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Cup-like Lilies Open'd On the Stream

Shane brings Cinnamon a book about paleo- and neo-lithic goddess figures, wanting to demonstrate to his nervous, self-conscious acushla that women who look just like her have been revered throughout the ages. The big issue is that he brought it during an extremely busy time, which means the little dragon hasn't had time to look at it. When Shane off-handedly asks how she's enjoyed the book, after her one year anniversary party, she admits a bit sheepishly that she hasn't yet looked at it. The half-beansidhe looks concerned, "Did I overstep with it? Wanna have a look together?"

Cinnamon thinks about that for a moment, glancing around her little house. Everything that needs to be cleaned and/or put away has been. The house is still a bit messy... but it's mostly just 'cushions and chairs out of place' messy, and she can live with that until tomorrow. There's a little thrill of excitement for her, too, in that Shane bought her a lovely present! So she nibbles her lower lip as she thinks... then grins shyly, "Well, want to get a hot drink each, and then we can cuddle up together and have a look at the book?" A moment later she hastily adds, "Oh! Nono -- of course you didn't overstep!" She blinks, then slightly confusedly adds, "Though why... why would you think giving me a nice gift is overstepping?"

Shane doesn't say aloud that part of the reason he gave the book is to convince her it's okay to get naked -- instead he says only the other, also-true part, "Some people feel uncomfortable getting gifts. But this one... you're right. Let's get some drinks and have a look."

Once they're settled, Shane rather casually takes off his shirt (because he knows Cinnamon's rather fond of his chest) and snuggles up against her as she opens the book to start looking through it. The little dragon has to almost bite her lip to keep from squeaking happily -- she so loves how yummy her Shaney [eeeee her Shaney he said it himself eeeee!] looks without a shirt on! She kinda loves how he looks without much of anything on, too... but that tends to still leave her blushing and quite speechless. This way she can still think straight! She wiggles happily close when they snuggle up together... then has a sip of her hot, sweet tea before sighing contentedly. She's not entirely sure what this big picture book he got her is all about, but... heck, she loves sharing stuff with her asthore! "So, umm... what is this book all about, please?"

Shane starts turning pages, and the very first goddess figure is a large, beautifully photographed view of the Venus of Willendorf, along with an explanation in the Introduction: this is a book about neolithic and paleolithic goddesses, and explores how the cultures of the time formed around the life-giving goddess, as well as how different female figures were revered. He smiles and murmurs against her ear, "That... go on. Have a look through it. She reminded me of you." One warm, heavy hand rests on Cinnamon's thigh, as Shane nibbles an earlobe with a happy hum. Cinnamon makes a small, startled/happy squeak at the very deliciously distracting ear nibble! She tries to focus on the book... but it's hard when her Shaney's being so distracting! Plus... wow, the woman in the photo is... like, totally morbidly obese! She knows the term well, having had it thrown at her often enough in her pre-dragoning life... so... oh, dear. Shane sees her like this person? Er, not person -- umm... thing... statuette? Uh-ohh... her brow furrows as she turns the page. Hopefully it'll get to prettier pictures soon...?

The next page has a goddess figure that's all hips, and another that's an exaggerated hourglass. None -- not a single one of them -- are the currently idealized super-skinny figure. Shane continues talking quietly about what he knows of these cultures, and how the maternal and exaggerated figures were considered divine. He's lazily stroking Cinnamon's thigh and occasionally nibbling her neck and shoulder as he speaks, looking through the book with her as he tries to help her to associate these images with pleasure. Cinnamon, however, looks puzzled -- is Shane saying these women were goddesses?! But... how? They're... fat! Really fat! He's right in that some of them kinda look a bit like her, but... she knows she's not a goddess. Though she doesn't consciously realize it, throughout her entire childhood she had her own visual 'disgustingness' hammered hard and repeatedly into her head... to the point that she has both unwittingly and powerfully internalized that information. People that look like her aren't divine... they're awful.

