2025 February 06
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New Ventures Dared in ConfidenceIt's a lovely spring afternoon, and Cinnamon is at work. She's humming with quiet happiness to herself, where she's perched in Liam's big, cushion-stuffed chair, her short legs swinging since her feet don't actually reach the floor. She's seated at the big, sturdy desk in Liam's office -- or, as she half-guiltily, half-happily likes to remind herself, her office too! -- and is absorbed in reading one of Liam's journals. Her laptop is open next to her so she can take notes on the interesting things Liam talks about, but mostly she's just enjoying herself on this lovely afternoon, while also being there should anyone need her official help. At some point during her reading there's a soft rap on the open doorway's doorframe. Cinnamon blinks bemusedly, pushing up her glasses as she glances at the door... then brightens as she squeaks a delighted, "Shaney!" A heartbeat later, though, her eyes widen with excitement as she adds, "Oh! Wait, wait -- moment...!" She glances at her laptop, where she's also left open an article on how to flirt, and re-reads hastily to refresh her memory while half-muttering under her breath, "Uh huh... uh huh... uh huh!" With that she takes a deep, courageous breath -- she can do this! Cinnamon half-closes her eyes as she turns back towards Shane, leaning forward a bit like the article said to do... though she rapidly realizes she can't really see much of anything this way! Well, it should be okay -- go on! She takes another deep breath and slowly runs the tip of her tongue over her upper lip. She's still not sure why something this short and... peculiar? Whatever! -- is supposed to be so, er... so exciting, right -- but that's what the article said to do! Of course, the little dragon hasn't yet learned subtlety either, so the startlingly raw-seeming sensuality of her action is completely lost the instant that Cinnamon flicks her eyes wide open, sits perkily upright again, and beams at Shane with a bright-eyed, excited 'how's that?!' sort of look! Shane's smiling, bottom lip caught between his teeth -- because of course he's got experience of that tongue! It's Marcus, standing behind Shane and revealed when the first young man leans against the doorframe, that's blinking in a sort of dazed shock. Cinnamon's eyes widen in horror at sight of Marcus, and a tiny, "Ohh... crabcakes!" escapes her lips! She instantly slides out of the big chair and under the desk, curling up in the dimness with her hands over her face -- oh dear heavens could she ever possibly be more mortified than this?! A heartbeat later she hastily shoves that thought away. She knows better than to ever say -- or even think! -- 'What could possibly go wrong?!'" Shane is still smiling as he moves around the desk and crouches down to speak with his mortified little acushla, keeping his voice low, "You okay down here, beautiful?" Meanwhile, Marcus quickly steps up to the desk, hands on the edge of the wooden top, to hide just what that bit of blatant sensuality did to him! Cinnamon squeaks a bit startledly at the unexpected voice, but then hugs Shane tightly in relief. She's almost shaking with her embarrassment as she whispers, "Ohmygosh, Shaney, he must think I'm some sort of horrible hussy now I'm never gonna be able to face him again what'm I gonna do what if he yells at me or -- or thinks I'm, I'm... th-that I'm loose!?" It hasn't quite registered to the little dragon, in the heat of her humiliation, that she's applying very human standards here! Upon hearing the desperate whispering, Marcus can't help a bit of a smile -- of course he doesn't think she's a 'hussy' or 'loose!' That was a moment of sensuality meant only to be shared between her and her lover! Or, well... he's pretty sure Shane is her lover... stars and stones! She does worry about the strangest things, poor girl! However, he also hears someone approaching, so he politely clears his throat, "I apologize for interrupting, but I brought a letter up to deliver to you, from Llew. Would you like it now or later?" He's fairly certain her cat-like curiosity will bring her fairly quickly up from behind the desk, even if nothing else would in the moment. Cinnamon squeaks softly and startles at the other unexpected voice... but then blinks. A letter? Oh, dear... she should sit up... though... it is actually very nice and warm and comfortable here in Shane's arms mmmaybe she could just stay here? That silly thought causes her to laugh silently at herself -- silly girl! Shane has more important things to do than just sit here and hide with her! Plus: a letter?! Cool! Though... hm, at the office means... oh, crabcakes again -- she can't hide here -- someone must need help! The little dragon takes a deep breath, snuggling up against Shane for a moment so she can remember this warm, comforting, home! feeling for later... then she slowly (and, honestly, a bit reluctantly) straightens up to stand behind the desk. She's still flushed with mortification and can't quite bring herself to meet Marcus' eyes... but even though her gaze is fixed on the desk, she manages to extend her hand and get out fairly steadily, "Th-thank you for... f-for bringing me the l-letter, Marcus." Just as Cinnamon is starting to speak, there's another tap on the doorframe. The little dragon startles slightly again, but then takes a deep breath and leans to look carefully past (not at!) Marcus, "Yes? Who is- oh! Tao!" She smiles in relief at the pleasant Chinese man, "Please come in!" Marcus hands over the letter just as Tao enters. The yellow dragon looks somewhat perplexed at the situation: Shane and Cinnamon standing up from behind the desk, with Marcus standing in front of it. Very close in front of it, actually -- what has he interrupted? But, being the polite person he is, Tao simply asks, "Might I have a moment of your time, once you're done reading your letter, please?" Cinnamon completely misses the potential implications Tao sees, of course -- she just nods cheerfully as she assures him she'd be happy to talk with him! She quickly slits open the large envelope, absently noticing it clearly didn't go through the US Postal service, since there's no stamp despite it being somewhat travel-worn... must've been handed from supernatural to supernatural? Though considering the return address is in Nusantara, she can understand why... her swift thoughts cut off as she realizes she's holding... a large, Hallmark-style thank-you card! She grins at the cute front graphic, then opens the card... and almost tears up, "Ohmygosh, you guys, it's from... from Kyesha -- and she says everyone at the NGO signed it to say thank you for all our help look look look isn't it awesome of them?!" The inside of the card is indeed covered with signatures, some of which are accompanied by little messages. Kyesha's comment is about the overall assistance, and mentions "the very generous extra donation." Perhaps it would be gauche to mention it was a million dollars, but she does list a few of the things it bought -- and none of them are inexpensive! Shane and Marcus both murmur appreciatively over the card, since they were both with Cinnamon for the trip. Tao looks at it solemnly, nodding as well... though his eyes widened at first when he saw how many signatures there were, and from how many different places. Cinnamon lays the card down so everyone can see, lightly tracing her finger as she translates for them all, "-one's from Adiratna! She says, let's see... 'Blessings on you all and may sweetness accompany you always!' Awww! Isn't that nice of her?! And this one says 'Many thanks from one of the planters you have helped feed my family' -- awww!" The little dragon has to pause for a Kleenex, though she's beaming a bit tearily at Marcus and Shane, "Isn't this the nicest thing?!" After a moment Cinnamon finishes wiping her eyes, puts her glasses back on... then impulsively hugs Shane and Marcus, "You guys... you know I couldn't have done it without you guys, right? You two and Veles and Thorny -- and Spicy, back here!" She sighs happily, still hugging for a moment... then laughs as she straightens up, "Ohmygosh, Tao, I'm so sorry to keep you waiting! Let me just put this somewhere, umm..." She glances around, still delighted -- then blinks, "Oh! Oh, also, is Jaw-long here with you?" She laughs again, calling, "Jaw-long? If you're waiting and guarding outside, you're welcome to come in and have some tea with us! Though... I'm really sorry, Tao, but it's, um, just... regular, er... it's just package tea, you know? Not the good Chinese stuff -- sorry?" She carefully props the open card on the corner of the big desk, so it can be easily seen -- then nearly scampers over towards the big sideboard, calling over her shoulder, "Shaney, Daki-kun, could you guys pull out the round table, please, and some of the big cushions?" She hastily puts water on to boil, then turns towards Tao. She's holding a little wooden container holding a large collection of teabags, and sounds apologetic, "If, um... if none of these are good enough I could maybe order some from Himeko's?" Thorn comes by Cinnamon's office at about that point, on a whim since not much is happening at the Infirmary. He knocks on the doorframe, "Hi, Cinnamon -- oh! Tao, hello! If you're busy, Cinnamon, I can come by later....?" Tao assures Cinnamon he's happy with the tea she's offering; he would never be upset at sincerely-meant hospitality -- especially as it would be burdensome on people to keep all the accoutrements for all the different peoples on Coblyn. Cinnamon brightens at sight of the healer, "Oh, Thorny! Come in, please -- you should see the card too, since it was to you too! Would you like some tea?" She grins at Tao's kindness, "Okay, if you're sure? I mean, I like making sure friends are comfy, y'know?" Jaw-Long too comes in, settling into something like a sphinx pose in his efforts to not take up too much space. He's aware of his somewhat imposing size when he's inside rooms mostly made for human-sized beings! Thorn smiles, "Tea would be lovely, thank you! Ah, what card?" Cinnamon grins and waves towards the corner of the desk, where a large, Hallmark-style card is prominently displayed, "Check it out! I can translate for you too as soon as I've got the teacups set up -- Daki-kun! Come pick a tea flavor I don't know what you like yet oh Jaw-long you too okay? Would you rather have a small bowl or a large mug please?" In a small flurry of happiness, Cinnamon