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The Knighting at the Royal Levee

The invitation to the next Levee arrives the next morning, already done in florid phraseology. It is hand-delivered by the mouse who was organizing the queen's dance card the night of the ball, and he remains to answer any questions and to point out what some of the honors actually mean in practical terms.

Alex is relieved the mouse is staying, as she has lots of questions! "So... what exactly are the duties of knights of Dunbarton, please? Er... will we be knights of Dunbarton, or what?" Dimitri settles back in the cabin, claiming a small corner for himself, sitting on a bunk, one booted foot upon a chair. He listens, quiet, to the questions.

Horatio peers at the invitation as Alex questions the mouse, albeit listening with one ear. It's not every day that the family gets honored by another nation. He considers. And this isn't the first time it's happened for St. Genevieve, either, he thinks, remembering the small settlement they so recently left for a time.

Her Majesty, the Queen of Maidstone and Northern Sanaray, requests and requires the attendance of the House of St. Genevieve at the Royal Levee, to be held at ten Friday morning, the 16th of April, 470 FL. It is her wish to confer upon your House the title of Royal Companions, and further to honor Major Lord Dimitri St. Genevieve and Lieutenant Lady Alexandra St. Genevieve with the title of Knight of the Realm. (signed) Baroness Morgana DuPrei, Seneschal

Horatio's ears perk. The entire house, as Royal Companions? Carroll raises an eyebrow himself and asks, "All of us are the Royal Companions? Are there any responsibilities to that, or anything else we should know?"

Alex whispers, "Companions..." softly to herself, wonderingly, as she waits for the mouse to reply to her question. She looks a little wide-eyed at all this... she'd never expected this kind of notice!

The mouse nods. "Companions indeed, milord. It means you are honorary members of the Royal Guard, and entitled to carry weapons in Her Majesty's presence."

"Major... Lord?" Dimitri just rubs his muzzle.

Alex blinks, "All of us can? Whoa..." she grins at Carroll, "Did you hear that?" Horatio looks flatly surprised. Good heavens...! Considering the political situation in Maidstone, this will make the dissident nobles absolutely livid!

Carroll nods to Alex and murrs to her, "Quite an honor, and one I wasn't expecting."

The mouse blinks at Dimitri. "You are the second child of Count St. Genevieve, sir. The title is yours by courtesy."

Alex smiles at Dimitri, "Mitya, you know they had to put it on. To not do so would have been insulting to the rest of the family, even if they'd suspected you'd want it so. That's not something they can just guess on!"

"I'm a line marine, Alex. Nothing more, nothing less." Returning to his silence, Dimitri's gaze falls upon the protocol mouse. Waiting for the mouse's answer to Alex's query.

Alex gently nudges the mouse's memory, "So, about my question...?"

The mouse coughs delicately. "Her Majesty feels that this is the least she can do for you in your current... situation. Besides, if the four of you hadn't been there, Lady Alex and Lord Dimitri would not have been able to earn their own higher honors." He pauses, collecting his thoughts before turning to the longer answer to Alex's question.

Alex grins... nicely (AND diplomatically) put!, she thinks.

Carroll doesn't correct his brother with this mouse here, but he flicks his tail when Dimitri talks. He smiles politely and nods to the mouse, listening.

The mouse continues. "A Knight of the Realm does not have any specific duties, milady. It is a title of honor, indicating that you have performed a service to the Crown in your own right, rather than inheriting your position. Continuing duties generally are based on the position you hold in the government or military -- simply with more responsibility. In this case, the title is purely one of honor, though it does mean that you will be able to call on our people for assistance should you need it."

Alex listens attentively, then nods, looking faintly relieved, "Okay, I can do that." She grins happily, "So... about the ceremony. It's at the next levee, I see... should we not wear swords there, or what? Is there anything special we should know, or bring, or do, please?"

"...and vice versa." Dimitri quietly nods. Alex nods at Dimitri's addition.

He pauses. "Her Majesty would expect that you would do nothing to dishonor her, of course. Your vendetta against House Pravinchandra is acceptable, but she would be terribly disappointed if you became common pirates. As for the ceremony -- bring your weapons, please. The Queen's Champion will take charge of them and they will be returned to you as part of the ceremony."

Carroll listens, nodding quietly. Alex looks faintly shocked, then disgusted at even the hint that a St. Genevieve would stoop to common piracy! A little stiffly she says, "We are privateers, sir... we are St. Genevieve." She takes a breath and nods, "But yes, we'll bring our weaponry as you ask." Horatio blinks and frets to himself. His sword... how long has it been since he wore that? At least the queen won't have to worry about them becoming common pirates.

Alex straightens a little, proudly, then nods again, "Very well. Is there anything else?"

The mouse smiles placatingly. "I wasn't really suggesting such a thing, milady, except as a bad example. Her Majesty generally has very good judgement about such things." He thinks for a moment. "I believe that covers everything."

Alex nods, mollified, "Then thank you for your kindness in answering all our questions, sir."

Dimitri pauses for a moment. "Sir... how far has the rumors of what is occurring tonight spread out across the docks?"

The mouse shrugs. "I really don't know about the rumors among the townsfolk, sir." He then winks and bows to Alex as he gets up. "My mother would pull my whiskers out if I was less than helpful to a lady."

Alex laughs! then grins mischievously, "Can't have that -- it'd look so undignified!"

The crew sees the queen's representative back to the shore, and then starts cheering. They seem to feel that this is a good thing, overall. Horatio glances to his siblings, smiling quietly. Alex blinks startledly at the crew -- then breaks out in a delighted grin and waves happily to them!

