans?" The headman's demeanor changes from angry betrayal to one of pride when he's asked to do such a thing by the esteemed 13th chair -- he will be honored to make her mark for her, for the meantime! Further, she will be welcomed with great feasting and honor when she arrives. Cinnamon beams in relief! She knows Veles or his guide will have the treaty with them, and that the lowland headman has already signed... so she watches carefully to see how things go. The big man's posture and expression show how proud he is to be so trusted! The treaty is soon signed, the protective magics flaring into place... and the tenuous peace is both preserved and strengthened. Thorn blinks in surprise. He... he can see the magics in color! This is new to him -- and an unexpected pleasure! He stifles the giddiness, but allows himself a smile. The signing goes very well and the headman then has the translator taken away. It's a... relatively... gentle removal. Cinnamon silently whews! Beneath the camera's view, her hand curls around Shane's, giving him a relieved squeeze; he smiles as he squeezes back tightly. Thorn looks at the little dragon, a little surprised at how well she navigated that rather prickly situation! Shane very subtly and gently strokes Cinnamon's back, petting her to let her know how proud he is of her, without simply squeezing her tight. Cinnamon can't help beaming up at Shane as well! She grins to herself -- she's deeply relieved she was perusing the wiki pages before this call started! There was a little bit in there about the extremely touchy/proud highland tribal cultures, and how easily they fall into open intertribal warfare. That, plus being able to think quickly, she decides, worked really well this time -- and she should remember this for later meetings too! Only once the zoom connection is dropped and the laptop closed, does Cinnamon squeal excitedly, "Number twooo! Woo-hoo, peeps -- we just fixed problem number two!" She bounces to her feet, doing a small happy dance with flurry of hugs for everyone! Shane gives her not just a hug, but a resounding kiss -- which makes the little dragon giggle and blush hotly... but also return the kiss with great (if also nervous) delight, before nearly scampering over to the big map on the wall. Together, she and Spice solemnly read off the issue -- then mark it done, and change the red pin for a green one! Later, after the celebratory feasting and drinking -- and after Veles has had a chance to nurse his aching head free of hangover due to the obscenely strong moonshine equivalent the locals make and drink! -- he checks in with Cinnamon again. By then it's evening for her, and very early morning for him! He laughs quietly at her worried concern as to whether he'd felt insulted by her asking the Big Man to sign for her, instead of asking her liegeman, Veles himself. As he truthfully reassures the little dragon, he wasn't offended at all. Like her, what he most wanted was to get the job done correctly and well. Internally, Veles can't help reflecting with some quiet pride on how far he's come, too. He has now truly become a warrior man of peace... like Jaeger taught him, and like Cinnamon has unwittingly inspired him to be. [Previous Log] [Index] [Next Log] |