sorts out who wants what tea, makes a few plates of biccies, small sandwiches, and other nibblies, then sets everything on the low, round, pretty marquetry table which Shane and Marcus have brought out. The little dragon then leans over Thorn, where he's seated on one of the big cushions, and translates the handful of sweet messages before she settles with a happy sigh on her own cushion next to Shane, and beams at Thorn, "Isn't that incredibly sweet of them all?" She blinks at the cramped-looking fu-dog, then grins, "Jaw-long, you have plenty of room to sit up if you'd like? Also, everyone please help yourselves to the nibblies -- there's plenty more in the little fridge!" It turns out that Marcus rather enjoys Earl gray -- and if Cinnamon is out of that, he likes Irish Breakfast. Jaw-Long looks around, as if just realizing they aren't in a small, cramped human space, and slowly stretches out. He then leans down to lap at his bowl of tea, which he holds carefully stable with one forepaw. Thorn reads the card, and almost gets a bit teary-eyed himself! "That's wonderful," he says at last, handing the card back to Cinnamon. "I'm so glad that we could help them! It sounds like they did well afterwards, as well. So many signed it...." Cinnamon beams as she accepts the card, then hugs Thorn back, "Isn't it though?! Like I said to Shaney and Daki-kun, I couldn't have done it without you guys and Veles and Spicy, too -- I'm so happy we were able to go do so many good things thanks to you all!" Everyone settles to enjoy the tea and nibblies, and Cinnamon cheerfully hands Irish Breakfast to Marcus, teasing him gently about referring to Earl gray as mud, to his dad! She's internally delighted, in fact, to realize Marcus accidentally seated himself on her other side from Shaney! She hasn't yet figured out how unaccidental it always is, of course. Then she enjoys some nice hot tea and some of the nibblies, chatting relaxedly with her friends before she finally grins inquiringly at the yellow dragon, "So, you didn't say, Tao! What can I do for you, please?" Through the impromptu teatime, it's obvious to everyone that Tao is somewhat... upset? Unsettled? Concerned? -about something... so when Cinnamon asks him what she can do to help him, he crosses his hands in his lap and says evenly, "I would like, if it is possible, to see the letters from the Nusantarans that began all of this." Cinnamon looks a bit surprised, but then nods, "Oh, sure! Gimme a moment, please?" She hops up and trots over to her filing cabinet, calling over her shoulder, "Guys, could you push things to one side of the table, please, so there's room?" She brings the entire folder back with her, setting it down on the low table and pulling out papers in neat order, "Let's see. Okay, this is the map... here's my translation notes... ah! Here you go!" She pulls out a thick chunk of papers, then spreads them out across the table so they're facing Tao and Jaw-long, "These are all copies so I could write notes on them without feeling guilty; sorry! Let me know if you can't read my writing and want anything translated, though, okay? Also, here's the replies as well, though you should be fine with all of them since they're all in Mandarin Chinese if I remember correctly. They're all in chronological order too, for filing. If you want to know which we were too late for, or which we were actually able to help, just ask, okay?" All twenty letters are neatly paper-clipped together with their individual replies, laid out tidily for Tao to peruse, as Cinnamon sets aside the folder and smiles inquiringly at him, "If there was something in particular you wanted to know, too, just feel free to ask!" Tao looks a little shocked at first -- but then he blinks with that hint of a nictitating membrane, and his expression goes very still and calm. He goes through each and every one of the letters, as well as Cinnamon's notes, quite carefully. He starts with the oldest of the letters -- the ones the little group was unable to help for various reasons -- and works his way forward into the ones which have already been assisted, or are in the midst of currently receiving help. The yellow dragon's voice is very calm and even as he asks questions about each of them... and once that's done, he asks how she came to receive all the letters. Cinnamon is a little sad when she has to admit that this or that person or group died or had to move or whatever, so weren't around for the little dragon's help. She perks up noticeably, though, when she gets to tell about the folks she was able to assist, asking her friends to chime in with anything she forgets. Thorn is more than happy to elaborate on the parts in which he participated, but he's acutely aware that Aoi wasn't at all responsive in any of the cases, and consequently due to the one hundred and twenty year span of time, some of the requests are badly out of date. Cinnamon is even happier when she gets to tell about all the wonderful things her friends helped with as well! When Tao asks how she got the letters, though, Cinnamon blinks, "How I... uhmm... d-didn't Aoi -- oh, wait, I get it! Aoi must've asked you to ask me for my perspective too, right? No problem!" Again she asks her friends to help with the telling -- which is probably a good thing, since she doesn't want to hurt Tao's feelings about his dear childhood friend. That means her explanation is simply, "A, uhmm... let's see. Ahh... a contingent arrived from Nusantara and petitioned for them all to be shifted to my responsibility, and, er... the council agreed." Shane arches a brow -- because while that's true, it's definitely not all the truth. Marcus too looks unhappy as he firmly adds, "Cinnamon is too kind -- she's making it sound as if this was something simple." He looks to Tao, "I feel it was more like: a contingent representing all of Nusantara arrived, causing Aoi to lose face as they revealed her non-responsiveness, then nearly begged for their care to be transferred to the 13th Chair. Aoi tried to put it all on her secretary, and stormed out of Currier's Hall." Cinnamon blinks as something hits her, anxiously adding, "Oh! The secretary! Tao, do you happen to know if that guy is still okay?" Tao says dryly, "I know Aoi recently took on a new secretary. I do not know what happened to the old one. I will certainly be asking, now." Cinnamon looks worried, her voice low, "Ohmygosh, I hope he's... umm..." She nervously wrings her hands together in her lap. She doesn't want to be rude, but she really hopes the poor man is still alive! A moment later she bits her lower lip, reassuring herself: Tao's going to ask! It should be fine, really! ...hopefully... oh, gosh, she needs to change the subject so she doesn't say something possibly rude about Aoi! "Umm, okay then... okay... oh! Uhm, also, was there anything else you wanted to know?" She thinks for a moment, then hesitantly adds to Marcus, "Was it really, um... 'storming'? Didn't she more, like... walk out, er... calmly?" Marcus replies, with a half-smirk, "It was a very calm storm, but it was a storm. She walked out in the middle of a council meeting, as if this was all beneath her." He turns to Tao, adding, "Why are you asking about all of this, anyway?" Cinnamon thinks about that moment, then takes a deep breath -- Marcus is right, actually! It really was, er, sort of... stormy. Then the little dragon blinks at the elf's query, also looking at Tao -- that's a good question! Especially since she's not sure she's answered all of Tao's questions. Tao sighs, "I hate to say this, but I originally came here rather angry. Aoi did what many people do, and downplayed the severity of all this. I was ready to defend my friend over someone, in her words, stealing her people over 'a couple of letters of complaint.'" Thorn blinks, "That's... a bit more than significantly 'downplaying' what happened, I'm afraid." Cinnamon too blinks at that, her voice uncertain, "But... but I didn't steal them? They asked me to do it?" She glances down at the letters, "I mean... I, um, d-don't think of eleven still-active letters as just a couple?" Shane's voice is so cold that it might as well be dripping icicles, "Indeed. That's downright lying about the situation." Marcus also looks more than moderately thunderous, his voice sharp with anger, "Is she jealous in some way? Or is she simply upset that her illusions are no longer holding?" Cinnamon looks shocked for a moment as she glances between the three men -- but then she pauses and considers. Actually... actually, they're right! This really isn't fair of Aoi, to say such things -- because they're not true! She gets a small, shy, and very happy smile as her gaze flicks between Thorn, Shane, and Marcus again -- she's deeply touched that they're being so incredibly nice to her, in defending her so! The little dragon blinks as another thought hits her, and brightens as she realizes she knows how to reassure Tao, "Oh, I know! Jaw-long, you can tell truth too, right?" She beams as he nods his big, heavy head, then says confidently, "I did not steal Aoi's people, and I've told Tao only the truth!" Then she glances inquiringly between the two Chinese, "Is that better?" It hasn't quite hit her yet that Tao's unhappiness has shifted; he is no longer angry with her... but rather at Aoi. Tao nods, "Oh, I quite believed you before, mèimei, when I was reading these letters. Jaw-Long would have let me know if I was reading untruths, or if the story you told me was untrue." He slowly shakes his head and sighs, "I'm... rather worried, actually. I believe she's twisting things in her head." He looks at Jaw-Long, his voice rueful, "I need to have you in more meetings and conversations with Aoi, si dang." As Cinnamon whispers to the others that Tao called her 'little sister,' and Jaw-long his 'die-hard friend,' Tao turns to her and adds, "She would have me believe you overstated everything because you're in reality a rather tiresomely impulsive child who ignores her elders." That has Shane actually shooting to his feet, his voice once again icy, "She accused my acushla of lying to you about this? With me there to verify the story?" Marcus' eyes widen; Shane is usually quite chill! Marcus has, in fact, seen Shane un-chill very, very few times -- one of which wound up with Marcus himself having a broken nose and cheekbone. Then again, the elf realizes, there are very few things that will cause the half-beansidhe to get upset... but someone just essentially accused him of lying... via verifying Cinnamon's