Alex happily accompanies Dimitri about town as he quietly checks the scuttlebutt on the street concerning the incipient knighting. She's interested to learn the queen has made it a command ceremony for her great nobles -- sounds like Horatio is right! She's also curious as to how the Pravin ship is doing, and how its crew are taking the news of an honor to be awarded to folks that have a vendetta against them. She wonders if any of them are anyone she's seen before... although she knows she's seen only a handful of Pravin folks she'd recognize.

The Pravinchandra ship is nowhere to be seen in the harbor this morning, apparently having left on the evening tide the night of the ball. Their factor in Maidstone does not seem to be pleased, as he is agitating for Starfall's ambassador to lodge a formal protest.

Carroll knows, with ear-piercing certainty, that he picked a good 'look' for the uniforms when he ushers his siblings into his cabin to show them off -- Alex's squeal of delight is probably heard by the crew outside! She nearly throttles Carroll in her enthusiastic hug, then dashes off, uniform clutched in hand, to change. She comes dashing back in moments later and does a delighted pirouette, "Aren't they wonderful? We'll all look SO dashing together!"

    A bright-eyed young girl with proud carriage, her joie du vivre is almost bubbling over with her excitement. She wears (with gleeful panache) high leather boots and dagged rust-colored breeches gathered at the knee. There are hints of soft yellow hosen showing through the multiple decorative dags and slashes, and an antique gold undertunic glows similarly from within the wide, full sleeves of her gold-buttoned and -embroidered, dashingly scarlet, rich velvet vest. She wears her full feathered, rust velvet, rolled hat at a jaunty angle to allow one silver-ringed ear to be seen, and her obviously-worn, practical heavy rapier depends from the same sturdy leather belt she's tucked her gloves into.

Carroll murrs, "The family will stand out a bit, which is good, I think."

Horatio blinks, watching Alex dash off then dash back in. "There'll be uniforms not only for us but for other officers in the crew, I take it?"

Alex grins at Horatio, "We are the crew officers that will be there, silly!"

Horatio says, "Er, I know, Alex, I meant, that is, non-family officers."

Dimitri nods quietly, straightening out his fancified dressy whites, still a bit uncomfortable in them. He looks up to Alex, however, and nods. "You and Carroll look wonderful."

Alex blinks at Dimitri puzzledly, "So will you, silly... scarlet and gold looks marvelous on black!"

Dimitri softly growls, "I thought I did. You said so last week, at the Levee."

Alex looks confused, "Thought you did what? I said what?"

Carroll looks at his brother and asks, "Is something wrong with the uniform?"

Alex beams at Carroll, glowing, "It's wonderful, Carroll!" She does a few happy dance steps, unable to contain her enthusiasm as she crows, "No dresses for meeeeee!"

Dimitri softly growls, "What I wore. And the uniforms suit you and Alex, Carroll."

Alex looks up at Dimitri and grins, "Silly, you wore your dress whites last time! Wear this, this time-" she straightens proudly, "Our family's uniform -- that we picked for ourselves!"

Carroll uhms, and murrs, "There are uniforms here for you and Horatio too, Dimitri. Did I get the sizing wrong? The tailor can fix that, if I did."

Dimitri softly growls, "They suit you and Alexandra and probably Horatio too, Carroll."

Horatio blinks and gulps a little, taking in a deep breath. "Well! I should try it on, then!" He grins to himself as he gathers the uniform and slips off to his worksho- no, cabin, returning several minutes later.

Alex tilts her head at Dimitri, "They suit you too, Dimitri. What's the problem here?" She beams at Horatio as he leaves with his uniform, calling after him, "You'll look great, Horatio, don't worry! And I'll straighten your collar for you, okay?" Her tail is swishing happily back and forth... she looks like she's just barely repressing an urge to prance around excitedly!

Horatio gives his sister a mock-indignant Collar? Me? look, tempered with a wan grin, before disappearing into the cabin.

Carroll beats his sister to Horatio, stopping him as he comes in, and making several minor adjustments to his clothing, also smiling cheerfully, and murring, "That's very nice indeed, Horatio." when he's through, and stepping out of the way so the impatient Alex can see.

Dimitri quietly shrugs, looking back. His eyes slowly narrow... like when he knew he was heading into a disagreement with Father. "If you had bothered to ask me first, I would have been able to say it really wasn't necessary. You can take the tailoring bill out of my ship's allowance, Carroll, so you won't have lost anything."

Horatio blinks as it is Carroll, not Alex who intercepts him, then smiles quietly and spreads his arms. He glances over at Dimitri and Carroll and, just like the arguments between his older siblings and Father, lapses into a nervous, uncomfortable silence.

    A bit shy of five and a half feet tall, Horatio is the shortest of the St. Genevieve sons, and the youngest. He has some noble fox features to him, though they certainly appear muted and subdued. He wears the uniform of his family, a pair of russet breeches tucked into a pair of high leather boots, folded down at his knees. Close across his chest is an elegant scarlet vest, finely embroidered and buttoned in gold, but not expensively so. Beneath the vest he wears a pale yellow undertunic, also modestly embroidered but still fitting for a noble's son. Perched snugly and evenly atop his head is a rolled russet velvet hat, and across his chest is the dull leathern strap to his ever-present satchel, though interestingly his sword is not present.

Alex giggles at Horatio delightedly! then blinks blankly at Dimitri. Her voice is a little wondering, "Dimitri... you don't want to look like me- us?"

Carroll looks quizzically at Dimitri and asks, "Why wouldn't it be necessary? You are one of the family."