Shane lets Cinnamon get engrossed in the book before he nibbles at her earlobe -- knowing that gets her all wiggly -- and then lets his fingertips slip beneath the hem of her shirt. He makes a happy mmm'ing sound -- he really does love the soft, delicate skin of her stomach and thighs, and the round, lush shape of her body. However, while Cinnamon is becoming slowly, perplexedly engrossed in the book, it's not enough to overwhelm her very real fears about her stomach being touched, and repulsing her beloved to the point that he leaves! She doesn't like making Shane sad either, though... so when his fingers begin to softly slip around towards her abdomen she giggles nervously and tugs her shirt firmly back into place. Then she nervously checks: would he like to look through the book with her? Does he, umm... oh! Does he know any stories about these, umm... well, very strange-looking... g-goddesses...? -if that's what they really are? Or... oh! Are any of them still alive -- is that how people know they're goddesses?

Shane may be many things, but dumb is not one of them. He recognizes one of his beloved's nervous feints as well as the next person, but he's kind and he loves her, so he lets up on the petting and nibbling to go through the book with her. It's oddly reassuring, in a way Cinnamon didn't expect, to hear Shane's calm, much-loved voice effectively telling her over and over about how deeply loved and respected these strangely and amazingly (to Cinnamon) obese goddesses were. It's so very startling to hear how the cultures were, in a sense, formed around the figure of the birth-giving Mother. Shane murmurs, "A lot of humans now, they put emphasis on the Father God, but I mean, c'mon... what does the dad do in making a kid? Not a lot. In the procreation sense, his contribution is a very small amount of time." He goes through the whole book with her... and it's not until they've closed the last page that he take a deep breath, takes both Cinnamon's hands in his, and asks in his gentle, Shane-like way, "Acushla, can you tell me why you're so worried about me touching or seeing your stomach?" He doesn't want to say tummy because this is a serious conversation -- but in his mind, he thinks of it that way: sweet and round and adorable.

Cinnamon freezes in horror for a shocked heartbeat, her mouth open to reply but absolutely nothing coming to her to say, past a terrified 'he knows!' She tries desperately to get some words out, but it becomes a messy, incomprehensible tangle -- denial, except she knows that's a lie and stops partway through; reassurance that it's not important to her, except she knows it is; confusion as to how he figured it out since she thought she was hiding better than that... it becomes a lot of stuttering and spluttering, and partway through she simply starts crying when it registers: if he knows, then doesn't that mean he's that much closer to leaving her? At that, Shane does one of the things Shane does best: he wraps her in his arms and holds her through the fright-storm of tears. This isn't just Cinnamon runningherwordstogether. This is true terror, and not being able to get words out coherently. His knack is invaluable as he picks through what she does manage to get out: she's terrified he's going to leave if he sees her 'disgustingness'... and by disgustingness, she apparently means if he sees her nude. Shane has another internal flare of anger at her ridiculous family, and the bullies she was subjected to through them.

Only once she's cried herself out in his arms does Shane speak, his voice warm, deep, and gentle against her ear as he murmurs, "A ghrį, I'm not going to leave if I see your lovely form bare, I promise... but I have no way to prove that to you if you won't allow me to see you." Cinnamon sighs wearily -- emotional tear-storms are exhausting! -- but tries to think that through... for her Shaney's sake. She's a bit worried, though, that he's just saying that -- after all, he hasn't ever seen her nude! Heck, she too does her best to not look at her nude self in the mirror at all. She keeps clothes on herself as much as possible... it's a trick she learned from too many cruel gym classes. By now she too can easily recognize gross when she sees it! Shane lets her sit with his query for a while, then gently points out, "Right now, you're miserable due to your fears concerning this, right?" When she hesitates -- then nods tightly once, he asks, "Okay, then... is it better to have me be here but always be frightened... or to let me prove to you that I truly mean it when I say I'm not leaving -- and not be terrified anymore?"

Cinnamon grapples mentally with that for a few seconds... how to politely point out that it's better to be frightened but he's there, rather than have him be gone? Just knowing he's there... somehow makes the world a little bit nicer for her -- a slightly kinder and friendlier place. Knowing he's gone, though -- she doesn't even want to consider the aching, ripped-out hole that would leave in her! As if he can hear her thoughts -- or as if he was anticipating this argument -- Shane adds with gentle wryness: "Acushla, didn't you tell me you didn't want me to make a promise of monogamy? You told me you didn't want me to feel trapped, yes? You didn't want me to feel miserable and stuck because of a pledge I made, right?" Cinnamon nods immediately at that, despite feeling rather uncertain about where this is going. Once he gets that yes from her, Shane wraps his arms securely around her so she feels held and cherished... then speaks gently, "Okay. So how is you doing things you think are going to delay my departure -- the departure that isn't going to happen -- any different than me trying to do things to make you feel comfortable and safe in my love for you? They're both ways of trying to make things last. Mine by reassuring you that you've no reason to worry about me leaving. You by trying to hide parts of yourself you think will scare me away, a ghrį. Which, I promise you on the stones and stars, isn't going to happen."