story to Tao. Cinnamon just looks confused at Tao's words; she's pretty sure she does actually listen to Elias and Aisling and Jaeger? -- but then she squeaks startledly at Shane's sudden motion! She blinks up at him from her seat... and finds herself momentarily speechless: [Wow he's so incredibly awesome/gorgeous/scary/eeee! when he's like this!] It takes her several seconds, in fact, before she blinks and confusedly asks, "Wait, what did I overstate, please? I mean... it was the Nusantarans who talked, not me? I just translated... and the report of what we did isn't until the next council meeting?" She adds after a moment's thought, "Shaney's going to be there too, so... you'll know it's all true then too, right? I mean, Jaw-long will hopefully be there as well, but... umm..." She looks a bit helplessly at Tao, "I... don't know what to say to reassure you, dà ge, elder brother... sorry?" Tao replies gently, "Your story when you told it to me, mèimei. She was trying to gain my sympathies in this... perhaps save face with me." "Oh! Oh." Cinnamon thinks a moment... then sadly adds, "Oh... poor Aoi. I'm really sorry, Tao." She pauses, considering a bit more... then hesitantly adds, "Is there... anything we can do to help?" Shane is still seething internally -- Aoi is now firmly on his shit list! He closes his eyes and starts breathing slowly and deeply. Cinnamon blinks at Shane... then lightly, a bit nervously, touches his leg, "Shaney? Asthore? Would you, umm... wanna sit down and have a hug, m-maybe?" Thorn watches this, wondering (correctly) if Aoi has pissed off Shane enough to be put on his mental shit list. The healer knows Shane is wise enough to not just go off after Aoi, but at some point a slight reminder might do the paladin well: that Aoi is a goddess, no matter how callous and feckless she's acting. Shane stops his regular breathing to nearly snap, "I think you need to vote her off the council. She keeps putting her own reputation above the good of her people." He takes a deep breath and settles down, wrapping almost his whole self around Cinnamon, and she hugs him warmly back, as full-body as he wants! She's worried for him, but also simultaneously thrilled: maybe, just a little bit... maybe Shane actually finds hugging her to be at least a little bit as nice and wonderful and reassuring as she finds hugging him? It does calm him considerably. Marcus blinks slowly, then looks to Tao, "You'll have to forgive him. Shane is perhaps one of the calmest and most level-headed people I know, but Aoi just essentially accused him, in a very backhanded way, of the one thing he never, ever does." Jaw-Long huffs, "She accused him of either lying or helping someone else to lie?" Marcus nods. Cinnamon feels a sudden internal surge of indignation as Jaw-long clarifies things in a way that the little dragon clearly understands! Her voice is both flat and uncompromising as she firmly states, "My Shaney does not lie! Not ever -- and Aoi knows that, and shame on her for even hinting that!" She adds with less upset -- but no less firmly, "Thank you, Marcus, for explaining to them. I didn't quite get it." Shane wraps himself more closely around Cinnamon and buries his face in her hair, breathing her scent in deeply and muttering quietly about her not lying either. Then he raises his head to add, "I'm not a council member. I've become sort of peripherally involved due to being... well, due to being Cinnamon's sweetheart and a sort of unofficial truthseer for the council. Aoi is old, and should be wise -- but she's become vain instead. She's doing more harm than good at this point." Marcus winces -- because, just like they all just said, Shane only tells the truth as he knows it... and at this point, Marcus himself agrees. Cinnamon sighs softly, enjoying the feel of her beloved so close... almost like he... like he might even need her a little? That's a lovely thought! She listens to Shane's words, then sighs again, "I... gosh, I... wish I didn't agree? Though... maybe I shouldn't be voting, considering she's mad at me. Would that be seen as self-serving, if I too voted for Tao to replace her... do you think?" Tao listens quietly to everyone, then replies, "You can abstain, but you are allowed to vote in your own favor -- especially as it seems a being I have always considered my somewhat vain but good-hearted friend tried to actively slander you to me. So it simply seems like self-defense to me." Marcus nods slowly, "I have no doubt the vote would go for her replacement, anyway. I can see Killa voting against it, but off the top of my head... I, Elias, Josie, Sparrow, Aisling, Jarek, and Hilde, for certain. That's seven of twelve, even with Cinnamon abstaining; that's the simple majority needed. Also, Nasteexo, Jalil, and Snow are likely to vote in favor of Tao as well. The only ones I seriously see possibly voting for Aoi staying are... Aoi herself, and Killa -- since Killa is a contrarian." Thorn remains silent; it's not for him to say if Aoi should be on the council or not. He can't help but agree, though; it's in Aoi's and her territories' best interest that she step down. Tao muses, "Isn't this Sparrow also a contrarian? He is a trickster, yes?" Cinnamon smiles ruefully over Shane's shoulder at Tao, "He's a Trickster, yes... but he's also really strict internally, I think, about taking care of your people!" She considers for a moment, then ruefully adds, "I think that might be part of the reason he's been, um... tweaking her tail a lot, recently?" She quietly adds, "I almost feel sorry for poor Aoi because... well, the reason we originally went looking for you, Tao, is because Snow was worried about Aoi not taking care of all her people. She and Jalil and Nasteexo and Dejiyo were talking about how to deal with this, and they and some other folks asked a group that included me to go talk to her. So... I too suspect they're likely to vote for you also." Marcus is trying not to concentrate on the snuggling pair in the midst of this serious discussion. He's being... mostly successful, as he nods to Cinnamon, "Something definitely needs to be done, too. She can go back to her home where she can perhaps get the energy she needs to stay beautiful and inspiring without having to use any of it to take care of other people." Tao winces, but slowly nods. Thorn feels sorry for Tao; the yellow dragon does not seem like he really wants the job of councilor, but will do it because someone has to. Cinnamon sighs, "I guess... but I wish she'd stick around long enough to maybe learn she doesn't have to be perfect to already be beautiful like she is? Honestly, now I've seen both her and Tao as themselves, the, um, 'energized' version just looks... creepily artificial... if that makes sense?" She's slowly and soothingly stroking Shane's back with one hand as she speaks. It's not immediately apparent if the soothing is more for him... or for her! Tao laughs quietly, "Thank you for the honesty. I would rather not spend the energy just to look like what was once considered perfect. I feel I am comely enough as I am, and have no desire for lovers at this time. Also, it has always been my duty to watch over and care for people... and in any case, this too was meant to be my job." Cinnamon nods and smiles reassuringly at Tao, "Oh, yes, you're very pretty, dà ge! Aoi is too when she's in her real human form." The little dragon is simply stating what she sees as facts: Tao is pretty, to her... but the people she actually loves are the truly gorgeous ones. Tao smiles, "Thank you." He sighs and starts to stand, "I am going to return to the Residence and think. The next meeting of the council is here, yes? I will attend wherever it is, but I want to be sure to be ready." His face goes solemn, "Aoi is likely to... object quite strenuously." Cinnamon nods, "Jarek's the host, and yes -- it's here." She's silent as Tao stands, but then hesitantly asks, "Is it... all right if, um... if you were to send a message about the old secretary, once you find out... please? -and, umm... w-well, if there's anything we can do to help... well, I know I'd like to, if I can?" Tao smiles, "I will absolutely send you a message about him when I find out what happened. I suspect simple exile." Cinnamon looks relieved, "Okay! Thanks, Tao." A bit uncertainly she adds, "I... er, it was nice to see you and Jaw-long again... in spite of what we had to talk about?" Tao nods courteously, "It was good to see you again too. I am pleased we spoke and understand this. I am sure we will meet many more times under more pleasant circumstances." Cinnamon smiles at that, charmed by how sweet Tao is being! She considers showing the two Chinese to the door as a courtesy... then wonders if Shane's feeling well enough yet. She hopes so, but she's certainly not going to interrupt him and this lovely hug! It's Marcus, in fact, who stands and walks with Tao and Jaw-Long to the door, even though it's not his office. It's obvious to the elf that Shane and Cinnamon need to comfort one another right now, so he doesn't care that it might seem he's part of this little family at the moment. Tao bows to everyone and disappears down the hallway with Jaw-long. Cinnamon sighs in relief as Marcus returns, her voice heartfelt, "Thanks, Daki-kun!" She smiles at him, then murmurs to Shane, "Asthore? How're you feeling?" Shane takes a deep breath, "I apologize. I don't often get upset, but-" he shrugs, "both lying, and accusing me and you of doing so?" Cinnamon's smile is meant to be reassuring as she replies, "I'm okay -- this isn't the first and probably won't be the last time folks have said mean things about me!" Her smile rapidly gets a little goofy, though, as she ends up nearly beaming at Shane -- wow, he really-really seems to like her bunches and he's so gorgeously pretty up close like this! Thorn sighs quietly, "It's understandable. I don't think Aoi is going to take it very well, but... that's not anyone's problem but her own. Cinnamon nods gravely, "I think so too." Marcus nods, "Indeed. As I have heard said, 'That is a her problem.'" Cinnamon giggles, and Shane too can't help laughing at Marcus' stilted use of human slang. The little dragon considers for a bit before she quietly adds, "Shaney? Asthore, I... I don't want to hurt your feelings or anything, but... well... I don't want you to think I'm all marvelous and stuff when... well..." She sighs thoughtfully... then takes a deep breath to firmly state, "I'm sorry, asthore, but... but I will absolutely lie, right through my teeth! -- if