Dimitri shakes his head, quiet. "The dashing clothes, the sharp airs. They suit you, Carroll. And Alex and Horatio. The finery matching of a uniform court and all its panoply. It fits you. It doesn't fit me."

Alex looks shocked, then pales and says slowly, "You're saying, Dimitri, that you don't want to seem to be part of our family? -that you don't want to look like me and be seen by all as my brother?!"

Dimitri starts, quiet. "That's not what I said."

Alex says heatedly, "Then why don't you want to look like us?! Are you ashamed of us?!"

Dimitri stops, quiet. "No."

Carroll looks at Dimitri, and murrs, "I could counter with the fact that taking over other ships by force and fighting for our reputation doesn't suit me but that you seem to do it very well. We are all doing things we are both good at and not good at." He pauses, and then adds, "Instead I'll ask. Please, Dimitri, will you wear the uniform at court?"

Alex opens her mouth to reply heatedly again, her eyes bright with hurt -- then stops to let Dimitri reply to Carroll uninterrupted. Dimitri clarifies quietly. "I am not ashamed of you. That's what I meant." Alex takes a deep breath, her hackles settling in relief. She takes another deep breath, then walks over to stand in front of Dimitri. She takes one of his strong hands in both of her small ones and looks up at him quietly, "Dimitri... please? Tonight? We're both going to be knighted... I..." she bites her lip, thinking, then says softly, "I would be very proud to stand next to you, in the same uniform as you for once. I... I can't wear the Blackpool's Marines one, and I probably never will. But... just for tonight, please, would you wear our uniform? Something both of us can share?"

Dimitri slowly closes his eyes. He then shrugs, quiet. "Fine, Alex."

Alex sighs and leans her head against Dimitri's chest, putting both arms around him in a tight hug. She just stands there for a moment, eyes closed herself... then quietly whispers, "Thank you..."

Carroll doesn't say anything. He glances behind him and then finds a place to sit, apparently looking for some trifle or other he wanted to have on his person.

A carriage arrives for your party at 9 o'clock on the morning of the Levee. The mouse is along again -- he seems to have been assigned to St. Genevieve on a semi-permanent basis. He compliments their attire and settles back to review the ceremony with them as the carriage bounces up the hill toward the Palace.

Alex glows happily at the compliment and thanks the mouse pleasantly. She listens attentively to the ceremony outline, not wanting to make any embarrassing mistakes that might reflect poorly on the family. Horatio pays attention as well, though of course his own role is going to be relatively minor. However, knowing what happened at the ball, he's not so sure that this time will be as peaceful as the last levee. Carroll pays attention to the ceremony description, and makes sure he has a good grasp of what is going to happen, and what his part in it will be.

    The fox you're looking at, Carroll Waynewright St. Genevieve, seems completely at ease in the uniform that denotes him Captain of a ship. His vest, a rich scarlet velvet trimmed in gold and embroidered with the family crest, covers a yellow undertunic. He wears a pair of rust-colored breeches which reveal, through their dags and slashes, soft yellow hose. He wears a brooch at his breast, of sparkling gold and a few tiny diamonds, the pentacle and sword both the family's crest and note of his station. Gold cufflinks and watch-chain gleam subtly from his sleeves and vest. Completing the outfit is a feathered, rust velvet, rolled hat, which he wears with style and casual elegance. His russet fur seems to glow with life, the white under his muzzle and the flash at the end of his full tail standing out against the red-brown of his jacket and breeches, which blend well with his own fur.

The carriage goes to a side entrance to the palace. Stepping down, the mouse introduces the foxes formally to the tigress that is waiting for them. "Milords, milady, may I present the Queen's Champion, Baroness Dame Ludmilla Kerensky."

Alex is bubbly with excitement -- she sweeps an elegant bow with her feathered hat in hand, and comes up with her eyes sparkling. Carroll smiles and bows, murring, "Good morning, Baroness Kerensky. It is a pleasure to meet you in more formal circumstances."

Horatio uh-ohs, and bows quickly to Ludmilla as they are introduced. Dimitri very stiffly and very formally ducks his muzzle. "Dame Kerensky."

    Midnight. Coal black he is, with fur as rich as a starless nighttime sky. His eyes are dark, half lidded, like a sea whose deep currents are dead and still this evening. His sharply chiseled muzzle is ducked, quiet. From one flat ear sparkles three rings of gold, as plain as any crest, campaign rings of Blackpool's Marines. His pace is measured, with russet breeches tucked into his black polished boots, his dull yellow tunic bound by a vest the color of blood, finely embroidered in fancy court gold. A matching hat rests uncomfortably upon his head, and his long lush tail, with its one splash of red, is still and down.

Ludmilla nods. "Zhdrazvuts'ye. The queen ask me to set t'ings up for dis formality." She gestures inside. "Dis way." She leads the way to a sitting room. Alex patters along right behind Ludmilla, standing very straight and tall (for her), looking around her with interest and occasionally unconsciously but proudly flicking her left ear. Carroll smiles and attempts to follow the elder of his two brothers, and sister -- the honored ones today -- and the tigress. Horatio follows along after Carroll and Alex, fidgeting only a little. However, despite Carroll's attempted courtesy, Dimitri gloomily insists on being last, beshadowed by silence.

Ludmilla turns to let the siblings -- and their guide -- enter the room first, then follows. She turns to the mouse. "Zo. Matt'ew, you have explain dey will be last ones in, and we start ceremony immediately after?" The mouse nods. "And that you will be holding their weapons at that point, since only the Champion has any right to ask a Companion for their weapons." The mouse points at Horatio. "He isn't carrying a weapon, actually... maybe borrow that bag of his and hand it back for the ceremony? Unless you've got a rapier hanging around somewhere?"