Cinnamon frowns as she puzzles through that... then tries her best to slowly and stumblingly put her scrambled, terrified, and inchoate thoughts into words, "I... but I d-don't... I mean, I, er, asked you not to... to do those things because... because it'd be wrong? B-because I... I don't want you to feel trapped at all, or... or like you have to stay because you promised or something... you know? I -- I don't want to be like Candi... at all!"

Shane nods his head slowly as he listens, feeling like he's working his way through a minefield made of his beloved Cinnamon's psychological trauma... where one wrong step could blow everything up. He's going carefully and bringing all his empathy to bear, but he can't help a little twitch of a smile and a gentle hint of playful teasing in his voice when he quietly asks, "Oh, and Candi never used lack of access to parts of her body as a weapon against the poor jerks she managed to lure into her clutches?" He knows quite well the body parts Candi locked away are the ones Cinnamon is giving him more more access to, and that Cinnamon would never withdraw affection as punishment, but he's trying to use gentle humor here. Cinnamon, however, doesn't immediately realize this is humor -- she stiffens in horror in his arms, her eyes widening in fear and denial. No! No, that's not -- she didn't -- oh, c-crap, is she being just like Candi?! Nononoo how can she quickly convince Shane she really isn't like her little sister at all really she doesn't want to be at all nooo?!

Shane immediately hugs warmly and shushes gently, rocking Cinnamon in his arms a little, "Hey! Hey, a ghrį! I was just teasing a little there! You are in no way like Candi, acushla -- I promise. I'm just trying to show you how much you aren't like her! If nothing else, you actually care whether other people feel pressured or upset... and you have a beautiful brain and heart." He wrinkles his nose, "And you don't give me a migraine just by breathing near me." He takes a deep breath and adds with sincerity, "You are my love and my light, acushla. My pulse."

Cinnamon is shaking a little as she reflexively hugs Shane tightly back... but her thoughts are racing madly, and her eyes are still fear-widened. Her words are still stuttery and stumbling, but this time it's less terror, and more due to her trying to actually speak about ideas and concepts which she's never before actually had! It takes a while for her to be able to verbalize, but she does eventually manage to ask: "But you -- b-but... you, you've, uhh... like, so many beautiful women have been with you -- you're so pretty, they really like you! How can you believe -- r-really believe -- that compared to them, that... that I'm... er, n-no, more like that you, you are... th-that you... can actually be in love with m-m-me -- er, no, s-sorry, I mean with... w-with my... with such a... m-my... lumpy fat body?! Umm... n-not just, you know... like, m-my... p-personality?"

Cinnamon is also, in a way, stalling a bit for time -- because a few things are finally -- finally! -- registering for her... and she's struggling to sort those shocking ideas out in her head so they all make sense. She's not aware of the concept, but Shane has been slowly restructuring her formerly rock-solid worldview: she is absolutely ugly and unlovable -- everyone can see that! The entire world knows it, the moment they look at her. Abruptly losing one's mental foundation (however unpleasant that foundation might be) can be hard to handle! The little dragon finally manages to sort things out enough in her head that she can organize her thoughts a bit more coherently, and she has a terrifying realization: if... if Shane saw all of her, but actually stayed -- however unbelievable that is... it... wouldn't it actually, really be a tremendous emotional relief for her? She wouldn't have to worry any more about hiding half of herself all the time from him. Further, even if she was right, and he left... isn't that (weirdly) somehow better and... and more honest... than effectively trapping him into staying with her, by denying him something he wants -- the way Candi did/does sometimes?

Shane takes Cinnamon's almost bloodless-pale face in his hands, noticing she's shaking and hoping she's there enough to hear him when he firmly insists -- in reply to her last question, the one she's almost forgotten: "I don't lie -- and you know that! So I'll keep telling you that until you believe me: I love you! All of you! Your brilliant mind, your shining soul, your caring heart, your lovely lush body -- all of you -- and I'm going to keep saying it and proving it for as long as you need me to, to truly get that I mean it -- to get that I'm telling the pure, honest truth!"