it's going to keep someone I care about safe... okay?" More mutedly she adds, "...sorry..." Shane chuckles, "You will lie when you need to, but you don't lie simply to make yourself look better, acushla, which is essentially what she was accusing you of doing. I myself don't lie. I know other people have to. I actually suspect there might be people that can get around me with lies, but I haven't definitively met one yet." He rubs his face, "She keeps taking one step forward and two steps back!" "Oh! Um..." Cinnamon blushes slightly, "...okay. Though, umm... yikes, are there really people that have to lie? The poor things!" She looks bemused, "I wonder how they get through life without annoying everyone around them?" Thorn mentions, "Supernaturals who live outside of Coblyn essentially have to lie to keep themselves secret." "Oh, sure, but I mean folks who, er, who can't tell the truth? Or..." Cinnamon glances puzzledly back at Shane, "Is that what you meant, asthore?" Shane smiles sadly, "Yes. There are people that have to lie for their own survival." He kisses the top of her head, "Mostly, acushla, they're lying to keep someone safe, whether themselves or someone they love. Like... exactly that, Thorn. Or people in abusive situations will lie to their abusers to keep themselves safe. Me mum did that with a fella that came before Da." Cinnamon sighs happily at the little kiss, her voice a bit distracted, "Oh... okay, I get that..." Shane chuckles and shakes his head, "There aren't obligate liars, that I know of. I mean, there's the old 'One of us only lies and the other only tells the truth' riddle, but I think that's just a logic thing. I don't know of any species or curse that causes anyone to always lie. There are curses that keep people from being believed, but not that cause them to have to lie." Cinnamon giggles, "Labyrinth! I loved that movie!" That makes both Marcus and Shane smile... but for very different reasons! Later, a letter lands on Cinnamon's desk, written in ancient Greek on rich parchment. It's likely not a surprise that it comes from the god-emperor of the Grecian enclave, who is demanding to be released from the strictures of the council since -- as he seems to think -- he is a force unto himself and therefore the only authority to which he or his people need to answer. It's written in a high-handed and 'listen here, young lady!' sort of manner, giving the impression that the man has decided perhaps he can bully Cinnamon because she's female and younger than him. Cinnamon sighs as she reads the letter, shaking her head and muttering to herself, "No, you big stupid-head! What, are you a complete goober?! Of course you have to follow the rules... just like everyone else -- 'cause you're not that special!" She pulls over her stationary... but then pauses. She's already sent a polite letter to the guy saying no, after the first letter. She can't just say what she's really thinking, either, since she suspects he'd likely be offended at being called a goober... however correct she may think that is! She grins wryly to herself, but then considers for a bit. Hmm, he's being patronizing too, and when that happened while she was in accounting, her (male) boss always stepped in. So who does she know who might help her write... oh! Perfect. She'll ask Jaeger! He was the guy's former council representative -- though she should include Marcus in the invite... hmm, invite? Mmm... yeah, actually! That's the ticket: invite the father and son to lunch at her place, and let them know it's for a bit of council advice she needs. The little dragon beams a bit proudly to herself -- maybe she's getting the hang of this council stuff! -- as she writes the little invitation, and sends it via messenger. It doesn't take long for the reply to come back with Jaeger's counter-offer: lunch at the Residence with himself and Marcus. They can all discuss the matter there. Both he and Marcus would be thrilled to help however they can. Cinnamon grins happily -- how nice! It makes her feel good inside that the two men seem to think she's an okay person. So she sends her RSVP with thanks, and at the correct time she turns up on the Residence doorstep. She's dressed in a nice skirt and blouse, since this is sort of a formal or business request she's made, and she's brought some freshly baked cookies for the household. She knows the chef is awesome, of course... but maybe he'd like an occasional bit of a break from cooking? When Butler answers the door, Ingrid happily takes the cookies and promises she'll bring them -- or at least most of them -- back out with the sweet nibblies at the end of the meal! That makes Cinnamon giggle delightedly and hug Ingrid before she continues following Butler. He leads her almost immediately through the Residence to the arboretum, where there's a lovely little meal for three laid out with tea. It's the sort of light repast they might have at the tea shop Cinnamon so adores, rather than a heavier, Teutonic sort of meal. Both Marcus and Jaeger stand when Cinnamon is shown in. Jaeger is wearing slacks and a tucked-in, button-down shirt, with his sleeves buttoned at the wrist. Marcus is dressed a bit more casually: barefoot, and in jeans and a button-down with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. Perhaps it's because he's at home... or perhaps it's because he's noticed just how Cinnamon reacts to him dressed in this way. Cinnamon doesn't realize Marcus is doing this deliberately, of course. She just blinks, a little wide-eyed at his appearance... then grins a bit goofily as she admires Marcus' backside when he moves past her to pull out her chair -- yum! Jaeger smiles as he ushers Cinnamon to her waiting seat... which is, unsurprisingly, directly next to Marcus. Of course, once she's seated she hastily pulls herself together again, politely asking how they're both doing and if Tao's still there or has headed back home with Jaw-long. That, she figures, is safe conversational territory when her brain is trying its best to do the tango with that lovely mental image of Marcus! Jaeger smiles, "Tao has gone home briefly. He and Jaw-Long felt they needed to spend time with their people, to prepare them for a possible change in their routine. He said he would be back in time for the next council meeting, though. I really quite enjoyed his company... and he really quite enjoyed sunbathing on the roof." Cinnamon nods thoughtfully to Jaeger, "Mm, good point -- that's a pretty big disruption in all their lives, if things go the way we're expecting." Marcus offers Cinnamon the tea he remembers her liking best the last time she visited, and asks, "It's lovely to have you visit, but Vater said you had a serious question for us?" Jaeger tsks, "Food first! Business second!" Cinnamon blinks, pushing her glasses up before reaching for her purse -- but at Jaeger's comment she giggles, "Okay! Um, I mean, if that's okay with you both?" Marcus chuckles and nods, "He's right. Enjoy the food. Deal with the possible unpleasantness after. It will allow you to take more pleasure in the delicious textures and flavors if you aren't stressed." There's just... something in the way he talks about the food that feels like he's talking about more than the food. But he's smiling in a generally friendly way. Cinnamon looks intrigued, "Oh, what a cool idea -- I've never thought about texture as being part of enjoying a meal!" She thinks about that for a bit, then muses, "Maybe that's why I've always been leery of trying sushi? Like... wouldn't raw fish be kinda icky for a human mouth, rather than a dragon one?" Marcus shakes his head, "Surprisingly, no. The textures of sushi range from soft, to silky, to the fun pop of roe between the teeth, to the firm feel of octopus and squid. Though, honestly, I know too much of the intelligence of octopi to eat that. I think you would enjoy it if you had the right person to guide you through the experience." Cinnamon blinks a bit warily, "Food that... pops? In... in your mouth?!" She giggles, "Eeew!" Marcus arches a brow and grins, "Haven't you eaten grapes?" Cinnamon grins bemusedly at Marcus, "Though... you're teasing me, right? Sushi doesn't really explode in your mouth, does it?" Marcus laughs, "No. It doesn't, but it does pop between your teeth when you bite it, like good grapes do. I was given some popping candy once as a child by one of the folk that had gone traveling, so I know some human sweets do actually explode on your tongue." His blue eyes are twinkling. He may be teasing, but not in the way she thinks. Cinnamon blinks bemusedly again, "Huh! So more like... pop rocks?" Marcus shakes his head, "No. Like very tiny grapes. You bite down, and there's this wonderful moment when the roe pops between your teeth and your mouth is gently flooded with the lovely, salty taste of it. If you trust me one day, we'll have sushi together and I'll show you all the joys of it. I promise it's not how you think it is." Cinnamon still looks bemused -- who pops grapes?! Don't you just chew them up like regular? -- but grins uncertainly, "Um, well... okay, I guess? I didn't know there was anyone who did sushi on Coblyn!" Jaeger smiles and pats Cinnamon's knee, "I think he's referring to the way a very ripe grape sort of pops between your teeth, my dear." He motions to Butler, who is standing near the door, "If there are some grapes in the kitchen, bring them with dessert. We'll discuss this again then. But for now, lunch. Then business. Then dessert." Cinnamon grins up at Jaeger, "Okay! Fine with me." Marcus nods, "There is one place to get it. A very small place. Perhaps we'll go sometime." Cinnamon looks intrigued, "Is there? What's it called? Where is it?" Maybe she'll walk past and take a peek, so she doesn't feel nervous and off balance at the thought of eating... raw fish, eeeeeugh! -- while still human. Marcus is still smiling, "Yin's. It's literally underground, in a basement. There are perhaps sixteen seats and most of them are at the sushi bar." He describes how to get to the restaurant: most of the way to the end of Coblyn, down one of the narrow alleys, down a set of stairs, and into a basement of a haberdashery. As he explains how to find Yin's, the food arrives. Cinnamon beams up at Ingrid, thanking the woman as she's served. Once the servers are departed, Cinnamon curiously asks, "Haberdashery... is this the one Shane lives over? It sounds like it...?" Marcus mmms? -then finishes the bite he was taking, pats his lips with his napkin, and nods, "I believe it is. It's