Alex watches with interest, glancing at Horatio to see if she can tell what he'd like to do. Dimitri finds a quiet corner spot to just listen. Horatio blinks, and pulls his satchel off. Likening it to a rapier is rather appropriate, actually, he feels. "No, this would be fine, thank you, milady Baroness..."

Alex studies her scholarly brother thoughtfully... it must have taken courage to decide to be who and what he wanted to be. She doesn't want that taken from him... she looks at Ludmilla and Matthew, "He's right, of course. Use the satchel. It's the sign of his station on our ship."

Ludmilla hefts it and hears the *clink* of flasks. "Vat is in dis?"

Horatio tries not to adjust his collar nervously. "I packed light today, milady Baroness," he provides. "Several vials of healing concoctions, as well as a selection of poison antidotes. I er, am not casting doubt on the security that will be here, but with the number of nobles here today I felt it prudent to be prepared..." Alex beams proudly at Horatio -- he's well prepared, he's not fidgeting, and he's standing up straight under Ludmilla's gaze!

Ludmilla gives Horatio a keen look and the ghost of a smile -- the first any of the siblings have seen on her -- brushes across her lips. "Good t'oughts, da." Horatio smiles, albeit a touch shakily, and inclines his head to Ludmilla for the compliment. Carroll watches this interplay silently, and quietly approving. He makes a mental note to tell Horatio how well he's done today.

Dimitri without a word hands the Queen's Champion his long, ricassoed sword. Carroll removes his rapier and gives it to the tigress, in turn. Alex carefully unbuckles her rapier, folds the belt neatly about it, and hands it politely with both hands to Ludmilla. She's proud of that rapier... Dimitri gave it to her. She pats it lightly and proprietarily, once, as Ludmilla takes it. She wonders thoughtfully how one becomes a Champion of the queen... that would be an interesting story, she thinks.

Ludmilla nods to Dimitri. "Spasebo. Ve give dis back soonest." She collects the weapons just as Matthew pops back in. "All of them have arrived, Champion. I think it's time to start."

Ludmilla disappears by another route as Matthew leads the siblings back through the palace to the Great Hall. The baboon once again announces names and titles to the assembled notables, in a much more crowded room than the previous week. Ludmilla is already there, standing behind the Queen in her usual position.

    The Royal Levee takes place in the Great Hall of the palace, a long room paneled with the finest woods and furnished with the highest quality fabrics and craftsmanship. Queen Arianna presides from a simple throne at one end, where the guests are presented to her. Security is maintained by a guard detail of twenty armsmen, ten on each side of the Hall, in formal uniforms with the green-on-green of the House of Dunbarton -- the queen's personal bodyguard, a cold-eyed tigress, stands behind her and follows her around when the presentations are completed and the queen mixes with her guests.

    Queen Arianna is perhaps not overly pretty, but her features have a regal strength to them, and her eyes are penetrating. The queen is a completely dark-phase fox, her fur black as midnight, and is shorter than she seems, her 160 cm. somehow larger than life with the force of a dynamic personality. She is elaborately coifed and gowned today, unusual for a Levee, her favored forest and emerald greens embellished with silver and her black headfur carefully curled and highlighted with auburn tints. Her crown is a fanciful lacework of gold and ruby and she has matching gold and ruby rings on each hand.

Alex glances around with interest, standing very tall and proud... she'd guess a certain raccoon guardsman isn't here today though! Carroll enters the room, smiling pleasantly and looking over the assembled people. Seeing Ludmilla already in position he notes there must be other paths to the throne, filing this away quietly. Dimitri's ears lie flat, and his narrowed eyes dart about the crowded room. Horatio glances around as well, with interest, but also, almost instinctively, starting to watch his siblings' backs. Alex's eyes widen slightly as she notices the queen's elaborate garb... so Horatio's righter than I realized... she certainly seems to want to poke her great nobles today! Alexandra grins a little mischievously to herself, her head high -- her family's honor can only be helped by today!

The Great Nobles are indeed present with their retinues, obvious by the matching livery. Duke Erenos Redtail is a huge and imposing bull elk, 250 centimeters tall (including the antlers) and the only person in the room bigger than Ludmilla. He is dressed in immaculate pale blue and white, a simple tunic and trousers -- bulky clothing would not be a good idea on this furr. Tak Wingswift, Duke Vortalon, is an elderly falcon, his feathers faded and ragged with age. His golden eyes are still keen over a hooked beak though, and he still looks quite capable of defending himself if it ever came to that. He is wearing a kilt and tunic of black with crimson trim. Minerva Lascarri, Duchess White Haven, is still a very attractive mink, though she is definitely showing signs of middle age. Her gown today is red, with a white undertunic and decorations. She is not showing quite as much décolletage as she does sometimes, but the gown is still obviously unstable if she should happen to sneeze.

On the other paw Cornelius Octavian, Viscount Westmark, appears to be just as eccentric as the rumors report. The cougar's grizzled headfur is done up in ringlets, and he is dressed in what appears to be an actual toga from the Karadan Empire's early days, white trimmed with royal purple. His attendants are dressed in bronze armor with plumed helmets -- the whole thing is more than a little outlandish. The guardsmen along the walls have been increased to thirty -- the familiar face of a certain raccoon is indeed among them.

Alex raises an eyebrow at sight of the raccoon, then nods to herself internally... they must be still trying to track down his accomplices. Or, she reminds herself sternly, he could just be stupid and innocent of this!