Cinnamon stares off into the distance for a few seconds, feeling a curiously nauseating/uplifting mix of absolute terror and resignation mixed with hope. Her face is pale as she whispers through trembling lips, "O... ok-kay..." -- and then she abruptly grabs a pillow next to her, holding it over her face with both hands. Her voice is muffled and shaky, "G-go on then... d-do it! Do it now, please -- before... b-before I-" A tiny, terrified thread of remaining self-preservation hastily edits her initial response from: '-before I throw up!' to the spoken: "-before I chicken out!"

Shane is almost surprised at her acquiescence, but he's not one to pass up a blessing. He smiles and nods before Cinnamon hide her face, then takes a deep breath. Murmuring soft words in Irish and English -- little terms of affection and endearment -- his sure, deft hands work on undressing her. Just like the first time she let him do something like this, he asks as he goes, "Can I pull up your shirt?" His voice is soft, warm, and sultry... because with her face covered, he wants to make sure she can hear and feel his reactions to her.

Cinnamon's reply isn't terribly coherent -- she's trying hard not to cry while her glasses are smooshed up against her face, and it takes her a bit to even realize she was being asked a question! The little dragon has unfortunately thoroughly internalized what she was taught as a child: she's monstrously overweight, her stomach looks disgustingly huge, and sight of it will drive off anyone with even a modicum of good taste -- which, she knows, Shane absolutely has quite a bit of. Well... except in regards to her, apparently...? When she doesn't stop him, Shane gently pushes the hem of her shirt up to beneath her breasts -- which causes her to shudder miserably: he can see her now -- all of her! This is It. She braces as much as she can for the revulsion, trying not to simply hunch up and hide... and to swallow down her tears.

Instead of being disgusted, Shane is busy thinking he'd rather just remove the skirt and shirt altogether... so he could lay out his own personal goddess, bare on her mattress... but he can tell they aren't there yet. Speaking of her skirt... he tucks the waist of it down an inch or so as well. Instead of revulsion, what Cinnamon hears is almost a purr in her asthore's voice, "Ohh... a ghrį, so lovely..." His head dips down and his lips brush across Cinnamon's skin along the top curve of her stomach, fingers brushing along the side -- which causes her to quiver in a mix of nerves, ticklishness, and fear. "So soft..." Shane's cheek brushes along the curve and his breath slides along her skin, "Your skin is so wonderful and you're just so..." There's the sound of a shiver and there's definitely a little hoarse purr in his voice, "Lush and sweet. I love getting to lay my head here..." he demonstrates that for a breath, "and now..." His lips brush here and there, making a playful little circle around her navel -- which makes her squeak and jump, "I get to kiss and pet!" Palms skim over Cinnamon's tummy from bottom to top, moving to cup her breasts for a moment, "Such delicious curves to nestle and press against." With that last comment, Shane shifts, his knees moving to the outside of her thighs and then she can feel warm skin against her stomach: his own belly against hers. It's a very suggestive position, though not quite as suggestive as it could be. "Look at me, acushla?"

Slowly, Cinnamon starts to register Shane's reactions... to her! -- and those reactions make no sense at all to her terrified, adrenalized mind! She's panting nervously as her near-death grip on the pillow starts to relax slightly -- just so she can breathe, she reassures herself -- but... at Shane's request she finally slowly lets the pillow slip down just enough that her wide, fear-widened eyes peer over the top. Due to her utter terror of seeing Shane's impending disgust at how she looks, her internal editors are seriously off-line! -which is why she bewilderedly stutters, "Wh-whuhh... what are you doing? Are you... teasing me?!"

Shane smiles, eyes half-lidded, and half-purrs, "No. Well, not the way you think." His voice is low and husky and his hair is out of its braid, falling around his face and hers as he leans forward and braces himself over her shoulders on his hands, "I wanted to demonstrate something." A slow roll of his hips presses what's starting to become a familiar weight and hardness against her lower stomach. If he'd nudged himself between her thighs instead of straddling them, it would have been pressing against a warm, sensitive spot on her body -- but that contact is something he's sure she's not ready for. "Touching you like that, stroking your skin, feeling how soft and lush you are? This is what it did to me, acushla." He absolutely does not mention it also made him think about whether she'd like to emulate some of those fertility goddesses and let him slip inside her... or whether she'd like to try to make a baby with him.