the only one on that end of the street. There's another near the other end." Cinnamon blinks, "Haberdashery? Or sushi place?" Marcus smiles, "Sorry to be confusing. Haberdashery. As far as I know, there's only Yin's for sushi." Cinnamon nods slowly, "Oh, okay." After that she concentrates a bit on eating, even sort of testing a few of the bites as she chews. Can she tell textures? If she can, is it really helpful to the taste? Or is it more just... feeling the food in her mouth as she chews? She hmms thoughtfully, several bites later. Some of the food is just delicious, but she's not sure the textures are that important... or maybe it's the lack of texture that's nice in those bites? Some of them, though... yeah, actually -- chewing on the various little bits and pieces is both fun, and kinda oddly, differently tasty! Once the food is done and cookies and other sweet nibblies are brought out with the tea, Jaeger leans back and relaxes, "Now. This letter..." Cinnamon is still thoughtfully running her tongue along her teeth and thinking about texture, so she startles a bit when she realizes she's being spoken to! That makes her blush slightly with embarrassment, almost diving for her purse, "Oh! Yes right sorry about that okay yeah uhhh here we go!" She brings out the old and the new letter, as well as the copy of her very polite first reply. She sighs at the two letters -- but then hesitates, glancing between Jaeger and Marcus, "Actually, um, I should probably warn you? These letters are from someone in Greece, Marcus... so if you'd, er, rather not deal with it? I'll totally get it, okay?" Marcus shakes his head and chuckles at himself, "That... was my own fault. I'll be happy to give whatever help I can. I hope I am more diplomatic than I was when I declared them too uncouth to deal with." He winces at his own past stupidity, "In fact, if you do decide to eschew having your own territories, I will be happy to have them back... if they will have me." Relief sort of floods through Cinnamon -- thank goodness Marcus isn't annoyed and is willing to take them back! -- and so, without thinking, she beams at him. It's her full-wattage, hugely relieved smile, "Oh, awesome -- thanks so much, dude!" She lays the letters out on the table, missing the elf's reaction as she cheerfully continues, "So this is the first letter, and this is my reply, and here's the one where he's really kinda acting like a bit of a goober, you know? Well... maybe more of a lot of a goober... so I was hoping you guys could help me write a good reply that tells him to not be an idiot, without saying he's being an idiot, right?" She pulls out her notepad as well, then beams hopefully between the two men, "Can you maybe help me do that?" Marcus, had he been standing, would have been reeling at the full wattage of that smile! Instead, he simply leans back in his seat and catches his breath, feeling a little gleefully giddy that he got such a reaction from Cinnamon. Sadly, it also means he's a bit tongue-tied! He has to let his father cover for it, at first, in trying to come up with a way to diplomatically tell the god-emperor to sit the hell down and shut the fuck up. Jaeger mmms to cover his smile, "Well, I can help you write a letter that says essentially 'I understand your concerns, but every territory is under the protection of the council not only for their protection, but for the protection of their people. There have been too many examples of benevolent neglect or need of outside help in time of crisis to allow territories to begin splitting off.' Basically: 'No, you dumkopf! What happens when you fuck up and need us to save your arsch from yourself?'" Then he clears his throat, "Pardon my language." Cinnamon giggles! Then she grins, nodding, "Yeah, that! That's perfect, Jaeger -- thank you!" She scribbles hastily in her notebook, then reads Jaeger's words to him... then sighs happily, "Fantastic. Okay, one last thing... and if you think this is too much, we can just leave it off, okay? But is there any way to say something like, 'Hey, I'm not stupid and I can tell you're being really rude and patronizing, so cut it out!' ...maybe?" Jaeger leans back and considers... so it's Marcus who replies, "I understand I am a relatively new council member, but I have earned my position and responsibilities through hard work, and have proved myself worthy of respect, just as I am aware of your abilities, position, and age. I would appreciate if all future correspondence reflected the respect due our mutual positions." His eyes are twinkling as he adds, "Fairly nice way of saying 'Hey, you're being a jerk, but I know what the f... facts of the matter are and I know what I'm doing, so even if you don't like me, respect the Chair.'" Jaeger snorts, "And also of saying 'Even if I think you're a petulant, goat-hoofed man-child, I will speak to you with the respect due your station'!" Cinnamon thinks carefully about that for a moment... then nods slowly, "That... yeah. I like that." She perks up, beaming at Marcus, "Awesome! Let me get that down real quick..." She scribbles in her notebook for a moment... then looks up at Jaeger with interest, "Oh, he's actually a satyr? Huh, I didn't know! Elias said he had a, um... that his mother was some Greek nature spirit, if I remember correctly?" With a hint of embarrassment she adds, "Sorry, that, er, conversation was before the eidetic memory kicked in..." Jaeger snorts, "Yes. He sometimes manifests as a satyr... and yes, his mother was a nature-spirit of some sort. He -- like Killa -- is some sort of demigod. But for that matter, you could almost consider Sparrow a demigod. Though he'd laugh in your face if you did." Cinnamon giggles and nods at that! "Okay, how's this, you guys?" She reads back what she's got, with a few added embellishments: "Dear dude -- his name goes there, of course. Ahem." She takes a breath, then starts up again, "While I understand your concerns, every supernatural territory is under the guidance of the council not only for their protection, but also for the protection of the people who live there. We cannot allow territories to begin splitting off, since we have far too many examples of either benevolent neglect, or need of outside help in time of crisis. Therefore, I'm afraid I cannot grant your request. Next paragraph: I understand I am a relatively new council member. However, I have not just inherited, but also earned my position and responsibilities through hard work, and consequently proved myself worthy of respect. While I am aware of your abilities, position, and age, I would very much appreciate all our future correspondence reflecting the respect due to both our respective positions. Sincerely, and then my name." She pushes up her glasses as she glances between the two men with a hopeful smile, "How's that?" She hesitates, adding a little shyly a heartbeat or three later, "Do you really think I've proved myself worthy of respect?" Jaeger looks her square in the face as he replies simply, "Yes." Cinnamon blushes at that, glancing down at her empty plate... but there's a very happy little smile on her face as she bites her lip and beams to herself! Marcus slow-blinks at the lip-bite, and Jaeger hides his smile in his teacup... then adds, "I like the letter quite a lot. Copy it out in a very nice calligraphy. Add a nice wax seal or two to make it look extremely official and important. It will assuage his ego." Cinnamon beams and nods happily to Jaeger, "I will! Also, thanks so much to both of you for the help -- this has really eased my mind!" She just chats cheerfully to the two men about other stuff for a bit as they all nibble their sweets and drink tea... but after a bit, an interesting idea hits her. This... honestly was kind of a trial by fire for Marcus: would he be willing to help the Greeks, even after being thoroughly rejected by them? She thinks it's a great sign that he did help -- and even better: he said he'd be willing to take them back! She considers that for a moment... then smiles a bit uncertainly at Marcus, "So, umm... I was wondering. Would you be willing to go with me to Greece some time, if I'm headed that way? Just to help out, you know, like in Nusantara? I figure that way, maybe they can see you've changed, you know? Would that be... an okay way, maybe, to show the southern Europeans that they can trust you to be their councilor again?" She adds in explanation, "I don't want to just... sort of dump people into the laps of other councilors, after all -- that'd be really rude and unkind to everyone, I think! But if I can kind of let them see the folks I think should be their councilors instead of me, and let them decide... maybe that'd be a nicer way to start giving territories back... maybe? What do you guys think?" Marcus nods, "I would be pleased to go. I can check on my other territories while there, perhaps. Possibly even host a council meeting somewhere such as one of the Elm trods in Germany." Cinnamon brightens, "Ooh, that's an idea! I'd like to visit Acorn again too, and see how they're doing!" Marcus smiles, "Perhaps this time I can keep from being kidnapped too." Cinnamon giggles! "Oh, that wasn't really your fault though, was it?" Marcus chuckles, "No, it really wasn't. I have excellent woodcraft. But... they had better woodcraft than I did. They knew their own territory better than I did." Cinnamon nods reassuringly, "Well, that's kinda to be expected, right?" She smiles as she pats his hand where it rests on the table, "Besides, you had -- still have! -- good folks backing you up. That's always reassuring... to me, at least!" After that, conversation turns general and friendly until it's time for Cinnamon to head home... feeling well content with the afternoon's events! Cinnamon has about two weeks free, after Liam's memorial and before her first anniversary of arriving on Coblyn... so she decides to buckle down and finally get the Infirmary records updated! If she focuses just on that for a bit, she'll surely get through them a whole lot faster than a single afternoon every two weeks or so, right? So the little dragon goes ferociously single-minded on her work at the Infirmary, even to the point of borrowing the old logbooks one at a time so she can continue typing during her office hours while no one is there. She's very good at accounting, after all, and her earlier facility is augmented by her newer draconic abilities... and so, after about ten days of incredibly single-minded effort in every free minute she has, Cinnamon comes into