Queen Arianna nods to her chamberlain, and the room quiets down as he taps a staff on the floor to direct attention to the Queen. She stands. "As many of you know," she starts out, her gaze sweeping across her assembled subjects, "-there was an attempt on my life four days ago, thwarted by the actions of these valiant furrs. In recognition of their service to the Crown it pleases me to confer on House St. Genevieve of Starfall the rank of Companion to the Crown."

There is some murmuring at that announcement; apparently it was unexpected, after all. Even a few of the guards look surprised. The queen nods to the siblings.

Dimitri stands silent, two paces behind his three siblings. He listens to the honors brought upon them. Alex beams proudly at hearing her family name. Her pace forward is smooth, her head still high. Carroll makes sure he's with the rest of his family, and approaches the Queen. Horatio again manages to avoid adjusting his collar, and steps forward with his siblings. Dimitri follows, his pace slow. There is the touch of cold steel in each step, too crisp, too disciplined, too clipped.

The Queen goes down the line accompanied by Ludmilla, carefully resettling each fox's weapon on them (though she can barely lift Dimitri's greatsword) and slipping a gold crescent and tree medallion on a green-and-green ribbon around each neck. "In recognition of your service to the Crown." Another puzzled murmur, rapidly hushed, follows the queen's settling Horatio's leather bag back over his shoulder... and then all four weapons have been restored.

Carroll smiles to the Queen, both pleased and proud of this honor, nodding to her nearly imperceptibly. Alex stands very straight and proudly, her eyes sparkling with excitement and her tail happily fluffy. She bows slightly when she receives her weapon again, and if the queen happens to meet her eyes Alex can't resist... the queen gets a delighted grin from her! Horatio gulps, not unaware of the unusual effect that the satchel has on the crowd. He arises with his siblings. Dimitri reaches forward so that his long heavy blade does not off balance the Queen for but a moment. His head ducks, his ears flat, matching the still fall of his tail. His eyes never meet the Queen's; they just tarry upon stone and tile.

Ludmilla growls, "Arise, Companions of t'e Crown! May you prrove vort'y of t'e trust Her Majesty shows in you today!" The chamberlain leads a cheer at this point. A few of the furs do not appear all that pleased to be joining in, but no one quite dares to refuse -- and most of the noise appears to be genuine.

Carroll looks over at the tigress, and then back at the Queen, calm and hopefully reassuringly. Dimitri slowly stands, holding his blade with both paws perhaps two feet apart upon the black scabbard. Horatio lets out a silent sigh, smiling with the applause. Alex beams exuberantly over her shoulder at her siblings! -then turns slowly in a circle, one hand on the pommel of her sword, enjoying the moment and gazing at the court. Her eyes are still sparkling with delight. Alex is also curious as to who looks pleased and who does not... but that won't detract from her personal pleasure and familial pride just now! Dimitri is still and unmoving. He waits patiently for whatever the next cue is. He has no smile.

The noise dies back soon enough. The queen continues, "And to Lord Dimitri and Lady Alexandra, whose quick actions saved my life, I confer the rank of Knight of the Realm. Milord, milady?" She gestures to the space in front of the throne.

Alex steps forward and kneels carefully and gracefully. Dimitri slowly turns and slowly kneels, his head bowed. His sword is placed upon the tiles before him, before the young queen. Horatio glances around surreptitiously as the two step forward.

Queen Arianna takes a sword from Ludmilla. "Dimitri St. Genevieve, in recognition of service to the Crown, I dub thee," tap right shoulder, "Sir Dimitri," tap left shoulder, "Knight of the Realm." She taps the sword lightly on his head. "Alexandra St. Genevieve, in recognition of service to the Crown, I dub thee," tap right shoulder, "Dame Alexandra," tap left shoulder, "Knight of the Realm." She taps the sword lightly on her head. "Arise, Sir Dimitri, Dame Alexandra." The queen is smiling now, infected by Alex's good humor.

Alex rises carefully, one hand on the pommel of her rapier so there's no chance whatsoever that she tangle her feet up in it -- disaster! can't have that! -- and beams delightedly at the queen! A moment later she remembers her manners and sweeps a slow and elegant bow to the queen, doffing her feathered hat with a swirl as she does so. Her eyes are still bright with enthusiasm and excitement as she straightens.

Dimitri doesn't look up and just leans forward, until his head touched his sword. He leans back, quiet. "My sword, yours to ask, mi'Lady Majesty." And when he rises it is with a simple respectful bow, respectful and proper but somehow artificial, as a young lordling might his catechism repeat before a roomful of adults.

Carroll beams proudly at his sister and brother, as pleased as he can be by this honor bestowed on them. A little bit of mischievousness creeps in to his grin as he thinks to himself, 'If only Father knew...' He can imagine both how pleased and horrified their Father would be to have Alexandra where she is now.

Alex will wait and carefully cue off Dimitri so she steps back with him... she wants everyone to know she and her darkphase brother are a team! Dimitri pauses, quiet. "After you, Sir Alexandra." Alex grins happily at Dimitri and tucks a hand through his arm as she paces proudly back to her siblings! Dimitri lets Alexandra drag him away, his pace too measured to match hers properly. Alex adjusts her pace to Dimitri's. She'll not let anything ruin today for her and her brother, even though she's not sure why he's behaving so poorly. Horatio smiles widely at the two as they are knighted, stepping to the side a bit to let them fall in with Carroll and himself. Alex wishes idly she knew more folks here... she has this sudden odd desire to wave to friends and share this wonderful day with them!