Cinnamon blinks confusedly up at Shane, pushing her glasses up with one hand; the other is still holding the pillow over most of her face. She blinks again, her gaze getting distant as she takes a moment to sort of... 'resettle' back into her body, to feel what Shane's doing, like he asked her to... and then she squeaks in shock, and the pillow whips back up over her face! Shane has just a split second to see the hot flush heat up her face... but he also knows by now: that particular squeak means she's now more embarrassed than truly terrified. Shane lowers his body and nudges the pillow aside just enough to whisper into Cinnamon's ear, "You're adorable when you blush. Also, your tummy is adorable... soft and strokeable and warm." He shifts and ducks his head to kiss it again, "...and kissable." There's a tease in his voice as he adds, "Almost as much as those lovely, delectable breasts of yours." He has shown himself to be quite the fan of those recently.

Cinnamon peeks almost timidly up at Shane when he gently shifts the pillow... but then squeaks and hides her face again at his words! She still hides for a few seconds... but then, slowly and uncertainly, she lowers the pillow juuust enough to peek over it again at Shane. She looks utterly bemused, "Y-you... are you... for realsies? Truly? You're not... n-not, y-you, I-I... I, umm... uh, I m-mean... you... y-you really mean tha- wait, how could you...?!"

Shane's voice is sweet and playful, but still holds that breathy purr, "I know that's your trauma talking, acushla... because you know I don't say things I don't mean." He starts kissing his way down her belly again, backing slowly down the bed as he murmurs, "There are some other lovely kissable spots on you to explore..."

Cinnamon is currently baffled enough that she only barely registers asking a really rather stupid -- possibly even potentially insulting -- question of a truthsayer. Instead, she's staring in silent bemusement at Shane, unwittingly as cute as a kitten just barely peering over the top of the pillow... because in her head, the cognitive dissonance is pretty much occupying her entire thought process. The metaphorical rock -- the absolutely unquestioned, factual base of her existence for the past twenty-plus years -- has been: she is indisputably unattractive and disgustingly overweight. At her very best, she's plain but tidy! Although... oh! There's a possibility she'd not thought of! She's a dragon, and magical, so... well... maybe her disgusting tummy just... vanished, somehow? Without her noticing? She blinks down at the top of Shane's head... then cautiously, slowly holds the pillow out enough that she can look down her own front.

Well... bugger. Nope; it's still there. Cinnamon is unhappy enough about that, that she doesn't even really register the extremely naughty (to her) word -- she just sighs, utterly confused. Her stomach is huge and disgusting. She knows this -- it is a painful and lamentable Fact of Life. Yet now, this man... this gorgeous, sweet, loving, funny, caring, invariably honest man... is telling her the exact opposite! He's telling and showing her, in fact -- that he's deeply aroused and excited by... by her! Her... right now, and just the way she is. It's almost incomprehensible to Cinnamon. Logically, it's simply, incontrovertibly impossible... except... one of the truths she accepts as just as immutable and self-evident as her ugliness... is that Shane... does not lie.

It's abruptly all a bit much for Cinnamon, and she hesitantly reaches out and lightly touches Shane's shoulder, "Sh-Shaney? Asthore, umm... could we... I... I n-need a moment, umm... p-please? C-can we just... just cuddle for a moment?"

Shane (being Shane, and all about enthusiastic consent) takes any kind of questioning as a timid but definitive 'no.' He immediately stops what he's doing, to swoop up and wrap his acushla in his arms, "Any time you want."

Cinnamon gives a small sigh of relief, even as she pretty much nestles directly into Shane. She tucks her head under his chin, and curls her hands together under her own chin... and though Shane can't see it, her eyes are still wide with confusion as her tangled, messed-up, struggling thoughts keep tumbling through her head. Her soft mumble is hesitant -- jerky with starts and stops, "I just... you... I mean, you -- soso pretty! ...y-you know? But... that's not... it isn't -- not ever! ...I can't... because fat! I d-don't know how, umm... how it could... but then you..." After a bit she sighs, falling silent even as she unwittingly turns her entire, ferocious focus on... on somehow figuring out this... this peculiar, utterly impossible... it simply can't be right... but Shane! ...but then again...