the Infirmary one afternoon, lugging a very large box and with Spice behind her carrying another big bag. As the little dragon carefully sets down the box, she proudly tells the folks standing there, "It's done! All updated... and I think I have a really sturdy, nice, basic set-up here for you all so you can continue keeping the records on a computer!" Spice is swiftly setting up the computer gear as Cinnamon beams at Iason, adding, "I took all the stuff you told me you needed, and I think I have a good answer for it all -- what do you think?" The computer Cinnamon has for the infirmary is a large one -- both monitor and keyboard -- so Iason can use it easily. There's also a smaller, wi-fix linked laptop for Thorn and Nikos, so they can move it to whatever room they're in. Iason looks slightly bemused, "I think that I have never in my very long life touched a computer." Cinnamon grins excitedly, "Well, want to try it? Programs are already all loaded for you, right, Spicy?" There's an amused snort from the clever hacker -- duh! Cinnamon giggles, then excitedly adds to the folks gathered around, "I went ahead and put in all the data for the last years too, see? What do you all think?" Thorn is there, and blinks at the huge records box Cinnamon is carrying! Wait, that's... the computer box, got it -- Spice has the records in the accompanying bag. The healer is curious about the computer too... well, computers. He's not certain how to run modern medical records programs, but he's pretty sure Cinnamon and Spice have made it so everyone can get the hang of it pretty quickly. Indeed, Cinnamon knows very non-computer-savvy people will be using these machines, so the medical program she picked is very straightforward and well documented... and also sturdy as fuck! She's picked one that will remind folks if they forget to save, or ask them if they really want to do that, should they accidentally try to delete something they shouldn't... and similar helpful efforts. Iason peers at the computer set up for him to use and mutters about being a teacher, so learning ought to be pretty easy. Nikos, watching this, shakes his head and then grins at Spice and Cinnamon, "We thank you for this. I took a couple of computer classes... once. So this might take a bit..." He grins at Thorn, "Looks like you get to be the one we all ask questions of." Thorn laughs softly. "No problem, I'll be glad to." Cinnamon grins excitedly, "It's okay, you guys -- I'll show you everything you need to know, and Spicy said she can help too. So, when's good for you all to sit down and check it out with us?" The little dragon doesn't admit it aloud, but she's also thrilled to be able to help the Infirmary after all the incredible help they've been! She's nervously aware she might have lost her beloved asthore 'that' night... maybe even Marcus too! So when she heard that Thorn gave most of his million dollars to the Infirmary, she decided to help there too... and just as she did with Shane, she and Spice have set aside a trust fund for Thorn too, so the two kind-hearted men still have a million available to them, should they ever have a need for it. As Cinnamon is talking, Iason inquires, "Why 'mouse'?" and Spice's eyes twinkle. This one is wired, so she wiggles it and says, "Small. Has a tail. Clicks and squeaks. Breaks if you play with it hard enough to have any fun." It's clear from the look on her face that she's quoting something. Iason smiles, "Now would be good if you have time." Cinnamon giggles at Spice -- then nearly glows as she beams delightedly at Iason, "Oh, sure!" She and Spice take the next couple of hours to happily explain the computers and the program to the three men. It's clear they both love their subjects, and sharing that love with others! Nikos mutters a bit here and there about it being a new system, but he seems to start picking it up eventually. Iason, being as old as he is, really is a teacher, and picks up information quickly. This is a completely foreign set of information, but he gets the 'point and click' thing fairly easily. It likely helps that he's used to magical documents, so seeing something glowing on a screen isn't precisely awe-inspiring... it's just outside his current wheelhouse. The one thing Iason struggles with is typing. He's going to be hunt-and-pecking for a goodly while, and it makes Spice snicker -- until he pauses, looks down at her and rumbles, "Shall I hand you a scalpel and have you perform a cholecystectomy, then?" Cinnamon laughs at that! "Okay, so what's a, um... coco- wait, kolo... er, kolay system?" Nikos giggles, "It's removing a gall bladder." Spice laughs and makes a hiss sound as she shakes a hand, "Damn. Buuuuurn. Good one, Iason!" Cinnamon giggles again at that! Once the guys have been caught up on it, and Nikos and Thorn promise to catch the other medics up on how to use the system, Spice tugs Cinnamon away, saying, "I need some fuckin' food. Teachin' noobs, even smart noobs, is hungry work!" After that, they gather Josie and Shane for a small, intimate meal -- though Cinnamon also ensures it's a very filling one! She too is quite hungry by now. Shane snuggles Cinnamon in against his side as he grins, "So that's taken care of -- you're slowly modernizing Coblyn, acushla! What's next, teaching Llew how to use databases?" That makes Josie giggle, "Unfortunately, all his records actually have to be physical due to the nature of them." Cinnamon laughs and shakes her head, "Iason asked for the help, actually! I don't try to push it on anyone, you know? I really hated having clients that insisted on everyone using their outdated or inefficient programs, so I don't want to do that to anyone else, right?" She grins as she happily asks, "But since you all are here, maybe you can help me find someone who can furnish the underground storage area I'm going to have under my cottage! I figure half of it can be a cool storage area, and the other half can have a nice thick flooring and some wooden walls to keep it from being too horribly cold, in case I have guests or Sha- uh, I -- I n-need a workroom! It's going to need lights and electricity run into it too. Is there anyone that does that here on Coblyn?" Shane mmms, "Getting the electricity down there is going to be the hard part, really. Most of the electrical power that's been run here was run a long time back. We can maybe get someone to reroute some of the power from your place down there. But running new lines? Not quite as easy." Cinnamon hmms... then muses, "Baird, maybe? He might know someone?" Spice laughs, "Baird knows a fuckton of people, but how many of them do you want to know the existence of Coblyn?" Josie hmms, "Baird does communications stuff... maybe he can do the wiring himself?" Cinnamon grins and shakes her head, "Baird also knows there are ways to help people forget, but I trust him to figure out if he can do it himself or not. Plus, I bet if he asks nicely, he can talk Quickclaw or Brightscale into making the rock channels he needs!" She cheerfully writes and sends off a note to Baird right then, so she doesn't forget, asking if he can do wiring work for an underground cave she's having made... or if she'd do better to ask him for someone willing to be 'forgetted.' She also gets names from Josie and Shane for good folks to build the furnishings she wants in her little cavern-to-be. She'll pick one later, with the Akoesdi elders. Shane murmurs, "'Forgetted'..." and grins when he reads over the note before heading out to find a runner -- he's quicker at finding them than anyone else. Quick enough, in fact, that Spice sometimes calls them his Coblyn Street Irregulars, which makes him snort and say it's better than being called Fagin. Cinnamon giggles! It takes a few days to get a meeting with the elders about the little cavern. Baird's response takes a bit to get back to them as well, as if he wasn't easily reached, or it took him a few days to be able to respond. He is, after all, a mercenary -- and is sometimes not in the safest of situations. The answer is that he doesn't know anyone he'd trust to do it besides himself, and he'd be willing to have a look. Consequently, Cinnamon cheerfully arranges a meeting with the elders and Baird, since she trusts them to do the job right and ensure her cottage is still stable, and the little cavern is both reachable by an inner trapdoor... and a larger outside cellar door that's big enough to allow a small box freezer to be carried in. The arrangements are easily made once everyone gets together, and Cinnamon's little cellar is put together, with both the cold storage and the not-so-cold storage. The Akoesdi are happy to give up part of their underground area to the young woman that helped them find it, in order to create the space for her. It actually ends up being somewhat larger than the footprint of her cottage, all told. Cinnamon is a bit surprised at how large it turns out, but happily thanks the Akoesdi elders for their kind assistance by making them and their children a big, tasty lunch. She's equally happy with Baird's kind help, and he and Keiko also get enthusiastically fed... and then, once the cavern is created and wired and lit, Cinnamon will hire the builder Shane most recommends to finish all the nice detailing, so the little cavern is dry, comfortable, stable... and there are good stairs to both doors! Well before that, of course, the little dragon is very careful about making sure all the correct warding charms are in place as well. Cinnamon also promises both elders that as soon as Jiajun arrives on Coblyn, she'll arrange a good time for him to meet with both them and the Svnoyi elders, to learn about hydroponics. Have they talked with Cafe Prague about possible solar panels yet? The elders have apparently been talking to the Svnoyi elders about pooling resources on the hydroponics and solar panels. Fortunately, Cafe Prague is happy to help out with that. Also, all the elders are looking forward to meeting Jiajun. In other news, Aoi has been in isolation since Tao departed. Only her servants have been seen out and about on the street... and then, unexpectedly, there's news that she's leaving the street for a short time. Aoi -- despite being the Asian councilor -- spends most of her time on Coblyn. So for her to suddenly announce she's off to visit an enclave in New York City is... beyond unusual. Cinnamon raises an eyebrow when she hears that from Marcus, "In... the city of New York? Wow, I wouldn't have thought she'd like that place at all! Any idea of why she's