The queen sighs, so lightly that only Dimitri hears it. Her sigh is answered by a flicker of his ears. He heard. The Levee returns to its usual pattern now, furrs briefly talking to the queen in turn. The four Great Nobles exchange glances, apparently jockeying for points even here, and Matthew reattaches himself to the group. "There, that wasn't so bad, was it?"

Alex beams happily at Matthew, still glowing, "It was fun actually, Matthew, thank you!" She grins mischievously as she glances around the court, "I wonder if it was fun for the queen also?"

Horatio grins softly. "No, it wasn't bad at all, actually..."

Carroll smiles to the mouse and murrs, "I have to agree with my sister, it's been very pleasant." He looks around the room some more at each of the four nobles.

Matthew smiles. "It's hard to tell, but I think so. She always enjoys rubbing noses in things, and she's certain that someone here has just had their nose rubbed deeply in the failure of a plot."

Alex beams cheerfully at Horatio too, "You look quite sharp, Horatio! I think that dagging looks elegant on you!" She sighs happily, adding, "The only thing that could make it more perfect... would be dancing..."

Dimitri takes a few steps away into the crowd, disentangling himself from Alex, finding a stray corner, a stray shadow where he can remain out of traffic, out of sight, out of mind. Alex watches Dimitri's hasty departure with puzzlement, her head tilted... then sighs softly, sounding unwittingly much like the queen, and does her best to support the family for the both of them again. She smiles at Matthew, "So... what's next?"

White Haven soon descends on Carroll, smiling in a bit of assumed camaraderie. "You seem to be doing quite well for yourself, milord." Alex blinks at the lady's um... artfully balanced scaffolding -- then smiles and bows politely as she speaks to Carroll.

Carroll turns to face the mink, even as she approaches, and smiles, giving her a pleasantly cheerful bow, and greeting her, "Good morning, Duchess White Haven." He responds to her statement with a grin, and, "Not how I would have planned to have been noticed by the crown, but I'm pleased we could be of assistance in thwarting the attempt."

The duchess grins. "I suppose that's true. Have you heard anything about the assassin? Everyone is wondering who could have wanted to do such a thing."

Carroll looks to his siblings and murrs, "You remember Duchess White Haven, of course?" and then introduces both of them and the mouse to the Duchess, briefly, making sure everyone has everyone's name.

The Duchess acknowledges the introductions. "Dame Alex, Lord Horatio...Oh, Matthew's mother and I are old friends. I've known him since he was just a kit."

Alex bows politely again, still smiling. Horatio bows as well to White Haven with his other siblings as his brother introduces him. Alex grins at the Duchess and Matthew, remembering how that would make her tail kink up when she was just a kit herself, to be remarked on so casually by old family friends! She covers her grin, then glances curiously over at the queen, wondering if she's still having any fun.

Dimitri watches those orbiting the queen, and those watching them... his eyes narrowed, no shine in them this morning. He leans on his great sword like a staff from his shadow-cloaked corner. The queen is working through the line of petitioners, Ludmilla scowling even more ferociously than usual.

Alex grins quietly to herself, realizing what White Haven really wants is Carroll's undivided attention... she looks around curiously, wondering what interesting things to do or people to talk to there are here. Carroll murrs in response to the mink's question, "I only know what I saw at the Ball, and that the assassin was taken off by Dame Kerensky, and that any sort of inquiry is probably in her capable hands."

The mink frowns ever so slightly. "Oh, yes, Baroness Ludmilla. No one ever seems to call her by her full name any more. Yes, I'm sure things are in capable hands."

Alex grins quietly to herself again, thinking guess who isn't bestest buddies with the big ole scary bodyguard! She covers another grin, thinking sternly to herself, STOP that! Watching the queen, she wonders why Ludmilla's unhappy... or is she? She wonders if queens get time off.

Carroll nods and murrs casually to the Duchess, "I just learned her full name today in fact, and it seems a pity not to pay her the proper respect by not using it." He eyes the buffet and asks of the mink, "Have you had breakfast?"

The duchess grins. "Only one. How kind of you to ask." She lets Carroll lead her toward the buffet.

Carroll smiles, and murrs to the Duchess as they move a bit away, "I hope you don't consider my having not contacted you any sort of affront." He gestures sort of vaguely all-inclusively at the Levee, and murrs, "I have had several unusual events to prepare for in the last week."

Alex smiles and shrugs faintly at Horatio, then grins and tucks a hand into his arm, "Let's get something to eat too, shall we?"

Horatio blinks as Carroll and White Haven move off. Only one... breakfast? he puzzles over this turn of phrase, wondering if it's some odd kind of... well, he's not sure what it could mean. He nods to Alex. "Sure, I'm feeling a bit hungry..." He grins. "'Sir Alexandra.' It has a nice ring to it. I thought you didn't like being called 'Alexandra,' though?"

Alex beams with cheerful delight at Horatio, "For a sir I don't mind, Horry!" Then she blushes faintly, "I'm sorry, I meant to say Horatio... I'm still a little astonished at all this!"

Horatio laughs softly, offering his arm to his sister. "Don't worry about it, no reason you should stop calling me that now and again! I can imagine. I'm still a bit surprised myself."

Alex grins and whispers softly to Horatio, "Isn't it strange? I have the wildest urge to dance around and sing and stuff! This is so much fun!"

Horatio grins, and lets his own voice drop as they near the breakfast table. "You certainly got a smile from the queen..."

Alex giggles delightedly at Horatio, "Did you see that also? For a moment she looked like she was having fun too!" Alex will happily work her way down the breakfast table with Horatio, nibbling this, trying that, sipping from her glass and generally glowing with pleasure at the world in general.