Shane is calmly silent as Cinnamon talks -- or, well, babbles -- because this isn't even Cinnamon runningwordstogether. These are barely fragments of sentences -- her thoughts must be going incredibly fast for her to not even be able to finish her words! A few moments later, though, the little dragon blinks and her nervous breathing slows as she remains utterly still for a few heartbeats. Finally... her voice is still soft, but clear this time instead of mumbling, as she muses a thoughtful, "...eyes." She considers that for another long, silent moment... then more strongly adds, "Eyes! Hmm... Shaney, you have good eyes, right? Like... like Josie thinks you do too, right?"

The half-beansidhe makes a thoughtful hmming sound before he replies, "I believe so, a ghrį -- if, by good eyes, you mean I see things as they actually are rather than how someone else tells me I ought to see them."

Cinnamon straightens a little in Shane's arms as this slow-dawning idea indicates, to her, a possible path out of what's so far been some really uncomfortable cognitive dissonance! "Then -- then that means... maybe -- m-maybe Josie's right again, and... and -- and their eyes are bad about this too?!" Common sense (read: deeply unkind childhood training) tells her she's grasping at straws, though... so she falters, "Umm... m-maybe...?"

Shane nods slowly, "Josie is very right. Your bio-family are blind, bigoted, over-privileged, entitled idiots." He gives a shiver, "The way Candi thought she could put her hands on me? It was skin-crawling. If a guy did that to a woman, it would be unacceptable!" Cinnamon hears the upset in Shane's voice and absently strokes his bare chest -- if she can reassure him, that lovely purring tone will come back into his voice... and she likes that so very much when she's having difficult thinky-times! Shane kisses the top of Cinnamon's head and murmurs softly, "But you? My sweet, beautiful, soft, luscious acushla? I can't get enough of your hands on me... or mine on you. I'm trying to go slow and be gentle because I don't ever want you to feel like you must do something just because I want to, and I've got the libido of a nineteen-year-old human." He smiles wryly, "Quinn tells me that's likely to be true for at least another decade or two. He's not sure exactly because I'm half-human. For him, he said that particular height of sex-drive lasted well into his first century. But I do want you."

Cinnamon sighs softly, relaxing a bit against Shane -- he can almost feel the tension slowly sliding out of her. She's still thinking very, very hard though, so her tone is absent as she murmurs, "Oh, yeah... Sparrow has that problem too, I think, from what Kestrel said..." She's lightly rubbing her cheek against Shane's chest -- he's incredibly warm and comforting-feeling! -- as she's sort of mentally sorting things out, but aloud, "So... so if they were wrong about that, and it is possible for a guy to like me... and here you are, and you don't lie! ...and also y-you've seen me... or -- or my t-tummy, I mean, but... b-but you're still here...?! -and you even- er... y-your..." She glances down a bit frustratedly... then abruptly has to stifle a giggle! A moment later she leans her head back against Shane's shoulder so she can look him in the eyes, one hand covering her mouth and her eyes dancing with laughter in her embarrassment-flushed face, "Shaney, asthore, what, uhh... wh-what do guys, err... I mean, like in regular conversation, you know? B-because I -- I c-can't keep calling it a -- a b-braunschweiger, or th-the big thingie -- that... that seems... disrespectful?" A heartbeat later she almost squeaks, "Ohmygosh, p-please tell me I didn't just -- j-just say something really-really stupid there?!"

Shane laughs -- he can't help it! "Braunschweiger? You've been comparing my cock to a braunschweiger?" Cinnamon squeaks and hides her face against Shane's shoulder! He's so taken aback and amused by the comment that he forgets to keep his language clean... though she did ask what guys call their equipment. He grins and clears his throat, "Depends on who they're conversing with." He rubs his forehead with his fingertips, still smiling, "Okay. You get to hear a little bit of my gutter-mouth here, acushla. Some of the words for it are cock, dick, junk, prick... and there's always the clinical word penis. Or are you talking about the reaction? Erection. Hardon. Stiffie. Chubby. Though those last two? I think they sound a little juvenile. Believe me, though -- there's a thousand other terms for it that are even more euphemistic." His smile goes impish again, "And yes, please: let's not refer to it as my 'big thingie' -- just as I'm not going to refer to that lovely thing between your thighs as a 'hoo-ha'!"