going?" Marcus smiles wryly, "My thought? Chinatown. They've got a large one, and the people there still practice the old religions fairly strongly. She may be wanting to... stock up, as it were, before the next meeting -- get an excess of energy. She may feel like she'll have to defend herself in some way. Maybe not physically, but psychically or mentally." Cinnamon looks puzzled, "Defend herself from... the council meeting?! How... very odd!" She considers that for a bit before murmuring to herself, "...and... sad!" Marcus sighs, "She's been on the defensive for a while... defensive enough to be spreading low-level lies. Bad ones in that she made a suggestion that Shane might be lying. She's not thinking clearly." Cinnamon snorts indignantly, "That's not thinking badly -- that's just darned stupid!" She blushes slightly as she mutters, "Well... it is!" "Stupidity is thinking badly." Marcus smiles, "-and no need to apologize for thinking it." Cinnamon nods gravely, despite still being a bit embarrassed... then brightens as a perky song rotates around on her phone's playlist, "Ooh, I love this one!" She sings along cheerfully, whirling and waving her arms like wings, "I wanna live with a cinnamon girl! She laughs and hugs Marcus exuberantly when the song ends, "Oh, that was fun! We should have more dance parties on Coblyn!"He hugs her back, squeezing tightly and pressing his face into her hair. He's taking every opportunity for affectionate touch currently... and that's the position they're in when Shane arrives. Cinnamon squeaks a happy, "Shaney!" -- then disengages from Marcus, though it's not rough or hasty; she's simply happy enough right now that the 'framing' of the moment doesn't occur to her. "Hi, asthore! You just missed a really cute song I like -- do you know that one that goes..." She sings the words, "I could be happy Shane chuckles and wraps his arms around Cinnamon, unable not to do something a little possessive as he kisses her hair and then the side of her neck, looking at Marcus as he does so, "I do know it. It's been stuck in my head for a couple of days. Because, I mean, I have a Cinnamon girl." Marcus smiles wryly back. He knows he was 'caught' being affectionate with Shane's acushla. But it was also a fairly innocent moment. Cinnamon beams excitedly up at Shane as she snuggles him right back, "Awww! That's so nice of you, dathúil!" A moment later she blinks, remembering the news, "Oh! Also, did you hear? Marcus just told me, a moment ago: Aoi's taken off for... New York City, of all places! He thinks she's trying to soak more energy or something at Chinatown... to 'defend' herself at the council meeting!" She sighs as she straightens from the hug, and continues walking with both young men down the street, "I mean, wow... paranoid much?" Shane smirks and laces his fingers with Cinnamon's, halfway expecting Marcus to do the same on the other side. Instead, Marcus puts his hands in his pants pockets, ruining the lines of his suit in order to do so. The half-beansidhe sighs, "Yes, she's paranoid, acushla. She's -- rightly -- convinced that people are talking about her behind her back." Cinnamon says, "But if that worries her, why doesn't she just go and talk to the folks she's worried about?" Marcus snorts, "That worked out well last time. Didn't we think she'd seen reason before she went and told Tao a pile of lies?" Cinnamon sighs, "Well, okay... I guess I'm just being overly idealistic." She continues walking for a bit more before she mutters, "Though... I still think she worries too much about so-called perfection!" She adds more cheerfully a moment later, "So anyways! I'm off to check for any letters with Llewellyn, and I'll check my cottage for regular letters too on the way. What're you guys up to?" Shane looks down at Cinnamon and murmurs gently, "She's obsessed, my love." He chuckles, "Checking for posts from Mum and Da, and for any jobs." Marcus too nods, "Checking for any communications from my folk overseas." Cinnamon grins cheerfully, "Awesome! Want to get some lunch too, while we do all that?" Shane glances across at Marcus thoughtfully and nods, "Makes sense to me... do our errands together and grab some lunch." Marcus looks across at Shane with an expression of surprise on his face... but then he nods slowly, "We can also compare any notes we might need to, on the letters waiting with Llew." The various stops garner notes of various sorts. Shane has letters from both of his parents. Cinnamon has a note from Brynn and a letter from Janet, and Marcus has a couple of letters from overseas and a note from the palace that he seems to be expecting. Cinnamon thanks Llewellyn cheerfully, feeling pleased -- she may not have any folks writing to her for help, but it's still nice to get letters! She waits until they're all seated at the Bunch o' Grapes and have ordered, though, before she puzzledly checks Brynn's note. She doesn't think she owes him any money or anything? Brynn's note simply says, Thank you. I know a good deed when I've seen it... and it will do so much good. It's signed with a flourishing B. Cinnamon blinks as she reads the note... then turns it over to double check. Nope, it's definitely to her! "Huh, that's odd. I think Brynn's thanking me for the money... rather than Sparrow and Spice!" Marcus chuckles softly, "Brynn is good at ferreting things out. It's... what he does." He smiles a bit wryly, "No matter how much you try to hide them. You should write him back and redirect the thanks if that's where you want them to go." Cinnamon gives Marcus another puzzled look, "But... I already did say the money was from Sparrow and Spice?" Shane is smiling as he reads the latter from Quinn. At one point, he actually tips his head back and laughs aloud. She startles slightly at the laugh, then grins curiously at Shane, "What's up?" Shane chuckles, "Remember the leprechaun that tried to steal from the crew of the Valkyrie?" Cinnamon nods, "Sure! Sullivan." She frowns, adding sternly, "He was very rude!" Shane goes on, "He decided that maybe he should move on toward some different trods since he was so well-known around Galway. Somehow made it across to England and then up to Scotland and got himself caught trying his tricks with another Rowan trod... near Glasgow." Marcus hisses through his teeth, "Ooh... Scottish trods are a whole other beast." Shane nods, putting on a fairly good Scottish accent, "Och, aye they are, lad." Then he's back to his own accent, "And now he's gotten himself indentured to the elders there for fifty years. Quinn gives it five years before he tries to break the indenture and flee. I'm not taking that bet." Cinnamon blinks, then laughs uncertainly, "That... really? Wow, is he... like, right in the head?" Shane grins, "He's a leprechaun from the times that leprechauns had more freedom to roam and spent more time amongst humans than the others of us. It's not so much that he's not right in the head as that he thinks he's more clever than he is. Llew is an unusual leprechaun. He's got one of the biggest treasure troves on the continent. He has the entire breadth of knowledge of who is and isn't a citizen of Coblyn..." Shane leans forward and lowers his voice, "-and a piece of them. He knows the true names of a scary number of people. Llew is a legend amongst his people." Marcus nods, "And he's utterly trustworthy, like John at the vault. He would never allow his secrets to be taken from him. He'd fight to the death for them." Cinnamon looks intrigued, "Okay, so I gotta ask, Shaney! Are True Names really that big a deal, then? I mean, are there supernaturals where... where it's like in the stories, and they gotta do what you want if you know their true name?" It's Marcus that answers, "Actually, yes. It is like that." He nods to Shane, "I know Shane as Shane Rowantrod. If I knew his true name, I could do a lot with it and some cantrips, and I know people with a lot more magic than I have that, if they had your full true name and just a little piece of you, could do you a lot of harm. That's why so many people go by an alias... and why it's required to give a drop of blood to security your citizenship." Marcus smiles, "You know part of my real name. But you don't know the full thing." He glances between Cinnamon and Shane, "I would trust you with it, however." Cinnamon winces a bit at Marcus' commentary, "That... sounds really icky!" When she looks down at her letter from Janet -- or at Shane's, for that matter -- the return address is just that: an address. Janet hasn't put her name on the envelope, and she's just signed the letter with her first initial. It's as if she's been warned about the names as well, despite not having an alias. At Marcus' offer, Cinnamon hastily shakes her head, "N-no thank you! I, um, don't think I want anyone's true name -- I'd feel horribly guilty if anything ever happened to them!" Shane says quietly, "They're often exchanged as part of handfasting." Cinnamon looks relieved, "Oh, good -- then I won't ever need to worry about it!" She pauses at that, as a random thought surfaces in her head: didn't Shane... didn't he say something about handfasting, some time ago, to her? A heartbeat later she blinks at the envelope from Janet, then holds it out to Shane, "Hey, um, Shaney? Is it... I mean, is it safe for the address to be on the envelope, where anyone could see?" She distractedly adds, "I sure hope poor Llewellyn has a lot of magical, um... protections? Stuff like that? -if it'd be that, er... well, like useful or valuable or something? -to, er, to grab him?" She blinks at another thought, turning back to Marcus, "Wait, why would a drop... or... oooh, I get it! I... think? I mean, is the drop of blood so there's a way to track bad people or something?" Marcus nods, "Indeed. All citizens are registered and trackable. Imagine that an actual citizen did something like..." he takes a gulp of his drink, "well, like Hans did." Cinnamon blinks... and then, without even realizing it, she hunches her shoulders a little... and growls. A moment later she blinks again -- what was that all about?! -- and simply mutters grumpily, "He won't be doing it ever again, that's for darned sure!" Shane smiles broadly at Cinnamon's protective instinct, "No, a ghrá, he won't. And if someone that has citizenship did, their blood could be used to bind them. If you've noticed, all the folks that have been imprisoned aren't citizens. Hans had his citizenship stripped. The humans can't be bound because they aren't citizens." Cinnamon nods thoughtfully