Dimitri apparently has not faded out well enough...his flat stare discourages several well-wishers, but after a few minutes the tall Duke Redtail approaches him. Dimitri just looks back, watching this noble approach. Redtail bows a bit stiffly in greeting. "Sir Dimitri. May I have a moment of your time?"

His stance only subtly shifting, Dimitri ducks his head, an equally stiff motion, returning to rest his chin against his sword's pommel. "A moment."

The elk nods. "Find out who did this. The queen is convinced that I had a hand in her father's death, and her Champion seems to agree with her. If she had died I suspect that the tigress would have devoted herself to my demise. I am not fond of being framed, milord."

Dimitri's reply is flat, as if he was consciously remembering matters taught and unfamiliar. "My noble Duke. You ask the wrong St. Genevieve. My Sir Sister is much more skilled in the manners of the court, and not me." Dimitri shrugs, an uncomfortable motion. "And I am the Queen's fox now. If you wish, noble Duke, I shall tell her of your request and see how she bids me."

Redtail sighs. "I doubt she will believe me, young sir. I was hoping to persuade you to look in other directions. Her death would not be good for the Kingdom. Good day then." He turns and walks away, collecting his people and departing. Dimitri simply watches the elk depart, silent. Carroll doesn't fail to notice the departure of the other noble, and that he was talking to his brother. He sighs a small sigh, but continues along with the lady mink, as they collect breakfast.

Duke Vortalon intercepts Alex at the buffet. "Good morning, Dame Alexandra. Have you tried the oysters? They're quite good."

Horatio's ears perk at the Duke's question. Oysters? For breakfast? Alex smiles at the duke, "Good morning your grace." She eyes the oysters dubiously, then cheerfully verbally dodges, "So, have you met my brother Horatio? Horatio, this is Duke Vortalon." Alex doesn't shudder, but does firmly turn her back on the hideous, slimy little things... they're probably gloating at me in those nasty little shells!

Horatio inclines his head to Duke Vortalon. "A pleasure to meet you, Your Grace, and a good morning to you."

Alex beams cheerfully at the Duke, her natural mood reasserting itself, "Actually I've been rather enjoying the strawberries... they're yummy!"

The Duke makes a small bow and brushes his wingtip against Horatio's hand. "Milord. You furrs have been a bit busy since your arrival, it seems."

Alex nods and smiles, "Our vendetta has indeed taken up a great deal of our time. Still... such is the demands of family honor." She grins quietly internally -- hopefully she's not forgotten all of Nanna's teachings on court manners!

Horatio's ears flicker. He couldn't be referring to the little brawl we got into a few nights ago, could he? "We've been a little busy, yes. It's been keeping us very occupied."

Vortalon shrugs. "You've found enough spare time to get involved in... local situations, as well. I wish to add my thanks to the Queen's. While we have certain... disagreements, her death would have been most unfortunate."

Alex ergs internally -- she does not want her family dragged into petty squabbles here! She just smiles quietly, "Ah... well, I must admit it was more a case of being in the right place at the right time. I'm sure anyone here, faced with an incipient murder, would have done the same, don't you, your grace?"

The hawk's immobile face doesn't show expression well, but he clacks his beak in mild disagreement. "Almost anyone, I suspect. But some would not have -- someone sent that assassin, after all."

Alex tilts her head, thinking... then nods, "You have a point. I... suppose in a way I'm glad I'm not in her majesty's position. It must be tiring after a while." She adds curiously, "Has there been any news on the investigations?" which, she hopes, will prevent the duke asking her or Horatio that question first! Horatio listens quietly, letting his sister -- the knight in this little conversation, after all -- having the center of the Duke's attention.

The hawk shakes his head. "Her majesty doesn't always confide in us, I'm afraid. Partly our own fault, I suspect... I was hoping you knew something I didn't."

Alex looks curious at that statement, but politely isn't nosy, "Um... well, to be perfectly honest, your grace, she probably doesn't feel she knows us well enough to confide in us?" She hesitates... then again, he wouldn't mention it if he really didn't want to talk about it, surely? Carefully she tries, "Er... surely the queen would confide in at least one of her great nobles?" Horatio looks mildly uncomfortable at the turn the discussion this is taking. He starts considering verbal escape routes, not his forte.

"Or perhaps you know better than to break her confidences to you, Dame Alexandra." Vortalon pauses. "Hmm...You would think so, wouldn't you?"

Alex sighs softly and smiles, "I don't know what it's like to be a confidant of a queen, no, your grace." She wonders idly if this is what this entire meeting was for, for the duke... to see if the queen's talking to Alex. Well, if so he should lose interest soon. She grins at Horatio's growing discomfort, then hands him her glass and says gently, "Could you get me a refill please, Horatio?"

The hawk nods. "Perhaps not. Are you sure you won't try the oysters?" He takes another one. "How about the escargot?"

Horatio ohs! and accepts the glass. "Certainly, shan't be long..." He slips off to get the glass refilled.

Alex nods internally -- looks like she's right on the money, as far as what the conversation was about. She makes idle chat with the duke 'til he wanders off... she smiles quietly to herself. Shouldn't take long. She glances over curiously at the queen, and suddenly understands why Arianna seems to dart off right after things like this. An entire conversation with a duke, Alex thinks amusedly to herself, and neither of us said anything we really wanted to talk about!

Shifting his balance, the dark fox is so patient. Dull, grim, a pup in a corner.