Cinnamon is shaking as she leans her forehead against Shane's shoulder, though because she has both hands over her mouth, it takes Shane a moment to realize: she's trying madly to stifle her laughter! Eventually it spills out, though -- and she just gives up and giggles in delighted embarrassment. Only once she can catch her breath again does she bite her lower lip a bit -- to keep from bursting into laughter again -- and nearly wheeze, "Oh-ho-hoh... hoh-kay! No... n-no b-baun- b-brow- baub-" -- and then it's all too much for her again, and she erupts into laughter once more, at not being able to properly pronounce the word 'braunschweiger.'

It takes a bit longer, and a pause to wipe her eyes and glasses from the tears of laughter... and a very tight, relieved hug that her beautiful, darling, amazing treasure of a sweetheart isn't mad at her for being such a silly twit! But finally Cinnamon sighs happily, curling up against Shane again, and gathers one of his hands into both of hers. With that confidence builder, she's able to get out, almost defiantly, "Okay. I -- I'm g-gonna use what you use, asthore -- I'mmm... I'm gonna -- gonna say c-c-c-..." deep breath, "c-cock!" She winces and blushes at the squeak in her voice -- then hastily adds, "A-and, and if, if y-you want..." another deep breath, "I -- I don't care if you, if-f-f y-you... k-k-k-kissmytummycauseIllllikeit!" She winces again, and after a moment mutters to herself, "Ohmygosh I have got to learn how to talk someday without sounding like a squeaky toy!" Shane groans because, honestly, hearing Cinnamon say that particular word does something to him! Maybe because it's not language she normally uses -- which causes her to blink and worriedly ask, "You, y-you... don't like it?"

Shane leans in, voice taking on that purring timbre she likes so much as he whispers into her ear, "I very much like you calling it that." He slides a hand over her stomach, almost to the bottom of her breast, as she sighs in relief, the smile coming back to her face... although her face is also heating up quite a bit! Shane adds, "A lot, actually. I just try to keep my language clean in mixed company because it's what a gentleman does, love. But there's something intimate and arousing about saving that language for the bedroom, hmm? I'm glad you like it, too -- me kissing your tummy, I mean. I want to be able to kiss every lovely inch of your body." With that, he lets his hand wander up to briefly brush the side of her breast in illustration, before dropping away.

Cinnamon is still pink, but she gamely replies, "I -- I -- uhmm, ok-kay? B-bedroom language only." She pauses, considering that... then relaxes a bit. She giggles, adding, "Probably best to go slow on that, too... especially if I keep squeaking each time I say it, darnit!" She flushes a bit more hotly, and has to take a deep breath, before she can add, "I... I-I w-want you to do that t-too, asthore? But, umm... b-but it... I... I, umm, may... m-may need to go a little slowly, puh-p-please? 'Cause this... all th-this is, like... really-r-really new to me!"

Shane actually makes the cross-my-heart gesture, "As slow as you need." He brushes a lock of her hair behind her ear and murmurs, "You have to tell me if the words I say upset you, too... because there are words for your body parts as well. There's one I won't say because about seventy percent of the women I know find it shocking and upsetting. Vagina is the clinical one for the inside; vulva for the outside." He nuzzles in against her hair, his voice a bare, warm breath that sounds similar to how he is when he's feeling quite... frisky, "But words like yoni and pussy are certainly more sensual..."

Cinnamon wriggles happily at the ticklishly delightful nuzzle, then grins shyly, "Y-yoni sounds... sorta mystical? -a-and," she takes a deep breath, "p-pussy, it's... sorta... like, fuzzy and -- and w-warm sounding?" Hastily she adds, in case Shane doesn't like those terms, "Uhmm, though that's just... just m-me, I mean...?" A heartbeat later she blinks, eyes widening, "Oooh, I get it now -- it's a little rooster!" She giggles, adding, "That's why it's standing up and going cock-a-doodle-doo, right?! Though..." She looks consideringly at Shane's lap, where his kilt is tenting quite suggestively, and giggles again, glancing up at his face, "To me, it almost seems more like a snake than a rooster... a happy little snake looking for a nice, warm, safe little burrow to curl up in, maybe?"