at that, obscurely reassured... though she's also unconsciously reassured by the warm feel of Shane's kilt and thigh under her hand, under the table. She sighs consideringly as the memory she'd been thinking about abruptly pops back into mind, due to her eidetic memory: her Shaney did mention handfasting! It was in Nusantara... and he'd actually said he'd handfast her that night, if she wanted! The little dragon puzzles over that for a bit. Is Shane... all right? She's pretty sure it's not normal to want to handfast -- or marry -- clumsy fat girls, after all... right? Marcus adds, "As for Llew and protections? He's old and strong and there are so many protections on his office and the archive that it's almost awe-inspiring. They're so subtle, too. He can't make you feel uneasy going in because everyone has to do business in there, but if you mean him harm? Let's just say I wouldn't want to be the poor Blodmann that made the mistake of thinking they could do something to him in his office." Cinnamon blinks interestedly, "Huh, cool! So... does he live in the office too, then?" Shane nods, "As for the address... I've tried to tell me mum that it's probably not a good idea, but she's stubborn about it. Maybe if I tell her that you worry about her, it'll be enough to get her to stop doing it." Marcus smiles, "He has a small apartment in the cellar, actually. Loves it down there." Cinnamon nods gravely to Shane, "Totally let her know I worry about that, yeah!" She grins shyly at Marcus, adding, "Good, I'm glad he likes it!" Shane grins, "Leprechauns are quite like dragons with their hoards, a ghrá. I wouldn't want to try to separate you from your hoard forcibly." Cinnamon gives Shane a confused look, "Why... wouldn't you just ask if you need money, though?" Shane laughs softly, "Acushla, I wouldn't want to do that, but if someone tried to forcibly take away the things you find precious, you would go rather draconic on them. You haven't had anyone try because you're very generous. But let's try a thought experiment... say you went to the vault one day and you found out that -- somehow -- someone had fooled John and stolen every single speck of money and valuables you have there. How would you feel?" Cinnamon's eyes widen and flare scarlet for a heartbeat, and she hotly snaps, "I would so make sure John was all right and then track them down and get all my stuff back... and then I would sit on them-" she takes a deep breath and almost snarls, "as -- as a dragon even! Jerkfaces! That is -- those would be horrible meanies, and if they stole from anyone else I'd get that back too, darnit!" She huffs angrily, not realizing she's getting a little smoky -- she's just truly pissed at that thought! Marcus is smiling, eyes twinkling -- he finds this fascinating! Cinnamon, who usually wants to talk everything out, considers taking her hoard a killing offense... because sitting on almost anyone as a dragon would send them on to the next world. Shane nods slowly, "Eeeexactly, beloved. That's your hoarding instinct. Leprechauns have the same instinct... only they're tricksters and use tricksiness to protect it and get back anything that gets taken from it. Llew's hoard isn't gold or gems or money. It's much more valuable. It's the safety and security of every citizen of Coblyn." Cinnamon indignantly replies, "Hey, I use my hoard to help people too -- I'm not just being greedy, you know!" Shane smiles, "I know, acushla. You are generous and wonderful and that's why I love you beyond the stars." Cinnamon blinks at that, her growly unhappiness abruptly derailed at that statement! In her mind, the scene had played out as John doubtless being hurt, other folks having their desperately needed treasures stolen too... this would clearly take someone at Hans-levels of despicable! Shane's over-the-top (to her) statement has both derailed her instinct and imagination... and reminded her: this isn't real! It's just a story. She's fine... her stuff is fine. Everyone here is fine... she blushes, ducking her head and mumbling, "S-sorry... guess I kinda... went overboard on that..." Marcus shakes his head and smiles, "No. It demonstrated exactly what it was meant to. If someone took Llew's hoard -- which would damage all of Coblyn -- he would react that badly... and that's a good thing. He protects all of us in his grumpy, murmenelder alter Griesgram way." Cinnamon giggles in spite of herself at Marcus' German! Then she sighs and leans against Shane's side, resting her cheek on his shoulder as she adds, "Still, that... that really would be horrible and mean. Has anyone ever tried it on him?" Marcus shakes his head, "Not in the time I've been here. Perhaps some time ago. I can ask Vater." He chuckles, "I'm certain it would make rather an amusing story." Cinnamon murmurs, "I think... it'd be kinda... well, sad? That someone was that messed up?" She sighs softly at herself, realizing she's getting into a funk for no good reason. Well... enough of that, she decides! She sits up firmly, reaching for one of the little baklava pieces -- sweets are always nice! As she nibbles on it, she muses, "I wonder if Brynn told Caradog too, about the money. I mean, like... it was nice of him to thank me, but I hope he thanked Spice and Sparrow too?" She brightens at another thought, interestedly asking Marcus, "Oh, hey! Has Jaeger gotten any thanks from the upstate New York trod?" Marcus hmms thoughtfully, "He has some correspondence he hasn't caught up on lately. He says that he enjoys not having to answer everything completely promptly, but I think I saw something come in from there recently, so I would think quite likely." Shane takes a sip of his drink and says, "I know Elias got something thanking him." Cinnamon bouncies happily, "Yay! I'm so pleased they got thanked for all their efforts!" A bit later she cheerfully checks on the letter from Shane's mother. Janet's letter is full of chattiness and just general conversation, but she does also send some pictures. They're of a young Shane, ranging from babe-in-arms; to what looks like perhaps two years old; to a teenaged Shane with his hair braided down his back almost to his knees, wearing gi pants and caught in the act of doing kata of some sort; and everything in between. There's even a photo of Shane in a graduation cap and gown standing with a beaming Janet. Janet explains that she got copies made for Cinnamon because it's important to show your child's sweetheart all the embarrassing pictures. Cinnamon blinks in startlement as photos come slithering out between the pages of the letter... then giggles in spite of herself as she starts setting them out to see, "Ohmygosh, Shaney, you were so cute as a kid!" She laughs as she adds, "Wow, I have no idea why your mom thinks these are embarrassing either -- she has no idea what embarrassing looks like, if she thinks these do that!" The little dragon's cheeks are a bit pink as she hastily suppresses memories of some truly horrible photos from her own childhood... yeah, this isn't embarrassing at. All! Shane looks over and groans, "Oh my fu... oh my gods, she didn't..." Marcus looks over and blinks, then grins, "She did indeed. May I?" The thought of Shane in an awkward stage is just too good for his ego. Cinnamon blinks uncertainly between the two men, one hand protectively half-covering the photos, "Uhhhhmmm... mmmmaybe only if Shane says it's okay, Marcus, please?" Why is Shane embarrassed? She's confused. She tilts her head at Shane as she adds, "Should, umm... d-do you not want me to see these, dathúil?" Shane chuckles and smiles, "She's teasing. I was scrawny and short for a long time." He shuffles through and shows Cinnamon a couple of him, "I was thirteen here." Indeed, scrawny and short sums it up. He's obviously not grown into his hands or feet in the photo. "I had just started karate." Cinnamon studies the photo perplexedly, "But... but there's nothing embarrassing about this, asthore? You're not, like... I mean, the photographer didn't wait to... to catch you so your bottom fills the whole picture, or when you've fallen down in mud because someone tripped you, or after your clothes got stolen at gym class or... or..." She sighs, realizing she really doesn't want to relive those memories, darnit... so she just smiles a bit shakily at her sweetheart, "Y-you know what? It, um, it doesn't matter... if you don't w-want me to see these photos, it's fine! Here, we can fold them up neatly in your envelope, okay?" Shane smiles and hugs her tightly, "I want you to know everything about me, love. Please, look at them. Cinnamon swiftly and neatly taps the photos together, just watching her hands as she thinks... then she glances a bit shyly up Shane, "I, umm... I... are you sure? I certainly don't have to see them... and I really d-don't want to do things that make you sad...?" Shane smiles, "They don't make me sad. In fact, they remind me that I grew up and that even if I had a couple of rough patches... I got past them." He kisses her forehead. Marcus watches them both quietly. He never had either of those stages... and he's furious at whoever treated Cinnamon that way. Cinnamon nods slowly, leaning towards Shane for the kiss... she really likes those -- they're incredibly comforting. She sighs thoughtfully, then murmurs, "Can anyone else see them, or should I give them right back to you after looking?" She likes Marcus bunches, true... but she's not willing to even accidentally open anyone else to feeling bullied! It hasn't quite registered that Shane's highly unlikely to ever have to worry about that again, after all. She just knows her feelings can get badly hurt still... and she doesn't want her beloved to ever feel that way because of her. Shane smiles, "They're yours. Keep them." Cinnamon sits back enough that she can meet Shane's eyes -- she's still worrying a little over this, "You're sure? Like, sure enough that it's okay for, say, Marcus to see them?" Shane looks over, doesn't even have to really think, and nods, "I'm sure." Cinnamon sighs and relaxes a bit -- thank goodness her Shaney's not hurting about his photos! She smiles shyly at him, "Okay!" -- and then happily lays out the photos so she can see them all... and Marcus can too, if he wants. She really does think Shane looks adorable in almost all of them, after all! "Awww, look how cute -- oh, and this one... oh, and here too, asthore!" Marcus shifts to look at them and smiles crookedly. Yes, Shane had an awkward stage, but it's... dammit... it was cute. [Previous Log] [Index] [Next Log] |