Horatio finds the beverage section of the buffet and is in the midst of getting Alex's glass filled when he suddenly finds himself standing next to the archaically dressed Viscount Westmark. "Forsooth, young sir. And what manner of weapon is it, that thee carries it about in a leather purse?"

Horatio erks silently, and manages a smile to Viscount Westmark. "Ah... I am a scholar, sir, and the ship's navigator, and what I carry with me are the tools of my profession. I work better with them than with a sword, after all..."

Westmark harrumphs. "And a navigator is made a Companion? Never would such a thing have transpired in the time of King Karl the Great. Whatever is the world coming to..."

Alex glances up at Horatio, a short distance away, thoughtfully. She can't hear what's being said, but that was quite the distinctive harrumph! She checks visually... how does Horatio look? Does he appear to need backup? Horatio smiles wanly. "If I may, your Excellency, I also am a scholar of alchemy, of natural studies, and ballistics. Also, I am hardly in a position to comment on being made a Companion."

The cougar shakes his head. "'Tis the nature of things, I fear. Welladay, young sir. Enjoy thy exalted rank, howe'er ye came by it." He wanders off again. A cougar lass about Horatio's age, enough like Westmark in appearance to be a daughter, shrugs apologetically and follows. Horatio simply blinks in surprise as the duke wanders off. He inclines his head politely to the younger cougar and, bemused and quizzical, makes his way back to Alex. Alex watches alertly as the duke wanders away from Horatio... then smiles faintly and goes back to her quiet nibbling and watching of the court.

Horatio returns momentarily with Alex's drink-glass refilled, proffering it to her. Alex smiles at Horatio, "Thanks, Horatio." She makes a mental note -- next time figure out some cue or code word so Horatio knows he doesn't have to rush right back to a situation he wants away from! She waits 'til she and Horatio are alone, then whispers quietly to Horatio, "You know, Horry, if you're uncomfortable in a conversation and I hand you my glass for refilling... you don't have to come right back!"

Horatio blinks, and grins softly. "Me? I thought you were the one being uncomfortable."

Alex grins, "Horatio, don't ever worry about me in conversations. I'll either talk to them or not. I'm more worried about you being uncomfortable!"

Horatio nods, grinning still. "I'll remember that, Alex, and thank you. But if you do need an escape from a conversation, I'll try to be there.

Alex nods, suddenly grave, "I know, Horatio... and I will for you too. That's what family is for, after all."

Carroll excuses himself from the Duchess for a moment and hands something to Alex, and whispers to her briefly. Alex blinks, her ears perking up in startlement! She grins delightedly at Carroll and nods... then politely excuses herself from Horatio and puts herself on the end of the line of petitioners to the queen. Horatio blinks as Carroll approaches, then at his whisper to Alex, then her sudden, elated-seeming departure for the petition line. He glances to Carroll, "What...?" Carroll smiles and puts a finger to his lips, then nods towards Alexandra.

The queen twitches her ears when she notices that Alex is back in the line. When Alex stands in front of her she asks, "Back already?"

Alex grins cheerfully at Arianna and bows gracefully. Her eyes are sparkling with delighted mischief as she says politely, "I've been asked to deliver something to you, your majesty, for my eldest brother Carroll. May I?"

The queen smiles. "I don't see why not."

Alex holds out both small hands. Cupped in her palms is a small, delicate silk rose of palest yellow and soft green leaves. The faint scent of a pleasantly understated cologne wafts from it. She beams cheerfully, "He knows you don't care for flattery, but wanted your duties today to end with something pleasant. He hopes you enjoy it." Should the queen look towards Carroll his smile is pleasant, and he bows courteously.

Queen Arianna smiles. "Thank him for me, then. He isn't really too shy to have brought this up himself, is he?"

Alex says, "Nope! But he figured you get adoring admirers trying to drape themselves over you all the time... I'd guess you'd get tired of it, and I bet he was trying to offer you something different?"

Arianna grins. "Well, not too many. Milla scares a lot of them off before they get close enough to bother me."

Alex giggles in spite of herself, then grins, "Dimitri does that for me." She pauses and smiles, "So... would you like it? Would you like me to pass a message back to Carroll for you?"

Ludmilla snorts. "Only t'e ones want to marry qveen, not Arianna."

Alex nods to Ludmilla, suddenly serious, "Yes... I'm sure Arian- er, her majesty has more problems with that than I can imagine... but I do know it isn't any fun to be looked at like a... like a thing."

The queen smiles. "Tell him thank you, and I'll treasure it. May I ask you something?"

Alex beams and carefully deposits it into Arianna's hands, "Sure! If I can, I'll answer!" She grins, lightly teasing... she thinks Arianna has a nice smile, but doesn't get to use it enough.

Queen Arianna drops her voice to a whisper, just barely loud enough for Alex to hear. Alex blinks, but obligingly leans and tilts an ear so the queen can whisper just to her. Then she straightens, her face troubled, "I... I don't know, your majesty. Believe me, I wish I did... it's been... rather painful to watch."

The queen nods. "I think I understand. I'd hoped... oh, well. Things are winding down here, and I have work to do. Good luck on your voyaging."

Alex nods quietly, "Good luck to you also, your majesty... and thank you. From both of us... even if he won't say it." She bows as elegantly and graciously as she knows how, trying to somehow make up for the day's events... then quietly withdraws. Carroll nibbles at breakfast and makes quiet small talk with the Duchess. The queen leaves shortly after this, and the assembled guests depart one by one. A heartbeat after the queen leaves, Dimitri vanishes, returning to the Saucy Mare.

Last modified: 2001-Jan-16 09:19:51

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