Shane's eyes twinkle as he replies, "That would be because yoni is a rather mystical term, acushla... and yes, pussies are soft and warm and lovely to pet..." he nuzzles into Cinnamon's neck and kisses her there, "-and the petting often makes someone purr." Then he chokes on a laugh about it being more like a snake, sitting up again, "Okay... so one goofy slang term for it is 'one-eyed trouser snake.' But I've never had it compared to a serpent before. Then again, you are a reptile much of the time."

Cinnamon giggles a little ticklishly again at the lovely nuzzling, but then sighs happily and almost leans into the kissing... and without realizing, she does indeed make a happy little sound! She giggles again at his last comment, cheerfully adding, "Snakes and lizards are good things -- Sparrow told me all about them! I thi-" She opens her mouth to continue speaking -- but then abruptly remembers her previous thoughts on Sparrow's phrase for Shane: 'Long, tall, and noble' -- and her face goes instantly flame-red! She hesitates for a moment... but when Shane tilts his head to study her face, murmuring, "Acushla?" ...she impulsively decides: she's going to tell him! She's going to trust him and share... because he's been incredibly patient and sharing with her too, after all!

The little dragon takes a deep breath, then grins a bit nervously at Shane, "O-okay... so. So, y-you remember what Sp-p- Sparrow calls you, right? 'L-long, tall, and noble'? Umm... a-and you remember when we were out camping, after helping the Acorn trod, and, umm... y-you asked me if everything was all right, while I was in my tent?" Shane nods slowly, a wryly bemused smile on his lips -- and Cinnamon's brain derails for a few seconds: [eeee, he has such beautifuldelicioussoftyummylipswait wait wait focus here, girl, sheesh!]. It takes her a bit, but eventually the little dragon shyly, stutteringly explains why she made the silly noise in the tent, and what she was thinking just then... though in the here and now she's determinedly staring only at her tightly clasped hands in her lap.

Cinnamon concludes with, "S-so I, umm... I d-don't know if it's really long or not -- your rooster, I mea- ack, n-no! No, c-c-c- -- I mean c-cock!" She winces again, then sighs at how ultrasonically squeaky her voice gets when she's this nervous... but then, despite still being as red as a rooster's comb herself, she doggedly continues, "Darnit! Uhm, where was- ahh -- s-so I don't know if yours is, er, unusual or n-not? 'Cause I, um, haven't seen a lot of them -- oh, or if he's b-been one of your lovers or not, buh-b-but... um..." She hesitates, then glances nervously sideways at Shane, her voice tiny, "Was this... was I, um, just... too much info there, or... or s-something? Anything?"

Shane smiles and kisses Cinnamon's adorable nose, "No, I haven't had sex with Sparrow. I am very much straight. I have kissed a guy or two in the spirit of exploration, under the premise of how do you know if you haven't tried it, but it wasn't my thing -- no sparks... and I think the long and tall in that sentence are redundant. I am...." He clears his throat, "Not to brag; I am somewhat larger than human average, but I'm not a medical oddity."

Cinnamon giggles shyly at the sweet-cute kiss! She thinks a moment... then sighs happily and relaxes, leaning against Shane again -- and this time, wrapping an arm about him as well, "Okay. So can, um... tummy kissing stay a private-intimate thing t-too please?" She's pretty sure he'll say yes, without mocking her or being annoyed... and she's almost surprised at how amazingly... wow, how really calm... cherishing, even... that knowledge feels to her.

Heck, she knows she's amazingly lucky that someone so beautiful and awesome and -- and all around fantastic as Shane is! -is... she giggles internally as the first word that pops into her mind is 'crazy' -- that someone as all-that as Shane is, is crazy enough to really-really like someone as messed up as she is -- or, er, as she appears to be? Positive thinking, right... the little dragon smiles, closing her eyes and resting her cheek against Shane's chest as she remembers a cute saying she saw long ago: 'The goal of life is to find those that are your kind of crazy.' She hopes -- she's starting to maybe believe -- that she's lucky enough to be Shane's kind of crazy... and she'll get to hang around him for a good, long time.

Shane chuckles softly and murmurs, "Any kind of kissing below the neck -- aside from perhaps kissing your hand -- is going to stay private, acushla." He strokes her hair as she rests against his chest. They're making huge strides! This was definite, wonderful progress.

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Last modified: 2025-Feb-25 17:51:49

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